New Suicide Squad trailer - Much funny, such Batman, wow.


Aug 3, 2008
The last trailer was better. I still don't like Harley's look in this, she looks pretty out of place and she wouldn't wear a shirt that says "daddy's lil monster"! It just looks like they thought they were gonna design her because they knew it would be cosplayed a lot.
Harley means a lot to me, so her portrayal in this is gonna make or break it for me. If what I hear is true about the changes they're making to her backstory then I'll be done.
I'll go see it of course, I'm not sure how I'm going to feel bout it. It looks like it might be good.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Well, they're working overtime to sell everyone on how fun and zany it's going to be. There's two ways to look at that.

1. DC has learned from experience that grim misery only really works with one superhero (Batman) and that you need to marry that with competent direction and performances or it becomes a serious drag. They're trying to pull up their socks and go punch for punch with Marvel.

2. DC has no confidence in their brand/tone and is now simply chasing the trend setter, usually a good sign of a collapsing product with little to no artistic integrity.

Anyway looks like it could be zany and fun, but I dunno. FOOL ME ONCE, DC.


New member
Mar 16, 2012
I don't know, I thought BvS was pretty bad, but I liked this movie since the first trailer. I don't know who any of these characters are, but it just looks like a cool action movie that will entertain me for 2 hours then I'll completely forget about it.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
undeadsuitor said:
Im glad im not the only one assuming that Slipknot (no really) is going to take KGBeasts role in the movie and try to call wallers bluff about the bombs.
Well to be fair, he was Slipknot at least a decade before the band.

undeadsuitor said:
As far as additional deaths go, im assuming katana will probably die to prove how serious the situation is, croc will probably die the same way king shark did in the animated movie, and will smith will probably die simply because no ones expecting will smith to die
I'm guessing the Joker is going to die, just because that would be consistent with WB's decisions for the DCEU.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
TravelerSF said:
As for Harley herself, sexing her up just feels... wrong. She's a clown first and foremost, even the comic you posted had that on the front, but the movie design seems to be more... I don't know, the collar, the torn shirt, the panty-pants, you notice all that before the clown motif, so it puts the sexiness up front. That makes sense for Poison Ivy or Catwoman, but that wasn't why Harley Quinn got so popular
Actually, this is pretty typical for Quinn. If you haven't known her to be all gussied up and sexy then you haven't been keeping up with her at all.

Even in her unitard they had a habit of making her look particularly perky.

Try this, type in Harley Quinn and select pictures. You'll see a ton of sexy-costumed actual comic book scenes with her for the past decade+


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Lightknight said:
TravelerSF said:
As for Harley herself, sexing her up just feels... wrong. She's a clown first and foremost, even the comic you posted had that on the front, but the movie design seems to be more... I don't know, the collar, the torn shirt, the panty-pants, you notice all that before the clown motif, so it puts the sexiness up front. That makes sense for Poison Ivy or Catwoman, but that wasn't why Harley Quinn got so popular
Actually, this is pretty typical for Quinn. If you haven't known her to be all gussied up and sexy then you haven't been keeping up with her at all.

Even in her unitard they had a habit of making her look particularly perky.

Try this, type in Harley Quinn and select pictures. You'll see a ton of sexy-costumed actual comic book scenes with her for the past decade+
You can find pictures of a clown in less clothes than she started with, but nothing close to the Whoreley Quinn that we're being presented with here.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
That looks overwhelmingly meh. Like, the trailer didn't fill me with overwhelming amounts of "Oh no this is going to SUCK-" that Batman v Superman did, but... I don't know, maybe I'm just a sourpuss who mentally assumes that pretty much every WB-associated live-action DC movie isn't going to be very good. But this just felt like it was TRYING to be Guardians of the Galaxy without really getting what made it actually charming.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Going with the black comedy approach is probably the proper way to do this because you're dealing with a bunch of psychos and murderers. Though the funny thing is with all of them making sarcastic quips at the expense of others made me realize "huh, the difference in sociopathic snark between villains and heroes is a really thin line, isn't it?"


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
mduncan50 said:
Lightknight said:
TravelerSF said:
As for Harley herself, sexing her up just feels... wrong. She's a clown first and foremost, even the comic you posted had that on the front, but the movie design seems to be more... I don't know, the collar, the torn shirt, the panty-pants, you notice all that before the clown motif, so it puts the sexiness up front. That makes sense for Poison Ivy or Catwoman, but that wasn't why Harley Quinn got so popular
Actually, this is pretty typical for Quinn. If you haven't known her to be all gussied up and sexy then you haven't been keeping up with her at all.

Even in her unitard they had a habit of making her look particularly perky.

Try this, type in Harley Quinn and select pictures. You'll see a ton of sexy-costumed actual comic book scenes with her for the past decade+
You can find pictures of a clown in less clothes than she started with, but nothing close to the Whoreley Quinn that we're being presented with here.
I mean, I didn't want to find and paste links because I'm at work. But here you go:

This is from the suicide squad comic book. The source material for the movie.,h_405,w_819/t_mp_quality/new-suicide-squad-harley-quinn-featured-check-out-how-much-harley-quinn-s-costume-has-changed-over-years-of-comics-tv-shows-video-games-png-276119.jpg

That's from an article discussing the evolution of her costume. You'll note that it's really only back when she was Dr. Quinzel that she wasn't sexualized:

Even her first phase with that full body black and red costume you'll see what I mean by "perky".

Here's something official about her from 2013 when they were announcing her own monthly series:

If you honestly believe that the movie is doing something out of character, you don't know anything about this character's development.

Frankly, the T-shirt is more than what they could have done and stayed in character. The pictures you produced above were just the campy child versions of the team. Not the darker more realistic versions like the movie is portraying.

