New Suicide Squad trailer - Much funny, such Batman, wow.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Bob_McMillan said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Wonder Woman for the most part has always been scrawny I mean fof goodness' sake look at her in the Animated Cartoon:

That is possibly the worst example you could have used. Sure, her waist is impossibly thin, but that's just Bruce Timm's favored art style.

Look at Wonder Woman compared to the rest of the super-heroines in this vid from JLU, it is pretty obvious that Wonder Woman is meant to be a big ass woman. Her torso is bigger, her biceps are bigger, and she is pretty damn tall.


And we haven't even gotten into the comics. She is always drawn as a tall, muscularly built woman. Well, at least in the good ones.

<spoiler=Wonder Woman is ripped>

EDIT: But yes, her theme song is awesome. I listen to it everyday.
I have seen a whole variety of images on ComicVine and she mostly varies in Body Size (but goddamn sometimes I forget how......entrancing Wonder Woman is at times)

In the end Gal Gadot really does not bother me. So far from this movie she got the job done well enough now let us see if she still kicks ass in her own movie.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
TravelerSF said:
Lightknight said:
TravelerSF said:
As for Harley herself, sexing her up just feels... wrong. She's a clown first and foremost, even the comic you posted had that on the front, but the movie design seems to be more... I don't know, the collar, the torn shirt, the panty-pants, you notice all that before the clown motif, so it puts the sexiness up front. That makes sense for Poison Ivy or Catwoman, but that wasn't why Harley Quinn got so popular
Actually, this is pretty typical for Quinn. If you haven't known her to be all gussied up and sexy then you haven't been keeping up with her at all.

Even in her unitard they had a habit of making her look particularly perky.

Try this, type in Harley Quinn and select pictures. You'll see a ton of sexy-costumed actual comic book scenes with her for the past decade+
I do admit that my knowledge of her is limited, I mostly know her from Batman TAS, Arkham Games and a few other sources. I don't mind her being sexy, even in her classic costume she managed to have quite the sex appeal. It's just that, and this is just my opinion, the sexiness usually comes second to the whole clown thing, but with the Suicide Squad costume the clown motif seems like an afterthought and the sex appeal the main focus.
I mean, she was designed to be pretty sexy in the games too.

One of her primary characteristics is trying to get the Joker to love her and all this is trying to get his attention. I mean, she's got a real psychological problem here.

Her clowning took a backseat as they developed the character beyond just the Joker. She still clowns around but now isn't so much just that. She's a far more well rounded character despite the fact that we see a lot more of her physically rounded bits.

minkus_draconus said:
I think that to paraphrase some guy who really likes Doctor Who...
"You never forget your first Harley"
I have no problem with Roller Derby Harley (I've seen the real thing and it's pretty on the nose) or any of the other looks. I do think her movie shorts are even shorter then some of the comic book ones.
I think my favorite one (animated series) would probably be impractical or not work well as live action.
Yeah, that was my first Harley too. While her clothing wasn't showing skin, I'd still say her form was certainly accentuated and sexy. She did play seductress quite a bit too. Primarily aimed jokingly at the bats or earnestly at the Joker.

