Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Can I say TESIV: Oblivion? I find that game to be so mindnumbingly dull. Combat isn't that great, quests are repetitive and pointless, the NPCs are awful... It's not an awful game, but, in my opinion, too boring to last.


The name's Bond... Hydrogen Bond
Oct 23, 2011
putowtin said:
InfectedStar said:
Exactly, I am just laughing so hard I'm cryin' right now, 2 hours!? LOL!
I just don't get the obsession some have with WoW, but then again it wouldn't do for us all to be the same
It's not that the complaint with the post was that he didn't "love" WoW, more the incredulity that it took two hours of gameplay to reach level 5. That should be an achievement in patience, since it's almost impossible unless you simply don't attack anything for the whole 2 hours and ignore every quest giver that are strewn around that start zones.


Dec 3, 2010
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom was extremely boring. It's one of the few games I bought in spite of knowing very little about it. There were hardly any reviews or gameplay videos up, but from what I had seen it looked like a colorful game with some stealth elements. Seemed like a lot of fun, so I decided to go for it.

Little did I know the game was awful in everything. Got my platinum and perhaps 20+ hours gameplay out of it, but I hated every second of it. It could've been better if they didn't make the Majin a retard(it's like he's three years old... seriously!) and improved the combat for the protagonist.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
joe-h2o said:
putowtin said:
InfectedStar said:
Exactly, I am just laughing so hard I'm cryin' right now, 2 hours!? LOL!
I just don't get the obsession some have with WoW, but then again it wouldn't do for us all to be the same
It's not that the complaint with the post was that he didn't "love" WoW, more the incredulity that it took two hours of gameplay to reach level 5. That should be an achievement in patience, since it's almost impossible unless you simply don't attack anything for the whole 2 hours and ignore every quest giver that are strewn around that start zones.

ahh so it's a game where you level up quickly to begin with and then spend the next few years trying to get to the next level?


The name's Bond... Hydrogen Bond
Oct 23, 2011
putowtin said:
joe-h2o said:
putowtin said:
InfectedStar said:
Exactly, I am just laughing so hard I'm cryin' right now, 2 hours!? LOL!
I just don't get the obsession some have with WoW, but then again it wouldn't do for us all to be the same
It's not that the complaint with the post was that he didn't "love" WoW, more the incredulity that it took two hours of gameplay to reach level 5. That should be an achievement in patience, since it's almost impossible unless you simply don't attack anything for the whole 2 hours and ignore every quest giver that are strewn around that start zones.

ahh so it's a game where you level up quickly to begin with and then spend the next few years trying to get to the next level?
Pretty much, it's not quite an exponential increase in required XP, but it does take longer and longer to level up the higher you go.

1-10 is hardly any time at all, especially since the sub-level-10 zones were all very small deliberately.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Oblivion's the kind of game that I can't play for more then two hours without getting bored out of my mind. Then I put it down, and come back a couple weeks later to play again. It's odd, never had this problem with Morrowind.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Halo..... there is ni taste to that game... it started out ok, and with high hopes, but the game got so boring so quick...

I just wanted to finish it, so i had to endure the same repetitive crap over and over and over and over constantly and continuously.

Then i started to make breaks. First 1 day then i would only play it weekly, then monthly. After 3 months i finished halo 1, 2, and 3. Biggest pieces of tasteless crap ive ever seen. Counting ODST in the lot.

Sorry if anyone gets angry, but it's my opinion, the game has a weak story, repetitive gameplay, and there's really nothing more to do, then multiplayer or trash it and burn it.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
TitanAtlas said:
Halo..... there is ni taste to that game... it started out ok, and with high hopes, but the game got so boring so quick...

I just wanted to finish it, so i had to endure the same repetitive crap over and over and over and over constantly and continuously.

Then i started to make breaks. First 1 day then i would only play it weekly, then monthly. After 3 months i finished halo 1, 2, and 3. Biggest pieces of tasteless crap ive ever seen. Counting ODST in the lot.

