Most Annoying Online Gamers


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Player 1 kills Player 2

Player 1: *says nothing*
Player 2: Get a life idiot...

Player 2 kills Player 1

Player 1: *says nothing*
Player 2: 0wned!!!


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Ginja Ninja said:
darkstone said:
s3cur1tr0n said:
wheres the misspelled word?
if your referring to tortilla, the double 'L' in Spanish makes a 'Y' sound so it is basically supposed to sound like "tor-ti-ya". Yay Spanish class was actually useful for something.

On subject people that go through the whole match complaining about their own team members.
Define useful and you may realise your mistake.

Zallest said:
Mariena said:
To all you *idiots* complaining about little kids ruining your gaming, how about you get OFF the public servers and start playing with friends, and a community?! Public servers are a breeding ground for idiots, morons and retards.

It's NOT that difficult!
I like public games i get to meet new people, but then again i don't really complain about kids so it doesn't entirely apply to me.

I hate people who cuss and swear more then needed. I am very civil and calm when i play games so when i hear people who sound like they are in 6th grade dropping F bombs every 2 seconds it tends to get annoying, i think we need to go back to force feedings potty mouths bars of soap and i container of liquid hand soap to wash it down.
You are the gamers that annoy me. Swearing is wrong? No it FUCKING isn't. Swearing is words, what is wrong is wars, capital punishment, tortures, rape, murder, persicution, purposful injustice, living in fear of death every day, what is wrong is that you actually said that. Fuck you, go live in a hole away from swearing and hopfully nearer real injustices. (I may not really mean that you should suffer these injustices I am merely ranting).
I want this guy to run for president.
It's so true, I mean on a completely different note why the fuck do the government pour money into shit like litter schemes when bastards get away with murder.
Anyway, on a lighter note, I hate people that run into bouncing betties without checking, especially in pressure games like search and destroy :]


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Magnikai said:

Oh, how about I hate on everyone that isn't American just as a counter point to that? But then I'd get banned....awesome rules.

Big flippin' deal, you played with 10 people that were American and they were dicks so now Americans=dicks to you. Thank you for being a 'tard, have a nice day
it was only a matter of time before this happend .

hows this ?

i'm not ignorant i know that the players i meet online can not sum up all of america

my post was a joke post meant to make people laugh not to be taken seriously

thank you for being ignorant and a wisea$$ now you have a nice day..


New member
Dec 3, 2008
I had a really anooying one last night in COD:W@W

The kid sounded about 10 and the second the round started he was off....

"so i kinda like this girl and i dont know if she likes me but i dont wanna ask her, id like to take her to the movies etc etc etc"

I appreciate there was no punctuation, its because there wasn't

went on the whole entire round, I'm not a fan of TK'ing but sometimes...


New member
Jun 29, 2008
gremily said:
What can you not stand about people when playing online. (doesn't matter what game)

Mine is when little 10 year old kids act like there really good and there not, and when they think they know how to talk smack.
I actually like those kids...they are fun to destroy...

Unit Alpha

New member
Jan 3, 2009
Tsuki Tanaka said:
Everything that people have stated is pretty much on my list, but I'd have to say that the thing that gets me the most is when people take games WAY too seriously.

Since when did Games + Xbox Live = Serious Business?


New member
Nov 19, 2008
JimmyBassatti said:
Blame CoD for that xD
They encourage you to use them.
In online,they don't say "Point C is being captured!"
They say "Charlie is being captured!"
I like using talk like that.
Freaks everyone out
"The hell is he doing?!?!"
If someone has a bad mike then C can sound like B or D quite easily; the phonetic alphabet was introduced for a reason ;)

Interestingly I haven;t noticed the ubiquitous 'smack talking 12 year olds' that seem to be the main target in these threads. The only things I have problems with are:
People on Counterstrike Breakfloor maps that team kill
People on Counterstrike Breakfloor maps that camp their spawn the entire game
People on Counterstrike Breakfloor maps that sit in their spawn and dig a trench between their side of the map and the enemies.

Notice a pattern?
May 14, 2008
the most anoying online gamer i have ever encountered was just yesterday. a hacker had conected to the server i was in and he was micspamming horrible high pitched screaming noises. we couldent mute or kick him because the server was unable to detect his presence, it said NAME ERROR or unnamed. freaking hackers!


New member
Apr 19, 2008
People who tread their gameknowledge as a treasure given by Gods (and don't realize that I'm not always interested in hearing about it)

And of course the morons who think a MMORPG is a job. It's supposed to be fun, people!


New member
Nov 19, 2008
JimmyBassatti said:
Well,ok I get your point.
But take it my way:
You can't play CoD without using bad ass army lingo xD
Oh I wasn;t disagreeing with you; I was saying that people talk like that for a reason, and it's not something to get annoyed about in online gaming as it does have a purpose.

Sorry, didn;t make myself clear (unless I;m getting confused about what you're saying :S)


Big Brother
Sep 23, 2008
JWAN said:
6-13 year olds playing M rated games with a brand new mic that they set up incorrectly and then proceed to smack talk

I just make it a point of team killing them till they leave, its for thier own good.
indeed </adjusting monocle...yeah>


Big Brother
Sep 23, 2008
whyarecarrots said:
JimmyBassatti said:
Blame CoD for that xD
They encourage you to use them.
In online,they don't say "Point C is being captured!"
They say "Charlie is being captured!"
I like using talk like that.
Freaks everyone out
"The hell is he doing?!?!"
If someone has a bad mike then C can sound like B or D quite easily; the phonetic alphabet was introduced for a reason ;)

Interestingly I haven;t noticed the ubiquitous 'smack talking 12 year olds' that seem to be the main target in these threads. The only things I have problems with are:
People on Counterstrike Breakfloor maps that team kill
People on Counterstrike Breakfloor maps that camp their spawn the entire game
People on Counterstrike Breakfloor maps that sit in their spawn and dig a trench between their side of the map and the enemies.

Notice a pattern?
lucky, they follow me around it seems