I don't really think she's ever not been sexualized in some form. Her core identity is trying to get the affections of Joker. Whether it's skin tight clothing or showing a lot of skin, Quin was meant to be sexy.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Samtemdo8 said:
In the end Gal Gadot really does not bother me. So far from this movie she got the job done well enough now let us see if she still kicks ass in her own movie.
I'm fine with her as well, thought that is just from what, 4 minutes of screen time? I don't know much about Gal Gadot, the only role I know her from is Fast and Furious where she is essentially eye candy, so I don't have much confidence in her. I do like that she has an accent. Maybe not a Greek accent, but I was tired of Wonder Woman sounding inconceivably American.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Bob_McMillan said:
Samtemdo8 said:
In the end Gal Gadot really does not bother me. So far from this movie she got the job done well enough now let us see if she still kicks ass in her own movie.
I'm fine with her as well, thought that is just from what, 4 minutes of screen time? I don't know much about Gal Gadot, the only role I know her from is Fast and Furious where she is essentially eye candy, so I don't have much confidence in her. I do like that she has an accent. Maybe not a Greek accent, but I was tired of Wonder Woman sounding inconceivably American.
I feel like they just made her into an aloof rich girl. Boring and tedious compared to the fierce warrior she's supposed to be.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Lightknight said:
Bob_McMillan said:
Samtemdo8 said:
In the end Gal Gadot really does not bother me. So far from this movie she got the job done well enough now let us see if she still kicks ass in her own movie.
I'm fine with her as well, thought that is just from what, 4 minutes of screen time? I don't know much about Gal Gadot, the only role I know her from is Fast and Furious where she is essentially eye candy, so I don't have much confidence in her. I do like that she has an accent. Maybe not a Greek accent, but I was tired of Wonder Woman sounding inconceivably American.
I feel like they just made her into an aloof rich girl. Boring and tedious compared to the fierce warrior she's supposed to be.
According to some backstory, she gave up on the heroic life and said "Fuck all this". Bruce and his plot hole making dream sequences are what's supposed to bring her back. In the Doomsday battle, I think they showed her warrior side well.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Bob_McMillan said:
Lightknight said:
Bob_McMillan said:
Samtemdo8 said:
In the end Gal Gadot really does not bother me. So far from this movie she got the job done well enough now let us see if she still kicks ass in her own movie.
I'm fine with her as well, thought that is just from what, 4 minutes of screen time? I don't know much about Gal Gadot, the only role I know her from is Fast and Furious where she is essentially eye candy, so I don't have much confidence in her. I do like that she has an accent. Maybe not a Greek accent, but I was tired of Wonder Woman sounding inconceivably American.
I feel like they just made her into an aloof rich girl. Boring and tedious compared to the fierce warrior she's supposed to be.
According to some backstory, she gave up on the heroic life and said "Fuck all this". Bruce and his plot hole making dream sequences are what's supposed to bring her back. In the Doomsday battle, I think they showed her warrior side well.
They showed her in a fight. Nothing more.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Lightknight said:
Bob_McMillan said:
Samtemdo8 said:
In the end Gal Gadot really does not bother me. So far from this movie she got the job done well enough now let us see if she still kicks ass in her own movie.
I'm fine with her as well, thought that is just from what, 4 minutes of screen time? I don't know much about Gal Gadot, the only role I know her from is Fast and Furious where she is essentially eye candy, so I don't have much confidence in her. I do like that she has an accent. Maybe not a Greek accent, but I was tired of Wonder Woman sounding inconceivably American.
I feel like they just made her into an aloof rich girl. Boring and tedious compared to the fierce warrior she's supposed to be.
I couldn't agree more. The aloof rich girl thing didn't fit her at all. But that's what drives me crazy about all these characters. BvS drops us in on our characters at the least interesting pints in tehir heroic careers. Want to see a beat-up, washed-up batman who's so cynical he just kills people outright? There ya go! Want to see a Wonder Woman who gave up on humanity a hundred freakin' years ago and spends all her time being a debutante? Perfect! Want to see a Superman so conflicted about his place in the world that he mopes around like saving people is a pain in his ass and he'd rather spend his time taking down Batman? Great!

Seriously, I'd rather have had a movie about them all being so old they're in a home for retired heroes. We could call it Arkham Estates and show them all curmudgeonly sniping at one another while playing canasta. Aqua man could be half senile and spends most of his time trying to chat up the aquarium fish. Amanda Waller runs the whole place.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Gorrath said:
Seriously, I'd rather have had a movie about them all being so old they're in a home for retired heroes. We could call it Arkham Estates and show them all curmudgeonly sniping at one another while playing canasta. Aqua man could be half senile and spends most of his time trying to chat up the aquarium fish. Amanda Waller runs the whole place.
If they could make it a comedy, like bubba hotep, that would be hilarious.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Lightknight said:
Gorrath said:
Seriously, I'd rather have had a movie about them all being so old they're in a home for retired heroes. We could call it Arkham Estates and show them all curmudgeonly sniping at one another while playing canasta. Aqua man could be half senile and spends most of his time trying to chat up the aquarium fish. Amanda Waller runs the whole place.
If they could make it a comedy, like bubba hotep, that would be hilarious.
Can we make it a sequel to Kingdom Come?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Y'know, I've seen some people getting defensive of BvS saying "Look, it doesn't have to be FUN, you Marvel fanboy, it's about serious issues like accountability and-"

