More Unskippable Piracy Warnings for DVDs


New member
Aug 31, 2009
yeah, because this soooo much better solution then say lowering expenses and pushing for digital release, thus making movies, music, games etc so silly cheap most pirates just meh and buys your stuff (okey not a waterproof idea, but ya gotta emit, better then what the FBI do)


New member
Nov 1, 2007
So they are trying the "If you lie enough it'll be come true." thing?

A friend of mine nearly got disowned for smoking weed, his parents thought it was the most dangerous drug you could do. Note they smoke cigarettes.

I mention it only because its much like this, a long standing lie with no statistical support.

Speaking as someone who does neither drugs nor pirating, I support both because they are, as far as data shown me, harmless outside of the social negatives they create.

remmus said:
yeah, because this soooo much better solution then say lowering expenses and pushing for digital release, thus making movies, music, games etc so silly cheap most pirates just meh and buys your stuff (okey not a waterproof idea, but ya gotta emit, better then what the FBI do)
That silly idea is the reason I buy games and music. They are both EXTREMELY easy to get legally and cheaply because of Zune Marketplace and Steam.

Movies are...behind the curve, as are TV shows.

Griffolion said:
Why thank you, huge corporation, for telling me how piracy is wrong. Me, a paying, legal customer of yours. Yeah, I'm the one you need to be targeting this at...
They are effectively accusing you of being a criminal after you bought their product.

Not merely telling you of piracy.

I wouldn't warn someone of the penalties of murder if I thought they'd never murder. I haven't warned any of my nieces or nephews of the criminal ramifications of treason either.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Heimir said:
theultimateend said:
So they are trying the "If you lie enough it'll be come true." thing?

A friend of mine nearly got disowned for smoking weed, his parents thought it was the most dangerous drug you could do. Note they smoke cigarettes.

I mention it only because its much like this, a long standing lie with no statistical support.

Speaking as someone who does neither drugs nor pirating, I support both because they are, as far as data shown me, harmless outside of the social negatives they create.
Not completley harmless, weed will make you an idiot in the long run. But so will alcohol. However Weed causes less conflicts and accidents. The only danger a driver high on weed poses is too himself as him going 10 mp/h on the highway will likely make truckers run him over or shoot him xD. Where as drunk drivers run over people because they're either aggressive and have impared perception and judgement or just the latter.

But to say it's "harmless" is just as much of a lie as saying it's "TEH MOOAAAST DANGERUZZ DRAGGZ EVURRR!"
Everything in Moderation.

Soda will kill you if you pound it away for long enough.

Weed is effectively harmless, presuming you don't take too much of it, but that presumption is made by me about all things.

Water will kill you if you drink a ton and don't pee, for instance :p.

Eleuthera said:
Good idea, the three warnings we get at the moment never really managed to convince me... but this one will surely do the job...
The idea is not without merit, if you poke someone long enough they'll eventually get pissed off even if they weren't initially.

Their hope is that you poke people enough they'll finally believe the malarky.

Problem is they are just poking people and generally if you peddle bullshit it will backfire on you hard.

Look at pregnancy rates among teens in the US vs. Abstinence education.

Drug use in states with harder drug laws.

If your grandstanding from an ideology instead of from a position of education the end result is usually the reverse of what you want.

Which then leads to even harsher crackdowns.

Which leads to even worse situations.

Until finally you have entire countries at war over plants and nobody seems to realize how silly it is.

Or in the case of piracy, you have government agencies running around imprisoning people or fining them 100X times the value of the item they copied.

The punishment for ACTUAL theft is in almost all cases smaller than piracy, which is a sign that something extremely moronic is going on.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Heimir said:
Water is a bad analogy as that you need to live. And even pot will in length have effects on your brain even in moderate use. Water will not. That and water has 0% chance to cause psychosis. Whereas it is low but for some unlucky sods, I think it's like 1 in 1000'ish who gets it, effects vary. So, no it's not effectivley harmless. Pull your head out of your butt ;) What's worse than the anit-pot nazis is the stoner morons who try to make it look like it's completley side effect free.

However I am all for legalizing it as that would make it pharmacy or state run depending on where you live and therefor rip a huge chunk of cash from criminal scumbags income as people would go for the safer, more risk free and less "have to deal with criminal scumbags" way.
I'm sorry, I made the mistake of listening to 4+ years of behavioral neuroscience education.

I'll be sure to take your advice instead.

Water is not a bad analogy because the point was that even things we need to live can kill us in large doses.

There is absolutely no evidence that moderate use of marijuana will lead to you being retarded. Similarly many of the most successful people in human history have been drug users of one kind or another.

Again, speaking as someone who doesn't go harder than Tylenol (which I'll admit is quite hefty).


New member
Nov 22, 2009
A few years ago, people jked about how these warnings do nothing but teach people the fact that pirated movies exist, and they could download them.

Now that everyone knows about piracy, these warnings still feel like piracy ads. This time, they are just bringing up the whole "victimless crime" argument, teaching their audiences who might have sometimes casually pirated stuff with no great consideration for morality, that actually there *is* a debate about whether or not piracy is a victimless crime.

Hopefully some of these viewers will even start looking into the matter, find themselves some statistics about how Hollywood's profits are increasing, how content sales didn't decrease in countries that legalized piracy, and how the copyright industry harms arts.

Because if there is one thing the copyright industry needs, it's more morally determined pirates.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
So... pirates will simply have to sit through ten extra seconds of something.
And there will be much laughter.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Ticonderoga117 said:
Yup, this'll go over well. Luckily I just don't watch movies outside the theater all that much now these days. And no, it's not because I pirate, I just read or play video games to fill that time generally.

Found this [] youtube vid on this forum though and I figure it has something legitimate to say about pirating in general.
I'm going to imbed this because it's the most awesome thing from TED that I've seen on piracy, ever:

"Or about 75,000 jobs"


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Well i don't have right to complain I pirate all my movies like i'm supposed to so i don't have to watch all these adds :)


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Grey Day for Elcia said:
JediMB said:
TizzytheTormentor said:
(wasn't Alan Wake pirated so much, the game was a commercial failure)
Speaking of which, my copy will finish downloading in a minute or two.

On Steam, that is. Considered getting it cheaper on GOG, but I really wanted the soundtrack in Steam's Collector's Edition.
Wait, what? Alan Wake is on GOG?

They really need to change their name.
They did, actually. Sort of.

They re-branded from "Good Old Games" to simply "", and now have a quite decent selection of relatively new games.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
This is why we can't have nice things.

When we have nice things, people circumvent the system for them. When people circumvent the system, the system can only retaliate against the legitimate members.

From the economy to piracy, such is the way of the world.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
>many blu ray movie prices still in the 30-80 dollar range because of market monopoly
>anti-terrorism department used by cororations to take down websites without due process
>still inconvenience paying customers

Yeeeea, fuck the entertainment executives. I don't have any sympathy for those companies nor do I care how much they're pirated. They can cry me a river of golden tears.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
We all got computers, I watch all my dvds on my laptop now anyway, my parents still use their ps3, I don't know if they can skip the ads on it since I never watch the movies they watch. DVD players have become obsolete, they're so inconvenient compared to our other options now, but until the day we're charged to use our CD drives. (Which I believe is gonna happen with windows 8...) Then I'll continue to buy movies and have my good ol' laptop to skip this garbage. The ads they play are all of movies I don't give two shits about anyway and I never buy those.

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