Most "holy shit" inducing game section ever?

A Shadows Age

New member
Mar 30, 2011
The school locker in Condemned CO, Halo CE(ALL OF IT), KOTOR 1,2 - the original bioshock in the 1st and epic battles in the 2nd.

Mercs 1 missions and airstrikes, the hard parts of POP warrior within, Deathclaws New Vegas,
Fable LC dragons and atrocities (ancient or otherwise)

Gillies and nukes in cod 4, Battles in Oblivion as well as stealing an elder scroll and the first time you relize the size of the map, The chase scene in deadspace 1 and fall scene in 2, Battlefield 2 (on xbox)

online - boobytraps with c4 on bridges, buildings and with "minefields" in BBC as well as a good all out slugfest, Mass effect final missions and the beginning and end of 2, Enslaved OTTW pig vs scorpions.

The chase scenes in bulletstorm, your first good all out fight in neriomus war on Chromehounds, a neck and neck race to the finish in Rush 2 for the n64.

Fantastic Foxkins

New member
Apr 22, 2010
The basement corridor of the hospital in Silent Hill 2. On my first playthrough I actually threw the controller into the air when I saw what was following James and Maria.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
In MW2 when the EMP goes off and helicopters are crashing, that was pretty awesome. And it was neat going without electronics for the next part.

Of course, the logical side of my brain tells me that a helicopter with fried electronics will just slowly autorotate to the ground, but it's okay because EXPLOSIONS!


New member
Jan 7, 2011
F.E.A.R. 2, while not the greatest game ever, had a real holy shit moment for me when you first see
the hole left by the explosion at the end of the first game.
It really gave a sense of just how fucked you were.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
As a kid, I had a WTF moment when I finally encountered Andross's true form in Star Fox 64. Also, I played Space Quest 4, and as I was too stupid at the time to figure out what I was supposed to do, I would always run into the zombie thing and the cutscene that occurs before getting killed was horrific.

Also, Yahtzee's Chzo Mythos deserves mention. In Trilby's Notes, you randomly show up in the dark world which can be startling. To prevent this, you would take pills every few screens, but Yahtzee knew this and added random hallucinations that sometimes happen a few screens after taking the pill. As a result I decided to just stay in the dark world as much as possible. This is why Trilby's Notes is my least favorite of the series, because I hate random surprises; otherwise it is the pinnacle of the series. The final puzzle is WTF-worthy, too.

The last game in the series, 6 Days a Sacrifice, has a major plot twist that is perhaps the most mind-blowing in the entire series. If you've played it, then you know what I'm talking about.

Captain Epic

New member
Jul 8, 2010
Bioshock:Would You kindly, Fort Frolic, Dr. Steinman
Me2:Suicide Mission
Uncharted 2: ALL OF IT!!!
Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Any really intense online match


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I'll write a few, since, as someone else already stated, "holy shit" is an incredibly ambiguous phrase.
The positive one was in Heavy Rain, when I was having a long and hard fight with Mad Jack just after escaping a potential fate involving a giant car crusher of death, and in the end, Mad Jack seemed to keep having the upper hand over me, until his clothes got caught in the treads of the crane he tried to kill me with and he got run over by his own crane. I actually applauded when that happened, because it was a long and intense fight, and the piece of shit finally died the horrible death he deserved. (Similarly, the scene where Madison drills into Dr. Death's chest earlier.)
I guess the negative one is in Portal 2, when Wheatley turns evil. Neutral ones exist for me in that game as well, like when GLaDOS sends you up on the elevator and it stops when you see a whole bunch of turrets looking at you, and then the turrets start singing and dancing instead of turning you into Swiss cheese.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
What are we after. A moment where you say "Woah!" as you're impressed, or where you're in a frantic period of blind panic.

As for the latter the time that sticks out in my mind was when I first encountered the Borg in Star Trek: Birth of the Federation. They are unbelievably powerful, and wiped out my attack fleet in a single strike before cutting a swathe through my planets. Eventually I amassed a force barely powerful enough to stop them. And then ANOTHER Cube appeared. WTF game!? Talk about unfair. Despite being turn based I was in a constant panic as my empire fell about around me and my home system was wiped out.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
I've got a few of them, however, I think my number one pick would have to be:

Halo - The Silent Cartographer, Rock Anthem For Saving The World starts playing and you fill invincible as you storm through that fortress, trying to get out. Killing every last covenant in your path.

Others would have to include: CoD4 Nuke scene, Halo: Reach Kat's death, Mass Effect 2 suicide mission, Halo, the first time you come out of the escape pod and see the true scope of the world around you.


New member
Oct 10, 2010
Mother fucking Realm Divide!

First time that happened, the only word I could say was "shit!" over and over.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
The first 20 minutes or so of God of War 3.

I was going to post a link to the third part (labelled as 4) but the sound was out of sync. God of War is brutal in its treatment of the mythos and its violence, but by god is it spectacular looking when you do it.

Also, unlike that crappy film and the crappier remake, contains Titans.


New member
May 30, 2009
The entirety of FEAR

Also more so the entirety of Eternal Darkness, that game stopped me from sleeping for a good solid month or so


New member
Jul 18, 2009
I gonna be honest, looking at DC burning in MW2 was pretty good, same with the nuke in MW. Andrew Ryan's office in Bioshock is a very good honorable mention though.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
how about that part in Dead Rising where the clown comes after you with the two chainsaws? THAT was pretty intimidating (until i was level 50 with the mega man blaster)


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Aliens versus Predator (1999), the first time playing the marine campaign, freaky as hell. Even now those crafty aliens still manage to sneak up on me and scare the hell out of me


New member
May 17, 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic... the Revelation scene where you discover the truth about your character. I don't think there's a single person that didn't have their jaws on the floor, and the words "OHHHH SHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!TTTTTTT" either being said, or at the least rattling around in their brains trying to jump out of their skulls.

Hands down, the greatest OMG moment ever!!!


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Silent hill 2.

A small room. One pistol. An at that point, immortal pyramid head.

Sheer terror doesn't begin to describe it.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Most recently, Nier, the fourth boss.
Skip to 8:00 for the HOLY SHIT part.
That game has some good bosses. Also, spoilers, if you didn't guess.

Oh, and in Outland, the High Priestess boss fight. That was pretty damn cool too.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
The final mission in just cause 2, where you
stunt jump across 3 different nuclear missiles while shooting at the president who is riding on the fourth one and then you beat him and it goes to a cut scene where your guy ties the president to the missile with its own GPS wiring and nukes an oil field, then landing in the agency boat with your friends.