Next Fallout: Ideas?


New member
Aug 11, 2010
In addition to a new location (can I propose China, Korea or some Neutral country to the war, like Switzerland), I'd like to see a changing Wasteland.

Every action that involved the wasteland (like in NV) would reflect on this one: if you're an asshole and decide to destroy it all, the settlements, etc. would be even more ruined. If you decide to rule it with care, trying to undo all of the previous actions, the streets become clean, people start to look better, and so on.

Also I'd like to see means of transportation, like bikes, or cars.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
JWRosser said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
JWRosser said:

When my friend and I were walking around the other week (being the keen nerds we are), we were highlighting places that could be used in a Fallout: London game. Just think about it; it would be awesome. Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, O2 Arena, Thames, London Eye etc etc.
I also think London would be amazing and hey,

Point Lookout and Dead Money were the best DLC's? Why? Sarcastic British ghouls ofc! :D

Imagine a half destroyed London run by a gentlemanly ghoul dictator, voiced by Gary Oldman. Need.
I know! It would be awesome!
Plus I generally like the British characters better (not that I am biased or anything).
Yes! London!
I also wanna see Nwe York, Moscow and Sydney

I've also had thoughts about a civ-style Fallout game (some significant differencs to the rest of the civ games to make it work, of course)
Starts in 2070, you have 7 turns to make some changes and then the bombs drop. Anything done before the war just constitutes a bonus to your civ.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Here's an idea:
That's right, Seattle.
Now, I don't live in the US mind you ... in fact, I live in Australia. But from what I know, Seattle is a huge spawling metropolis. What I would like to see, in the next fallout, is one based in Seattle, or some other heavily-metropolised building. Shattered buildings, half-broken skyscrapers. People working to ensure the architecture of the society there.
It would make for a nice contrast with Fallout: New Vegas, from what I know.

Though I would like a Fallout not based in the US, there doesn't seem much chance of that happening. Though I'm sure an immigrant-heavy locale in America would stand in nicely, if there was one. Considered California? Alaska? Mexico?


New member
Jun 16, 2011
WhiteandNeardy99 said:
Hiscore0Junkie said:
I love the idea of setting it in London! There hasn't been a decent open-worlder set in London since GTA 2 really. In fact, can't think of any LOL :)

Personally I think more realistic damage for enemies. I've just shot you in the head at point blank range with a sawn-off shotgun, a) why is your head still attached? and b) why are you still attacking me???

I think this is being instigated into RAGE so it'll be interesting if Bethseda/Obsidian pick up on it.
The Getaway for the PS2 was a good London sandbox game really caught the grittiness of British organised crime.
Ah, missed that one. Seems I may have to retract my previous statement at this rate.

Still, London Fallout=Awesome. Even if, canonically, it's not possible.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
Well I guess the Fallout London idea has been pissed on then...haha...

Still think it would be awesome. So much potential.
I mean, could it be that people migrated to or, even, colonised Britian after the war? Something like that...
Or (from The Vault):
J.E. Sawyer has expressed a desire to make a Fallout game set during the Resource Wars, involving members of the British Armed Forces.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Hiscore0Junkie said:
Still, London Fallout=Awesome. Even if, canonically, it's not possible.
I don't know - there's the chance that some of the vaults in the US possessed vehicle technology. Heck, maybe one possessed a built-in harbor for use after the war, intended to spread people around again as a kind of immigrant capitol.
Imagine a Fallout where you're one of those people, affected by the nuclear bombs, trying to make it in the UK where you're incredibly persecuted. And slowly everything goes nuts. Britain also could've been attacked and just have recovered quicker. Maybe there's conflict between the parts of the UK. Wales has become a ghetto for Britain?

Stephen Caswell

New member
Mar 11, 2011
I think for a setting, they should return to Boneyard (Las Angeles) from the original Fallout. If L.A. Noire taught me anything, it's that 50s L.A. is an epic setting. Imagine Ghouls who are desperate to act in films. Imagine a large amount of seismic activity since the first game causing half of the city to have fallen under the ground.
I also think that getting the chance to play as a Ghoul would be brilliant. It would completely change the game because people would react differently to you. I could open up quests like freeing Ghouls from oppression or helping a Ghoul get elected as the President of Boneyard.
As much as (Being British) I am sad to say this - a game outside of the USA would not work. The main theme of the Fallout games is the 1950s American paranoia towards the threat of a global Nuclear Holocaust. That theme would not hold up an entire game were it not set IN America. However, a DLC in London or Paris or China has potential to work pretty well. It would certainly be nice to see what has happened to the rest of the world since The Great War. Also, I agree with the ideas that Vehicles and The Commonwealth should be included. Gotta love those androids :p


New member
Nov 7, 2010
I think either alaska or in the south east Canadian area. Survial on a wasteland of frozen tundra and constantly falling snow seems interesting to me.

Outside the US, I think Beijing or Moscow would be great places to start


New member
Jun 8, 2010
syrus27 said:
And you gotta remember that the Great war was between the US and China meaning that much of Europe would have been fighting along with the US and the Russians along with China, so it's not inconceivable that Vault Tec could have built some European vaults.
You're kidding me right?

Have you not heard of the Resource Wars?

While US and China were fighting Europe were being obliterated by the Middle East in a constant war for energy.

Also, there has never been any indication that the USSR were hostile to the US in the Fallout universe, in fact there is more evidence to prove that they were in good relations.


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Jan 22, 2010
ChupathingyX said:
dwstrat said:
More aliens. Way more.
NO, no no, no.

