New hard game comes out. Idiot press wants easy mode.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Phoenixmgs said:
CritialGaming said:
Jim Sterling post a video about Sekiro and he loves hard games. He loved Bloodborne and Dark Souls and Nioh, but he doesn't like this game because it just doesn't work for him. He doesn't have the ability the game demands form him, but he is also okay with that. He understands that FromSoft designs for a specific audience and that audience can never and will never be everybody.
Jim Sterling isn't not playing Sekiro because it's too hard, he's not playing because he doesn't like defensive/parry type combat. So I don't see how that has anything do with adding difficulty modes.
Heck, Jim Sterling's long been an advocate of the "adding an easy mode isn't going to hurt the game, and you don't have to use it if you don't want to" line of thinking.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
CritialGaming said:
I agree with you. I don't believe that this completely stems from reviewers not being able to beat the games. If you notice these "too hard" article never seem to come directly from reviewers, but instead come from side journalists for any given outlet. I find it funny that Forbes has two articles saying Sekiro should have an easy mode, and another article saying that it doesn't. It's like the same outlet can't come up with a single voice regarding the same game.
Yeah, weird how individuals have their own opinions when talking about video games.
CritialGaming said:
To be it stems from these "Journalists" having to write shit articles in order to generate clicks. They always have to find something to ***** about with whatever big game is the flavor of the month. With Division 2 it was articles about what political statement the game was making. With Sekiro it is the difficulty. It just seems like there is always something, and what kills me is that the people I think would see past the nonsense (you guys, gamers on a gaming website dedicated enough to want to have conversations to keep this place afloat) defend articles filled with nonsense.
My dude, it's just not that deep. They're just talking.
CritialGaming said:
FromSoft creates games with a specific feel in mind. Difficulty is such a deep part of the game that it is fundamental to the actual story of the games! Sekiro is about trying to sever the ties of immortality that brings the player back to life over and over again and spreads a terrible disease over the people caught in a war. If the game was easy and the player could beat it without too much trouble, then the story of the game itself loses all impact. Dark Souls also had it's world and story tied to the player's constant death and persistence through the misery. Death and difficulty is core to these games.
What's difficult for you and what's difficult for me and what's difficult for somebody else are all different things. Being able to fine tune what "difficult" means just puts us on the same playing field.
CritialGaming said:
So yes, imo adding an easy mode would serve to defeat the whole point of what FromSoft designs. And that's okay. I'll never be a Starcraft pro, does that mean Starcraft should change so I can play it? I'll never understand attack frames in fighting games, should they have a mode that ignores frames so that I can play them?

Obviously the answer is no. I don't want those games to change to appeal to me. Because I understand that those games don't appeal to my tastes or interests as a gamer. But I understand that there are people who love them and that's fine too.
Uhh, unless I've missed something recently, Starcraft and most fighting games have adjustable difficulty modes.
CritialGaming said:
DarkSouls fandom is blamed for gatekeeping and there are surely some trolly people that do that. But most of the Darksouls players are often encouraging, giving tips and advice to players who are struggling because they know that feeling of overcoming a difficult boss. Look on reddit, when people ask for help, people are always there to give tips and tricks to help people through. We don't want the difficulty to change because we want those players to feel that rush of success, and we'll do everything we can to help people through short of doing it for them (and in Souls games people will join you to help you directly as well).
CritialGaming said:
So yes, imo adding an easy mode would serve to defeat the whole point of what FromSoft designs. And that's okay. I'll never be a Starcraft pro, does that mean Starcraft should change so I can play it? I'll never understand attack frames in fighting games, should they have a mode that ignores frames so that I can play them?

Obviously the answer is no.
One or the other. You seem perfectly okay with people hitting the wall.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Kerg3927 said:
From Software cares because it's their customers, and they want the best experience for them, because satisfied customers come back and buy DLC and future games. So they designed the game with that in mind, which includes offering only one difficulty mode, and it has been a huge success. Changing that formula now would be like Coke changing their flavor formula in the 80's... very, very ill-advised.

And I also care, because I'm a huge fan of the design, and I want others to experience it in the same way that I did, which includes one difficulty, forcing players to overcome the obstacles in the only way they are presented, because I know it leads to a rewarding feeling of accomplishment.

