Nintendo: Adults Use Wii More Often Than PS3, 360


New member
Oct 25, 2008
I would have played Super Mario Galaxy 2 today if I hadn't decided to do one more turn of Civilization IV.



New member
Nov 18, 2009
This survey or whatever only has play time for 1-2 hours a WEEK?? Really? Most 360 and PS3 owners will play way more than that a DAY. I know I sure as hell do.

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
I use the wii regularly, and I am an adult (age 29). It boots up faster than my PC, so I use it to browse the internet for quick things like wikipedia searches, and facebook updates. I use netflix almost every night. Occasionally I even use it for gaming. I still consider my PC my primary gaming platform, but I can honestly say I use the wii about 5 hours a week or more.

Of course company sponsored graphs and surveys are probably full of crap. Especialy since I don't trust their information gathering on other consoles. Also their market share and usage percentage have nothing to do with each other and don't need to be displayed next to each other.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
I call bullshit, ESPECIALLY on:

"[The data shows] that as many people plan on buying a Wii ... as the 360 ... iPhone ... iPod and iPod touch put together."
That's a crock of shit, (funny they didn't put PS3 in there) if it's true, it's only true because the crappy supply of Wii's made it so that you had to plan on buying one instead of just buying one.

As for the "stereotype" it's very true, in fact, it describes me perfectly, my Wii hasn't been plugged in in over two years. Unless they release a good amount of information on how this survey was conducted, and release the raw data, I call bullshit.

Heart of Darkness

The final days of His Trolliness
Jul 1, 2009
More adult gamers say they play the Wii more because the ones that don't can't tear themselves away from the Xbox360/PS3/FarmVille.

Oh, statistical data, what can't you say?


New member
Mar 10, 2009
danpascooch said:
That's a crock of shit, (funny they didn't put PS3 in there) if it's true, it's only true because the crappy supply of Wii's made it so that you had to plan on buying one instead of just buying one.

As for the "stereotype" it's very true, in fact, it describes me perfectly, my Wii hasn't been plugged in in over two years. Unless they release a good amount of information on how this survey was conducted, and release the raw data, I call bullshit.
People plan on buying things because they have to save up for them, I don't know about you but I don't have the kind of income that lets me spend 200+ dollars on the spot without having planned to spend it first, I don't think anyone makes that kind of purchase without planning it.

And as for that stereotype just because it may apply to you does not mean it applies to everyone else.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Kwil said:
Why? Seriously.. why? If the bulk of your audience is enjoying what you're doing, why change it to satisfy the whiny niche? It'd be like Valve deciding that instead of bothering to perfect their games, they'll just put out half-arsed crap in order to satisfy all the whiners who want Ep.3 right this instant. Remember, we're not the majority, and we're not entitled to squat.
My point was less about Nintendo "ignoring" its "hardcore" audience (hint: they haven't, EVER--they've been releasing "hardcore" material at the same rate they always have) and more about Reggie being a moron for acting like the Wii's "bulk audience" is in any way in competition with the Sony's and Microsoft's. In fact, I don't ever recall saying there was anything WRONG with appealing to that audience in the first place. My only point is that Nintendo didn't just magically convert them into some kind of core demographic they can reliably exploit. My grandparents have a Wii, so do my parents, and they do use it frequently. Neither of them are going to buy Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, or even Wii Sports Resort--let alone the metric tons of shovelware that line the shelves at Best Buy, which might I add they aren't even AWARE of. They didn't buy it as a game console, they bought it--as well as the Wii Fit--simply on its merit as a stand-alone product. That's fine, but it doesn't matter HOW MUCH time they spend using either of those, Nintendo can't monetize that. They can CERTAINLY monetize units sold, but does that stop them from producing games for "us?" The audience that, while a relative niche, reliably purchases new products by the millions, thus offering a continuous stream of revenue? Nope. It definitely doesn't. And it hasn't. And it won't. But Reggie here shouldn't hold the illusion that they're going to sell a copy of Skyward Sword to every senior citizen who bought a Wii fit.

I also don't recall ever mentioning Valve or Half-Life 2: Episode 3 in any way. I can only guess that you're harboring a great deal of disappointment that Valve hasn't released it yet, that you have extreme guilt issues, and therefore cope with your sense of entitlement by projecting it on others. Either that or you're just an absurdly high-strung person who enjoys conflict and loves to browbeat people over the internet in order to cope with your own sense of powerlessness. Judging from your post I'd say the latter is more accurate, you seem to have scanned the forum for people who have just the slightest hint of dissent from your own opinion and given them the most venomously patronizing knee-jerk post you could muster. No doubt you're patting yourself on the back for it, too, as if being a patronizing jerk were something to be proud of. I'm not sure what you think you're trying to convince people of, but I guarantee your attitude isn't going to convince anybody you're right.

