Nintendogs Blamed for Enticing Real Dog to Attack Child


New member
Jun 10, 2010
The dog's owner said the girl may have kicked the dog. That would make sense. I've never head of dogs reacting to barking from t.v., music, or video games.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
IckleMissMayhem said:
WilliamRLBaker said:
IckleMissMayhem said:
Crypticonic said:
Why is the dog called 'Saracen'? :/
Because "Mr Widdle Fluffikins" isn't a name you'd associate with a Bull Mastiff.

Dogs do react to barking sounds, whether they're from dogs outside, on TV/radio etc. But, as has already been said, you shouldn't leave a young child alone with a a big dog.
then one would think the animal would attack the thing the child is holding, dogs have great eye sight beyond their limited color spectrum (they aren't color blind completely) an great hearing, If it had been a tv it would bark at the tv or attack the tv, or grab her DS and chew on it.
No argument here. But I wouldn't be surprised if what the owner is saying is partly true - if the dog was showing interest in the DS making noises, and the child gave it a crafty boot, it wouldn't take two seconds for what happened next to happen, even with a full audience present in the room.
the article already says the dog was in a different room, so the it just heard another dog bark in another room, and little girl that kicked the big dog just was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

i do feel sorry for the dog, because that little girl kicked the dog but obviously didnt get punished, because she was playing a DS at the time, spoilt brat.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
1blackone said:
JeanLuc761 said:
Autofaux said:
It's a bull mastiff. Why was it inside with a nine year old child in the first place?
Basically this. While the attack could have been entirely coincidental, having a dog like that around a 9-year old is probably not the best idea.

I'm full-grown and I'm nervous around dogs that physically imposing.
FYI Bull Mastiffs are usually suuuuuper docile. They make terrible guard dogs for this reason and a kid would have to attack it and damn near draw blood for it to give a retort.

I would have to think that it was a freaky convergence of things that led to this: Probably the game's barking agitating the dog compounded with the girl being a stranger and kicking him.

Nah, bull mastiffs attack if they smell something about you, like bad karma or something. The girl obviously had a dirty conscious, and plus, my Scottish terrier has done worse to me in one bite than this dog has. My dog's jaw is so wide he bit a small part of my ear and lip off. ONE BITE.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
BloodSquirrel said:
Generally speaking, I've found that cats/dogs tend not to react to artificial noises (TV, radio, video games). They seem to have figured out that they're not real, and not worth paying attention to.
again the article states the dog was in another room!!!

does no one read the whole fucking thing!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
May 4, 2009
WanderingFool said:
Bull Mastiff?

*Google image search*


Dont blame the game, blame the dumbass parents who got that thing, its almost as big as a fucking horse.

Oh don't be scared. They're lovely. I got a dog who is a bull mastiff cross...he doesn't have the loveable squishy face of that mastiff, instead he's got more of a terrier's head. But bigger.
And he's lovely. Breed and size of dog doesn't matter. You train a dog well, he'll behave well regardless of his breed. I fight with the big guy...he never uses his teeth, he just punches me out instead.

Honestly, anybody that's calling out 'bull mastiff' as though it's an armed bomb is seriously ignorant. It might amuse you to know that the only dogs that ever attacked me were border collies...which is getting to the point of being suspicious. Golden retrievers can be as deadly as a pitbull if you spend their lives beating them. It's training, people, not breed.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
This is a typical example of the Bullmastiff breed:

Wiki extract: "The Bullmastiff shares the characteristics of Molosser dogs like it, and was originally developed by19th-century gamekeepers to guard estates, finding and immobilize poachers."

This animal has been bred as an ATTACK DOG!

Yeah, blame the dumb video game, after all they're foreign, new and strange.

But dogs and breeds like these, they are English, Traditional and familiar, they can't POSSIBLY be at fault! Not in the minds of backwards-thinking reactionary mouth breathers that profit off panic, fear and mistrust brewed mostly in their own publications.

I can't believe they are shifting the blame from irresponsible owners (who may or may not also be the girl's parent) and aggressive animal to a tiny bleeping toy.

This is like blaming a girl who gets sexually assaulted for wearing too short a skirt.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
CardinalPiggles said:
BloodSquirrel said:
Generally speaking, I've found that cats/dogs tend not to react to artificial noises (TV, radio, video games). They seem to have figured out that they're not real, and not worth paying attention to.
again the article states the dog was in another room!!!

does no one read the whole fucking thing!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure what you think the relevance of this comment is, unless you're suggesting that the dog used the force to attack the girl from the other room.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
And they say journalism is dead, how could they with journalistic gems like this.....

Really I don't know why people read these stupid rags anymore. You have a better chance of getting investigative and balanced news reporting from your hair dresser, etc, than that from these wastes of paper. TV news reporting is not much better either.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
So now the media is now saying that video games turn househlod pets into psychotic murderers. A mean thank God she was not playing worms, I was playing worms the other week and out of nowhere these worms starting firing machine guns at me.

On serious note tho it seems every other week in this country I hear about some poor little kid being mauled by these vicious dogs and the family trying to divert attention from their own negligence. It's time these vicious breeds of dogs where banned outright and the owners of these pets need to punished for their lack of care, it's cruel to their families and cruel to the animal when they fail to train their pets and take the proper precautions around children. Also everyone who is connected Daily Mail needs to be chained to a massive anchor and hurled into the sea the stupid, ignorance hate spewing monsters that they are


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Thyunda said:
... You train a dog well, he'll behave well regardless of his breed...
That's they key word here. That's why this makes a dangerous combination, like drinking and driving, either of which are fine on their own but NOT together!

