New Mass Effect "Moving Forward"

Rinshan Kaihou

New member
Dec 3, 2009
Come on bioware, MOAR mass effect universe. I'm tenatively exicted simply because I love the Mass Effect universe and how vast it is. Come on bioware, please don't disappoint me :< MOAR QUARIANS.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
RobotDinosaur said:
SonicWaffle said:
C'moooon, First Contact War. I wanna shoot me some arrogant Turian sonsabitches.
I was hoping for something centered around a non-human, just for the sake of opening up more story/setting options they couldn't have used previously. First Contact War could very easily end up as Halo with a coat of Mass Effect paint if they do a sloppy job of it. But if they did a good job, yeah, that'd be pretty awesome.
And if they do need to cast us a human, make it Anderson, or at least stick us in his squad. Personally I'd rather see something take place after the events of ME3 as there's so much more of the ME galaxy to explore. I still want to see the Drell/Hanar homeworld, plus a chance to see Thessia & Sur'kesh without immediately being involved in a massive battle would be interesting. Let's try and be a bit positive about this, at least :)


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
SonicWaffle said:
C'moooon, First Contact War. I wanna shoot me some arrogant Turian sonsabitches.
I would prefer shooting some ignorant humans at as a Turian. I'm really hoping for a pick your race option in this game. Humans bore me.

I'm open to the idea of the new mass effect blowing my mind as the first two did but I must admit the ending did sour my opinion somewhat. I won't get all exited by just the mass effect name anymore.

Sir Shockwave

New member
Jul 4, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
roushutsu said:
Should be interesting if it's meant to take place after the Shepard saga, if only for the fact that one of the 4 endings is going to be canonized. Now if it's meant to be a prequel or a side story, then there's a lot of fun stuff they can dive into.
Or they will do like Dragon Age 2 did, and give you the option to pick the outcome of the first game if you don't have a save file. Since it feels like each ending pretty much wiped the slate clean, picking your favorite hue would be the only major differences.
Or they'll make that part DLC like Mass Effect 2 did. Not sure about ME3 though.
Sep 24, 2008
StewShearer said:
"New #MassEffect story and main character reviews today," said cinematic director, <a href=>Ken Thain. "This shit's gettin' real! I think the fans will be really excited to play this story." Mike Gamble, a producer on the Mass Effect series <a href=>also described internal meetings involving the new game. "Lots of great @masseffect meetings today. Things are really moving forward. It's great to be involved in the universe again." These follow a <a href=>July 15th Tweet from Yanick Roy, the director of Bioware Montreal, proclaiming that the new game will be "friendly both to old fans and newcomers."
I don't know about anyone else but when I read the embolden section, I just think of a game so streamlined, so on rails you'll think you're playing Heavy Rain 2.


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Miyenne said:
Of course we'll be buying it. We don't lug around our N7 Normandy CIC Kit everyday, even though we hated the ending to ME3. We loved the rest of it.

[img src=""/img]

huh, i have that exact same messanger bag, but it doesn't have any of the mass effect stuff. its an israeli paratrooper bag i got from a military surplus.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
After DA 2 and ME 3 I have no faith. That being said I really hope that those who do buy it enjoy it. I also hope that those like me who intend not to buy it do not spend the next few years screaming about how Bioware are the anti christ of gaming and it needs to be boycott.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
If the new Mass Effect brings back planet exploration and has Space Combat similar to that in Star Trek: Online, then all is forgiven!

Samurai Rabbit

New member
Apr 2, 2011
I'd like to see franchises mix up the genres a bit. A 4X game in the Mass Effect universe has the potential to be awesome, but I doubt that would ever happen!


New member
Aug 30, 2010
SonicWaffle said:
C'moooon, First Contact War. I wanna shoot me some arrogant Turian sonsabitches.
You gotta remember though that only like 50 people or something died in that "war". It was very small scale. It'd barely register as a side-quest in any other games. There's a reason the turians just call it an incident (cant remember the number designation of the relay though).