Sorry if anyone gets angry, but it's my opinion, the game has a weak story, repetitive gameplay, and there's really nothing more to do, then multiplayer or trash it and burn it.
Doesn't every shooter have repetitive gameplay? Mario has repetitive gamplay. In fact, most games can be put down as repetitive.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Lucien Pyrus said:
Doesn't every shooter have repetitive gameplay? Mario has repetitive gamplay. In fact, most games can be put down as repetitive.
A game can be entertaining from the simple mechanics to the greatest effects.

In Mario for example, you started simple, with basic enemies, one goal and one method of finishing it. But has you played the difficulty got higher, it was a matter of skill and sometimes luck, all followed by a great sound system.

Hell, even mario games change constantly by each release.

Halo unfortenatly did not. It possessed the same mechanic, difficulty, and enemies constantly over the span of 5 games. Sure it had some addition in Reach (Reach is the only Halo game with anykind of good story and good atmosphere), but overall it's the same dull experience over and over. There's not even fear of dying, considering you can just hop to cover and heal yourself with that regeneratie shield....


New member
Oct 21, 2011
All CoD games, most MMORPGs (notable exceptions, SWG, EVE, Darkfall for the first couple of days, Planetside, probably a couple of others - anything which didn't forget to include meaningful end-game content basically), almost all linear games, ESPECIALLY linear RPGs (with games like Oblivion to model yourself on, why is Dungeon Siege becoming even more linear than it started, and why would -anyone- -ever- play a game like (looks up the name as it barely even registered with me) Witcher?? PRETENDING to be a Sandbox when you haven't even advanced passed NWN level is not acceptable).

Most controversially for today though, the BF3 singleplayer. It took me actively promising myself dinner to motivate myself to play passed the first little scenario. It's -so- easy and prescriptive it's like an extended QTE. EA did -not- need to start modelling the singleplayer on CoD to increase sales; good gameplay would have done that, and so would NOT removing the, frankly awesome, singleplayer from the early releases. Not least because there's now nowhere to get used to the gimpy console-preferencial flight controls without racking up deaths, queuing and pissing off your team mates...


New member
Jan 1, 2011
putowtin said:
Just Cause 2 I played this game till I'd completed a good 35% (and for those that have played they'll agree how long that takes) when I realised, I was going round in circles, raiding the same base/village/city over and over. In the end for the sake of my sanity I had to give up!

Your turn!
Dude, JC2 is on my top 10 list and I agree with you. But you got to 35% completion and in my opinion, after getting well over 20 hours of fun out of a game, you aren't allowed to complain about the rest of it being built for OCD completionists. That's just not fair. It's like rating a game poorly because it ended.
I mean, if you found most of that 35% to be repetitive, than ok, but if you only found it that way after completing the main and side missions (You got 35%, so I'm guessing that you did, or at least most of them), than that's just not fair.

Fallout 3. I found there to be no atmosphere, so I just couldn't bring myself to do a goddamn thing except play something else.
Mass Effect 2. Gameplay was so mediocre and uninteresting, so it brought on the same problem.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
Prince of Persia(2008), jumping and running through the same obstacles, avoiding the same black slime that always appears in a similar sorts of places no matter what part of the world you are in button mashing through the same QTE for every enemy because that is the extent of the combat in the game and every time you "die" the sidekick jumps in and teleports you to the previous platform of knocks the enemy back and as such performs her only role in the game which is saving you from the danger making "dying" more of an slight inconvenience that you don't really care about than something you would normally try to avoid.

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
Oblivion, after the first 30 hrs it ain't too bad anymore, I guess I got used to the boredom.
Fallout 3, I started to really enjoy it after the first 17 hrs.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
inFamous. I played it for about two hours before putting the controller down and eating a bar of soap because I don't think I've ever cursed so much before.

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
nixonsnow said:
LA Noire really dragged for me. Man, I wanted to like that game so bad though. But it just wasn't enjoyable to push through.
I completed it, but my GOD after the homicide desk it was a chore. Vice was interesting but boring, and then the Arson desk was just downright tedious.

Still enjoyed the game, though. Wasn't a fan of the ending though.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
L.A. noire was the first game ever, so boring I stopped playing it. It still sits on my shelf but I will never play it again