Most devastating loss of a save file

Alexander Kavanagh

New member
Aug 27, 2012
My chao-garden in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (GC) became corrupted. MY BEAUTIFUL CHAO:S!!!! OH GOD, I STILL REMEMBER THEM. WHY GOD!?!? WHY DID YOU TAKE MY BABIES FROM ME!!?!?! THEY WERE PERFECT IN EVERYWAY!!!

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
Super Smash Bros Melee. I had all the characters and a ton of trophies. I still don't know how the file got deleted, but it did.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
I lost my first Morrowind save file. 200 hours invested, and a character that I'd finally gotten to a point where he was powerful enough I could just breeze through the tedium the combat is in that game to keep exploring the world.

Also, not really "loss", but a stupid delete that I didn't realize until much later. On one of my first playthroughs of Pokemon Crystal I caught a shiny Pidgey very early on. I'd heard about shiny Pokemon before, but I didn't know just how insanely rare they were (1/8192 chance). I was unhappy with my starter choice (something about Chikorita's back sprite still irks me for no apparent reason to this day), and I re-started the game, assuming that I'd likely just get another shiny in the process. That Pidgey is, to this day, one of only three shiny Pokemon I've ever caught.
Sep 14, 2009
Neyon said:
gmaverick019 said:
my brother removed it without first ejecting it (he's young, and he didn't want it to break with it sticking out, which is smart I'll grant him that) and with that, I lost all my xcom EU saves, and I was about 2 missions out from the end...
I am always shocked to hear that removing a memory stick without ejecting has caused files to be lost. I *never* eject and I have never had a single lost or corrupted file in probably over 10,000 removals. Were files still copying at the time that he yanked it out?
funny thing, that was the ONLY time that has ever happened (granted since then I've ejected every time, because i'm usually transferring something important, otherwise I used to plug it in and take it out a cajillion times before that without ejecting)

but nah it was just sitting there, I didn't need it at the moment so I just left it chilling in the usb slot.


New member
Nov 21, 2012
SKBPinkie said:
Quick test for how good the gameplay is in a game - if the save gets deleted halfway through the game, are you willing to play it again from the start?

Only a few games in my collection happen to pass this test, but they're some of the best games I've ever played.
This. My cousin inadvertently overwrote my Chrono Trigger DS save, which was one Monster Arena-only item short of 100%ing everything.

He was panicking about what I'd say when I got home from work. My response was "well, at least I get to replay through the game again then."

Chrono Trigger is awesome.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Pokemon Crystal. I had nearly every pokemon, I was only missing about 4 of them. Then one day I left it in the gamecube player. I left my friend alone, I come back up the stairs to notice the gamecube had fallen over and crystal had been smashed. I was really gutted.

Also Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. A friend of mine was messing around with the gamecube controllers while I was trying to sort something out. He ended up deleting my file. That was years of work! I was nearly at the end of the game. I was more gutted at losing that than I was at losing the Pokemon file. I had never been so angry at anyone before in my life.


New member
May 25, 2009
A PS3 of mine died, taking my GT5 save (which was lvl 40 in both A and B spec), and Armored Core: For Answer file (which had all S-Ranks), and my Red Dead Redemption file (which had the game and DLC beat), and my Dark Souls and Demon's Souls characters, and my Gundam Crossfire save which had all the things unlocked, my Deadliest Warrior game file that had all the stuff unlocked, and all the other things I can't remember right now (games I played but no longer have nor will play again).


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for the PSX.
Already at Winter 3rd Year, so it's just the last stretch before the end. But then Lego Island 2 game corrupted the Memory card. So I have never finished that game.

After that, the memory card never function properly. Like invisible blocks, so you can't manage it with the PSX menu.


New member
May 9, 2010
The crater in FF7, and it was the whole memory card that went kaput, so no going from a backup file.

Played through it again anyways, but it was still a kick in the gubbins.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I told my story of PoP WW before, and that was mostly my fault. So recently, about a month ago, I guess I decided to delete a 70% Sly 3 file because I wanted to finish it but never did, and I needed the space. So about a week ago I thought "I think I still have that save clunking around in the card, I should finally finish that." So I'm in Venice again, pissed at myself and skipping over the game for another year. It's the only Sly game I never beat once.