In any case, chill out. Nintendo has oodles of money, the most successful console, and the most successful line of handhelds on the market. They don't need you to defend them. In fact, they don't need you at all.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Most adults are casual gamers.
Who says that? Even before the Wii was released, the average gamer was older than 30.

RanD00M said:
Whatever Nintendo.I am quite happy here with my PC and PS3.And I will not buy a Wii not matter how much brag and boast about it.
Not disrespecting your opinion or anything, but I guess the one in the position to be sarcastic here is Nintendo.

"You won't buy our console? Fine. For each one of you not buying our product there's about 20 who will."

danpascooch said:
That's a crock of shit, (funny they didn't put PS3 in there) if it's true, it's only true because the crappy supply of Wii's made it so that you had to plan on buying one instead of just buying one.
Of course the supply of Wiis isn't steady enough. It's impossible to keep up producing the damn things as fast as they sell. (Of course they didn't include the PS3, the statement would've been wrong otherwise, what's so funny about it?)


New member
May 5, 2009
Yay to them. Guess what. Children use it even more often!

Now make the same study for 20 hours a week minimum instead.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Adults play games on Wii like Daisy Fuentes Pilates. They logon every day to do their exercise routine.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Well, with Mario platforms, a mario RPG, a Mario Sports, Zelda, Metroid, and Smash Bros. on there, along with gamecube backwards compatablility, Capcom's games, and a couple hits from Sega and Ubisoft (that, unfortanetly, undersold), I certainly use my wii more often than my Halo 3 machine that happens to run Bethesda, Bioware, and Valve as well...and I don't see this trend ending anytime soon with another Mario Sports, another Zelda, another Metroid, a Donkey Kong, and a Kirby coming out!

Also, I've heard people reporting that the Sonic Colors demo is really good.

Of course, I just play games for compelling experiences instead of frustrating competitions, so I guess I'm not exactly one of the "hardcore" crowd

Edit: Forgot to even mention the wii-exclusive Warren Spector title coming out...


New member
Jul 2, 2008
My folks picked up a Wii and balance board in the hopes of getting some sort of 'exercise' thing going on. That lasted 3 weeks, but they were on it 3-4 hours a night, had me beat, that's for sure.

Now, it truly is sitting there collecting dust. I don't think they've touched it since February. Well, the 'mote's still in the exact same spot every time I visit now, heh. Need must ask to...perhaps 'take it off their hands' for a bit when the new Zelda hits :p


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
armaina said:
Jiraiya72 said:
tellmeimaninja said:
Most adults are casual gamers. Most Wii games are casual games. Take Wii Sports. The second one sold like hotcakes, despite being little more than an assembly of poorly made minigames.
Yes this. Also reminds me of the article claiming like 40% of gamers are women. Sorry but playing wii sports 2 hours a week is the same as playing farmville. It isn't gaming.
Yes, as a woman I couldn't possibly be playing Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Okami, Umbrella Chronicles, Conduit or Super Paper Mario on my Wii. Nor could all my other female friends.

Seriously all these people that seem to think it's impossible for 40% of gamers to be women either don't have many female friends or hardly interact with them. This is the reason why many female gamers tend to hide their presence online.
Maybe instead of smarting off you should get off your high horse and read what I actually wrote, both in this case and the other article.
Kwil said:
Aww.. Poor baby. Are you threatened because I'm right?


New member
May 13, 2009
Jiraiya72 said:
Also reminds me of the article claiming like 40% of gamers are women. Sorry but playing wii sports 2 hours a week is the same as playing farmville. It isn't gaming.
Jiraiya72 said:
Maybe instead of smarting off you should get off your high horse and read what I actually wrote, both in this case and the other article
Somebody has their own high horse to get off. When is playing a video game not gaming?

Also, it did seem like you implied that girl gamers are casual gamers who shouldn't be counted as "real" gamers. Sounds either elitist or sexist to me. Also if you actually want somebody to read what you wrote elsewhere, you could link to it for them. Otherwise, they will not read it, and your position will not be clarified.

Why not accept that there is both hardcore and casual gaming, rather than stubbornly clinging to the notion that hardcore gaming is the only kind of gaming that exists.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Gladion said:
Of course the supply of Wiis isn't steady enough. It's impossible to keep up producing the damn things as fast as they sell. (Of course they didn't include the PS3, the statement would've been wrong otherwise, what's so funny about it?)
Oh BS, bollocks, and horse's truffles, do you really think that after 4 years Nintendo still can't keep up with the demand of the console? Hell, the DS is still in good supply, It's a marketing tactic pure and simple.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
well I play pc more then any of them but of all my consoles I play my wii the most, gotta hunt dem monsters