As for addressing your comment that the Souls games are no more difficult than any other game, I didn't address that directly because I flat out think you are lying. I think you're just saying that to get a rise out of people. I'm not saying they are the most difficult games ever made, and I'm well aware that summoning help can make some parts of the game much easier, but overall they are certainly more difficult than the average game for the average human. I think you'd be hard pressed to find people who could say that they are as easy as any other game while passing a lie detector test, including you.

And I think that's what most of this argument boils down to. Some people simply don't like the majority of Souls fans because they are proud, and for some reason that burns some people up. So they love to take a piss in their cheerios. They know that adding an easy mode is something the vast majority of them don't want, so they'd love to see it happen just to spite them. It has little to do with the game itself, and it's mostly about spitting in the face of its fans. It's really just base level shittiness, IMO.
Yes, Coke changing their formula was bad but adding different Cokes to their line (like Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Cherry Coke, Coke Vanilla, etc.) is different because you can still drink Coke. Much like an Easy difficulty setting in Dark Souls (or any game ever made) is akin to Diet Coke because you still have Dark Souls exactly as it is now, nothing is being taken away.

Again, everyone is DIFFERENT, you can't have anyone have your exact experience. Some people will have to overcome greater obstacles on Easy mode because they just ain't very good while others will find a game easy on Hard mode.

How is dodging enemies that are far slower than other action games while being able to R1 spam because From sucks with balancing hit-stun (poise, super armor, whatever you wanna call it) anywhere near considered hard? Souls normal enemies are pretty much the weakest normal enemies in any action game, there's a reason why people call them trash mobs. Here's a video [] of FightinCowboy R1 spamming pretty much every enemy to death in Bloodborne with the short sword of the Kirkhammer that shouldn't nearly have that kinda hit-stun and he's no pro skill-level type gamer. There's several videos of people doing complete no-hit runs through the entire Souls series. Once you figure out the Souls games and their jank, they are really easy and simple and that's playing the "pro" way, I'm not even talking about the huge amount of cheese possible (hell, just strafing in DS1 was cheesing the game because the enemy tracking was painfully slow). The only reason I can see why people have trouble with Souls is because they just don't have the mindset to be slow and careful, they want fast and easy results all the time.

I don't understand being proud over the beating a game unless its something super super hard like old-school arcade games or 8-bit/16-bit games because you truly had to master those games to beat them. I feel proud about feeling like I mastered a game but beating it (even on the hardest difficulty) doesn't mean someone mastered it. I beat Bayonetta on NSIC but I'm not proud of merely beating it (since there's items that make it not that hard) but proud of how I played it. Beating a Souls game is literally no different than beating say Uncharted or Spider-man. Whereas, I can see being considered one of the best PvPers in a Souls game as something to be proud about.

I literally couldn't care less about an Easy mode in a Souls game because I think they're already too easy. What I do care about is giving players as many options as possible in every game because options are only good things since they are, you know, OPTIONAL. If Easy mode was added, we wouldn't be taking a piss in your Cheerios, we'd be taking a piss in like Frosted Flakes because you still have your piss-free Cheerios. I don't get why you think "us" winning and having From put in an Easy would make us feel like we're spitting in your faces because we totally don't feel that way at all. You can add whatever options you think will piss me off in my favorite games, I couldn't care less because you can't force me to use them. It's like those people that think a bad remake/sequel of something they love is "ruining it", 1) you can ignore it and 2) you still have the original thing you love that you can continue loving. In my world, Indiana Jones is a trilogy for example.

altnameJag said:
Phoenixmgs said:
CritialGaming said:
Jim Sterling post a video about Sekiro and he loves hard games. He loved Bloodborne and Dark Souls and Nioh, but he doesn't like this game because it just doesn't work for him. He doesn't have the ability the game demands form him, but he is also okay with that. He understands that FromSoft designs for a specific audience and that audience can never and will never be everybody.
Jim Sterling isn't not playing Sekiro because it's too hard, he's not playing because he doesn't like defensive/parry type combat. So I don't see how that has anything do with adding difficulty modes.
Heck, Jim Sterling's long been an advocate of the "adding an easy mode isn't going to hurt the game, and you don't have to use it if you don't want to" line of thinking.
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that video (all queued up and everything):

Thank god for Jim!!!


