Most absurd gamertags (Or when did THAT ever seem like a good idea)

Bloody Loon

New member
Oct 23, 2009
I personally have an xX_______Xx name, mainly because it's xXBloody LoonXx, and I have a personal affinity with the name. The xX_____Xx choice came from it framing the name in a way that looked semi-decent... also, I'm OCD, so I couldn't stand it if it wasn't symmetrical.


New member
May 21, 2009
Xyliss said:
I always find it funny when people use a specific game in their gamertag e.g "MW2GOD".
I saw someone with this once (or a variation of it) whilst playing on L4D2, which I thought was quite funny.
How much you wanna wager that guy is a noob tuber?

OT: In MW2 I have seen Rape Tunnel and Huge Penis in the same Free for All match.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Bloody Loon said:
I personally have an xX_______Xx name, mainly because it's xXBloody LoonXx, and I have a personal affinity with the name. The xX_____Xx choice came from it framing the name in a way that looked semi-decent... also, I'm OCD, so I couldn't stand it if it wasn't symmetrical.
To be symmetrical wouldn't it have to be xXBloodYbool8Xx ? The xX________Xx doesn't really make it symmetrical, but it does make it look kinda douchy. Not saying you're a douche of course, just that most people see names with stuff like that and make a snap judgement. Of course, the whole xX_Xx thing is still infinitely better than names that are aLL_l1Ke_tH12.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
For the longest time on steam my name was -(C.A.M.P.)-birdmanpaul. After reading this post I realized how horrible that name was. Presenting my new name: RickyPJangles. Also, I once saw a guy whos name was A_Falling_Body. It was pretty funny to be informed that "A_Falling_Body killed -(C.A.M.P.)-birdmanpaul"


New member
Apr 29, 2010
AWAR said:

Beat that.
Not sure I can. How about I just beat the idiot who thaught "Hmm... That works!" instead?


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Anyone with the xXx names annoy me so much.

I cant really remember any horrible ones but I do see alot of people with Snip3r or snip3

On a seperate note the best username ive ever seen was on MW2

His name was Clint Eastwood (nothing special.) But he had the .44 Magnum Title and Emblem

It made my day


New member
Apr 16, 2010
stupidest name ever....(please dont ban me for this) 1000 jews
that or farting butt boy


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Deadlock Radium said:
that1guy said:
In Reflex today, I saw a guy by the name of "E1!+3 $N!PA" on District on a Sabotage match. Was he the "Elite Snipa'" he so claimed to be? Let's find out.

1) He had an R700, trying to snipe me. I was where the bomb spawns. He was in a bulding near where the OpFor spawn. All I had was my M9. I killed him in 3 shots.
2) Running near the statue, I see him again with a M16. I had my M21 out. I shot him twice, while he sprayed his weapon. I still killed him.

No, he was not a "Elite Snipa"

So, what have we learned today? Don't name yourself something, if you can't live up to the expectations (no matter how high or low they are). Seriously, don't name yourself "Supa Ninja Asasin" (misspelled, of course), if you are not "Super", or if you can't be stealthy.
Happens all the time in the games I play, someone called i.e. "Super ninja snipah" runs around with an ironsight AK-47, I kill him in two-three shots. No, he was not super, he was not a ninja, and he was certainly not a "snipah".
Sadly, there's a lot of those people online.

EDIT: Oh, and R700's suck anyways, M40A3 with Stopping Power Perk is the recipe for success, never failed me.
Red-Dot Digital P90, with M21 secondary (Thank you, Overkill!) covers a broad range of situations. Guy with shotgun? P90 the guy. Someone on the mounted machine gun? M21 head-shot!

Although, to be honest, I always enjoy using an iron-sighted AK-47 with Bandolier. Good times.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Zomgfacekik said:
My gamertag is Lostarta1mentZ, it was meant to be spelled out Lobster-tainment but i tried to make it look cooler.
Nice.Futurama reference.

OT:Well the only time that I have played on XBL I was getting constantly TK'ed by xXKillzurd00dZxX.He was quite annoying.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Sir Kemper said:
Eldritch Warlord said:
I once saw a guy whose gamertag was something along the lines of l83641208935327
"Hmmmm, What do I do for a name..."

*Smash's numpad*


cpt blackamar said:
I've actually met someone called IRTEHBEST
Considering how it's written, he was probably makeing a joke.

Or he's really stupid.
Could be both.


New member
May 2, 2010
i find that many people hate my tag, which is oreopizza47. i hate it too, but only becuase people assume it was because of the Pizza Hut oreopizza campaign. which i had created my tag before it was around.

my personal pet peeve is the "elite" or "pro" or anything else referring to the gaming caste system... even "noob."

actually, especially "noob"
god that word annoys me, it doesn't even have a meaning anymore.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
oreopizza47 said:
i find that many people hate my tag, which is oreopizza47. i hate it too, but only becuase people assume it was because of the Pizza Hut oreopizza campaign. which i had created my tag before it was around.

my personal pet peeve is the "elite" or "pro" or anything else referring to the gaming caste system... even "noob."

actually, especially "noob"
god that word annoys me, it doesn't even have a meaning anymore.
Saaaaame, espcially 1337, how the fuck does that look like elite!


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Composer said:
something along the lines of TIMMY###
not that bad a name but he failed at stalk killing me
Srry this is off topic,but Eddsworld avatar,F@CK YEAH!

I just hate GTs that just say they are awesome at a game or a weapon.Its funny how i always own them at the game and/or weapon,mostly snipes though.Serrously,show how good u are by playing,not announcing it.