Next Fallout: Ideas?


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Well, for one thing, I think Fallout MUST be set in America. It's the entire point of the series. Like so many before me have said: It's not Fallout if it's not in America. Also, I want it to stick to what is canon in the Fallout storyline. I love Fallout 3 but nothing bothers me more than seeing Vault-Tec use FEV in experiments. Vault-Tec did social experiments, not FEV experiments. That was West Tek and Mariposa.

Now onto things I want to see in it. Iron sights are always a really nice touch. It felt ridiculous to just zoom in when playing Fallout 3. I would also like more weapon attachments like in New Vegas. Also, I would like to see the new combat system that's being used in Skyrim to be in the next Fallout. Maybe not dual-wielding but at least the finishing moves with melee weapons. And I would like a decent mix of wasteland with civilization. Finally, I would love someone like Three Dog again. Mr. New Vegas is cool and all, but he's not Three Dog. And maybe more choices for radio stations. Another Enclave radio that's filled with propaganda like in Fallout 3? A Super Mutant radio station like in New Vegas?

Finally, location location location. I think Oregon/Washington would be a nice place. It's close enough to California to be able to wedge in some NCR, but far away enough to be able to not be a repeat of Fallout 1, 2, or New Vegas. Maybe the Commonwealth area? Like Massachusetts or something. Or even Florida. Point Lookout was an awesome DLC, and we could get something like that.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
My big fat unpopular opinion.... I wish there would be another like the first two. It was rough around the edges, isometric, dated, but I love those games dearly, and enjoyed them more than the third (I haven't played NV).

As for locations, I still think west coast is best. The Washington Canada area would be neat, or a more south of the border experience. It's be fun seeing how the old places turned out. Maybe some more diversity as well. If it must be 3D, why not really explore the scope of possible environments more rather than almost all city or desert or whatever. a fair amount of forest can grow in 200+ years.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Chevy235 said:
Fallout Appalachia...RISE OF THE TECHNO-AMISH!

Srsly though...Glasgow. It's already halfway there.

EDIT: You know...after thinking on it, I agree with some other folks that London would be great. A mythos that draws heavily on cafe racer culture, the Avengers, and all of the goofy early Sixties fashion choices.

I'm imagining a guy riding a big British twin wearing a bowler and gas mask, holding a folded umbrella with a hunting rifle on his back - riding in his sidecar is a dog with goggles on. That's your cover, right there.
you win this thread


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Must remember people, the Fallout Bible states that America was hit the hardest, so anywhere else might be boring. However, this means that Asia should be ok as it was also nuked. So...

Fallout: Asia

Also, the ability to play as a ghoul :mad:


New member
Jun 5, 2008
For the DLC, I want to see a post-apocalyptic Mackinac Island. With a cult using the Grand Hotel as their Headquarters.

Or just see my native Michigan in some way.

Sejs Cube

New member
Jun 16, 2008
Fallout: the Great Lakes.

Ruins of Detroit and the automotive industry. Roving warbands in Mad Max-ed out cars.

Enclave base in Chicago.

Wrecked out ruins of Toronto after the annexation of Canada.

Awesome lake pirates with floating forts.

Totally doable.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
DarkRyter said:

Sun, Beaches, Old People, Amusement Parks, Alligators!
Again I point to the cancelled Fallout: Tactics 2.

OT: Fallout: Broken Banks. From the three colleges of NC State, Duke, and UNC three factions have arisen. Now the mistake the rivarly of the past as a sort of blood fued that needs be settled. Meanwhile the unified Empire of the Capital Wasteland has expanded south in response to the eastern front of Ceasers Legion pushing the Chicago Brotherhood to asylum in DC.

You get to go to sea, decide which college finally wins, deal with the Lone Wanderer's legacy, search for ancient treasure buried long ago.

...I have too much free time on my hands, and I love it.


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
Both Fallout 3 and New Vegas dropped significant hints that BoS and Enclave still have outposts in the Midwest/Chicago area. And it's been confirmed that at least "the broad strokes" of Fallout Tactics are canon. FoT spanned all the way west to "Dog City" Denver, and far enough east to be within spitting distance of the East Coast...

...I think you could have a helluva story about the struggle between Enclave and Brotherhood, determining which will ultimately shape the future of America's Heartland, with DLCs "updating" what's happening elsewhere in the country.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I think that any new Fallout game should be a prequel to all of the games that have come so far. The problem is that as the games progress society gets too organised again. Especially after Fallout 2 where there was several relatively modern societies (Shi empire, NCR, Vault City, Arroyo/Vault 13 settlement), one of which (the Shi) were actually reverse engineering pre-war tech like power armour.

I'm not talking a game set during or before the great war, but one rather in the first few years after the vaults openined up (Vault City opened I think 25 years after the bombs dropped for example). One where there's absolutely no civilisation restored and people can still remember pre-war society, there'd be raiders and all of the wildlife would be going through mutations with some absolutely new species that would inevitably die out. It would be an even darker and morally gray game, but it would give you the oportunity to great things like found raider clans or build the first new cities.

SovietX said:
Must remember people, the Fallout Bible states that America was hit the hardest, so anywhere else might be boring. However, this means that Asia should be ok as it was also nuked. So...