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Kerg3927 said:
erttheking said:
Get that strawman that out of my face. This may blow your mind but the world isn't divided into people who think Dark Souls losses all sense of identity if it's made slightly less hard and people who don't care about video games. For fuck's sake, I said this in the post you replied to. "The games are special to me too. But I don't lose my shit over a suggested addition that I would never touch anyway. It's not hard." So I'd like you know where the hell you got that strawman of me from. Because I'm sitting here, thinking hard about it, and the only thing I can think of is either you being deliberately dishonest or just not bothering to read what I wrote and just arguing past me. You tell me which one happened.
You accused me of taking games too seriously, logically implying that you don't take them so seriously.

And on that note, you say you don't lose your shit over an easy mode being added. Well, how about also not losing your shit if it's not added? Why not just leave these games alone? I don't get it. It makes me wonder why you're even in this thread arguing this topic. Is it really because you don't like the fact that the Souls games don't have an easy mode? Or is it because you just don't like (other) Souls fans, period, and you're just using this topic as an excuse to spit in their face? I think it's probably the latter. I mean, you already said you don't associate with other Souls fans because you can't stand them.

erttheking said:
Also if you "give in to temptation" to switch to an easy mode, you weren't having fun, you were turning your game into a chore and pretending it was anything more than that is dressing up a mundane switching of settings to a moral crisis.
I wouldn't say they weren't having any fun. I'd say they weren't having fun yet, and if they'd have just stuck it out a little longer, they'd have figured it out, overcome the challenge, and reaped the rewards of that. But instead, unfortunately for them, they quit before they got to that point, and missed out on the fun.

erttheking said:
You really do have no respect for the people who play Souls games if you apparently think they were all flagellating themselves and that they would stop and switch to an easier mode the second they were given the chance.
Not all of them. But I think some would, especially people new to the genre who don't yet understand that the reward comes from the self-satisfaction of overcoming the challenge, and if you remove the challenge, you remove the corresponding reward, which = game ruined. So I think From is doing a very good thing by not making that temptation available.
There?s a middle ground between not caring and acting like the game is so sacred that any changes to it are heresy.

Don?t mistake my frustration with the pearl clutching hysteria around an easy mode ruining Dark Souls forever with me losing my shit. Because that?s what it is, hysteria. Because I?m here to argue a point. Two actually. Accessibility isn?t bad. And Dark Souls fans need to get the fuck over themselves. And need to stop doing things like, I don?t know, assuming that people don?t actually care about more people getting into the game and thinking that it?s all somehow about pissing them off. Because they need to realize they?re not important enough to be worth pissing off.

Ah yes, they didn?t have fun because they weren?t flagellating themselves long enough. Hey Kerg? I have faith that people know themselves enough to know what kind of difficulty will work for them. Why don?t you?

See above.


If it ain't broken, get to work
Jun 9, 2010
Honestly, I don't see why not put an easy mode in the games.

While I do believe the difficulty in the FromSoft style of games is a core premise of the game and is necessary to maintain that feeling of dread and despair that is woven with the story, as long as the difficulty can't be switched mid playthrough who cares?

The type of player that needs easy mode to play wouldn't play Dark Souls anyways. If they want to purposely ruin their own experience let them, the extra sales can help production values.

Elitism is ridiculous when talking about a hobby meant to be fun. If you want to keep that sense of accomplishment just call the baseline difficulty "The True Dark Souls" or something and call the "Easy Mode" Dreams Of A Hollow or something. That way you get to keep your sense of accomplishment ("I beat the REAL Dark Souls") and other people can enjoy it (even though I am of the belief that anyone that is glamoring for easy mode in Dark Souls has critically missed the point).


New member
Mar 25, 2015
hanselthecaretaker said:
This is inspirational [], and goes to show that an easy mode is a bit of a moot point.
EVERYONE should watch this. Because it shows that easy mode is just an excuse for not wanting to try. FromSoft games are hard sure, but they are beatable by damn near ANYONE who wants to try. And the fact is, that some people just don't wanna try. Some will say that they shouldn't be force to put in the work to get ball bustingly good at a video game or whatever such nonsense, but frankly that excuse is dumb.

If you don't have "time" or simply can't be bothered to try then download the cheatengine tool, turn on god mode and beat the game without adversity, without learning without ever facing the challenge. No problem, have fun.

That's really what it boils down too isn't it? Isn't that always the reason? "I work 1000 hours a week, I can't put a billion hours into a game to get good enough to beat it." That's bullshit, because if you have ANY time to play a video game at all, whether it's 30 minutes a day or 2 hours a day, if you can play for any length of time then you can get through any Fromsoft game.

