Next Fallout: Ideas?


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Some winter enviroment. They have done the desert and a urban area... So how about a winter wasteland. Transportation can be sled dogs.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
My vote goes to London. Fallout is best in a city environment, but it would be nice to see it outside of America.

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
RAKtheUndead said:
Ultra mega snip
How about Australia ^_^ it far away enough from other countries that it wouldn't be destroyed in the nuclear bombings but close enough to get irradiated.And think about all the new and interesting creatures and places!


New member
Jun 8, 2010
C-Mag said:
I understand that the Resource Wars are pretty heavily embedded in the canon, but in my opinion, that's what WRITERS are for. I really don't think a London setting should be dismissed out of hand when it has so much going for it. It would be a challenge to create it while working around what's already in canon, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't at least TRY. And if it doesn't yield results, if there is literally no way to create a Fallout: London that fits in the world, THEN it can be scrapped. Just please don't reject it because it threatens the purity of the story, if it's a great idea then try to work it INTO the world!
The last time someone tryed to create a new world in Fallout while going against certain aspects of established lore...we got Fallout 3. That game defiled the purity of the story and turned it into a big joke with stupid places like Little Lamplight.

So no, it is better not to risk screwing up lore for the sake of a possible good story. Plus by being set in a different country it just wouldn't be Fallout anymore.


New member
Jun 7, 2011
MeatMachine said:
How about having a Fallout that takes place in Russia?

Oh wait... Metro 2033...
dude Russia is already in a post apocalyptic setting they should just make Russia the game


New member
Aug 15, 2010
As far as i know Allistair Tenpenny in FO3 is British so there is at least one survivor ,
so yeah loved to see Fallout in the Uk .
Plenty of reasons have already been exposed why it would be possible .


New member
Jun 8, 2010
knight steel said:
RAKtheUndead said:
Ultra mega snip
How about Australia ^_^ it far away enough from other countries that it wouldn't be destroyed in the nuclear bombings but close enough to get irradiated.And think about all the new and interesting creatures and places!
The problem with Australia is that it would probably just end up being Mad Max: The Game, with mutants.

Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it just wouldn't be Fallout.

Personally I would just like Australia to be mentioned by someone or at least a newspaper article found in game that says something about Australia.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
New Orleans?

Could be awesome. Swamps, Voodoo, southern accents, an inexplicably well preserved French Quarter.

Imagine a ravaged New Orleans where there is a standoff between those destroyed by disaster and those who are profiting,......



New member
Jun 8, 2010
ACman said:
New Orleans?

Could be awesome. Swamps, Voodoo, southern accents, an inexplicably well preserved French Quarter.

Imagine a ravaged New Orleans where there is a standoff between those destroyed by disaster and those who are profiting,......

New Orleans could work.

And The Fallout series, such as New Vegas, do make references and parodies of real world politics and society and if you're referring to what I think you're referring to it could be a good point.

Although Fallout is a different universe so that particular event wouldn't have happened, but a similar story could be made.

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
ChupathingyX said:
knight steel said:
RAKtheUndead said:
Ultra mega snip
How about Australia ^_^ it far away enough from other countries that it wouldn't be destroyed in the nuclear bombings but close enough to get irradiated.And think about all the new and interesting creatures and places!
The problem with Australia is that it would probably just end up being Mad Max: The Game, with mutants.

Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it just wouldn't be Fallout.

Personally I would just like Australia to be mentioned by someone or at least a newspaper article found in game that says something about Australia.
I don't know what mad Max is (a movie?)so i can't really comment on that :p. That being said i totally agree about the Australia references for the next game seeing as how Australia is not seen much in games and the fact that i have really crazy patriotic pride for my home ^_^.


New member
Sep 17, 2009
New york? I think a seriously thick city enviroment would be interesting, mabey have manhattan. But since the FO games always feature a large open enviroment i wouldnt be surpised if that idea didnt take off. besides that The mexico border would be kinda cool but im getting a bit bored with the deserts in every game. the forests of montana could be interesting (considering they didnt just burn away in the bombs).

Another time area would be sweet. mabey 50-60 years after FO:NV. Seeing humanity begin to properly rebuild and communicate with other continents would be awesome


New member
Jun 8, 2010
knight steel said:
ChupathingyX said:
knight steel said:
RAKtheUndead said:
Ultra mega snip
How about Australia ^_^ it far away enough from other countries that it wouldn't be destroyed in the nuclear bombings but close enough to get irradiated.And think about all the new and interesting creatures and places!
The problem with Australia is that it would probably just end up being Mad Max: The Game, with mutants.

Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it just wouldn't be Fallout.

Personally I would just like Australia to be mentioned by someone or at least a newspaper article found in game that says something about Australia.
I don't know what mad Max is (a movie?)so i can't really comment on that :p. That being said i totally agree about the Australia references for the next game seeing as how Australia is not seen much in games and the fact that i have really crazy patriotic pride for my home ^_^.
Wait, wait, wait...

You're Australian and you haven't seen Mad Max, let alone don't know what it is?

You must fix


New member
Sep 17, 2009
ACman said:
New Orleans?

Could be awesome. Swamps, Voodoo, southern accents, an inexplicably well preserved French Quarter.

Imagine a ravaged New Orleans where there is a standoff between those destroyed by disaster and those who are profiting,......

They did this in the FO:3 DLC called point lookout. even though it was set in if memory serves me right the swamps of virginia. still could be very cool once you mix in that political intrigue


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Ok as this is going to be on a late page no-one will probably read it but anyway.

As Australia (according to Yahtzee) will be the one place that doesn't get bombed. Why not have them Aussies (done with AUSTRALIAN voice actors) go to the west coast in an effort to 'help' the population. Then there could be suspicion and conspiracy etc.

Why not seems like a good idea. Then you could also have it in sections of Asia pacific in areas under Australian control (part of the conspiracy). So many possibilities.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Blatherscythe said:
I liked most of it, except for the weapons. I feel the weapons of New Vegas seem to just be upgrades of the last one, but as Gears of War reminds me Variety is the spice of death. I like a large array of armaments. I also like the idea of crafting mods and repairing without a second weapon, but I also believe that the repairng without a weapon thing should merely be a quick fix and it isn't too unfathomable to find manufactured weapon mods. Other than that, I liked it!
Thanks for the input (and for reading all of that)
but military grade weapon attachments don't really suit the theme in my opinion


New member
Jun 8, 2010
ivansnick said:
Ok as this is going to be on a late page no-one will probably read it but anyway.

As Australia (according to Yahtzee) will be the one place that doesn't get bombed. Why not have them Aussies (done with AUSTRALIAN voice actors) go to the west coast in an effort to 'help' the population. Then there could be suspicion and conspiracy etc.

Why not seems like a good idea. Then you could also have it in sections of Asia pacific in areas under Australian control (part of the conspiracy). So many possibilities.
Problem is it's a looong boat ride from Australia to the US west coats, plus the closest areas they would land would be the LA area and California which has already been featured in F1 and 2. Not to mention the west coast doesn't really need any help after the events of F1/2, the NCR seem to have the place under control.

Oh and there's a chance that Africa has been untouched by the wars of the Fallout universe, so Australia isn't the only place that hasn't been bombed, along with South America, but they wouldn't make great locations for a Fallout game.