Okay, first of all, I've said elsewhere that a movie can have THE best themes and have THE most important themes and great messages in it... But that means somewhere between jack and squat if the movie is unengaging. If you don't CARE about the movie it ultimately has failed as art, which is meant to engage.

Secondly, and maybe I'll stop praising it when it stops being such a perfect example of what BvS COULD have been, the DCAU (especially the Justice League cartoon, the Animated Batman series [Classic and Beyond]) COULD do very serious and mature things... While still being fun to watch.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Kyman102 said:
Y'know, I've seen some people getting defensive of BvS saying "Look, it doesn't have to be FUN, you Marvel fanboy, it's about serious issues like accountability and-"

Okay, first of all, I've said elsewhere that a movie can have THE best themes and have THE most important themes and great messages in it... But that means somewhere between jack and squat if the movie is unengaging. If you don't CARE about the movie it ultimately has failed as art, which is meant to engage.

Secondly, and maybe I'll stop praising it when it stops being such a perfect example of what BvS COULD have been, the DCAU (especially the Justice League cartoon, the Animated Batman series [Classic and Beyond]) COULD do very serious and mature things... While still being fun to watch.
The Main Serious Issue: "You need to stop being a dangerous vigilante that kills people." "No, YOU need to stop being a dangerous vigilante that kills people." "But our mothers have the same name." "Did your father also die in a tornado that he should have been able to get away from and that he refused to let you save him from, because you should always think twice before saving someone?" "WTF?! NO!! He was murdered when I was a child. I would have given anything to save him!" "Oooooh...."


New member
Dec 11, 2012
AccursedTheory said:
They should do an eye test on people who liked and hated BvS. Maybe the big difference is that the people who liked it have super vision, and could see through all the effects to view what was going on, while all the people who hated it just sat, dumbfounded by the haze of concrete dust and glow stick light.
It's kinda funny that you say that! I've seen BvS three times now, each time with different people. The first time, I was like "that wasn't nearly as good as it could have been, but it's better than a 3/10." My big beef was that the effects made the fight scenes hard to process. The second time I saw it, I was like "wow, this film is actually pretty crap." Then I wasn't really sure why I liked it in the first place.

Then I saw it a third time, and I don't know if it was because I was better rested or in better company, or maybe a better theater, but I had way more fun. Like, 8/10 levels of fun. I started noticing shit in the fights that I literally didn't remember seeing before, and the effects didn't distract me nearly as much (the big Doomsday 360-degree energy blasts are still lazy and boring, though).

I'm not going to tell people to go see the movie two more times "and THEN it'll totally be good, you guys" but I think maybe it was because I could sit back, stop comparing the movie I was watching to the movie I wanted to watch, and relax a little, the flashy boom-boom effects stopped bothering me as much. Maybe because I was paying so much attention the first two times, because I wanted to see something good, the flashing lights and explosions made me a little shell-shocked? But if you zoom out and just adjust your focus, the fights are way more fun to watch. Like how when you're looking for ants in the kitchen, you see more of them if you stop looking for individual ants and just look at the kitchen. I don't know, now I'm rambling.

Lightknight said:
I feel like they just made her into an aloof rich girl. Boring and tedious compared to the fierce warrior she's supposed to be.
I didn't get that at all during the Doomsday fight. At several points, she really seems like she's having a blast fighting a twenty-foot rave-lit cave troll. (Rave troll?)

She looks bloodthirsty, is what I'm saying. I think she did a great job of being Wonder Woman when she was, you know, dressed as Wonder Woman and not some random Metropolis socialite.

