Next Fallout: Ideas?


New member
May 17, 2011
Well I don't know where the series as a whole is going BUT the next rumored DLC for New Vegas, called Lonesome Road, focuses on The Courier(player) and the courier that was supposed to deliver the Platinum Chip (his name is Ulysses). Apparently Ulysses disappeared after he figured something out about the Platinum Chip to an area called "The Divide". In typical Obsidian fashion there are small clues pointing towards this area scattered throughout NV and its current DLCs.

At some point before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, Ulysses contacts the Courier via radio transmission, promising to explain the incident in Primm in exchange for one final job. Depending on how Dead Money ended,
the ending slides say that word would eventually reach both Christine and Dog of some sort of a battle in the future.
The battle is said to take place at the Divide, "beneath the torn skies and the old world flag", between the two couriers, "each carrying a message for the other".
Useful links:


New member
Jun 8, 2010
It's so annoying reading all these comments saying things like "what about Europe?".

How about you get over to the Fallout wiki and read the very well written timeline, then you might know why you couldn't really have a Fallout game set in Europe.

Almost everyone is dead and the place has been turned into absolute ruin. You could have a prequel to Fallout 1 set in Europe or during the Resource Wars but that wouldn't be that great and would be more like an action game than an RPG.

You could have a game set maybe in England but from what little we know it is pretty fucked up and would most likely be barren.
Apr 5, 2008
DarkRyter said:

Sun, Beaches, Old People, Amusement Parks, Alligators!
Oh Orlando, very cool. Disney-wasteland :-D

What about pre-Katrina Nawlins?

I like the London idea above but don't think it fits with the Fallout thing. The universe is America post-USA. Although a super-mutant gatling laser showdown in the ruins of the House of Commons would be pretty fantastic :-D Seeing a ruined statue of Eros in Picadilly Circus would be quite poignant.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
KingsGambit said:
I like the London idea above but don't think it fits with the Fallout thing. The universe is America post-USA. Although a super-mutant gatling laser showdown in the ruins of the House of Commons would be pretty fantastic :-D Seeing a ruined statue of Eros in Picadilly Circus would be quite poignant.
Hate to be a buzzkill but, Super Mutants are exclusive to America.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
ChupathingyX said:
The Enclave have been blown up 3...fucking...times!

They're done, finished, kaput, gone, extinct, only remnants remain, and those remnants were in Fallout: New Vegas.

How about instead of reusing old factions we make new ones?
Twice. They were the main-enemy only in Fallout 2 and 3. The Remants appear in NV. They had NO appearance or even mention in Fallout 1.

To be honest, they still exist too, as is mentioned in the NV Dialogue Options. At least a bit more organized Outposts at the very least in the Chicago Area. Midwestern Brotherhood joining up with them maybe?

But yes, a Remake of the originals would be awesome, but its not going to be done because Interplay still holds Rights on those, if not the IP itself. So Bethesda, or anyone, cant simply remake it.

So we have to get a new one instead of a Remake. There are Options of course, Florida, the Everglades (Swamps) and Urban/Beach Areas, potentially even Military Bases such as Harbors. Think Rivet City, just a whole lot bigger, that could be put there anyways, its not like they are strictly bound to some specifics.

Or how about Arizona? It plays at the same Time as New Vegas, hence no overlap of Story, i.e. one affecting the other. Or maybe Montana (Badlands anyone?).

As for Enemies, do not re-use the Legion, instead focus on other Groups that we already know in Terms of Backstory. The Daughters of Hecate, the Hounds of Hecate. Maybe places like the Nursery and such? They have a buttload of Options to play with still before they have to make new stuff up at least.

One thing i want though is, a real bad Enemy. After the Enclave, having Ceasars Legion as the "Enemy" was just a step backwards from the Master and his Super Mutants and the Enclave, even though i hated them in F3 because they were just...weak. NV Remnants are a much closer Portrayal to the effective Power of the Enclave, and thats a 5 Man Team, not a whole Army like in F3.

So thats my Ideas, prolly a bit of a long post there but whatever ;P


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Something with more colour and, well, life, even if it's mutated. As such, I vote Florida. Or the New Orleans region. Would add some musical variation as well.
Tuesday Night Fever said:
I want a Fallout: Australia.

And you thought Australia's fauna was deadly before the radiation. Step aside, Deathclaws, you've just been demoted to 'kitten' level of dangerous.
In that case just make the Mad Max game I've been wanting for ages.
synobal said:
Texas, it's huge it's diverse it's got Cowboys.
Hm, would be too much like New Vegas.
Apr 5, 2008
ChupathingyX said:
Hate to be a buzzkill but, Super Mutants are exclusive to America.
Fine, we have HYPER-mutants anyway and everyone knows it goes Super->Mega->Ultra->Hyper. So our mutants are better than your mutants and would totally kick your mutants' arses.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
A-D. said:
ChupathingyX said:
The Enclave have been blown up 3...fucking...times!

