More Unskippable Piracy Warnings for DVDs


New member
May 16, 2009
Yes the usual thinking "we can not seem to stop piracy so we will see if the public will do it for us"


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Spygon said:
Yes the usual thinking "we can not seem to stop piracy so we will see if the public will do it for us"
More like the usual thinking "let's punish paying customers".


New member
Jan 3, 2009


(rhetorical question, the answer is it doesn't) >_<

*captain obvious leaves*


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Tipsy Giant said:
No, it's your poor distribution methods and pricing model that causes piracy, not a lack of information about what a crime is.
This. This a thousand times, then a couple more until your eyes bleed.

I think if they wanted people to really care, and they still thought the only way to go about getting people to care was with ads and warnings, at least make them interesting. instead of walls of text and stupid eagles, maybe actually try to make them funny? or silly? or show a well known video game/movie character getting pissed off, losing his house because "the pirates make him lose money?"

All im saying is, if I thought I was getting Link kicked out of his tree house, I'd buy all the DVD's.

All. The. DVD's.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
thereverend7 said:
Tipsy Giant said:
No, it's your poor distribution methods and pricing model that causes piracy, not a lack of information about what a crime is.
This. This a thousand times, then a couple more until your eyes bleed.

I think if they wanted people to really care, and they still thought the only way to go about getting people to care was with ads and warnings, at least make them interesting. instead of walls of text and stupid eagles, maybe actually try to make them funny? or silly? or show a well known video game/movie character getting pissed off, losing his house because "the pirates make him lose money?"

All im saying is, if I thought I was getting Link kicked out of his tree house, I'd buy all the DVD's.

All. The. DVD's.
So instead of 10 second static images, you want 30 second ads. No thank you.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Crono1973 said:
thereverend7 said:
Tipsy Giant said:
No, it's your poor distribution methods and pricing model that causes piracy, not a lack of information about what a crime is.
This. This a thousand times, then a couple more until your eyes bleed.

I think if they wanted people to really care, and they still thought the only way to go about getting people to care was with ads and warnings, at least make them interesting. instead of walls of text and stupid eagles, maybe actually try to make them funny? or silly? or show a well known video game/movie character getting pissed off, losing his house because "the pirates make him lose money?"

All im saying is, if I thought I was getting Link kicked out of his tree house, I'd buy all the DVD's.

All. The. DVD's.
So instead of 10 second static images, you want 30 second ads. No thank you.
The whole point is that this is ANOTHER 10 seconds adding on to the already several warnings we have. so it's already over 30 seconds of wait time, and its just boring, stupid text.

My point was, it might get people to actually care if they just said "Ok, the warnings aren't working" and just have one commercial that might actually make someone laugh/care as opposed to just rolling their eyes or leaving the room, as it is currently.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
thereverend7 said:
Crono1973 said:
thereverend7 said:
Tipsy Giant said:
No, it's your poor distribution methods and pricing model that causes piracy, not a lack of information about what a crime is.
This. This a thousand times, then a couple more until your eyes bleed.

I think if they wanted people to really care, and they still thought the only way to go about getting people to care was with ads and warnings, at least make them interesting. instead of walls of text and stupid eagles, maybe actually try to make them funny? or silly? or show a well known video game/movie character getting pissed off, losing his house because "the pirates make him lose money?"

All im saying is, if I thought I was getting Link kicked out of his tree house, I'd buy all the DVD's.

All. The. DVD's.
So instead of 10 second static images, you want 30 second ads. No thank you.
The whole point is that this is ANOTHER 10 seconds adding on to the already several warnings we have. so it's already over 30 seconds of wait time, and its just boring, stupid text.

My point was, it might get people to actually care if they just said "Ok, the warnings aren't working" and just have one commercial that might actually make someone laugh/care as opposed to just rolling their eyes or leaving the room, as it is currently.
Don't encourage them to annoy people even more with live action propaganda. People don't give a shit because they finally realize they have been getting ripped off for years by Hollywood and the music industry. iTunes saved the music industry, what will save Hollywood? Not annoying ads.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Crono1973 said:
thereverend7 said:
Crono1973 said:
thereverend7 said:
Tipsy Giant said:
No, it's your poor distribution methods and pricing model that causes piracy, not a lack of information about what a crime is.
This. This a thousand times, then a couple more until your eyes bleed.