Personally, I hope for something that has you play as, and perhaps even interact primarily with, an alien species. Even when bioware has these sprawling epics about gathering an army to fight some force, it's very anthropocentric. In Dragon Age: Origins the final-battle cut-scenes at
feature exclusively humans, even though the quest to get human support from redcliffe is really damn short, and
The Landsmeet
is really really short. Admittedly the build up to the latter was probably one of the best bits of the game, it wasn't particularly complex or developed as a plot unto itself. The major points it covered were, as it should be, mentioned and built up over the rest of the game.
In Mass Effect 3, we barely even get a glimpse of the other races' ships, and the ONLY time we see their ground troops they get fucked up by a reaper. The worst offense of course being that a krogan, A KROGAN, hesitated to shoot a reaper in the eye and started to run away when the thing looked his way before charging his lazor.
Side note: did it seriously take them 3 games to figure out that since the carapace is pretty damn thick you should try shooting at the weapon compartment, the one section that uniformly has armor plating MOVED OUT OF THE WAY before they use it? I have literally no military experience and but a drop of engineering knowledge, and that SCREAMED structural weak point to me. At the very least you could break the weapon and reduce reapers to battering rams (dangerous battering rams with arms, but the point is you got rid of their primary weapon).


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Samurai Rabbit said:
I'd like to see franchises mix up the genres a bit. A 4X game in the Mass Effect universe has the potential to be awesome, but I doubt that would ever happen!
Yeah, mass effect is a bit like star wars in that regard. You can do pretty much anything with it.
You know what would be hilarious and kind of awesome at the same time? Mass Effect: Galaxies.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
"Goose Laying Golden Eggs Slain; Owners In Consultancy With Creators of Turducken Regarding Re-Assembly"

Okay, a little harsh perhaps. But if they've actually learned something from the uproar, my humble suggestion would be:

1. Self-contained game, not the first of a trilogy.
2. More personal and inter-personal plot arc, rather than another "fate of the universe" thread.
3. Resist the impulse to give every surviving character from the earlier games a walk-on.
4. Ditch the military aspect; work with characters who are less beholden to a central authority.
5. Work on creating more situations that involve solutions other than shooting your way out.
6. Don't piss off the fanbase even more by suggesting a problem that was clearly and cleanly resolved in the earlier games, especially one that characters sacrificed their lives to resolve, is returned and/or has dangling threads.
7. Use this as an opportunity to develop or flesh out world lore in ways besides virtual encyclopedia entries.
8. Mineral collection is busy-work, and pretty much always has been. Either find a way to make it more interesting, or drop it all together.
9. Try not to punish players for not playing all-the-way Paragon or all-the-way Renegade. Kind-hearted people sometimes have to make tough decisions, and rough, play-by-their-own rules types still have their moments of tenderness. It's called "role-playing".
10. Some people have no interest in multiplayer. Be okay with this.

'Kay, Bioware? Call me. ;)

Commander Obvious

New member
Jun 2, 2013
Let's have a look at the playing field. We've got Bioware, who's last 3 games varied from good to garbage for the worst of reasons. Then there's EA, who literally cannot stop screwing everything up.

I temper my hope with reason.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
Man, I've yet to play Mass Effect 3, just because it isn't on Steam. Come on EA, just concede defeat and put it on Steam already. Origin sucks donkey butt in space.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
When they make games that are more about doing fun things than squeezing out every ounce of last ounce of dialogue, then we can say they've moved forward.

Catface Meowmers

Bless My Nippers!
Aug 29, 2010
I've said it before, but I think a sequel set a hundred years or so after the third game would be pretty cool. Krogan live a couple centuries IIRC, and the Asari live a really long time, so you could have a couple familiar faces and maybe Mordin's great-great-great-great-great grandkids.

Alternately, it could be interestingto set the game on Omega right after the end of the third one. The choice system could translate into deciding which factions to support in the sudden struggle for resources, and the various moral dilemmas involved in such a struggle.

It could also mean different choices for the main character's species. I want to be a Turian named Birdface Tweetlebee, dang it!


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Why not develop a new game instead? Really, how hard is it to develop a steampunk RPG or a cyberpunk adventure or a sci fi exploration game (something first Mass Effect was supposed to be but never really got to that point)? Do we really need to return to the world many people consider dead except for fanboys? Oh right it's because it will involve risk something Electronic Arts doesn't like.