They're done, finished, kaput, gone, extinct, only remnants remain, and those remnants were in Fallout: New Vegas.

How about instead of reusing old factions we make new ones?
Twice. They were the main-enemy only in Fallout 2 and 3. The Remants appear in NV. They had NO appearance or even mention in Fallout 1.
The Enclave get blown up twice in Fallout 3.

First time is Raven Rock, second time is the Mobile Base.

Also to be even more specific you could conisder Liberty Prime's rampage as a total massacre, even the attack on the Satellite Relay Station was a major blow.

Ice Car

New member
Jan 30, 2011
Fast transportation. Better FPS mechanics, so that VATS is not the only playstyle you can use effectively... Ability to turn at least a little faster, it takes way too long just to do a 180 and try to shoot my attacker. About 4 seconds, when I should be able to do it in about 1 second.

Also, moar items. Moar weapons. Moar armor. MOAR. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRRRRR!!! *ahem*

Moar areas. I'd like them to be moar in-depth, and not small-ass pointless caves like half of the areas in Vegas, and not practically identical in layout, mood, graphics, etc like the over 9000 Metro Stations in Fallout 3. Bring back Bobbleheads.

Keep the American setting.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
KingsGambit said:
ChupathingyX said:
Hate to be a buzzkill but, Super Mutants are exclusive to America.
Fine, we have HYPER-mutants anyway and everyone knows it goes Super->Mega->Ultra->Hyper. So our mutants are better than your mutants and would totally kick your mutants' arses.
Uhhh, I'm not American if that's what you are implying.

Alsp if a Fallout game ever was set in England, wouldn't you rather it be completely unique and not just take stuff from the past Fallouts? A completely new setting should have completely new stuff (unlike Fallout 3).


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Northern Europe.
Nuclear winter instead of nuclear wasteland. More time would be spent on practical survival.
The more limited use of firearms before the war = more developed mele engine, and more mele combat. More exotic weapons could be Russian hardware from the war.

The lack of vaults would mean that even the main character is at least slightly mutated. The fauna would contain less bugs, and more mutated bears, moose, wolves and such.
Maybe even a northern variation of the Supermutant, mixed with a deathclaw, something like yetis crossed with werewolves.

Maybe it would be stupid to abandon the current storylines for something completely new, but I'd love to see it as a DLC.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
London seems to be the favourite choice,punk ghouls,the queen and charles are both supermutants,david camerons head is on a spike outside downing street.
Random encounters with a jack the ripper wannabee and V (v for vendetta)

Hooded mutated chavs,genius.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I would've said Van Buren, but I realised that what took place in that never-made game is pretty much canon in New Vegas. So... Fallout 4, made by Obsidian, with very extensive bug-testing and fixing, based on the new Skyrim engine. Sounds great to me.


Arch Inquisitor
Nov 23, 2009
I heard a rumour that the next Fallout game was to be set in Florida, which had become a massive radioactive jungle and swamp populated by giant alligators. I'm not sure if it was to be part of the main series or the sequel to Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, the spin-off from the main series.
Edit: I forgot to mention that this idea was scrapped a decade ago. It has nothing to do with the latest Fallout games by Bethesda and Obsidion.

Personally I'd love to see this brought to life in a newer generation. Although it would be interesting to see how the Great War has affected other corners of the earth, I think Fallout wouldn't be "Fallout" if it wasn't set in the USA. The 50's theme just can't be replicated.


New member
Jun 3, 2011
I remember reading on Fallout Wiki that J.E. Sawyer expressed an interest in making a Fallout game set in the UK but during the Resource Wars. If not, a one set in war torn London would be good, mutated ghouls fighting in the Underground, breaking into MI6 to steal some Pre War weaponry, scavenging through the remains of the Houses of Parliament.
Either that or one in Australia. The mutated outback would be fookin' frightening.

EDIT: Scratch the England idea, I've been told that isn't possible :/


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought a 'Fallout: London' would be awesome. I suppose it's toss up between keeping the Americana theme of the series vs how awesome you could make the London setting.

I also want a motorbike. Tramping across the wasteland was boring, but fast travel just didn't give the same atmosphere, so why the hell not?

Finally, I agree that Obsidian should do the writing and Bethesda the programming, preferably with their Skyrim engine (DEFINITELY with the Skyrim engine)