No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Sep 8, 2008
shadow skill said:
elvor0 said:
teh_gunslinger said:
Oh, I just had a flash of inspiration. If dedicated servers and server browsers are that insanely complicated as John Funk and others think could you not explain it in some sort of paper that was with the game. A description of how to work it and a little vocabulary that explained basic terms like ping, DM, TDM, CTF, PL etc.? Some sort of handbook for the game. Perhaps it could be called a manual, seeing as manus means hand in Latin and all?
I dont want to have to read things! I'm entitled to have things handed to me and simplified so I can understand them and an advanced mode after I get the hang of things. RAWR RAWR RAWR!
Fixed it for you. :)
Tis a shame the people that's for dont think like that, they just want simple :p

And did you have to go ruin my only piece of sarcasm today?


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
Anarchy In Detroit said:
fucking lame. signing petition.

Don't forget who made Call of Duty big, it wasn't shitty console players.
Considering cod4 sold most on 360, I'd say consolers have taken over that mantle.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
sneakypenguin said:
Anarchy In Detroit said:
fucking lame. signing petition.

Don't forget who made Call of Duty big, it wasn't shitty console players.
Considering cod4 sold most on 360, I'd say consolers have taken over that mantle.
It wouldnt have got to that stage though if it wasn't for PC gamers. Spitting in the face of the people who got you to where you are is seldom a good idea.

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
I just don't see why they'd do this, it makes no sense in any way or form to remove dedicated servers, plus its likely more people will pirate the game just to play the single player due to being put off multiplayer by this. Especially as someone will probably mod in a server browser for cracked servers which people will then run.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
elvor0 said:
teh_gunslinger said:
Oh, I just had a flash of inspiration. If dedicated servers and server browsers are that insanely complicated as John Funk and others think could you not explain it in some sort of paper that was with the game. A description of how to work it and a little vocabulary that explained basic terms like ping, DM, TDM, CTF, PL etc.? Some sort of handbook for the game. Perhaps it could be called a manual, seeing as manus means hand in Latin and all?
I dont want to have to read things! I'm entitled to have things handed to me and simplified so I can understand them RAWR RAWR RAWR!
Hells bells, no Baldur's Gate for you then. You better stick with Mass Effect. :p Or Europa Universalis for that matter. Or Civilization.

(A joke, of course)


New member
May 24, 2009
What does my mind say about my care level?
It's under -9000!

No dedicated servers will mean more official servers which are kept clean of angry kids and griefers. Maybe they will miss one or two custom plug-ins but it's not that crucial.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Diablini said:
What does my mind say about my care level?
It's under -9000!

No dedicated servers will mean more official servers which are kept clean of angry kids and griefers. Maybe they will miss one or two custom plug-ins but it's not that crucial.
What? But they aint admin-ized. Which means MORE angry kids and griefers.

teh_gunslinger said:
elvor0 said:
teh_gunslinger said:
Oh, I just had a flash of inspiration. If dedicated servers and server browsers are that insanely complicated as John Funk and others think could you not explain it in some sort of paper that was with the game. A description of how to work it and a little vocabulary that explained basic terms like ping, DM, TDM, CTF, PL etc.? Some sort of handbook for the game. Perhaps it could be called a manual, seeing as manus means hand in Latin and all?
I dont want to have to read things! I'm entitled to have things handed to me and simplified so I can understand them RAWR RAWR RAWR!
Hells bells, no Baldur's Gate for you then. You better stick with Mass Effect. :p Or Europa Universalis for that matter. Or Civilization.

(A joke, of course)
Good ol' Baldur's gate, how I love thee. Even if it does run a little dodgy on my PC these days.


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
DTWolfwood said:
So since when has the PC turn into some trivial piece of machine for newcomers to get into?
Last i remember you graduate to PC, not start from it. PC gaming doesn't need more people as it needs more support from the ppl making the games. IW started off on the PC and now they moved on to a more lucrative franchise with the Consoles. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MAKING IT EASIER FOR YOU. its making it easier for them to make ONE game and port it 3 ways than make 1 game with 2 different functions.
If you graduate to a PC then you must be going to a community college.
Since when was the PC some godly thing that only the best can use? I game on my PC and I prefer a console.
Plus if you had listened to IW they said they were going to make the game balanced for all, and if that includes PCs then so be it.
Really all of you PC people bitching makes you look childish and me glad that I'm not a hardcore PC gamer.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
elvor0 said:
Diablini said:
What does my mind say about my care level?
It's under -9000!

