New Modern Warfare 3 Screens Bring the Grey


New member
Aug 25, 2009
this whole thread smacks of trollin. do people (read : fans) really care if COD is awash with color? i know i dont. cities and military hardware aren't exactly MLP material. don't get me wrong, i'm all for color and creative artistry (team fortress?), but it doesn't seem like a negative to have a bleak shooter look.. well... bleak.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
GundamSentinel said:
It's nice to see that we like to judge a game by three screenshots taken in the same area of the game...

Here in the city where I am, when I look out the window, do you know what I see? Grey.
And that's boring to look at, isn't it?

With all that that video games are capable of, you'd think that we'd try to make games interesting first. Interesting to play, interesting story-wise, and, in this case, interesting to look at.

But no, the millions and millions that Activision has made tells the game industry that what gamers want are grey and brown realistic settings, recycled Michael Bay stories, and two-weapon limit/grenades/iron-sighting/regenerating health.

Games that are vibrant and varied in color get called "kiddie." Seriously, I've met a good number of CoD fans who call Halo a "kiddie" game because it's sci-fi, has lots of color, and doesn't strive for realism in its presentation style.

I'll be glad when the fixation on realistic settings goes down a bit and the best-selling games are those that I can look at and see something more vibrant and interesting than the grey and brown that I see when I stare a section of building downtown.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
When was the last time you walked around New York and London and were simply overwhelmed with colour?

These arguements that the game looks grey are sounded more stupid by the minute, it looks grey because it's based in a grey city, ie New York etc

I like my colour as much as the next guy, but I like my colour in games where it makes sense like Uncharted and Team Fortress, whereas MW3 is a realistic shooter set in an urban setting

Yeah, I get you're anti-CoD because that makes you cool but at least come up with another critisicm other than it LOL IT LOOKS GREY I WANT A UNREALISTIC COLOURFUL CITY LOL

CoD is based in the grounds of reality, most real capital cities are not that colourful


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
No! The lack of vibrance! IT BUUUUUURNS!

*clutches Mirror's Edge furiously*

Ahh...that's better.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Korten12 said:
GundamSentinel said:
It's nice to see that we like to judge a game by three screenshots taken in the same area of the game...

Here in the city where I am, when I look out the window, do you know what I see? Grey.
So true. I have been to NYC twice, and besides time-square, and the parks. It's very very grey.
And it gets more grey every day. Most of the architects in this town have little creativity. But that's just the lower half of Manhattan. The rest of the city is very colorful.
Only problem is that Wall Street seems like more of a WW3 setpiece than Lincoln Center, LIC (by the 5 ptz building), or Harlem. It would be cool to have map in Chop Shop City (aka Iron Triangle) but I don't think an invading army would see it as a tactically important spot.

And if you think the buildings downtown are grey, you should see the people.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Still Life said:
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Look at Crysis 2. It's no Crysis 1 with its lush foliage, but it managed to turn NY rather vibrant.
I attribute that mostly to great use of a powerful lighting system and some subtle art directing. I think that's one of the reasons that BF3 seems to stand apart (visually) from other military FPS games; great lighting makes a significant difference to the aesthetic of a game.
Exactly. I remember how my friend used to always turn off God lighting, but when he kept it on in The Witcher 2 and looked up at the light coming through the trees, we were left speechless.

Look at Crysis 2. It's no Crysis 1 with its lush foliage, but it managed to turn NY rather vibrant.
To be fair, crysis 2 did get to use aliens flying around to add some colour, there was more colour than just the aliens, but the aliens contributed a lot. Cod can't really pull that out of their arse at this point in time...

EDIT: Messed up the quoting...
I dunno. I'm still not passing any judgment on MW3 based on 3 screenshots... but I believe you can definitely liven up an urban setting without using any aliens.

Just look at some of these screens.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
Look at MW3, now back to TF2, and back to MW3... Sadly, it is not TF2, but if it started using more colors than grey and brown, it could look it like TF2.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
One Hit Noob said:
Furioso said:
GundamSentinel said:
It's nice to see that we like to judge a game by three screenshots taken in the same area of the game...

Here in the city where I am, when I look out the window, do you know what I see? Grey.
Yea but these are the pictures they chose to show us, and since there isn't any evidence of color in the game, this is the only evidence of the games color scheme we have to go on, even the banners on the building are a glorious grey

It takes me only one bloody minute to find screenshots. Tell me, is this gray buddy?
Oh my god, some yellow screens next to grey/dark everything else, alert the media...


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
All the colours of the greynbow!


I need some colour

*grabs Okami*

Ahhh, that's better.
'Grey, I can sing a greybow, sing a grey bow too!'
(Forgot the lyrics :3)

Nah I joke it looks boring.


