First getting news of a sequel series yesterday, I was skeptical. There didn't seem anywhere to go after the original series. Nations united, everyone's happy. The end. No room for more.
But this premise certainly holds promise. An anti-bending political movement stirring in the world's most socially and technologically advanced metropolis? That's a pretty damned good idea. I doubt it will produce a series as long as the original, being that this is more about a political movement in a city as opposed to worldwide warfare.
Unless the movement succeeds. The Avatar and the pro-benders (laugh it up, Europeans) fail to prevent the anti-bending ideology from becoming the majority belief, leaving them to hide in the underground, avoiding the bender Gestapo, trying to unite the world in a counter-revolutionary movement.
In that case, it could be as long as the original series, and perhaps just as awesome.
Republic City is a silly name, by the way.