My teacher wants us to become social deviants...


New member
Apr 15, 2009
greet everyone with a handshake and a smile, try and have a breif chat to them

this would break the social norm as no one is ever this nice lol


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Just refuse to engage anyone in conversation. And I mean anyone.

EDIT: Also/or move only via wheelchair. This would be a goldmine in information because people will be anything from amused to offended.

Deadlock Radium

New member
Mar 29, 2009
Stand on a marketplace or something similar, make sure there are a big crowd, stand in the middle of it then yell "BOMB!!". Now, watch everyone panic.


Lv.1 NPC
Apr 17, 2009
We had a scripture teacher who was going through a faith crisis and told us that we could shoot a bunch of people then pray for forgiveness. I think he meant it metaphorically but the principal wasn?t too happy. But I suppose you can't really do that so why not sit in his seat next class and say you're teaching today.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Go up the down escalator.
Or down the up escalator.

Force the water going down drains to go the other way.


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
Remember the banned xbox360 commercial with the fake firefight in the mall with people using their fingers to imitate a gun and making a pew pew noise when they "fired"?

Do that.
Extra credit if you go akimbo.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
End every sentence with a wink.

Yodel your love for trumpets whilst pretending to read the news through a cardboard box to a crowd of stuffed animals.

Recreate the battle of Waterloo with toilet paper and hand-puppets in a sports shop.

Wear jockstraps and fishing waders all the time. Wear a flatcap and doff it at everyone you meet.

Smoke a pipe. I do.

Get an old newspaper and cut a small square hole in it, walk down the street following random people looking through the hole in the newspaper.

Wear a trenchcoat and fedora whilst doing that.

Talk about yourself in the third person when conversing with others.

Pretend to be smoking a cigarette whilst telling friends about improbable conspiracy theories.

Stand uncomfortably close to the opposite sex, really close behind them. Start sniffing and smelling their hair, be as loud and obvious as possible about this. When noticed say in a loud clear voice "I have AIDS" (Replace this with Cancer or some STD if you wish).

Feed pigeons.

Pretend to be developing an Oedipus complex. Tell your mother about it.

Don't tell your father.

Never tell your father.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
zana bonanza said:
Dang, you guys are fast. xD

I love the one about not doing the paper, but it is worth a quarter of my grade, so I'll have to think about it. I actually can read upside down, but not backwards...talking loudly in a library would probably work better. As for getting beat of up by a girl, that doesn't sound pleasant and I am a girl myself, so no go there...

Thanks for all the ideas so far! I'm too lazy to reply to them all, but I am taking them into consideration. You also got my own creative juices going again.
You could always do a paper on not follwing orders from authority figures, and start it with, something like "i know you wouldn't approve of me just not doing a paper, so consider this a continuation of my former refusal of writing a paper, for the sake of my grades" and hand it to your teacher after you've told her/him you're not handing in a paper, so you have the paper as backup in case she/he doens't approve.

As for teh beating thing. if you're a girl then you won't have to get beat up, just beat a dude instead.


The Cheerful Pessimist
May 6, 2009
Aby_Z said:
Hmmm... Go to the mall and find a nice, circular area. Just start jogging around it. Someone's bound to join up with you eventually and then more people may come.
Or you could start jogging up the downward bound elevator, using it as a tredmill XD


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
In public, talk loudly to yourself about your proceeding lawsuit concerning the right to be joined in civil union with that stray dog you recently took in.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
What about simply talk a loud to yourself? I know I have a habit of sometimes dictating what I do and people look at you rather oddly.

I did sociiology myself so I think that would be a good one.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Walk on the wrong side of the stairs. Local stair-etiquette dictates that you always have to walk on the right side. So you use the left side, or right if you guys do it the other way around.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Bring your own dishes and cutlery to a restaurant and insit they be used.

Bonus points if your dishes are some sort of cutesy bear shaped baby dish or Japanese cutesy bento box.


New member
Jan 10, 2010
Umberphoenix said:
Luke5515 said:
Don't do anything and tell your teacher that the norm you are breaking is doing work. Everyone does their work always, but why?
If your teacher has a good sense of humor, you get an A for not doing anything. If not E. Worth a shot right?

If you don't want to risk it, however, where a skirt, and if that's too embarrassing wear it over your pants.

If you still don't want to do that, then order your sodas at restaurants with extra ice. That should be funny.
It's a chick.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
zana bonanza said:
For an assignment, which has limits and is only for a little bit, so it's actually not that big of a deal. However, I am having the hardest time coming up a social norm to break.
It's actually easier than you think. All you have to do is look carefully at how society functions, and do something that breaks that function. You could wear a skirt for a bit. You could wear your trousers back-to-front. It only has to be minor and it's a lot easier than it sounds. Sure it'll be somewhat embarrassing, being a social deviant very rarely causes people to raise their respect, but it's a deviance.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
zana bonanza said:
For an assignment, which has limits and is only for a little bit, so it's actually not that big of a deal. However, I am having the hardest time coming up a social norm to break.

If you haven't guessed yet, the class is Sociology and the assignment includes a paper about my experience. We have to break "a clearly defined societal-level norm" in the presence of others, without the help of anyone else or letting anyone know why we're doing it initially. It cannot be illegal, "stupid", cause embarrassment to or threaten others, involve a moving vehicle of any kind, involve anything sexual, or be done under the influence of alcohol/drugs. So, yeah.

The example she gave us: getting into an elevator and facing the rear, while others are (most likely) facing the doors. Obviously, I can't use the example. I thought about walking backwards everywhere, but that's not very practical and I'd rather not fall on my ass. For some reason, my brain is now drawing a complete blank.

So I turn to you, good people of the Escapist. Care to throw any ideas my way? (I don't suppose asking the internet for help with your homework is breaking a social norm, is it?)
Find a relatively main street on the weekend, and can-can down the sidewalk.

I've done this. It's awesome.

Walk on the wrong side of the stairs. Local stair-etiquette dictates that you always have to walk on the right side. So you use the left side, or right if you guys do it the other way around.
You kids and your stair-etiquette. When I was in school, the wrong side of the stairs was a punishable offense!