No dedicated servers will mean more official servers which are kept clean of angry kids and griefers. Maybe they will miss one or two custom plug-ins but it's not that crucial.
What? But they aint admin-ized. Which means MORE angry kids and griefers.
This is truth, spoken well. Dedicated servers are the way to go if you want jerk and griefer free play.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
The PC is a very flexible machine, removing creative forms from it, such as custimazable games, and servers is BS. I'd understand it on a console as it is not as flexible, (no offense) but on a PC it's bullshit.

also I think they removed mods as a way to ensure that they can sell DLC... and If I'm right I will never buy anything from Infinity Ward again.

We PC gamers are the ones that made Call of Duty so popular, and why Infinity Ward is very high on the list of game companies, but now they've over inflated and have forgotten about the important people, the ones who help start it all.

It's a shame, and I reccomend everyone sign the petition, not just PC Gamers, but console gamers as well, because without the creativity stemming from mods Infinity ward will lose ides, and the series quality will generally degrade. That my friends will effect the console gamers, so don't imply for a second that ti doesn't effect you :0

As for now I'm not buying MW 2 until they do the 2 weeks tops effort it takes to put a server list, and a way to enable mods.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Funk, I have to question whether you're actually a PC gamer at all. PC gamers (that I know of)love to be able to pick and choose what server they play. I don't want some "service" choosing for me what server I play on, I can do that my own damn self, thank you very much.

Also, the end of dedicated servers means the end of large games. Any game with more than 20 people is going to be unbearably laggy. Dedicated servers brought a virtual end to that lag.

Matchmaking is a step back, and it, along with no mod support and paid-for mappacks, are trying to turn PC gaming into console gaming. If I wanted to play a console game, I would have bought a crap console.

And yes, I do think PC players are special. But then I'm an elitist asshole.

Ph0t0n1c Ph34r

New member
Feb 25, 2009
I really could care less. I only use my PC for CS and Battlefield 2. Though I do prefer dedicated servers,so they can cater to my fleeting whimsy. Except for that prick filled Montreal server for CS:S. I got kicked because I don't drink suffiecient amounts of maple syrup apperntly.

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
SilentHunter7 said:
Paragon Fury said:
1: Both. Server lists invariably lead to rather homeogenous selections, consisting mainly of nothing more than Map A/Gametype C/ Time X and few variations thereof. Meanwhile Maps C through M are mostly ignored, and Gametypes A,B and D never see the light of day.

2: Veto systems only work once, and even then, the next selection is random. You may not like the current map, but you don't want chance getting a map that you like even less. Further, if you haven't learned to mute everyone you see or meet online, thats your own damn fault. Hell, its even easier on consoles, where two buttons is all it takes most of the time.

3: Consoles, not counting WoW for PC, crush PCs everyday of the week, and twice on Sunday, in sheer numbers alone. And consoles are not END.

Umm, *signs into Steam and boots CS:S*

I saw servers for de_dust, de_dust2, de_aztec, de_fuck, cs_office, awp_arena, aim_normal, and cs_747.

I seen at least 7 servers with gun game, and at least 30 with no AWP. At least half of them are labeled "Public server".

How homogeneous.
*FINISHING LAST THOUGHT* And consoles are not moddable like PCs, yet the consoles do expotenially better.


Though I could do it myself, I'd prefer you do it, just to prove a point.

Name every stock map that comes with CS:S.

Now, how many of them are being played? Full or near-full servers?

Multiple servers? Don't have stupid (read: Not changed or modified, except for time) rules?

Yeah, I thought so.

See, the problem with dedicated servers is this: Every desicion you make affects another player. You get your customization, but you you screw me because now I have no choice but to play your way. I literally do not have the choice to play what I want because of you. Because I can't afford, or don't have the technical knowledge to, or don't like the same maps as other people, I don't get to play what I want play, ever. Some freedom huh?

However, thats not the way it works. MM is the superior system because it gives the best of both worlds - its sets up a neutral, unbiased system for deciding the game, and gives everyone an equal chance to get something they enjoy. Further, they also give you the ability to play anyway you want, without culling the the ability of other players to play their way, in the form of private matches.

