Next Fallout: Ideas?


New member
Jun 16, 2011
No worries :L I actually liked the concept of Hellgate, it was just the execution that grated. Still, thanks for pointing out my fail :)

Russian Pancake

New member
Jun 16, 2011
I have a level 39 Devil and killed everyone important to continue through ED-E's personal quest, they should add a skill to be able to hack into his mainframe and get the second Audio Log out of him.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
vehicles, for god sake let me get onto a motorcycle and drive instead of tape-ing the thumbstick and walking everywhere.

online multi-player. like going on quests together or something maybe death match I don't know

I want to develop relationships with characters before they are killed or kill me like in fallout 3 over new vegas.

I want streamlined menus or at least the ability to rearrange them I only use map, quests, weapons, and like one other tab, the rest i never use

less repetitive radio

chapter selection after you beat the game


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Tuesday Night Fever said:
Hiscore0Junkie said:
There hasn't been a decent open-worlder set in London since GTA 2 really. In fact, can't think of any LOL :)
Hellgate: London?


...I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know... I'll never mention it again!
No worries! I actually liked the concept of Hellgate, it was just the execution that grated on occasion. Thanks for pointing out my fail :)


New member
Mar 23, 2011
I hope the next Fallout has Bethesda on world design and QA, and Obsidian on story and dialogue. Bethesda can't write a good story to save their lives, and Obsidian uses the first month of release as beta testing. Neither of these things is at all acceptable. Collaborate and make a legendary game!

In New York, preferably.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Skyrims Engine

Motorcycles(A Ghoul Motorcycle Gang called The Dead)

Mutant Horses (7 legged horses that run really fast)

More guns than Radroaches

Pre-War Jetpack

Bounty hunter missions like in RDR

More NPCS to Cannibalize


Instead of traits you can select your Origin story in the beggining

More Races

synobal said:
Texas, it's huge it's diverse it's got Cowboys.
The above

I think the new ones gonna come out next year Fallout 3 released in 2008 one year to sell DLC,
New Vegas in 2010 this year to sell DLC, Next Fallout Will be in 2012 if they follow the pattern, If not i can wait.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
scnj said:
I think going outside the US removes what Fallout is about, which is spoofing America's positive 50s atitude by dropping bombs on it. Taking out that American aesthetic would take the series away from its original purpose.
I don't think 1950's London was that different tbh we were all caught up in that 1950's post war positivity and hope for the future.

and ofc the Cold War...
See the thing is - All of Europe was in a big war (known as the Resource wars, I believe) and basically even before the nukes fell on the US, they were nuked over and over again. Then it was nuked again in the last nuke falls.

So the US was hit with one wave and the EU was hit with more then that. Also with the size of Britain being much smaller then the US, meaning the Nukes had much more deadly effect and were widerspread effects. Meaning most likely no one survived - no ghouls or anything.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
One of the things I most dearly missed in Fallout 3 is my Chryslus Motors Highwayman [] from Fallout 2.

So if they bring those back in the next Fallout game, or some other kind of badass car, that'd be a plus.

And I don't mean in the form of a "Wrecked Highwayman" like in Fallout: New Vegas, I mean one I can drive. Even though in Fallout 2 it was abstracted, and basically fast-travel, the concept of it made a lot more sense than just clicking "Fast travel."

vance32 said:
I want Fallout:Kansas City or any were in the Midwest there is the Midwestern brotherhood
I too would like them to explore this more. I'm one of the few who thoroughly enjoyed Fallout: Tactics. It was basically Jagged Alliance 2, in a Fallout setting, and I loved the idea of that... Anyway, that game was in the mid-west, and I'd like to see more of that.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Hiscore0Junkie said:
Tuesday Night Fever said:
Hiscore0Junkie said:
There hasn't been a decent open-worlder set in London since GTA 2 really. In fact, can't think of any LOL :)
Hellgate: London?


...I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know... I'll never mention it again!
No worries! I actually liked the concept of Hellgate, it was just the execution that grated on occasion. Thanks for pointing out my fail :)
Only after I replied did I realize a key word in your original post, though. Decent. Taking that word into account, my reply really doesn't apply. :)

I guess, at the very least, the intro cinematic was pretty cool though.


New member
Sep 17, 2009
Valagetti said:
How about Fallout France?
France is already a wasteland :) just kidding.