AccursedTheory said:
I'm starting to wonder if we're even in the same species. There's obviously a wide range of visual and audible preferences inside of the human race, but it seems like everything I find offensive to the senses you find inspiring and pleasing. Am I even human? Maybe that's the issue here.

It's getting really weird.
Man, maybe you are a robot. The soundtrack for BvS was great. Wonder Woman's theme is like...war drums and electric guitar. It's awesome.


The trailer looks...well, it looks good, but that doesn't mean it'll be a good film. I was never optimistic about a Suicide Squad movie to begin with, and Leto's Joker doesn't inspire me with confidence. (If Joker's in a film, he's either stealing the stage or he's a bad Joker.)

I do think that Guardians of the Galaxy-style comedy is a good way to go. I heard about the reshoots; reshoots are normally an incredibly bad omen (see Fantastic Four) but if they're in the right direction...maybe. It might work. I'm not hopeful, though, considering that WB's last two DC films have been over-marketed, over-hyped, and ultimately not nearly as good as they made you think they'll be.

Holding out for a really good Wonder Woman solo movie. That'd genuinely offer something Marvel missing, considering their irrational unwillingness to greenlight a Black Widow movie.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
bastardofmelbourne said:
Holding out for a really good Wonder Woman solo movie. That'd genuinely offer something Marvel missing, considering their irrational unwillingness to greenlight a Black Widow movie.
Well, there is Captain Marvel as well as Wasp.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
bastardofmelbourne said:
Bob_McMillan said:
Well, there is Captain Marvel as well as Wasp.
Are they getting their own films?
Captain Marvel is, Wasp has more of a partnership in the movie. But at least she's in the title, Ant-man and Wasp.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
bastardofmelbourne said:
I heard about the reshoots; reshoots are normally an incredibly bad omen (see Fantastic Four) but if they're in the right direction...maybe. It might work. I'm not hopeful, though, considering that WB's last two DC films have been over-marketed, over-hyped, and ultimately not nearly as good as they made you think they'll be.
Careful where you mention the reshoots man. People will jump down your throat saying that all movies have reshoots (not knowing the difference between them and pickups) and that it is totally normal for movies that are already awesome to spend tens of millions of dollars to make it even awesomer. After all, the director said so, and if there were issues with the movie he would tell us. It's like undercover cops, if you ask then they have to tell you the truth.

bastardofmelbourne said:
Bob_McMillan said:
Well, there is Captain Marvel as well as Wasp.
Are they getting their own films?
Captain Marvel is getting her own film, and Wasp is getting a team-up movie with Ant-Man.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
mduncan50 said:
Careful where you mention the reshoots man. People will jump down your throat saying that all movies have reshoots (not knowing the difference between them and pickups) and that it is totally normal for movies that are already awesome to spend tens of millions of dollars to make it even awesomer. After all, the director said so, and if there were issues with the movie he would tell us. It's like undercover cops, if you ask then they have to tell you the truth.
As I mentioned in another thread, to me it wasn't that the movie was going in for reshoots. It was WHEN they announced it. I don't know how true the rumor was that it was going for reshoots to "make it more fun" were, but it made me pause and think.

"People are complaining about the tone of Batman v Superman... Send Suicide Squad back for reshoots! Er, um, no reason. No reason at all"

It's like my thought when DC and WB announced that oh yeah, there'll be a supercut of Batman v Superman that's R-rated. That on its own isn't suspicious, but when it comes only weeks after Deadpool, an R-rated Superhero movie, made (and this is an official scientific estimate) roughly all the money.

On its own it wouldn't be worth bringing up, but when you notice the TIMING, it raises my eyebrow.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Bob_McMillan said:
Captain Marvel is, Wasp has more of a partnership in the movie. But at least she's in the title, Ant-man and Wasp.
mduncan50 said:
Captain Marvel is getting her own film, and Wasp is getting a team-up movie with Ant-Man.
Oh, cool. Good news. About Captain Marvel, I mean. I already knew that Wasp was going to be in the next Ant-Man film because...well, she was in the first Ant-Man film. But a Captain Marvel solo film is a good start for the guys who wouldn't produce Black Widow toys out of fear of cooties. long as it's the female Captain Marvel, and not the other one, who was a dude. (Kidding.)