Fallout: Asia

Also, the ability to play as a ghoul :mad:
It was indeed hit the hardest, but also I believe it was one of the few countries with vaults (despite their flaws), I got the impression the greatest majority of people in other countries died due to radiation (which seems to work differently in the Fallout universe) and nuclear winter.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Italy. I'd like to see either Milan, Venice or Rome in that order of importance. And much better combat.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
mduncan50 said:
chunkeymonke said:
People don't get that you can't have fallout outside of america because it wouldn't be fallout, the vaults were only in america and all enemies and allies from past games wouldn't be possible in other countries as the enclave and BoS are both american, along with the 50s' culture themes and all.
OT- I'd love to see a fallout game somewhere in a rural midwesty kinda way, imagine long treks through ruined farmland and vast empty planes. Only major problem i could see is no recognizable architechture
Besides the fact that Canadian and American culture are very close so far as what would constitute the feel of the game, since Canada did get annexed by the states, there would potentially be Enclave and BoS forces.

And to everyone that seems to be saying that Canada would mean a frozen wasteland, not necessarily. The weather patterns in the most densely populated areas of Canada are not too dissimilar to most of the US.
I was talking more about people wanting fallout in Europe. Also Canada wouldn't be able to be take seriously as a setting, I hate it too but most americans don't respect canada much it's a sad sad truth because canada is awesome ಥ_ಥ


New member
May 18, 2010
I'm of the opinion that FO3 had it nearly perfect. I'm pretty anti-vehicle, though I guess if petrol were like gold ala Mad Max it'd be alright. Just so you're not joyriding around the wasteland -- we already have the fast travel system.

Make a big map. And have lots of little quirky cool places like Andale, The Dunwich Building, The Pitt, etc.
FO3 had a lot of guns. FONV scaled back the guns a bit (didn't give you assault rifles until much later) but still had a huge variety. I'd like to see a few more melee options. FO3 had better explosives imo with the Nuka Grenade and accessible Bottlecap mines. FONV your best melee option is the Fire Axe, and you can get the non-unique version right after you start the game, so not a whole lot of variety there.
Keep the good ones in place but expand a little bit. Don't go crazy and start introducing Super Behemoths or anything, but something along the lines of Nightkin is always good.
More options is kind of broad, but there were several conversations that essentially only had one option of what to say, just in different tones. This isn't great roleplaying imo. And please, even if you only use the same voice actors, stop making one NPC have 2-3 different voice actors.
Less stim packs. They were insane in FO3, especially if you got friendly with the Outcasts. FONV did better but I still always found myself with a surplus. Making food more focal was really great in FONV, and I think heading even more in that direction would be cool.
FONV did this well. More like this please.
Less than FONV. I realize there were very few in FO3, but FONV was overwhelming. Even assuming I cared about all of them (which by virtue of their numbers I did not) you reach max level before you even have time to visit all of them and get friendly.

I've only played the first DLC for FONV, but it does not stack up at all in comparison to FO3. Anchorage was a little weak as a totally divergent area you can only visit once, but the rewards were awesome. Broken Steel doesn't seem like a lot, but as the sum of all its parts it's probably the biggest package. The Pitt and Point Lookout have so much unique enjoyable content each that in contrast to other games I'd gladly pay twice the asking price for them.
Sierra Madre - essentially 2 areas, one of which is arbitrarily longer due to magic gas and loud speakers. The story was pretty hefty, but I'm a bigger fan of content than story. When it comes to DLC at least.


New member
Jun 20, 2008
Okay, to the people crying for Fallout: London... why just London? I'll explain.

In America, they think a hundred years is a long time, but in Europe they think a hundred miles is a long way. In the context of the Fallout series, that means they don't have to put in a fast travel mechanic simply because the distances involved are similar to those the average Vault-dweller'd go to get a bottle of Nuka-Cola and a packet of crisps. London's a fantastic starting point, especially for foreign gamers who don't know anywhere else and have recognisable (if a bit knackered) landmarks, but what about the rest of the country?

You could make the Black Country, well... black: break open the coalfields and turn Sheffield into the British version of the Pitt, all grey factories and half-destroyed council estates and coal-lunged miners desperately warding off their irradiated former fellows with picks and the occasional salvaged rifle.

The West Country is perfect for the Bayou-esque sections, only marred with poison rain and inbred yokels slowly going mad. Have horrifically mutated badgers and foxes and so forth becoming real-life Beasts of Bodmin, coming in the night as a killing mist descends, rending the unwary in two under the baleful gaze of uncaring moonlight.

To the east, we could have a proper turf war going on; crazed hyperconservative technologists from the remains of the London satellite towns fending off desperate, Chelsea tractor-mounted raiders from the doubly-irradiated Kent coast and shambling, zombie-like mutants from the flooded, radiation-filled near-wasteland of the Fens.

And that's just England. Wales would be similar to the West Country in execution, only even weirder and with mutated feral cats prowling Snowdonia and locals who are no longer content with setting wrecked English holiday cottages ablaze but now extend the offer of terminal heating to you, gabbling away in an incomprehensible language of their own devising. Called Welsh. The Scottish Lowlands might be vaguely okay, but they'd be predated by super mutants from Aberdeenshire. Similarly to Cornwall, up there it's all granite so they were radioactive anyway, even before the bombs fell, so they'd have barely any humans up there - all ghouls and muties.

As for Ireland, well... the Troubles, I reckon, never went away. So you've got an entire island full of screaming, bloodthirsty mutants wandering around armed to the teeth... and the Republican half has more, so they'll win. And then they're coming for the mainlanders.

Read that, honestly read that, and tell me that's no worse a set of ideas than the ones for the American Midwest. Australia, now, that'd be an amazing game, but Kansas? What the hell do you expect the player to face there, mutant cereal crops?