Dear god no, please, please no! NO!
Pretty much this. Aliens were such a stupid idea. I would not be so pissed if Bethesda came right out and said "This is not canon, etc." but Mothership Zeta was just an awful, awful DLC anyways.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
No_Remainders said:
Russian Pancake said:
Me and my friends were talking about what we wanted in the next Fallout, we all agreed that we wanted some sort of transportation and more interesting DLCs, any ideas?


I don't want to have to pay to have what should be a standard part of RPGs, in that they continue on when you finish the main storyline so you can faff about and murder the entire population.

Seriously, it's just bad game design to make an RPG of that kind just STOP.
I have to agree. I got the GOTY edition of Fallout 3 and can't imagine what it would have been like playing it without the "expansion paks" pre-added.

On topic: Ever see the meh movie "Water World" ? While the movie was meh, the environment would make for a heckuva different Fallout game.

AlternatePFG said:
Aliens were such a stupid idea. I would not be so pissed if Bethesda came right out and said "This is not canon, etc." but Mothership Zeta was just an awful, awful DLC anyways.
As part of the GOTY, it fit in well and was a terrific change of pace from the abandoned subway tunnels. I got some great weapons, love alien epoxy, love shooting aliens and had a belly laugh when I "energized" some raiders into a cargo bay, side by side with monsters and listened to them yell, "no f'n way!!!" I sat around picking them off from relative safety to advance a level. I'm sad now that the level is corrupted. If I try to return to the ship were I left the little girl who gives me presents when I visit, the game just freezes up. I'm down to my last 9 alien epoxys. Fortunately, my repair skill is 100.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
syrus27 said:
ChupathingyX said:
Nah I wasn't kidding you, and nah I hadn't heard of the Resource Wars. I feel like such a fool, your mighty Fallout knowledge far exceeds mine. Kudos.
I advise you visit the Fallout wiki then, the timeline is a good starting point.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
RAKtheUndead said:
I understand that the Resource Wars are pretty heavily embedded in the canon, but in my opinion, that's what WRITERS are for. I really don't think a London setting should be dismissed out of hand when it has so much going for it. It would be a challenge to create it while working around what's already in canon, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't at least TRY. And if it doesn't yield results, if there is literally no way to create a Fallout: London that fits in the world, THEN it can be scrapped. Just please don't reject it because it threatens the purity of the story, if it's a great idea then try to work it INTO the world!

After reading as much as possible on the fallout wiki, this is the extent of the description of the destruction of Europe:
The European-Middle Eastern War ends as the oil fields in the Middle East run dry. There is no longer a goal in the conflict, and both sides are reduced almost to ruin.

The European Commonwealth dissolves into quarreling nation states, fighting over the remaining resources

Now that might be a condensed version, but if not....

What is that?! That leaves tons of room to create a story! There's so much space for creation in that description a herd of elephants could stampede through and not even touch the walls. I mean, for one thing, "almost to ruin" is VERY ambiguous; what would you consider 'ruin' to be? The wasteland? Something worse? Something better? And I don't think they were that badly beaten if they still considered themslves as Nation States and can fight each other in an organised manner.

Furthermore, the Great War only resulted in the large scale bombing of the major powers. With Britain quickly turning into a wasteland it might have gotten off relatively unharmed, and then been killed as a coherent nation by the nuclear winter. Hell, Britain could have retreated into itself and put its final resources into anti-nuke measures (like NV).

As long as the information is that ambiguous, a Fallout game set in England would be piss easy to fit into the canon. If there is more information than that; link it to me, and I'll have a serious go at working it in. If not, then you sir, have been greatly over exaggerating.

Hristo Tzonkov

New member
Apr 5, 2010
The Chicago area of Fallout Tactics.But you know with a revisited plot more in canon.Would be nice to see the BOS trying out new stuff like allowing new members from tribes,helping stabilize regions etc.

Another thing I want to see is a big ruined city(doesn't matter much).DC was nice but cmon it was 1 plaza after 1 metro after another.The Hospital->Hotel bit with Reilly's Rangers was epic and should be explored more.

The Mojave desert's story is pretty much finalised.And continuing from there would need it to enforce some canon which would break the choice system.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
To all those people saying that a Fallout game set in England would be impossible because of the resource wars and general survival rates:

1) There is nothing in the timeline or canon that says Vault-Tec was a purely US oriented corporation. It could just as easily have been contracted by the governments of European or Asian governments to build the vaults (but maybe not for the purposes of experimentation, as the Enclave is only in the states).

2) It is entirely possible that the resource wars had few nuclear exchanges and was a traditional military war. According to the time-line, the only nuclear devices that went off were 1 terrorist weapon in Tel Aviv and a short exchange in the middle east. As Britain is a long way from the Middle East, it is quite feasaible that the only radiation that hit the country was from the great war, and it is in a similar condition to America. In fact, the canon states the countries were still going after the resource wars were concluded.

3) How likely is it that nuclear bombs were targeted on small villages miles from anywhere? There are still likely survivors even if there were no vaults and the resouce wars were fully nuclear, even if it was just a few scattered communities living in caves and out-of-the way villages, 200+ years is a long time for the population to regrow (potentially more than 10 generations) and recolonise the cities. And there are still ghouls.

Daddy Go Bot

New member
Aug 14, 2008
Even if a Fallout game could take place in another country, it would totally destroy the whole concept of Fallout. Go play Metro 2033 or some other nonsense like that.

Also, keep Bethesda the fuck away from Fallout. They're not competent enough to handle such a delicate franchise.