New member
Dec 6, 2013
Final Fantasy VIII: First time playing and reaching the spoiler of finding Squall's father, then getting save corruption the day after. I wouldn't play FF8 until a year later in which I made six save files just to hope it didn't do it again.

Final Fantasy IX: First time playing and reaching just before entering Mount Gulug. Again, save corruption.

For some reason, reaching 75% through a Final Fantasy game causes save corruption for me.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
Lost all the files I had saved on an expansion PS2 card. Well, not all of them, but a lot of them. Lost multiple hours in a bunch of RPGs, and I never did go back to 'em. I still have yet to pick Growlanser 3 back up after that.

It was pretty much the 8MB version of this:

Ironically, while I know the general problems with third-party memory cards, I've never had any other ones go belly-up on me. A couple of double-sided PSX cards and a GC card that still work beautifully. Wait, I take that back, I had a Dreamcast card that had some corruption issues.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
My Pokémon Silver save-file. I had put a few hundred hours into that game, caught most of the pokémon, leveled my Feraligatr to 100, gotten all the badges (both Kanto and Johto), beaten Red several times... and it took my little brother about 15 minutes to delete it and start a new game one time when he borrowed it without asking.

I didn't play the game anymore, but to know that all of the hours I had spent on the game had been erased... I still am kind of mad at him.

Matt Dellar

New member
Jun 26, 2011
Pokemon Gold version. I had about 500 hours in the game, a full party of level 100s, including the original Umbreon that had me seeking out Umbreons in every Pokemon game since. Then the cartridge battery died. To this day, there is no longer a "continue" option available no matter how many times I save in a new game.

I wasn't too broken up about it, actually, after the initial minute of complete shock. I think I was 10 or so at the time, and I found another game (Runescape, I believe)to suck my time away.


New member
Jan 6, 2012
I recently played Oddworld: Abe's oddysee again. I loved it, It was exactly how I remember from when I played it as a kid. Anyhow, I gave myself the challenge of saving EVERY single mudokon. Playing through, I used the quicksave and quickload functions (And theres only 1 slot). I rolled onto the next screen, immediately got seen by the slig and he turned around to shoot me. Just as he was shooting I went to hit the quickload button, but hit the wrong bloody key and hit quicksave instead.
After that everytime it loaded I just got shot straight away and died.

All that time perfecting the game......


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Was almost done with Mass Effect 1, and am a completion-ist, and was super excited to finish off the last few hours. Went to work, thought about it all day, got home, and my girlfriend at the time had deleted my file...for more space...for yet another playthrough of Fable....I guess I'm partly to blame, since I showed her how to delete files, since she kept asking me to do it for her...

Needless to say, I went and just watched the end of the game online.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Not so much a "loss" of a save file as "loss of progress that was never saved in the first place"...

Way back in the day, I got Final Fantasy X alongside a PS2 as a Christmas or birthday present one year. But, as my family has never had a massive amount of disposable income and it was after my parents had separated, I didn't have a memory card for said PS2 until about a week later. Well, I obviously didn't want to wait that long to start playing Final Fantasy, so I decided I'd just leave the game on overnight while I was sleeping and throughout the days while I was at school (I can't actually remember if I got it during a holiday or not anymore) and play it when I had free time. That worked pretty well for the most part, and I managed to make it all the way to Mount Gagazet and the third fight against Seymour... where he promptly wiped my party and gave me a game over.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Pokemon Red. I used to park Pokemon on a friend's cartridge, restart the game on my own one, trade the Pokemon back and eventually had an awesome team and bank (some 4 or so 5 Mewtwos, some of the "rarer" Pokemon, lots of high level ones, too...). One day they were all gone, just like that :( the whole save game... :'(


Burrowed Lurker
Apr 10, 2008
This is a nobrainer; once I got fed up with Oblivion I thought "yep, I'm done with this" and deleted all my saves.

I don't think I really need to say more than that.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Burnout Paradise. I had 101% completion on that game. (Extensive amount of DLC cars gave me an extra percent) When I converted to the new slim Xbox with the different hard drive, the store fucked up my data transfer and I lost most of my saved games, Burnout was definitely the most significant loss, most other games had stats and such saved online so weren't as much of a problem.