Grygor said:
Yes, this vast pool of people who will buy a console just because it says "Nintendo" on it... they must be the reason why the GCN sold only 2/3 what the N64 did, which in turn was only 2/3 of the SNES, which itself was only 80% of what the NES sold, despite the fact that the total active-console installed base nearly TRIPLED over the same time period.
This isn't just a strike against Nintendo though, most consoles fail to outsell their predecessors. Sega certainly did, hence why they stopped making consoles, and the PS3 is nowhere near the numbers that the PS2 pulled in. How many consoles have actually outdone what came before? The PS2 did obviously, and I THINK the 360? Not 100% sure since I don't regularly follow sales numbers, but I don't recall the original XBox every being as big as the 360 is (and it's not even that huge a seller in comparison to lightning in a bottle like the PS2). Either way, considering how this doesn't seem to be a problem unique to Nintendo, I'd hardly use it as an argument against the WiiU, unless you were going to use it as an argument against new systems of any kind.
It doesn't matter that the gaming media loved the 3DS - the market doesn't want it. Just like it won't matter that the gaming media love the Wii U (aside from the name) - I don't see the market wanting it.
I don't think the market not wanting the 3DS is really the issue. All the complaints I've heard in regards to the 3DS from people who don't want to buy it fall into 1 or more of 3 specific categories, all of which ultimately tie together under the umbrella of being a weak launch.
1. It had a fairly lame line-up of games at launch, even by the poor standards already expected from a starting line up. This however, will be rectified eventually, and one of the reasons why the gaming media loved the 3DS was for the games that still haven't come out yet. I know plenty of people who want a 3DS, but are simply waiting for the games they want to come out first. I myself fall into this category, and will even be picking up my first 3DS game before I pick up the system itself, due to news stories implying Ocarina of Time will be having a limited release.
2. It's key feature is one that can only be seen in person, and there aren't enough demos out there for people to try. I work in an EB Games, and we get customers coming in all the time interested in the 3DS, but not wanting to buy it until after they've given it a try to see how it's key feature works, but they can't because we don't have one to demo for them, and neither does anyone else. Nintendo should've done more to get it out there for people to try it.
3. It has a really terrible battery life for a handheld, especially considering Nintendo's track record for great battery life in their machines. I wouldn't be surprised if people are waiting for the 3DS equivalent of a DSLite or DSI to come out and improve the battery life before buying.
4. Not a complaint people had, but certainly a contributing factor to lackluster sales, it didn't launch anywhere near the Christmas season, which is when new consoles frequently come out to take advantage of the holiday shopping rush. And it factors into the weak launch in that if they had waited til Christmas to put it out there, it would've had a much stronger line-up of games to go with, and who knows, maybe that would've been enough time to do something about the battery.
From the friends I speak to and the amount of people I see everyday at work showing interest in it, I would say there is market demand for the 3DS, but that Nintendo simply botched the launch of it badly, and are going to have to scramble to play catch-up, especially now that the Vita will be coming out around Christmas time at a matching price point.
Either way, I'm certain 3DS sales will pick up and improve, and it'll turn out just fine in the end, though will probably never meet the sales of the DS itself, which, like that of the PS2 and the Wii, were probably never repeatable to begin with.
Whoops, that was all off-topic, wasn't it?