IW is doing the smart thing - either you play nice with everyone else, or you play with yourself. And for people like me, who bought the game to be able to enjoy the game for what it is, and not the 1/3 everyone decided was cool, its a freakin' miracle.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
"Let's face the music, PC gamers: Server browsers are usually clunky and unintuitive. In trying to teach a (non-PC-gaming) friend how to play TF2, the first twenty or so minutes were just spent on how to sort through and select a server. I know that we PC gamers like to think of ourselves as an exclusive little club of special kids who hold high reign above those console lowlifes, but really? Are people really complaining about a more easily accessible game with modern matchmaking technology?"

Sorry, Funk, I can't get with this kind of logic. Why should anyone bother to dumb-down such a simplistic, bare-bones system like server browser on the PC platform, where a myriad of problems can present themselves AT ANY TIME that are immeasurably more complex and difficult to solve than something as simple as sorting a server list and clicking "Join". What is your non-PC-user going to do when his/her video card goes tits up? When the sound suddenly doesn't work? When the system hard-locks? When, after installation and clicking on the desktop shortcut, instead of the game popping up absolutely nothing happens because of some random software conflict?

Sometimes there are PC users who DO present the stereotyped "elitist bastard" attitude, but the stereotype has a basis in reality. The PC is a complex platform that rarely ever sits well with a plug-and-play approach to gaming.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
mdk31 said:
And yes, I do think PC players are special. But then I'm an elitist asshole.
I still don't understand why elitist is such a bad word? Why is it bad to want the best? Goes for both gaming and everything else. I'm a proud elitist that considers my PS3 as second rate crap compared to my PC. (It's still good though, I love it.)


New member
Sep 4, 2008
MMMMmmm, this is like sweet, warm, honey to my ears. I don't give a damn either way, but it's nice to hear all the PC gamers ***** for once.


Evil Ghandi :3
Jun 15, 2007
I take it means that it will work like the 360 matchmaking/DoW2/etc one of the player's matches will play Host and we connect to that? If so then its very disappoint news for me. If it stays like this I, sadly, won't/can't get CoD6.

Not because I hate the thought of non-dedicated servers, but simply because for some annoying reason I cannot connect directly to other machines due to NAT issues, I have tried port forwarding etc yet my NAT continues to hold as tight as a nun's legs. Reason why I couldn't play CoD5's Co-Op mode but could play regular Multiplayer :(



New member
Sep 8, 2008
DeadRow said:
I take it means that it will work like the 360 matchmaking/DoW2/etc one of the player's matches will play Host and we connect to that? If so then its very disappoint news for me. If it stays like this I, sadly, won't/can't get CoD6.

Not because I hate the thought of non-dedicated servers, but simply because for some annoying reason I cannot connect directly to other machines due to NAT issues, I have tried port forwarding etc yet my NAT continues to hold as tight as a nun's legs. Reason why I couldn't play CoD5's Co-Op mode but could play regular Multiplayer :(

I suspect you may well have already tried this, but have you tried killing your anti virus completely via task manager or whatever, and trying it? I had issues with any EA game with Mcafe, even if I disabled all firewalls and stuff, I had to end it with task manager to connect.


New member
May 8, 2008
teh_gunslinger said:
mdk31 said:
And yes, I do think PC players are special. But then I'm an elitist asshole.
I still don't understand why elitist is such a bad word? Why is it bad to want the best? Goes for both gaming and everything else. I'm a proud elitist that considers my PS3 as second rate crap compared to my PC. (It's still good though, I love it.)
This exactly, word for word. I have an awesome gaming PC,(QQ660 3.4GHz, Asus GTX275, 4GB RAM and 2 HDDs and I'm not expecting anyone really except PC gamers to know what any of those are really)an Xbox Elite, and my brother has a PS3(which I sometimes play on)and it's just fact that PC is more powerful, it's not elitest, it's the truth, but I love my consoles as well, I'm just realistic about it.

I also agree with "brgillespie", there are much harder things that you have to do on a PC just to get a game to START. I bought Fallout 3 GOTYE recently, it took me at least 4 hours of installing, uninstalling, configuring and changing things to get it to run without crashing, it now runs, maximum settings, everything on, and doesn't crash, the payout far out ways the "stress" of getting it to run because we get a much better experience in return for our hard work. A console gamer wouldn't know the first thing about troubleshooting, because they want it nice and simple, and dumb.