The school locker in Condemned CO, Halo CE(ALL OF IT), KOTOR 1,2 - the original bioshock in the 1st and epic battles in the 2nd.
Mercs 1 missions and airstrikes, the hard parts of POP warrior within, Deathclaws New Vegas,
Fable LC dragons and atrocities (ancient or otherwise)
Gillies and nukes in cod 4, Battles in Oblivion as well as stealing an elder scroll and the first time you relize the size of the map, The chase scene in deadspace 1 and fall scene in 2, Battlefield 2 (on xbox)
online - boobytraps with c4 on bridges, buildings and with "minefields" in BBC as well as a good all out slugfest, Mass effect final missions and the beginning and end of 2, Enslaved OTTW pig vs scorpions.
The chase scenes in bulletstorm, your first good all out fight in neriomus war on Chromehounds, a neck and neck race to the finish in Rush 2 for the n64.