Next Fallout: Ideas?


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Korten12 said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
scnj said:
I think going outside the US removes what Fallout is about, which is spoofing America's positive 50s atitude by dropping bombs on it. Taking out that American aesthetic would take the series away from its original purpose.
I don't think 1950's London was that different tbh we were all caught up in that 1950's post war positivity and hope for the future.

and ofc the Cold War...
See the thing is - All of Europe was in a big war (known as the Resource wars, I believe) and basically even before the nukes fell on the US, they were nuked over and over again. Then it was nuked again in the last nuke falls.

So the US was hit with one wave and the EU was hit with more then that. Also with the size of Britain being much smaller then the US, meaning the Nukes had much more deadly effect and were widerspread effects. Meaning most likely no one survived - no ghouls or anything.
Well if your going to be sensible about it...
really you could say the same thing about the any area In reality there would be no one left alive.

Briatin isn't THAT small you know. I know alot people think it's the same size as Oblivion and such nonsense but really its about the size of Kansas and over half the size of California.

California that has ghouls. ;)

Oh and that's if your not counting Ireland.

If you wanted you could make up some bs story about the UK not getting nuked and just suffering the fallout from mainland europe. Fantasy kind of works like that.

Really I'm just thinking that it would be nice to wander around something other than another desert :/
Compared to the US its only about the size of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Lake Erie together. So yeah its small compared to the US. Also California is part of the US...

>.> So of course it has ghouls.

But they couldn't make a bs story as it would go against canon.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Set one in Canada! Fight mutated lumberjacks and sasquatches. Scarf down beer and donuts to regain health. Make armour by duct-taping hockey pads and plaid shirts together. Have the most common NPC combat taunt be "sorry!"

Seriously! It'd be a chance to explore the Fallout universe's canonical annexation of Canada! Hell, Canada had a serious interceptor jet program in the '50s--let us explore some abandoned high tech aviation labs. How would experimental defence aircraft be for a new transportation option?

..."Funny farm"? Really, captcha?


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Lord Merik said:
Being from Michigan that's what I would like. Giant irritated Lake Michigan would rock. Also Fallout needs to be in America. Its just part of the aesthetic.
I second that motion.


Elite Member
Sep 28, 2009
Javarock said:
therandombear said:

I'd like to see how it is outside of America in the Fallout Universe tbh.

And transportation would be cool...seriously, after over 200 years since the bombs fell, there must be someone who's been able to make a motorbike that works xd
Fallout Motor-Cycle? Sweet, I would buy a DLC for that...

Motorcycle armour DLC! ^^

Seriously though...all those cars and bikes you find all over and appearantly someone is a genius and manages to get a f*cking robot/rocket to work, but motorcycles or trucks which would make it easier to survive and thrive in the wastes? Hell naw xD


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I would like Fallout 4 to be set in a different country, maybe China or Russia. Maybe set the game right after the nuclear war, so we could see the beginning of the whole disaster,the fall of civilization, and the rise of groups like the Brotherhood and the Enclave.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Liquidcool said:
Skyrim's game engine. That is all.
This, as well as Alaska, it was made clear that Alaska was very important in the war between America and China, maybe the Chinese Remnant try to take over Alaska from whats left of the American population, plus you'd have a whole new set of survival mechanics for hardcore mode, you have to keep warm by wearing warm clothes, but clothes provide terrible protection, armor is more protective but will cause you to get Hypothermia faster.

Or you have to melt snow to create water, which means you have to scrounge around for matches or lighter fluid to start a fire. You could sleep outside but only for so long before you get too cold, plus nix the fast travel, you have to decide if you can make it all the way back to town in a straight line or if you have to make a detour to spend a few hours at a warm place between you and your destination.

Plus you could throw sasquatch in for shits and giggles because really, there aren't enough games with sasquathes in them.

Russian Pancake

New member
Jun 16, 2011
Maybe you could be tasked to rebuild the once powerful United States, and you have to do quests to make them leave and get a town running,transportation ETC.

but we need it in America, its where it all began.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Korten12 said:
But they couldn't make a bs story as it would go against canon.
Not really 'Europe' is a pretty generalised statement it's an entire continent in fact. I can see your hating on the idea pretty hard though so no point in arguing.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
People don't get that you can't have fallout outside of america because it wouldn't be fallout, the vaults were only in america and all enemies and allies from past games wouldn't be possible in other countries as the enclave and BoS are both american, along with the 50s' culture themes and all.
OT- I'd love to see a fallout game somewhere in a rural midwesty kinda way, imagine long treks through ruined farmland and vast empty planes. Only major problem i could see is no recognizable architechture


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I'd possibly like a new setting Canada may be nice because it was annexed when Alaska was taken over by China so it could be a more Americanized Canada and possibly have different views on the old worlds government and have different tech.

I'm seeing a lot of transportation wants in this thread and I agree. Possibly salvaging a really old car or just riding on the back of a fire ant either one would be awesome. More enemy types would be cool I'm not talking about humans but like different mutated animals.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
New York. It's close to Canada so we have options for DLC there, there's the park in the middle of it all and there are numerous islands for differant areas and factions. Although I'd love to see it more beat up and irradiated like Fallout 3 was. Also it would be interesting to see how a Fallout game handles being all urban. Also the water surrounding the islands should be irriadiated like the Pitts river. And have the bridges ran like toll booths or armored gates to keep raiders and mutants out.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
but that would be just Metro 2033

okay what about

wait that will be Dead Island


London would be really cool

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Blatherscythe said:
New York. It's close to Canada so we have options for DLC there, there's the park in the middle of it all and there are numerous islands for differant areas and factions. Although I'd love to see it more beat up and irradiated like Fallout 3 was. Also it would be interesting to see how a Fallout game handles being all urban.
New York could be kind of interesting at least its a bit different from the other ones and you could get some good landmarks in there.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Korten12 said:
But they couldn't make a bs story as it would go against canon.
Not really 'Europe' is a pretty generalised statement it's an entire continent in fact. I can see your hating on the idea pretty hard though so no point in arguing.
It's not that I hate the idea - it's just not Fallout.

If someone announced a London Post-apcolopyte game - sign me up.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
Blatherscythe said:
New York. It's close to Canada so we have options for DLC there, there's the park in the middle of it all and there are numerous islands for differant areas and factions. Although I'd love to see it more beat up and irradiated like Fallout 3 was. Also it would be interesting to see how a Fallout game handles being all urban. Also the water surrounding the islands should be irriadiated like the Pitts river. And have the bridges ran like toll booths or armored gates to keep raiders and mutants out.
New York could be kind of interesting at least its a bit different from the other ones and you could get some good landmarks in there.
And most of those landmarks and some high skyscrappers would be like dungeons. Though we need entirely new factions due to it being out of NCR, Legio and BOS territory, though we could find some pockets of Enclave tech in abandoned bunkers. Maybe a new set of power armor to go with the setting?