Look at that video, the sheer effort that person has to go through to move his hands around that controller to beat one of the hardest bosses in the game. I can't help but applaud them and wonder WTF everyone is crying about.

Sekiro is hard. That's okay because overcoming that difficulty feels wonderful. Even my own complaints about the difficulty come from momentary frustration that turn into a joyous rush the moment boss went down.

How about this Twitch streamer who wins PUBG games with tongue and breath controls?

Are these just exceptions to the rule? Do they just have such an incredible about of skill that even their disability puts them above the skill potential of fully functioning people? Or are they simply determined not to let things hold them back, and they'll put forth whatever effort is required of them to continue to do what they enjoy?

Look Sekiro might not be for you. It's okay not to like the challenge, to not wanna bash your face against a difficult game. But that doesn't mean the game should be changed because you don't wanna deal with it. The game just isn't for you, why is that such a problem? People throw around elitism and entitlement, yet what is more entitled the people who like the game for how it is or the people who demand the game change to suit them?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
CritialGaming said:
People throw around elitism and entitlement, yet what is more entitled the people who like the game for how it is or the people who demand the game change to suit them?
Who exactly here demanded the game changes to suit them? The argument isn't that the game NEEDS an Easy mode, but that there's nothing wrong with the idea of it having an Easy mode.
If you don't have "time" or simply can't be bothered to try then download the cheatengine tool, turn on god mode and beat the game without adversity, without learning without ever facing the challenge. No problem, have fun.
Y-yes, exactly! Now, what would be wrong in having this in the form of an Easy mode?


Oct 5, 2011
United States
CritialGaming said:
EVERYONE should watch this. Because it shows that easy mode is just an excuse for not wanting to try. FromSoft games are hard sure, but they are beatable by damn near ANYONE who wants to try. And the fact is, that some people just don't wanna try. Some will say that they shouldn't be force to put in the work to get ball bustingly good at a video game or whatever such nonsense, but frankly that excuse is dumb.
No offense, this is more "Well person A can do it, therefore EVERYONE can do it." It doesn't really prove shit. Tell me, if you encountered another physically disabled person who was couldn't handle the game, would you just scream at them to git gud? "Put in the work" I'm sorry, I didn't realize video games were chores now.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
CritialGaming said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
This is inspirational [], and goes to show that an easy mode is a bit of a moot point.
EVERYONE should watch this. Because it shows that easy mode is just an excuse for not wanting to try. FromSoft games are hard sure, but they are beatable by damn near ANYONE who wants to try. And the fact is, that some people just don't wanna try. Some will say that they shouldn't be force to put in the work to get ball bustingly good at a video game or whatever such nonsense, but frankly that excuse is dumb.

If you don't have "time" or simply can't be bothered to try then download the cheatengine tool, turn on god mode and beat the game without adversity, without learning without ever facing the challenge. No problem, have fun.

That's really what it boils down too isn't it? Isn't that always the reason? "I work 1000 hours a week, I can't put a billion hours into a game to get good enough to beat it." That's bullshit, because if you have ANY time to play a video game at all, whether it's 30 minutes a day or 2 hours a day, if you can play for any length of time then you can get through any Fromsoft game.

Look at that video, the sheer effort that person has to go through to move his hands around that controller to beat one of the hardest bosses in the game. I can't help but applaud them and wonder WTF everyone is crying about.

Sekiro is hard. That's okay because overcoming that difficulty feels wonderful. Even my own complaints about the difficulty come from momentary frustration that turn into a joyous rush the moment boss went down.

How about this Twitch streamer who wins PUBG games with tongue and breath controls?

Are these just exceptions to the rule? Do they just have such an incredible about of skill that even their disability puts them above the skill potential of fully functioning people? Or are they simply determined not to let things hold them back, and they'll put forth whatever effort is required of them to continue to do what they enjoy?

Look Sekiro might not be for you. It's okay not to like the challenge, to not wanna bash your face against a difficult game. But that doesn't mean the game should be changed because you don't wanna deal with it. The game just isn't for you, why is that such a problem? People throw around elitism and entitlement, yet what is more entitled the people who like the game for how it is or the people who demand the game change to suit them?
I?d also add that if the SoulsBorneSekiro community was truly elitist about gatekeeping how ?hardcore? these games are, they would more likely be offput or offended by a paraplegic being able to play them, and certainly wouldn?t be praising and commending them on their exceptional ability despite their disabilities.

