erttheking said:
Kerg3927 said:
Jealousy, the shadow of greed that is.
The heck are you on about?
I'm not a religious person, but I'm saying that a lot of these people complaining are just Cain wanting to kill Abel because they are jealous of his success, even though it's just success playing a video game. I don't think they give a sh*t about the poor, low-skilled gamer who supposedly can't play these games because they're not talented enough or the poor, pressed-for-time gamer who supposedly can only play games that they can breeze through quickly and effortlessly. I think mainly, they just don't like successful people who feel pride in their accomplishments, even video game accomplishments, and so they want to take them down a notch and take their source of pride away from them out of pure jealousy.
And yes, I think they are being greedy, considering that 99% of games out there are either inherently easy or have an easy mode, but they're not happy because they want that other 1% to change to suit them, too. I don't give a sh*t about 90% of the games out there, but I'm not trying to change those games... I just don't play them. I don't understand why those who don't like games without easy modes don't just do the same, instead of feeling entitled to having EVERYTHING their way.
From Software has a formula that works. That is indisputable. It's one of the great success stories of the past decade and other companies are trying to emulate it. They FORCE players overcome challenges, and then those players who overcome those challenges are rewarded with a sense of pride in their accomplishments, and they in turn LOVE From Software for it and will likely be first day buyers of the next game the company makes. This model has generated incredible success and brand loyalty for the company. They would be stupid to change it, so why demand it of them? Let them make their games the way they want.
Besides, and I think From well understands this, when you give people an easy mode, many weak-willed players will be tempted to use it, and then after they've breezed through the game, they'll be like meh, this game is boring and way overrated, and they'll turn around and trash the game in reviews, etc. And in the process they'll have been ROBBED of the great experience of beating the game as intended and feeling that sense of pride. Why in the hell would From want that? The absence of an easy mode is to PROTECT weak-willed players from ruining their own game experience.
People climb mountains because they want to be able to stand atop the summit, look around with pride at the vast view, and say, I freaking did it... I did something that not everyone can do... and now I'm seeing a view that most will never see. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It taps into everyone's competitive nature to want to stand out from the crowd in their success after they have put forth great effort to accomplish something. If every tall mountain on the planet had an elevator taking you to the top, the accomplishment of the mountain climber would be diminished. It just would. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to feel special when you've accomplished something you've worked hard for.
From Software built the mountain. They own it. They don't have to put an elevator in it if they don't want to. And why would they, when it might destroy their very successful business model?