The general public (in my country at least) have been institutionalised into incompetence, disincentive-ised to ever take responsibility or initiative, herded into a narrow rules and restrictions where they CANNOT hurt themselves or others.

I could go into a long tirade about how and why we have ended up here but the point is there are thousands of dog owners who shouldn't be trusted looking after a house plant let alone a powerful animal. You're just one of the good owners.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Dogs dfont need any reason to attack - If they perceive a threat, they are going to pounce.

Im going to assume it was some coincidance


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Autofaux said:
It's a bull mastiff. Why was it inside with a nine year old child in the first place?
And somehow I knew the first comment would be something about how bull mastiffs are violent. Despite this being an exceptionally ignorant misconception applied to various breeds.

I have a pet Doberman at home. Dobermen are one of those breeds that get an unfair rap for being 'vicious' because some idiots like to have their tails docked, their ears pinned up, and parade them around on chain leads to show how 'hard and tough' they are. But my dog? He's the third Doberman we've had. The first was as dopey and sweet as you can imagine, the second was violent but he'd been abused at his former home (we had him from a rescue centre), and our current dog is again one of the most well-behaved, sweetest dogs you could ever hope to encounter. He gets on with almost everyone, and follows instructions well, and is great with kids (the only danger you're in from him is that he will lick you and sniff you to death...).

And it doesn't end there. I know people with pit bull terriers, Alsatians, British bulldogs, and yes, even bull mastiffs, that are exceptionally well behaved. Yet I also know a couple who have Jack Russells, and those dogs are little shits despite the breed's reputation for being half-decent.

The point is, the breed does not make the dog. If I was in that scenario, and the bull mastiff was well behaved, then I would see no problem in letting it be with the nine-year-old child. But if I thought there was any danger in letting the dog near her then I wouldn't let it in the house with her. It's as simple as that. And you seem to have missed the bit in the OP where the owner says the girl possibly kicked the dog. If you kick a dog, then it will go for you regardless of the breed, and regardless of how well behaved it normally is.

I'm not trying to make excuses for anyone here, the dog least of all. But I just want to make it clear that the dog's breed has nothing to do with this, and with all due respect I do see your comment as being particularly ignorant and misinformed. As a dog owner I do know something about dogs, so try and get your facts right next time before making such statements.

As for the OP, I normally hate the stereotyping of games as being the cause of all the world's ills. But in this case? I actually agree. I can see that the game may have been something of a trigger, with the barking from the console, so although it's not like a school shooting being linked to Call Of Duty, in this one case the right-wing media may be right (pun not intended). Just a mere coincidence. But again, if the girl really did kick the dog, then something like this was going to happen anyway, game or no game. I have every sympathy for her though, and the family of the girl, but I can't really see the dog being entirely to blame here. We need a clearer idea of the facts of the matter before we can form a proper opinion, though.

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
JeanLuc761 said:
Autofaux said:
It's a bull mastiff. Why was it inside with a nine year old child in the first place?
Basically this. While the attack could have been entirely coincidental, having a dog like that around a 9-year old is probably not the best idea.

I'm full-grown and I'm nervous around dogs that physically imposing.
That's no dog, that's a space station.


New member
May 21, 2010
Cassita said:
They killed the dog for the attack?

Pretty sure there are people sitting in prison for much worse.
Sadly the dog never wins these cases. You can have an amazing lawyer blaming the people and all kinds of things, but the dog is ALWAYS at fault in a court room.

In the event of pressed charges due to an animal attack, they put the dog that they prove responsible for the attack. In a few cases, they just put down the accused animal and didn't wait to prove it. It's kinda sad.

My friend had to put his dog down because the dog was lying there and a little girl poked the dog in the eye and then kicked it, so it bit her. "The owner should have properly trained the animal and should have full control of it at all times" is what they said


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Walker's grandmother says: "I blame the game for what happened to Megan. If they hadn't been playing it I don't think the dog would have gone for her."

Don't blame the game for something a real dog did. Maybe blame the sound effects, but not the game itself!


New member
Oct 3, 2009
this is ridiculous. I do find it odd that someone mentioned a school shooting yesterday, and some1 said that they would blame it on Nintendogs, and now this.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Celtic_Kerr said:
Cassita said:
They killed the dog for the attack?

Pretty sure there are people sitting in prison for much worse.
Sadly the dog never wins these cases. You can have an amazing lawyer blaming the people and all kinds of things, but the dog is ALWAYS at fault in a court room.

In the event of pressed charges due to an animal attack, they put the dog that they prove responsible for the attack. In a few cases, they just put down the accused animal and didn't wait to prove it. It's kinda sad.

My friend had to put his dog down because the dog was lying there and a little girl poked the dog in the eye and then kicked it, so it bit her. "The owner should have properly trained the animal and should have full control of it at all times" is what they said
What the hell! Im sry for your friend, that person would said that should have sum1 poke him in the eye and kick him, see what he does.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
I can't believe the parents blamed the game rather than the dog. They should know better than to let one of such a violent breed near their child.

Padwolf said:
It could be the little girl's fault too, if you bait a dog, it will attack, so if she kicked it, then she is to blame too
To be fair your average dog probably wouldn't try to rip your face off for kicking it, at nine years old a child isn't responsible enough to be around a dangerous breed so even if she did kick it, it would be the parents fault for letting her near it in the first place.