Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


New member
Feb 27, 2011
Scrustle said:
Crap. :( I really liked the idea of the game.
Idk i wouldnt let one random on the internet sway you into not getting it.

It's actually pretty solid. Watch some youtube reviews on it!
I mean it's nowhere NIER perfect(hehe) but i certainly enjoyed it. If your in the mood for a 3rd person hack n slash with VERY INTERESTING gameplay mechanics check it out. Yet it's not everyones cup of tea so i'd strongly suggest looking at zeitgeist(probably spelt wrong) review of it.
Actually i think even yahtzees review is pretty accurate on this one if i remember correctly.

It's not like its expensive now anyway :p


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Kind of an oddity, this question, as many games I've found boring enough to just do any or all of the four items listed. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker was a great example, boring as watching paint dry so after several plays I just chucked it. Several Final Fantasy games hit that mark too, XIII being one of the best examples. That one was like watching a competition of which paint would dry first... ugh!

I guess the vote for Most Boring that I actually kept playing would be NIER. The storyline eventually got engaging enough to hold my attention, but you have to replay the whole thing four fucking times to get the full take. And parts of it, holy jumping fucking Cheez Whiz, boring enough to deaden pain at a dentists' office...


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
I just read through this thread, and whilst there's alot of modern AAA that are terrible, there's some classicly bad games on this list that I'm suddenly compelled to re-play!
Wow I must be be really longing for the new November games if I'm thinking of going back and re-playing Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi!!!


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Which one?
All of them.

I've played every big name "sim" out there (pretty much) and I can tell you that I'd rather play sim city 4 for a week than sit down and play sims 2 for a day. I mean, whats the point? I get that it's a "sim"ulator and that it's a sandbox game but there is absolutely no way to "win."

Sim city you can always have the satisfying thought of crushing the shit out of your 5 star city any time you want. Sims? You can't even make them kill each other. Now that'd be fun. Or if you can make them a raving alcoholic that beats their family. Maybe a serial killer. At least some strip clubs and hookers. But noooo, it's family friendly. Fuck you, Teen rating!!!

Oh, and I find do find Sim city boring. I'd just rather play that than sims.

Raika said:
*insert popular game here* is the most boring game of all time, it's so generic and repetitive and overrated and it sucks because it's popular. I know people will flame me but I DON'T CARE BECAUSE I'M A PERFECT FLOWER OF INDIVIDUALISM! BEHOLD MY NONCOMFORMIST WAYS, brb mom's taking me to Hot Topic.

No, seriously, that made my day. Everybody's like:
"I hate [insert game here] because it's blah, bla- yeah. I perfect, fuck off. Indie games rule!"


New member
Aug 23, 2011
OK before i say anything else the i really like the multiplayer of bad company 2 but the damn single player campain is just so boring and the guns dont have the same satisfaction they do in multi. Its not bad just meh.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
GTA IV, i played the game for 2 hours and i got incredibly bored.
"Go here Niko" "Go there Niko" "Go out with this girl Niko and take her bowling" "Go buy some new clothes Niko" sigh...


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Laggyteabag said:
GTA IV, i played the game for 2 hours and i got incredibly bored.
"Go here Niko" "Go there Niko" "Go out with this girl Niko and take her bowling" "Go buy some new clothes Niko" sigh...
Part of the problem that I think most of us had with GTA IV was the fact that we'd all played previous GTA games, and had expected more of the same. Whilst the games engines were incredible they lost the fun that we all enjoyed. Let's face it most of us don't want to spent time with our reletives in real life, why would we in a game!


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Street Fighter 4, i just could not get into it at all and almost went crazy.

Ghengis John

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Dec 16, 2007
CrazyClown said:
Ghengis John said:
Fable 3? Gta IV? Gears of war? Bioshock? Arc System Works Fighters? Civilization? You people are pampered babies who haven't even touched the crust of boredom, let alone sunk your teeth into it's mediocre filling.

Now this guy knows what he's talking about.
FirstToStrike said:
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi.

And I got that game as a Christmas present....
Come back when you've played something that isn't a triple A title.
I would only play games that have been proven to be fun and worthy of coin.
Why waste time on any less?
Yes. That is why they are dominating this thread on the most boring games that you have ever played. Because their production values guarantee they will be fun and worthy of your coin.

Well played.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
jawakiller said:
Which one?
All of them.
you've just reminded me of SimCity: Societies... wow nothing happens, I mean really nothing happens, even if your citizens don't like the city you build there's nothing they can do about it but complain for a day then get used to it. It's not like being an evil over lord, more the parent of a grotty teenager!


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Jul 7, 2011
Bojangles2341 said:
Ashcrexl said:
so recently, like last weekend, i decided to start playing world of warcraft's free trial to see what all the fuss is about. i was a been apprehensive about getting addicted since it does have that reputation. but how could i? it is one of the most boring, repetitive, poorly paced games ever made. i played 2 hours and got to level 5, so don't say i didn't give it a fair shot. right after a mission where i had to kill 10 of the exact same enemy, using one of two of the exact same attacks (which are accomplished by pushing one button over and over), and then killing a bigger version of that same enemy, my mind broke, and i gave up.

so anyone curious about WoW and havent tried it yet, i can tell you it is TERRIBLE. the world is fairly decent, but everything is just plain dull and generic.
It took you 2 hours to get to level 5? Wow..
Exactly, I am just laughing so hard I'm cryin' right now, 2 hours!? LOL!


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
InfectedStar said:
Exactly, I am just laughing so hard I'm cryin' right now, 2 hours!? LOL!
I just don't get the obsession some have with WoW, but then again it wouldn't do for us all to be the same


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Nov 14, 2007
ischmalud said:
oblivion, starcraft 2, prison tycoon - all of them.
just on a side note about someone giving a review of an mmo with 2hours gametime.......thats.....ballsy to say the least.
You're playing starcraft 2 wrong, as in not 1v1 or on brutal difficulty :p

And just to add something, hmm Two worlds, Oblivion? Copy pasted areas and hopeless plot.