You're simply wrong here and that's okay. We're all a little under educated on something. Even things we may be passionate about. I too found it bizarre when I realized how sexy they were making her.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
Lightknight said:
TravelerSF said:
As for Harley herself, sexing her up just feels... wrong. She's a clown first and foremost, even the comic you posted had that on the front, but the movie design seems to be more... I don't know, the collar, the torn shirt, the panty-pants, you notice all that before the clown motif, so it puts the sexiness up front. That makes sense for Poison Ivy or Catwoman, but that wasn't why Harley Quinn got so popular
Actually, this is pretty typical for Quinn. If you haven't known her to be all gussied up and sexy then you haven't been keeping up with her at all.

Even in her unitard they had a habit of making her look particularly perky.

Try this, type in Harley Quinn and select pictures. You'll see a ton of sexy-costumed actual comic book scenes with her for the past decade+
I do admit that my knowledge of her is limited, I mostly know her from Batman TAS, Arkham Games and a few other sources. I don't mind her being sexy, even in her classic costume she managed to have quite the sex appeal. It's just that, and this is just my opinion, the sexiness usually comes second to the whole clown thing, but with the Suicide Squad costume the clown motif seems like an afterthought and the sex appeal the main focus.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Lightknight said:
mduncan50 said:
Lightknight said:
TravelerSF said:
As for Harley herself, sexing her up just feels... wrong. She's a clown first and foremost, even the comic you posted had that on the front, but the movie design seems to be more... I don't know, the collar, the torn shirt, the panty-pants, you notice all that before the clown motif, so it puts the sexiness up front. That makes sense for Poison Ivy or Catwoman, but that wasn't why Harley Quinn got so popular
Actually, this is pretty typical for Quinn. If you haven't known her to be all gussied up and sexy then you haven't been keeping up with her at all.

Even in her unitard they had a habit of making her look particularly perky.

Try this, type in Harley Quinn and select pictures. You'll see a ton of sexy-costumed actual comic book scenes with her for the past decade+
You can find pictures of a clown in less clothes than she started with, but nothing close to the Whoreley Quinn that we're being presented with here.
I mean, I didn't want to find and paste links because I'm at work. But here you go:

This is from the suicide squad comic book. The source material for the movie.,h_405,w_819/t_mp_quality/new-suicide-squad-harley-quinn-featured-check-out-how-much-harley-quinn-s-costume-has-changed-over-years-of-comics-tv-shows-video-games-png-276119.jpg

That's from an article discussing the evolution of her costume. You'll note that it's really only back when she was Dr. Quinzel that she wasn't sexualized:

Even her first phase with that full body black and red costume you'll see what I mean by "perky".

Here's something official about her from 2013 when they were announcing her own monthly series:

If you honestly believe that the movie is doing something out of character, you don't know anything about this character's development.

Frankly, the T-shirt is more than what they could have done and stayed in character. The pictures you produced above were just the campy child versions of the team. Not the darker more realistic versions like the movie is portraying.

You're simply wrong here and that's okay. We're all a little under educated on something. Even things we may be passionate about. I too found it bizarre when I realized how sexy they were making her.
Wow, that wasn't arrogantly condescending at all. No I wasn't talking New 52, because that reboot is a joke that fucked up so many characters, Harley among them, and none of that matters because of course DC reboots everything every few years anyways. Here she is after last year's Convergence reboot event.

I'm well aware that characters are going to change over time, for better or worse based on the people writing and drawing the stories. And I have no doubt that someone will, if they haven't already, start making her outfits skimpier and skimpier again, because lets face it, that's what sells when you have nothing else to contribute to a female character.

That being said, other than the name, there is absolutely nothing about the Harley Quinn of the movie that I see as similar to the comic character. She's not psycho crazy, she's co-ed "Ooh, I just had half of a wine cooler, and I am so kookie cray cray" crazy. Hell, she doesn't even look like a harlequin.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Kibeth41 said:
The Madman said:
Isn't Harley supposed to have a Brooklyn accent?
Option A: Let Margot Robbie act with a voice she's comfortable with.
Option B: Tell Margot Robbie to do a stereotypical, and obviously fake Brooklyn accent.
*Imagines Batman with Affleck's natural Boston accent.*



Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
undeadsuitor said:
Lightknight said:
If you honestly believe that the movie is doing something out of character, you don't know anything about this character's development.

Frankly, the T-shirt is more than what they could have done and stayed in character. The pictures you produced above were just the campy child versions of the team. Not the darker more realistic versions like the movie is portraying.
To be fair, just because there's a precedent for something doesn't make it right. The inmates running the asylum [] at DC have struggled to make Harley relevant for years, they've just never been able to write her as well as she was in BTAS. Same goes for characters like Mr. Freeze, oh god what they've done to poor mr. freeze. As great as comic book properties and stories are, the actual books are...lacking.. Harley Quinn deserves better regardless of what the bumbling heads at DC are doing to her in their books.

And as for 'child versions', I hate to break it to you, but while I don't like those costume designs, those characters are from the BTAS, JL and JLU era of cartoons, which tbh were decidedly more mature [] in their story telling than DC's current "What a 10 year old thinks mature is"
God damn it, I came in here to make fun of WB/DC/BvS/SS, not cry.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
undeadsuitor said:
And as for 'child versions', I hate to break it to you, but while I don't like those costume designs, those characters are from the BTAS, JL and JLU era of cartoons, which tbh were decidedly more mature [] in their story telling than DC's current "What a 10 year old thinks mature is"
Oh dammit, I wish this forum had a Thank or Like system for posts. Thanks, man. I was feeling bitter towards Batman recently, but... THIS reminds me which Batman is my personal Batman.