Casual Shinji said:
CritialGaming said:
People throw around elitism and entitlement, yet what is more entitled the people who like the game for how it is or the people who demand the game change to suit them?
Who exactly here demanded the game changes to suit them? The argument isn't that the game NEEDS an Easy mode, but that there's nothing wrong with the idea of it having an Easy mode.
If you don't have "time" or simply can't be bothered to try then download the cheatengine tool, turn on god mode and beat the game without adversity, without learning without ever facing the challenge. No problem, have fun.
Y-yes, exactly! Now, what would be wrong in having this in the form of an Easy mode?
Chicken-egg I suppose. At the same time we could ask why the games can?t just be left as they are. I don?t follow the through line from complaints of a game being too difficult without an easy mode, to saying that adding one ?won?t change anything?. Sometimes people like the idea of a game?s design being greater through subtraction; in this case everyone being subjected to the same baseline, abilities/time constraints/determination levels be damned. VaatiVidya?s comment from the video above basically summed it up -

Thank you for sharing your perspective! I was getting really concerned by all these writers speaking for people with disabilities, so it's important we hear from people like yourself as well. There's a huge spectrum of disability, and I think it's concerning that journalists think an easy mode "bandaid" can instantly address it. People like yourself obviously face an extra layer of difficulty than most, but..that doesn't mean you want to change the core experience that we all appreciate. Nice work.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
hanselthecaretaker said:
Thank you for sharing your perspective! I was getting really concerned by all these writers speaking for people with disabilities, so it's important we hear from people like yourself as well. There's a huge spectrum of disability, and I think it's concerning that journalists think an easy mode "bandaid" can instantly address it. People like yourself obviously face an extra layer of difficulty than most, but..that doesn't mean you want to change the core experience that we all appreciate. Nice work.
Meanwhile, people who have never played video games before were able to enjoy Mario Kart for the first time when smart steering was put in despite everyone losing their shit over it.

One size does not fit all. It works for him. Cool. I have a very strong feeling that he's what you'd call an outlier.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
CritialGaming said:
Sekiro is hard. That's okay because overcoming that difficulty feels wonderful.
Souls fans are confusing challenging with attaining skill. If you find a way to cheese a boss or just get lucky, it's not very satisfying. Just like going to a batting cage and hitting one ball due to sheer luck isn't very satisfying. Souls has built-in easy mode, but it basically amounts to cheese and the player really isn't learning much or getting better. Being able to consistently beat say Ornstein and Smough or consistently hitting balls in the batting cage is far more satisfying because you basically "leveled up". Challenge alone doesn't directly equate to satisfaction. Thus, the best path for someone to "git gud" should be the priority. And everyone's "best path" for that is different. Someone playing a Souls game on a hypothetical Easy mode the "pro" playstyle is going to be learning the game and getting better far faster than someone playing it on Normal as a caster. A perfect example would be Bayonetta as I feel the combat shines brightest with Witch Time disabled on NSIC but forcing everyone to start at that level will most likely make everyone take longer to "git gud" only delaying satisfaction to the people that do persevere and probably turning many off to the game entirely.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Phoenixmgs said:
CritialGaming said:
Sekiro is hard. That's okay because overcoming that difficulty feels wonderful.
Souls fans are confusing challenging with attaining skill. If you find a way to cheese a boss or just get lucky, it's not very satisfying. Just like going to a batting cage and hitting one ball due to sheer luck isn't very satisfying. Souls has built-in easy mode, but it basically amounts to cheese and the player really isn't learning much or getting better. Being able to consistently beat say Ornstein and Smough or consistently hitting balls in the batting cage is far more satisfying because you basically "leveled up". Challenge alone doesn't directly equate to satisfaction. Thus, the best path for someone to "git gud" should be the priority. And everyone's "best path" for that is different. Someone playing a Souls game on a hypothetical Easy mode the "pro" playstyle is going to be learning the game and getting better far faster than someone playing it on Normal as a caster. A perfect example would be Bayonetta as I feel the combat shines brightest with Witch Time disabled on NSIC but forcing everyone to start at that level will most likely make everyone take longer to "git gud" only delaying satisfaction to the people that do persevere and probably turning many off to the game entirely.
But what's wrong with a game turning you off to it? Have you beaten every game you have ever played? Have you never started playing something and just shook you head saying, "This aint my jam."? Does that mean the game is wrong for what it is?

