Ninja Theory Defends Dante Redesign [UPDATED]


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Sure just one problem guys, the new James Bond movies SUCK (Or just lack in quality to the previous moves in the series), secondly I don't care if you don't like Dante's design, changing it is a bad move, that would be like if they made Megaman pink with purple polka-dots, gave him a fez, and made him speak with a bad russian accent. Secondly I can see why you're defending it, you already made all the models and animations and marketing based on this design so a total redesign is a bad move at this point. Really I'm going to hold off on buying the game until I know if it's any good.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I agree to a reboot, but was it really necessary to base Dante on the game's creative director Tameem Antoniade? i mean seriously, look him up in google, you'll see.
and come on, dante would be laughed at outside of tokyo? and the new dante wouldn't? he's a Emo meth addicted hobo with a sword.... wtf man, he wouldn't be laughed at? why dont you throw in some glitter in the sun skin, and a female protagonist who doesn't speak a lot and is completely misunderstood and tucks her hair behind her ears alot... that should complete mister Antoniade's dream game..

EDIT: lol, i just saw that motivational poster... i loled hard

Rusty Bucket

New member
Dec 2, 2008
-Zen- said:
Rusty Bucket said:
I don't think the main problem people are having is the change itself. The issue is that the change looks fucking stupid.
Thank you.

At what point did we as Devil May Cry fans state that we want absolutely no change from game to game?
I'll be honest here, I've never actually played DMC, aside from half of the first level of DMC4, so this doesn't matter all that much to me. But even I can see that original Dante looks like concentrated badass, and, origin story or not, taking every visual design that makes Dante what he is and replacing it with a transvestite crack whore is not a good idea.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
This is the first time i've seen the change and, he really does look like a douche.

The kind of douche who you would have to go up to on the street and grab their crotch to see if they were male or female

The kind of douche who, when feeling happy would go around in bright coloured t-shirts and trousers, the sort somebody's mother would have brought their kid when they were like 3-5, they'd also have some some very small backpack that would fit fuck all and have some kids TV show on the back. They'd also make sure that you could see their underwear, all of it. Whys that? Because their damned trousers are around their knees.

The kind of douche who would go to a gig and go in to the pit and do a bunch of 'karate' moves. That is until someone with common sense knocks their head in to the ground.

There, I've said my piece.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
It's not that dante changed it's that he changed into a drag queen. They could have overhauled his look with some good taste and people would be fine with that I'm sure.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Neferius said:
" It seems that one of the new things that has inspired Dante's redesign is the recent reboot of the James Bond series."
-Yeah, and everybody just LOVED to see that Movie ...that's why it was a complete box-office Flop.
And calling something from 2006 a "recent reboot" just seems awkward :-/
You are talking about the same film as them, right? Casino Royale? It was a worldwide blockbuster. Lots of money. Where are you getting "flop"?


The Shaman
Jun 16, 2008
Really, a look is a look and at the end of the trailer I saw no knife I saw a bad ass on a gargoyle smoking a cigarette and being a bad ass. As for his weapon it looks like it morphs, in one scene it is a spear then it becomes some sort of whip thing... honestly no comment but it might mean combat variation, maybe. So far he just seems like a bad ass who does not care about his own well being and wants to kick any ones ass in his way..... yeah so emo. /sarcasm


New member
Sep 1, 2010
FaceFaceFace said:
You are talking about the same film as them, right? Casino Royale? It was a worldwide blockbuster. Lots of money. Where are you getting "flop"?
"Opening day estimates in the United States and Canada showed Casino Royale on top with $14,750,000, while opening weekend estimates showed it in second place with $40,600,000,[52] as well as earning another $42,000,000 internationally. Although Happy Feet won the overall weekend box office contest,[...]" ->Source:Wikipedia []
-Now, you just KNOW something is wrong when you're struggling for first-place with a Children's flick.
And get this:"Accounting for inflation, Casino Royale is currently the fifth most successful of all James Bond films, behind Thunderball, Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice, and The Spy Who Loved Me." -that's pretty-much ALL of the major box-office Bond movies.
Now I don't know about you... but Personally I just couldn't stomach this new "James Blond" image the Studio imposed on it's audience in much the same way I can't stomach this "Emo-Dante" which Ninja-Theory is trying to shove down our Necks :-/

But then-again, if you're the kind of person that really enjoyed Hollywood's reboot of Spiderman, then you're probably gonna like this P.o.S. as well.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I don't mind the looks of Dante considering his hair and clothes, those fit a young version of the badass, but he looks a bit weak. I guess that would kinda fit, it depends a lot on what kind of background story we get. Still, the design of the character isn't really what makes the game good.
Their excuse is stupid though.

