New Unannounced Nintendo Game is "Shocking"


New member
Jul 13, 2009
OK, I thought the GC Star Fox games were great. We still play them on occassion...well, Assault, anyhow.

I'd love to see a new Star Fox game.

How about a Mario + L4D mashup? I'm thinking Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Bowser fighting zombie hordes in Mushroom Kingdom. It'd certainly be shocking. Fails the 'not really hyped about it' test IMO, though. I would be extremely hyped.


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
I reckon Nintendo have submitted to creepy fan art and made a Mario Porn game.

No wonder Mario's voice actor was so excited about voicing for the game.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Random argument man said:
Mmmmmm Kirby game? Kid Icarus game? Donkey Kong game(with Rare hopefully)? An Earthbound game? F-Zero? A megaman game? Ghouls and Ghost?
There it was...It hadn't crossed my mind that they might be referencing something like that...Kid Icarus, and Ice Climbers both made my thoughts, only to be tossed on their ass because by no means are they on the A-team. F-Zero, Kirby, and Donkey Kong then arrived, but I remembered DK is basically dead since the whole Rare-Nintendo Divorce over the Microsoft-buying-Rare-out issue. F-Zero and Kirby both enticed my excitement nodes, but then I remembered that Kirby hasn't had much success lately since he took the Racing road, and the F-Zero titles are few and far between as is (though if they let Cpt. Falcon out of the Blue Falcon and onto the streets...). It won't be a Metroid title, since they just released the compilation, and Team Ninja's gonna overpower Samus' boobs with Metroid: Other M, so that's out (because they've already talked about Dread, so that wouldn't be a big unveiling). They've said it's not a new Pokemon title, so that kills that option from the A-team, which means we're down to Link and Zelda, both of which have had a bit of press recently, so I couldn't figure out what it would be.

An Earthbound/Mother title, though? It's...questionable. They were never A-team, but with all their recent attention, they could be up there by proxy. I'm more inclined to say that they're overhyping a new B-lister game, like Pikmin or Kid Icarus. Hearing of a New Old-IP title and thinking a Mother game, though, is kind of like thinking that Nintendo and Square-whatever-the-hell-they're-calling-themselves-recently will team up again for a new Super Mario RPG. But sure, I'll go ahead and hope.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Halo 3: Wii... ok, maybe not.

I just hope to god it's a Kirby game. I love Kirby.


New member
Mar 11, 2008
Random argument man said:
Mmmmmm Kirby game? Kid Icarus game? Donkey Kong game(with Rare hopefully)? An Earthbound game? F-Zero? A megaman game? Ghouls and Ghost?
Rare are but a shell of their former glory.
I tried so hard to like Starfox Adventures but it left me with a linear and bitter taste in my mouth :(

Mr. Fister

New member
Jun 21, 2008
Hmm, I'm not sure if we should believe some random poster on IGN's message-boards. It is the internet, after all.

But on the off-chance that what he/she is saying is true, it certainly does boggle the mind. Just what could they be planning? Worldwide Mother trilogy localization? Kid Icarus? Kirby Wii? Or maybe just another party game?


New member
May 28, 2009
Due to the voice of Mario revealing that there is a new Mario game coming out, I'm going to say it's that. As I said in the thread about that, Please be a Paper Mario in the style of the first two!


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
If its a new Earthbound, then lets hope they announce Earthbound and a translated Mother 3 for Wiiware at the same time.

If it isn't, my list of things I want it to be (in order) is: F-zero, Kirby, Waverace, Pikmin. Was never a massive fan of Starfox, and Starfox's restrictive levels would be seen as a BIG no no nowadays, and I've never played Ice Climbers or Kid Icarus before (though the Ice Climbers are cute in SSBB)