Athinira said:
Nickolai77 said:
Another issue is that being a "supernova" can contradict another common piece of dating advise- "Be yourself"- what if your the kind of guy who doesn't get behind the mike and wear a silly hat? Do you be yourself or sacrifice who you are for the sake of finding someone?
No it doesn't contradict it at all.
Your personality (as in, "being yourself") is not a constant object. It's a growing entity that matures with your experiences and your interactions with the world, and it's perfectly possible to change and mold it while still being yourself.
Sure, it's not a 1 day change, and some guy who from one day goes from being a nerd who dresses badly etc. to someone who wears suits and generally try to impress people is an example of someone who is trying too hard.
But there is nothing wrong with changing your personality, not to accommodate what (you think) will please others, but because of a genuine desire for yourself to become something better and more awesome. For the sake of example, if someone who is a a fat smoke one day decides that enough is enough and quits smoking and starts in the gym and drops 50 pounds in a couple of months, do you also consider that person to be someone who is pretending to be someone else, or do you see him as someone who matured and dealt with his personal problems with great dedication? I certainly hope it's the latter.
Improving and maturing your personality is not only doing yourself a favor, it's doing everyone around you who knows and interacts with you a favor. Being awesome (which, as pointed out, is something that can be learned), and making people realize that you are awesome is the greatest gift you can give to both yourself and them.
I'm starting to think i've given the wrong impression of myself from my first post. Yes, i regard myself as an introvert, but that doesn't mean i'm not communicative- heck i can be when i need to be- i work as a university tour guide for instance.
I'm just a little mythed by what Lara and yourself mean when you describe "being awesome" or being a "supernova", it sounds rather vague. Does it mean playing guitar on stage or being the one guy's who does something so ridiculous on a night out people are talking about it for years after? I don't play an instrument and personally i don't like making a scene on a night-out- i'd rather just rather be myself and relax with my friends.
Does it mean having lots of different hobbies and interests? I already have many hobbies and interests. I'm becoming a bit of a film buff, I love my heavy metal, appreciate anime, practise archery and video games, follow all the internet viral videos, and i'm passionate about comedy, history and international affairs. Now, many of those listed interests arn't exactly interests i would not trumpet in a job interview, but these are things i genuinely like and i'm not going to change them for something more socially acceptable. I am interested in things for my own sake, not societies.
Does it mean leaving an impression on other people? Well...i do leave impressions on other people- mostly positive hopefully, i've got different circles of friends, many many acquaintances from university. I mean, i'm not exactly the super-nova of a party- quite simply because i don't have the verbal charisma as some other people do. And, from experience, supernova's burn people- I've met some very verbally charismatic guys, and i know people who can't stand living with them- I wouldn't want to be such a person. Then of course your saying well find the mid-point, be a star and don't burn people, but my point is that i already do that. I have plenty of friends, both at home, at university and at other universities. My social calender's usually pretty full during the holidays,and socially at university i do fine as well. I'm not exactly a huge socialite, but i'm no loner either.
SODAssault said:
Another issue is that being a "supernova" can contradict another common piece of dating advise- "Be yourself"- what if your the kind of guy who doesn't get behind the mike and wear a silly hat? Do you be yourself or sacrifice who you are for the sake of finding someone?
You absolutely should be yourself, but it's also your job to be someone worthwhile if you want anyone to give a rat's ass when you do.
I already do stuff worthwhile- as already mentioned tour guiding, but also i'm features editor for the university newspaper, i'm volunteering to work with 6th formers to gain teaching experience, and when i can i help out at a local youth club. I've also applied to work as an assistant language teacher in Japan- and failing that i'll take a TEFL course and go teach English abroad anyway for a couple of years.
I don't completely know what i want to do as a career, i'm leaning towards teaching but my options are open. But as i've said, i do have hobbies, interests and activities. Being told that i have to be a supernova just seems like plain overkill-
because i already do interesting stuff.
So, in the end i'm just left feeling a bit frustrated by this thread. I mean, yes i'm a nice guy (not TM nice guy)- i don't expect girls to find me attractive by me being nice to them, i learnt that the hard way in the past- but thus far nothing i've heard has been off much help!
(Admittedly of course a big reason for this is that my personal problems in a field are not exclusive to being a nice guy, so don't feel offended by such remarks!)