I think if they wanted people to really care, and they still thought the only way to go about getting people to care was with ads and warnings, at least make them interesting. instead of walls of text and stupid eagles, maybe actually try to make them funny? or silly? or show a well known video game/movie character getting pissed off, losing his house because "the pirates make him lose money?"

All im saying is, if I thought I was getting Link kicked out of his tree house, I'd buy all the DVD's.

All. The. DVD's.
So instead of 10 second static images, you want 30 second ads. No thank you.
The whole point is that this is ANOTHER 10 seconds adding on to the already several warnings we have. so it's already over 30 seconds of wait time, and its just boring, stupid text.

My point was, it might get people to actually care if they just said "Ok, the warnings aren't working" and just have one commercial that might actually make someone laugh/care as opposed to just rolling their eyes or leaving the room, as it is currently.
Don't encourage them to annoy people even more with live action propaganda. People don't give a shit because realize they have been getting ripped off for years by Hollywood and the music industry. iTunes saved the music industry, what will save Hollywood? Not annoying ads.
...I, uh, wasn't saying they need to use propaganda. But I see your point. I was trying to offer a solution in a way that they would probably use (AKA the tried and true method of ads) but your absolutely right, it would do nothing to "save" Hollywood.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
This is fucking stupid. Forcing legitimate customers to watch this UNSKIPPABLE shit every time they watch a movie will make them want to get a version that doesn't force them to put up with it, i.e. an mp4 file. Same applies to intrusive DRM.
Being treated as a criminal for legitimately buying stuff is not how you deal with piracy.

Samantha Burt

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Recently in the UK, I've been seeing a lot more DVDs that come up with a great big "THANK YOU", basically providing positive reinforcement. I realise a pat on the back isn't much but it's at least as effective as "You wouldn't steal a handbag!" and it's much nicer.

On the subject of which... I haven't, thank you, and I didn't steal you, so kindly shut up so I can watch Keanu Reeves backflip off a wall :D


New member
Nov 8, 2007
So I'm expecting the forum to be filled with people who are angry at this new inconvenience, whilst totally apathetic to piracy and utterly incapable of suggesting a way for the government to magically fix the problem.

Yes, it is annoying. But I'm willing to man up and accept that it is probably a necessary evil when there is no obvious solution to an endemic crime. Pointing out that this new warning will hardly solve piracy is not a good argument. You're saying that if one can't achieve a perfect result, there is no point in trying anything in the first place. That is not helpful.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I liked the I.T Crowd's anti-piracy bit. It was the standard "You wouldn't..." ad, but they added "You wouldn't shoot a cop and steal his hat, take a dump in the hat, mail it to his wife and then steal it back would you?"

Use VLC to watch your DVDs, it skips all the unskippable crap even if the disk says "Make this unskippable."


New member
Nov 8, 2007
RJ Dalton said:
Forgive me if I personally feel that the people who are victims in this crime are harmful leeches on society who have no right to exist.
Who are you referring to? The industry, the pirates or the consumers?

Pirates are selfish, entitled shits who pee in the pool, the industry are the ones who stick up signs telling people to stop it, and the consumers are the ones who suffer both the piss yellow water and the obnoxious signs. Consumers like to complain about the signs, whilst failing to realize that they should be moaning about the ones who pissed in the pool in the first place.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
It's such a great plan to make the original product worse, when battling against illegal copies of it.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
maninahat said:
RJ Dalton said:
Forgive me if I personally feel that the people who are victims in this crime are harmful leeches on society who have no right to exist.
Who are you referring to? The industry, the pirates or the consumers?

Pirates are selfish, entitled shits who pee in the pool, the industry are the ones who stick up signs telling people to stop it, and the consumers are the ones who suffer both the piss yellow water and the obnoxious signs. Consumers like to complain about the signs, whilst failing to realize that they should be moaning about the ones who pissed in the pool in the first place.
The industry is an exploitative cabal of greedy fucks who take all the profit from the creative endeavors of others, file lawsuits against individuals worth millions of dollars for what amounts to petty larceny, use unethical business practices to avoid paying those who do the real work what they are owed and ultimately contribute nothing at all to society.
The people that piracy generally "hurts" are people who have no right to the money they lost on piracy anyway. I have no sympathy for them and never will.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
And the pirates continue to watch their movies online without any problems due to this all being cut out and all this does is annoy real customers.