Most "holy shit" inducing game section ever?


New member
Mar 6, 2011
The ending sequence of Metro 2033, the CoD 4 nuke, and most of amnesia. The part that got me the most was in that game was:
Was walking down a dark and scary corridor. I'll see what's behind this door. HOLY SHIT MONSTER!! SHUT THE DOOR! RUN RUN RUN!! Okay, I can hide here for a while. It's probably safe now. AHH HE'S STILL IN THERE!! Hide some more. OK, I can sneak past that door. Got what I need, just need to sneak back up. Please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me. Okay, I'm far enough away, it should be safe to turn on my lantern now. SHIIIIT!!! IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!


New member
Jan 13, 2010
End boss fight for Mass Effect. I was hitting marksmen and dampening as fast as humanly possible. The best part has to be when you finish killing "it" and get to the credits. So epic


New member
Jan 13, 2010
thatonedude11 said:
The ending sequence of Metro 2033, the CoD 4 nuke, and most of amnesia. The part that got me the most was in that game was:
Was walking down a dark and scary corridor. I'll see what's behind this door. HOLY SHIT MONSTER!! SHUT THE DOOR! RUN RUN RUN!! Okay, I can hide here for a while. It's probably safe now. AHH HE'S STILL IN THERE!! Hide some more. OK, I can sneak past that door. Got what I need, just need to sneak back up. Please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me please don't see me. Okay, I'm far enough away, it should be safe to turn on my lantern now. SHIIIIT!!! IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!
I would love to get to the end of Metro 2033, but I am stuck on that damn level where the kid is on your back.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
I would say either when I was fighting Dark Link in Ocarina of Time or Fiend Ryu in Ninja Gaiden Black

Yeah, I like fighting myself.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I'm going to go with the hallucination sequence in the Point Lookout DLC for Fallout 3. I totally didn't expect it and really didn't expect them to go where they did with it.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Gorilla Gunk said:
90% of Bulletstorm
Seeing the Dragon God for the first time in Demon's Souls (Ditto for the Tower Knight)
Tank battles in Left 4 Dead
100% of Condemned: Criminal Origins
50$ of Condemned: Bloodshot
50$ worth of Condemned: Bloodshot eh?

OT: Well, I really loved the nuke moment in COD4. And then there's every single fucking colossus battle in SotC. But my most holy shit moment was the ending of Shawshank Redemption, not the end, but the part where
andy escapes from the prison through the poo-filled pipe.

Quantum Star

New member
Jul 17, 2010
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker: you're barelling through an army complex on the way to a control tower to prevent Peace Walker from launching a massive nuke at the U.S and creating an international crisis. Just before you reach said tower, an armed helicopter appears right the fuck out of nowhere that you have to fight. And then the theme song, "Heavens Divide" starts to play. It's absolutely jaw-dropping, not to mention the final boss fight against Peace Walker itself.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
stebsy said:
Dragon age origins, walking around while I was level 10 looking for the ashes of andastre on my first play through.... Oooooh what's that bell doing here? I'll ring it.... Holy fuck a fucking high dragon!!!!!
That thing scared the shit out of me, too. It was a while back, so I don't remember how I approached that problem. But it was most definitely a "Holy Shit" moment.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
GreatTeacherCAW said:
captaincabbage said:
This thread now officially belongs to the Lord of the Rings near-to-scale map in Minecraft.

Wow. just, wow.
I don't really care about the whole Minecraft deal, but that Brit was pretty funny.
Either way you've gotta appreciate that it was mostly hand made.

Doctor Brobotnik

New member
Feb 26, 2011
The first encounter with the Flood on Halo: Combat Evolved would be the one that sticks out in my mind. That was the most intense shooter moment I'd say I've had. Play an entire half of a game, then a completely different enemy pops out of nowhere. I was like "WHAT DO I DO?!"

Doctor Feelgood

New member
Oct 27, 2010
The minotaur boss in God of War, although it was more "Holy shit, I get to fight this?!?"
More recently, when you have half the city's worth of guards chasing you in Assassin's Creed I or II.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
not to have my big ass fangirl moment but..
One of the first videos I saw out of gamescon last year (first gw2 demo shown to the public)
Skip to 0:05 to start of actual video. (and for anyone who knows the basic plot of gw2 will notice that is not one of the 5 elder dragons the main atagonists of gw2 it is one of the dragon's lieutenants :p)

Also worth adding the end of portal 2
when you shoot a portal onto the friggen moon omg! I just love how you see that little star twinkle before you get sucked through the portal, also add about 2 mins later when GLaDOS talks about you being her best friend and being all emotional and nice, then suddenly she deletes Caroline, the music changes the wall panels go dark. Also that turret opera at the end too I cried manly tears QQ, oh jeez and she gives you back your companion cube as well QQ

And the end of half life 2 episode 2, that final mission just made me think 'well crap'.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
The twist in Jade Empire. And the room with the Water Dragon. Not going to say anymore because spoilers.

Last Hugh Alive

New member
Jul 6, 2011
Arkham Asylum, the last Scarecrow fight. I'm pretty sure most of us, myself included, who legit thought their console/PC had broken before coming to a "...holy shit!" realisation.

I hope there are other mind-bending, memorable moments like that in Arkham City.