I akin it to the plethora of pvp games that are the hottest thing right now. There is no easy mode with those games, everyone is out to win against you and they'll hold nothing back to beat you. If they get the drop on you to stab you in the back they will take it (the implied cheese you mentioned above), they aren't going to tap you on the shoulder and challenge you to honorable combat because they know that they wont get this drop on everyone else and if they can take out someone simply, they'll do it because there is plenty of difficulty left with the rest of the players against them.

Why do you think these Battle Royal's got so popular? Getting number #1 is insanely difficult and impossible to do consistently. Yet people can't stop playing them because that rush of winning is akin to beating a souls game.

The biggest thing that Fortnite and Soulsborne games have in comment is, everyone can play them but not everyone will win right away but sticking to it, learning, adapting, overcoming, and eventually you can do it. Though you're probably more likely to beat a Souls game that get a first place rank in a BR game honestly.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
erttheking said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Thank you for sharing your perspective! I was getting really concerned by all these writers speaking for people with disabilities, so it's important we hear from people like yourself as well. There's a huge spectrum of disability, and I think it's concerning that journalists think an easy mode "bandaid" can instantly address it. People like yourself obviously face an extra layer of difficulty than most, but..that doesn't mean you want to change the core experience that we all appreciate. Nice work.
Meanwhile, people who have never played video games before were able to enjoy Mario Kart for the first time when smart steering was put in despite everyone losing their shit over it.

One size does not fit all. It works for him. Cool. I have a very strong feeling that he's what you'd call an outlier.
Still, the persistence that every game should appeal and cater to everyone is kinda preposterous. I?m not going to say, ?What?s the big deal if there?s a PG version of still have your R rated one!!? The experience is unequivocally changed, otherwise people wouldn?t ask for change in the first place. Either deal with the R rating or watch one of thousands of other movies that are meant to be PG.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Phoenixmgs said:
Again, everyone is DIFFERENT, you can't have anyone have your exact experience. Some people will have to overcome greater obstacles on Easy mode because they just ain't very good while others will find a game easy on Hard mode.
I disagree. I don't think people are really all that different actually. I think most of them can beat the game as intended without using a cheat/easy mode. And when they do, I think their experience will be similar to everyone else who has completed the games as intended, and I'd love for them to experience that.

Phoenixmgs said:
Once you figure out the Souls games...
And that's kind of the whole point. Figuring it out, through repetition. I doubt that any of those people who made the "no hit" videos made it through Undead Burg the first time without dying, and that's the newbie zone. Those videos were made after hundreds of hours of repetition, memorizing the move sets of every enemy. But if you introduce a cheat/easy mode, people won't have to figure it out anymore. They'll just be able to muscle through everything, and then they'll wonder why the game is so boring.

Phoenixmgs said:
What I do care about is giving players as many options as possible in every game because options are only good things since they are, you know, OPTIONAL.
What if every game had cheat codes built in? Press this button to walk through walls. Press this button to become invulnerable. Press this button to have all maxed out weapons and armor. Press this button to skip any boss you want. You'd probably think that would be great. I disagree. And From Software thankfully disagrees.

And that's because we understand that it's not about getting to the destination... it's about overcoming the obstacles to get there. Remove the obstacles, and you remove the corresponding rewards. That's how humans are wired. But we are also wired to take the quickest and most efficient path to achieve our goals. That can be a really bad combo when it comes to gaming. But it can be overcome by simply not giving players the option of a quick and easy path.

If you're a fat person who struggles with his weight and has a bad sweet tooth, would it be good to always have cake available? I mean, more options are always good, right? What about a recovering crack addict? Should he always carry some crack with him, just to keep his options open? Your "more options are always better" hypothesis is provably wrong.

Again, luckily From Software understands this and doesn't listen to people like you who don't know what the hell they are talking about.


New member
May 7, 2016
Wait a tic, since when does FORBES count as serious games jurnalism? Why does their publication have sway over anyone's thoughts about any title?