Rusty Bucket

New member
Dec 2, 2008
Neferius said:
FaceFaceFace said:
You are talking about the same film as them, right? Casino Royale? It was a worldwide blockbuster. Lots of money. Where are you getting "flop"?
"Opening day estimates in the United States and Canada showed Casino Royale on top with $14,750,000, while opening weekend estimates showed it in second place with $40,600,000,[52] as well as earning another $42,000,000 internationally. Although Happy Feet won the overall weekend box office contest,[...]" ->Source:Wikipedia []
-Now, you just KNOW something is wrong when you're struggling for first-place with a Children's flick.
And get this:"Accounting for inflation, Casino Royale is currently the fifth most successful of all James Bond films, behind Thunderball, Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice, and The Spy Who Loved Me." -that's pretty-much ALL of the major box-office Bond movies.
Now I don't know about you... but Personally I just couldn't stomach this new "James Blond" image the Studio imposed on it's audience in much the same way I can't stomach this "Emo-Dante" which Ninja-Theory is trying to shove down our Necks :-/

But then-again, if you're the kind of person that really enjoyed Hollywood's reboot of Spiderman, then you're probably gonna like this P.o.S. as well.
So making millions of dollars and marginally losing out to a film that was marketed at literally everyone is now the definition of flop? Fair enough.

Like it or not, the new James Bond image was entirely necassary. After the success of Jason Bourne, they had no chioce but ot reform him. The same old boring, unflappable Bond just wouldn't have cut it anymore. Personally, I loved Casino Royale and I think Craig pulled off the role better than any other actor has. The character was finally interesting.

And I actually did enjoy the latest Spiderman movies (not the third, that was actrocious). They seemed to realise that everything about Spiderman is completely fucking ridiculous and made the tone a little more lighthearted. Plus, the stunts were cool. And I don't like the Dante redesign, so I guess that's your entire argument gone up in smoke. Whoops.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Well, that's interesting.

Design still looks crap though.

Of course, that's just my opinion.....


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
Ninja Theory lead designer for DmC on the original Dante design:

?But in terms of, ?Do I think it?s cool?? No, not at all. I think it?s caricatured and over-the-top and very ?Japanesey,? and for that absurd style it does that really well, but that?s not what I want.?

Yes, we obviously have someone who has the best interests of the franchise at the helm. Capcom really dropped the ball on this one.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
-Zen- said:
Rusty Bucket said:
I don't think the main problem people are having is the change itself. The issue is that the change looks fucking stupid.
Thank you.

At what point did we as Devil May Cry fans state that we want absolutely no change from game to game?
I concur with both these statements


New member
May 15, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
So basically they're backsliding on their design, although not as shameless as Sucker Punch did?

And it's nonsense to basically say "times change, so that's why we changed everything". Saying Dante'd get laughed out of any bar outside Tokyo just isn't a good enough reason to change him. That was a total design wash in my eyes.

It's weird, when it comes to changing things, the Japanese don't get it. It's just one extreme to another, and they almost forgot why the die-hards in the west loved a character like Dante (aesthetically).

Either way when they said they wanted to make it more appealing to Westerners my heart sank, and now he almost looks like every other western protagonist.
The "laughed out of a bar" comment is just infuriating to me. Look, we know you're not going to do anything genuine with the whole "realistic" thing; this is Devil May Cry, not bloody Heavy Rain. The reason Dante was cool was not because he was realistic, it was because of excellent stylization. By doing this, you've not changed the character concept, you've taken the very soul out of the game.

Good fucking job.

Precision Burrito

New member
Oct 7, 2009
Am I the only one who thinks the new jacket looks completely hideous?

Seriously, it's not hard to make him look: young, current, and poor as an irish potato farmer, while not making him look like a thrift store from the 70's puked on him.

use this

make it red, and make it look like it had the shit beaten out of it, put on on some hand sewn patches, throw a crappy hoodie underneath and we're golden.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I agree, the Dante does look pretty cool but he looks a bit bulky in his upper body.