Aug 25, 2008
New York is hardly colourful...

Lets wait till we see more of the games locations...yes?


Aug 25, 2008
Furioso said:
One Hit Noob said:
Furioso said:
GundamSentinel said:
It's nice to see that we like to judge a game by three screenshots taken in the same area of the game...

Here in the city where I am, when I look out the window, do you know what I see? Grey.
Yea but these are the pictures they chose to show us, and since there isn't any evidence of color in the game, this is the only evidence of the games color scheme we have to go on, even the banners on the building are a glorious grey

It takes me only one bloody minute to find screenshots. Tell me, is this gray buddy?
Oh my god, some yellow screens next to grey/dark everything else, alert the media...

Looks pretty fine to me...


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Hmm...I don't mean to be that guy who shows up to hate on cod, but I shat more colors than that this morning.
If you'll excuse me, I have an appointment to see more doctor about my bowel health.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
how is it that the games look WORSE than the previous games?

seriously, this gray scale, brown colored war shit needs to stop. it hurts the eyes and looks shitty! hell, Halo and half-life has a fuck load of color! even BF3 has ACTUAL colors!


New member
Jun 6, 2010
All this grey. It makes me sick. I miss Mirror's Edge. That game at least tried to be original.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
arc1991 said:
Furioso said:
One Hit Noob said:
Furioso said:
GundamSentinel said:
It's nice to see that we like to judge a game by three screenshots taken in the same area of the game...

Here in the city where I am, when I look out the window, do you know what I see? Grey.
Yea but these are the pictures they chose to show us, and since there isn't any evidence of color in the game, this is the only evidence of the games color scheme we have to go on, even the banners on the building are a glorious grey

It takes me only one bloody minute to find screenshots. Tell me, is this gray buddy?
Oh my god, some yellow screens next to grey/dark everything else, alert the media...

Looks pretty fine to me...
That's better but its still just a few shades of red mixed in with more grey, I'm not campaigning for the game to be Okami but it still is a very grey game


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Robert Ewing said:
Am I the only one that doesn't actually mind? So what if it looks like... y'know... an actual battlefield.

War zones aren't filled with flamboyant coloring and high contrast filters. They're depressing, dank, grizzly, frightening places to be. Which is why you don't have tactical combat situations in the flowery mushroom kingdom.

The grey graphics do wonders for setting the tone. /care if it looks to depressing or whatever the reason for you, it's SUPPOSED to look like this.

um.....yes......they do!!! their is a shit ton of color in war zones!

while yes the wars in the middle east are more grey yellow and brownish, their is also...fucking SKY COLORS!! the colors of building and civilians with clothes and robes. not to mention the oh so pretty explosions and fire.

also, i'm sure the pacific front and vietnam had a shit load of green!


New member
Nov 14, 2010
arc1991 said:
Furioso said:
One Hit Noob said:
Furioso said:
GundamSentinel said:
It's nice to see that we like to judge a game by three screenshots taken in the same area of the game...

Here in the city where I am, when I look out the window, do you know what I see? Grey.
Yea but these are the pictures they chose to show us, and since there isn't any evidence of color in the game, this is the only evidence of the games color scheme we have to go on, even the banners on the building are a glorious grey

It takes me only one bloody minute to find screenshots. Tell me, is this gray buddy?
Oh my god, some yellow screens next to grey/dark everything else, alert the media...

Looks pretty fine to me...
so they add piss brown along with all the grey?
please, even the "red" sign is actually a brick brown.
even the explosions lack color! the only color seen is that yellow on the gun that looks exactly like that dog shit in your backyard from the neighbors nasty pit bull.

you know what....even michael bay (yes michael bay) can add color to a pile a shit with the teal and orange filters he uses!
that's right, i actually had to use BAY as a positive example!


Aug 25, 2008
Jegsimmons said:
Robert Ewing said:
Am I the only one that doesn't actually mind? So what if it looks like... y'know... an actual battlefield.

War zones aren't filled with flamboyant coloring and high contrast filters. They're depressing, dank, grizzly, frightening places to be. Which is why you don't have tactical combat situations in the flowery mushroom kingdom.

The grey graphics do wonders for setting the tone. /care if it looks to depressing or whatever the reason for you, it's SUPPOSED to look like this.

um.....yes......they do!!! their is a shit ton of color in war zones!

while yes the wars in the middle east are more grey yellow and brownish, their is also...fucking SKY COLORS!! the colors of building and civilians with clothes and robes. not to mention the oh so pretty explosions and fire.

also, i'm sure the pacific front and vietnam had a shit load of green!

Enough "Green" and "Sky Colours" for you?

Seriously stop whining, if you don't like it then don't follow it and stop bashing everything the fans of this game say.