Anyhou, while it wouldn't insult me to the core, I'd rather not see From Software's titles give up that distinctiveness they have in terms of difficulty.
Apr 17, 2009
Kerg3927 said:
And I think that's what most of this argument boils down to. Some people simply don't like the majority of Souls fans because they are proud, and for some reason that burns some people up. So they love to take a piss in their cheerios. They know that adding an easy mode is something the vast majority of them don't want, so they'd love to see it happen just to spite them. It has little to do with the game itself, and it's mostly about spitting in the face of its fans. It's really just base level shittiness, IMO.
Christ, has your ego somehow gotten even bigger since the last time we did this? Why does it have to be all about you? Why do you think this is all attempts to pull you down? Why do you see sharing experiences with others as a bad thing? Why do you insist on trying to hoard things for yourself like a bloody dragon?


Oct 5, 2011
United States
hanselthecaretaker said:
erttheking said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Thank you for sharing your perspective! I was getting really concerned by all these writers speaking for people with disabilities, so it's important we hear from people like yourself as well. There's a huge spectrum of disability, and I think it's concerning that journalists think an easy mode "bandaid" can instantly address it. People like yourself obviously face an extra layer of difficulty than most, but..that doesn't mean you want to change the core experience that we all appreciate. Nice work.
Meanwhile, people who have never played video games before were able to enjoy Mario Kart for the first time when smart steering was put in despite everyone losing their shit over it.

One size does not fit all. It works for him. Cool. I have a very strong feeling that he's what you'd call an outlier.
Still, the persistence that every game should appeal and cater to everyone is kinda preposterous. I?m not going to say, ?What?s the big deal if there?s a PG version of still have your R rated one!!? The experience is unequivocally changed, otherwise people wouldn?t ask for change in the first place. Either deal with the R rating or watch one of thousands of other movies that are meant to be PG.
You do know R rated movies get toned down cable TV cuts all the time right? Deadpool 2 openly advertised theirs. And I?m guessing that won?t ruin Halloween for you.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
hanselthecaretaker said:
I don?t follow the through line from complaints of a game being too difficult without an easy mode, to saying that adding one ?won?t change anything?.
It won't change anything for people like you, or me, or any other fan that is familiar with these types of games. It would change something for people who feel too intimidated by them or have a certain disability that they can't muster through. Maybe by having an easier in they could work themselves up to the standard difficulty. I mean, I made extensive use of summoning other players in Dark Souls and Bloodborne when I had a really hard time, until after a while I was like 'You know what, I kinda wanna try taking on this Boss by myself this time.' Not everyone learns by being thrown at a wall. Some learn better by being eased in.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Kerg3927 said:
If you're a fat person who struggles with his weight and has a bad sweet tooth, would it be good to always have cake available? I mean, more options are always good, right? What about a recovering crack addict? Should he always carry some crack with him, just to keep his options open? Your "more options are always better" hypothesis is provably wrong.
*Sigh*, I promised myself I wasn?t going to involve myself in this conversation again, and I still won?t, but just wanted to address this specific point.

No one is a bigger fan of analogies than me; drawing simple, logical equivalents to make something abstract more easily understood is an effective communications tool. That is NOT what you?ve done here, certainly not to make the side you?re arguing against ?provably wrong.? You?re comparing someone?s inability to handle challenges in an entertainment medium to life-threatening self-control issues giving unmerited weight and gravitas to your argument. People who don?t mind easy modes in difficult videogames feel that way because videogames AREN?T THAT SERIOUS. I could be equally hyperbolic and say that your stance says an overweight person should be refused liposuction or a drug addict refused methadone because they need to ?git gud? and exercise self-control as life intends, surgery and medicine being ?easy modes,? but I wouldn?t say that because I don?t think you ARE saying that? at least I HOPE you?re not saying that?

Watching a video of a live concert I feel is a better analogy, the video being a similar-if-diminished way to experience a concert. Are you suggesting my VHS of Yanni: Live at the Acropolis shouldn?t exist and that the onus is on me to ?git gud? and physically attend if I want to hear the live version of ?The Rain Must Fall? with the badass violin solo?


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Xprimentyl said:
Watching a video of a live concert I feel is a better analogy, the video being a similar-if-diminished way to experience a concert. Are you suggesting my VHS of Yanni: Live at the Acropolis shouldn?t exist and that the onus is on me to ?git gud? and physically attend if I want to hear the live version of ?The Rain Must Fall? with the badass violin solo?
Actually I don't think that is a fair comparison either. But if you wanna use music, the simple comparison would be the hearing your favorite song through a phone speaker, versus hearing it through a powerful surround sound system. The song doesn't change fundamentally but one experience is leagues different from the other and so is the enjoyment of said song.