Kyman102 said:
It's like my thought when DC and WB announced that oh yeah, there'll be a supercut of Batman v Superman that's R-rated. That on its own isn't suspicious, but when it comes only weeks after Deadpool, an R-rated Superhero movie, made (and this is an official scientific estimate) roughly all the money.

On its own it wouldn't be worth bringing up, but when you notice the TIMING, it raises my eyebrow.
As I understand it, it really was just a coincidence. For one, the "announcement" that there would be an R-rated cut was in a quarterly report from the MPAA, as opposed to DC/WB a press release. For two, they'd had to have an R-rated cut ready long before Deadpool came out so that they could submit it to the MPAA and get it rated in the first place. In fact, the "R-rated cut" would have been their first version of the movie - the one the MPAA would have sent back with a big red R stamped on it, because they're the guys who actually rate films.

Deadpool might have influenced investor confidence in the profitably of an R-rated DVD release, but it didn't prompt its creation - WB didn't hear that Deadpool rocked ass and rush back to the editing room to make their violent, depressing movie even more violent and depressing. Rather, it was that violent and depressing in the first place, and the one we got in cinemas was toned down a little.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
bastardofmelbourne said:
Kyman102 said:
It's like my thought when DC and WB announced that oh yeah, there'll be a supercut of Batman v Superman that's R-rated. That on its own isn't suspicious, but when it comes only weeks after Deadpool, an R-rated Superhero movie, made (and this is an official scientific estimate) roughly all the money.

On its own it wouldn't be worth bringing up, but when you notice the TIMING, it raises my eyebrow.
As I understand it, it really was just a coincidence. For one, the "announcement" that there would be an R-rated cut was in a quarterly report from the MPAA, as opposed to DC/WB a press release. For two, they'd had to have an R-rated cut ready long before Deadpool came out so that they could submit it to the MPAA and get it rated in the first place. In fact, the "R-rated cut" would have been their first version of the movie - the one the MPAA would have sent back with a big red R stamped on it, because they're the guys who actually rate films.

Deadpool might have influenced investor confidence in the profitably of an R-rated DVD release, but it didn't prompt its creation - WB didn't hear that Deadpool rocked ass and rush back to the editing room to make their violent, depressing movie even more violent and depressing. Rather, it was that violent and depressing in the first place, and the one we got in cinemas was toned down a little.
To my understanding, that's a little off. The first cut of BvS that went to the MPAA came back with an R rating. This is not unusual as most hard PG-13 movies usually get an R rating the first run though, as they're trying to push what they can get away with, just as most hard R movies initially come back NC-17. So at that point WB just trimmed out some of the problem areas in order to get down to a PG-13.

The first we ever heard that DC/WB were planning on an R rated home video release was two weeks after Deadpool came out, so yeah, it is altogether possible that seeing Deadpool's success is what prompted them to put the R rated material back in for a "more adult" cut. It's even more suspicious that the extended edition is being advertised as an R rated cut, rather than just as an Extended Cut or a Director's Cut, where we would find out later is rated R, or more likely, that it would be unrated. At this point we don't even know what was taken out to gain the PG-13 rating. For all we know it's a couple of swears and some blood, and that the vast majority of the re-added footage is just normal PG-13 level scenes that were cut for time, or because they simply weren't working. We know Barbara Gordon is getting added back in, so you can probably add another subplot to the too-many it already has.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
bastardofmelbourne said: long as it's the female Captain Marvel, and not the other one, who was a dude. (Kidding.)
I want both. I would like a prologue of him kicking ass and body swapping with Rick Jones (why no love in films for characters like Jones or on the DC side Olsen) via Nega bands then he dies and a new Captain Marvel rises.

Also I would like to see the Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel on the Avengers but that will never happen.

EDIT: spelling