OT: Actually Paris would be pretty cool, searching for the Mona Lisa and such. A quest could involve searching for missing paintings. I think that a new venue is a great idea, but the spirit of Fallout is America. It was always about the all American way.

Also Canada would be awesome, not just because i am from there but a cold wasteland would be interesting. It could focus on the northern territories. They could also get away from the browns and greys and green used mainly in Fallouts. Not to metion lot's of Forrestry A metric tonne of lakes and a shwack load of mines.

TRANSPORTATION: Yes even if you only have a horse and he counts as a companion my gosh it took so long to get from place to place. I never liked fast travelling because you miss so many little details but with like a horse or a motorbike you could experience all the little things and get to your destination within an hour.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Korten12 said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
scnj said:
I think going outside the US removes what Fallout is about, which is spoofing America's positive 50s atitude by dropping bombs on it. Taking out that American aesthetic would take the series away from its original purpose.
I don't think 1950's London was that different tbh we were all caught up in that 1950's post war positivity and hope for the future.

and ofc the Cold War...
See the thing is - All of Europe was in a big war (known as the Resource wars, I believe) and basically even before the nukes fell on the US, they were nuked over and over again. Then it was nuked again in the last nuke falls.

So the US was hit with one wave and the EU was hit with more then that. Also with the size of Britain being much smaller then the US, meaning the Nukes had much more deadly effect and were widerspread effects. Meaning most likely no one survived - no ghouls or anything.
Well if your going to be sensible about it...
really you could say the same thing about the any area In reality there would be no one left alive.

Briatin isn't THAT small you know. I know alot people think it's the same size as Oblivion and such nonsense but really its about the size of Kansas and over half the size of California.

California that has ghouls. ;)

Oh and that's if your not counting Ireland.

If you wanted you could make up some bs story about the UK not getting nuked and just suffering the fallout from mainland europe. Fantasy kind of works like that.

Really I'm just thinking that it would be nice to wander around something other than another desert :/


New member
Jun 8, 2011
superdelux said:
synobal said:
Texas, it's huge it's diverse it's got Cowboys.
The above

I think the new ones gonna come out next year Fallout 3 released in 2008 one year to sell DLC,
New Vegas in 2010 this year to sell DLC, Next Fallout Will be in 2012 if they follow the pattern, If not i can wait.
Ah someone else who realizes Texas is a great place for a setting. Also it will likely be longer, Bethesda will likely focus on Skyrim for the for see able future, release an expansion at least for it before they move onto fallout that is unless they plan to farm it out to Obsidian again. I doubt they will though since they will not want to undermine Skyrim Sales.

Lord Merik

New member
May 17, 2011
Being from Michigan that's what I would like. Giant irritated Lake Michigan would rock. Also Fallout needs to be in America. Its just part of the aesthetic.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Tuesday Night Fever said:
Hiscore0Junkie said:
Tuesday Night Fever said:
Hiscore0Junkie said:
There hasn't been a decent open-worlder set in London since GTA 2 really. In fact, can't think of any LOL :)
Hellgate: London?


...I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know... I'll never mention it again!
No worries! I actually liked the concept of Hellgate, it was just the execution that grated on occasion. Thanks for pointing out my fail :)
Only after I replied did I realize a key word in your original post, though. Decent. Taking that word into account, my reply really doesn't apply. :)

I guess, at the very least, the intro cinematic was pretty cool though.
Yeah, even I would be hard pressed to call Hellgate "decent". But you're right, it is a pretty awesome cinematic. Just not particularly indicative of overall gameplay.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
Well for one, thing I'm pretty sure that not only the President or his descendant is still alive, but I also find it easy to believe that the US may have commissioned the construction of one giant vault that could hold tanks, a giant city populous, comm network, probably over 1 million people, etc. I'd like to play a Fallout where you are asked to find other vaults and begin to rebuild the USA.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
DarkRyter said:

Sun, Beaches, Old People, Amusement Parks, Alligators!
Fallout: Tactics 2

I want Philadelphia.

Vault 55 near Broad street.

OH! and I want a Highwayman again!


New member
Feb 11, 2011
therandombear said:

I'd like to see how it is outside of America in the Fallout Universe tbh.

And transportation would be cool...seriously, after over 200 years since the bombs fell, there must be someone who's been able to make a motorbike that works xd
Fallout Motor-Cycle? Sweet, I would buy a DLC for that...