Most Boring Game You've Ever Played

Jack Nettle

New member
Mar 14, 2010
I can tell I could get some hate from this...

Morrowind, STALKER: SoC, STALKER: CoP, Terraria, Mass Effect 1 and 2, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
I feel bad for not giving Morrowind a better chance after the praise it gets, but I can't seem to find the will to play.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
The Medal of Honor Reboot. It's basically taking all the bad parts out of cod and putting it in a mixing pot with a completely forgetful storyline. Even the multiplayer had crappy hit detection and map balance.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Almost every single FPS on the planet. There are a few gems around though, like... Maybe 2.

Strategy games, with the exceptions of Civilization, Anno and Total Annihilation.

Portal 2. For being Portal 1, minus the fun.

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
L.A. Noire and RDR.

Basically any Rockstar sandbox game. Their sandboxes are all surface, no substance.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Gears of War 2. No, I'm not trolling or anything. I played through the first three hours or so in co-op with a friend and by the time I finished I was just completely tired of the game. Characters bored me, weapons bored me, environments bored me, story especially bored me. I think it was like god himself designed the game to appeal to million and also be specifically tailored to bore me to tears.

I was also so bored with Oblivion that I stopped playing it early on but I'll openly admit I didn't give it enough of a chance. If I kept playing through it and got to some interesting bits I'd probably like it more.


New member
May 11, 2011
EVE Online. Despite having by far the most pants-shittingly intense PvP I've ever experienced, I end up spending the vast majority of my time doing next to nothing and being completely bored.


New member
Oct 18, 2011
Assassins Creed

It was an amazingly visual game, with sprawling complexes maps. it even has a descent combat mechanic. Yet outside the main story plot, there is absolutely nothing to do.


Imagen if you will a game based around luring enemies into carefully placed traps. Sounds fun? well I thought so when I bought it, and then I realized that the same series of traps will work over and over and over again.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Dragon Age 2, by a landslide. This game has to be the most boring game I have ever played.

In my opinion the story sucks, probably because it's not on a larger scale like Origins but I have enjoyed other games that have a smaller scale story like The Witcher 2 for example.

The characters are sooo boring. Their back story's are boring, their voices are boring, and they're just overall boring.

The areas are just so uninteresting and the side quests are, again, boring.

And that mineshaft that's used for like one third of the game put me off the most.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
ALL final fantasy games, I've only played 6,7 and 10, and was I bored to death, I dont see the appeal at all for turn based combat, its so slow paced and repetitive, seeing the same attack animations over and over again ......... YAWN!

Some_Jackass said:
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring.

You play as Frodo, doing about 103453 random f'in chores before he ever even attempts to leave the shire....eventually youre suppose to play as other characters but I never made it out of the shire.
Oh yeah I know what ya mean, but after that it did get better, that was quite some time ago though and I remember only bits like meeting Tom Bombadill which was fun.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
A lot of people will hate me for this, but...

Shadow of the Colossus. I played maybe two hours before getting fed up with the monotonous gameplay. :(


New member
Oct 20, 2011
i thought that grand theft auto 4 was really boring. i cant get through the first few minutes of it without taking the game out and playing something else which is weird because i loved VICE CITY and SANANDREAS.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Every non shooter EVER!

actually that's not really me but I would say shooters are the most exciting games I've played since you can't slack off during them and I have never felt like going to sleep while playing them, given they are also the most easily forgotten for me since they also all tend to feel the same and have the bad habit of down playing story in favor of game play and graphics.
Ummmmmmmmm fuck final fantasy tactics I guess? It was kind of slow and I hated waiting for ten plus guys to decide where they were going to go then do each individual jump to the spot then decided what to do then perform it in what felt like slow motion to me.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to slow paced and I felt like turning off the game and doing something else every fucking round, it was like Warhammer night without the custom miniatures and socialization.
Final fantasy XIII also bored the hell out of me with its slow as all hell combat and its huge linear hallways full non intractable backgrounds.
I'm not saying I don't like those genres though, I'm just saying those particular ones put to much emphasis on things they weren't good at, two of my top games are final fantasy X and Disgaea which were pretty similar but decided to down play on their weakness (Combat and exploration) rather than emphasize them and make you wish the game was made better so you could actually enjoy those things.
Although, to be fair, I played those games quite some time ago and games used to be able to hold my attention a lot longer, final fantasy 9 was the epiphany of awesome for me, I loved every character, every town, every plot twist everything about it but I tried playing it again a few days ago and I felt myself wishing that it wouldn't spend so much time starting combat and in the reward screen, I guess I'm just more used to diving into the action now days.

Koroviev said:
These have probably been mentioned several times by now, but Oblivion and Modern Warfare 2 didn't do anything for me. I might not have given MW2 enough of a chance, but Oblivion just felt like Fallout 3 with much less to do. Skyrim does actually look interesting, though.
Aha! you mean Fallout three felt like oblivion with something to do, since you know oblivion was two years older than fallout and born in the middle of a different generation. wait a second... oblivion had a shit ton to do! you could become the master of organizations, buy houses, make funny spells, create your own items and fuck with people D: Perhaps we just have different tastes cuz I found fallout to feel a bit boreing with nothing to do once I finished working out my characters weapons set up and robbing every shopping mall I could find.

Braedan said:
As another guy already said, WoW.

Course I give it a little more of a chance, and played to level 22. Then I said "Wow, this is still just as boring as killing smaller versions of this [Generic Fantasy Enemy], I'm going to stop"

Any game where you have to get to the END before it gets fun is a shit game.
Thats mainly because most people have the tendency to try and grind their way to the end as fast as possible, I personally spent my level 1-80 game exploring the world and learning as much about the Lore as humanely possible since there really is a SHIT TON of the stuff and its all fairly consistent then when I hit 80 and there was nothing to do but grind so that I was geared enough to play with other people I said SCREW THIS NOISE and quit since the combat in WoW is stale as a bag of nacho=to its own age and raids move to quickly for you to truly enjoy the scenery and suck in the lore.
Although ya, any game with as much grinding in it as WoW is truly the anti thesis to entertainment since they are purposely made boring to get you to play longer and not in order to make the game more difficult.

blizzaradragon said:
I'm gonna give a very controversial answer and say Minecraft. I can't really see why everyone feels like this game is the second coming of Christ, unless everyone who plays it is studying to get a degree in architecture...
lol if anyone played this to assist them in a degree in architecture I fear for the structural integrity of the buildings of tomorrow, I'M GONNA MAKE A HOUSE OF DIRT AND LAVA!


New member
Oct 11, 2010
psilontech said:
D-Ray said:
Farmville....why did I even start it.
I change my vote.
Farmville it is.

But... I dunno, do facebook games even really count as games?
Then both of you should get a good laugh from this:

My worst game is postman pat on the Amiga.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
These have probably been mentioned several times by now, but Oblivion and Modern Warfare 2 didn't do anything for me. I might not have given MW2 enough of a chance, but Oblivion just felt like Fallout 3 with much less to do. Skyrim does actually look interesting, though.