No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Jul 23, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
What happens when genuinely better tech comes along?
So you are saying that this is a better solution?

To me it seems like a jump backwards. No one will be able to host their own private servers, which will most likely be a big obstacle for people wanting to play with a clan.

Griefers and assholes will have free reign since there won't be any server admins.

Quite frankly, I personally don't like to just be tossed into a random server.

And don't get me started on the lag...


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Matchmaking is a scourge that needs to die. I honestly don't see what advantages it has over traditional server browsing, other then being moron friendly. Ok, yeah, I went there. It's just trying to be MORON FRIENDLY. I don't know where the heck you get the idea it could take someone twenty friggin minutes to learn how to pick a server! I mean jesus, how old are these friends of yours?

What is appealing about not being able to pick which maps you want, which weapon sets you prefer, what rules you like, not being able to join a server that provides a fairly low ping, not being able to join games that have room for your friends, and so on and so forth? The list goes on and on.

I suppose next people are going to start complaining that the startup menus in games are too complicated. "Waaaah, I can't figure out what all this stuff means! What the heck is a 'load game'?! And why would I want a 'new game'? I just bought this one!"
Ok, we'll make it so instead of all those complicated options, we'll just have one button, that you can press and then it'll randomly pick from all the possible things you might want to do. Sometimes it might start a new game, maybe it'll load, or if you're lucky it might take you to the options screen. And the options will be locked so you don't accidentally mess anything up.

For the love of god, this is what gaming is coming to? We can't even pick a friggin SERVER without computers helping? Does the computer know what I want better then I do?


New member
Nov 12, 2007
robert632 said:
ahh. so now that the LFD2 ban is over, the gaming community will start right off the bat with a "MW2 petinion. ah lovely, predictable people.
So is apathy the correct response then?

At the moment, none of us know what the true PC online MW2 experience will be like.
However, if it resembles the current MW1 console system I will not be purchasing it.

This is a boycott of love if anything else.
"We loved your first game infinity ward, let us tell you why."


New member
Sep 8, 2009
I like servers because I can play with people from a specific clan, without belonging to that clan.

For instance, I've played on about three servers of TF2 that weren't Lotus Clan. About 98% of all my time is sent on their servers, because of their decent moderation, ping, and sometimes my steam-friends play there too. It provides a consistent and enjoyable experience.

Take away the player's choice for what server they join? No, thanks!

I was thinking about MW2, but I can now say with compete certainty that I'll pass it up for one of the maelstrom of titles that are coming out soon.


New member
Nov 12, 2007
DTWolfwood said:
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
If you graduate to a PC then you must be going to a community college.
Since when was the PC some godly thing that only the best can use? I game on my PC and I prefer a console.
Plus if you had listened to IW they said they were going to make the game balanced for all, and if that includes PCs then so be it.
Really all of you PC people bitching makes you look childish and me glad that I'm not a hardcore PC gamer.
thanks for not seeing the point XD
Im telling you their reason for doing this has nothing to do with it being a better or worst system, it everything to do with which is easiest for them to port. Yeah just keep thinking they have the end user in mind when they pulled this wool over your eye.

Glad you like your console more too, i love the games i have my console. but wen it comes to FPS the mouse and keyboard >> controller. (not to mention lack of autoaim kinda requires some skill) Glad to see you like to live a sheltered life where any challenge is GOD FORBID existant in the world.
You said that this decision was based on the game being easy to port.
Could it not simply be that dedicated servers notoriously run user made content.
Content that would not exist if there was not a server to run it on.
Which means all further content will be solely from Infinity Ward.
This isn't about things being easy, this is about money.

I'm sure someone has already pointed this out though.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
I think they got this the wrong way around; they should have added dedicated servers to consoles, not remove them from PC's. It really was the only thing I felt was lacking from CoD 4's multiplayer, since the matches just felt too small and restricted.

I'm still gonna buy it, though. I'm not outraged, just surprised.


New member
May 8, 2008
I'm probably not the only one who's cancelled their pre-order on MW2 because of this, I'm sure all 112508(at last count)of those who have signed the petition have done likewise, and many many more besides, only way anything will change is to hit them where it really hurts, their wallets, any PC gamer worth their salt will not stand for this tbh, it's counter productive and it's backwards thinking, it's not even logical on any level.
Also with their lastest response IW have basically just given us a massive "fuck you, deal with it", fuck. that.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
So how are we going to play with mates? Unless they do the Xbox/Windows live thing where you have all your mates names and can connect to their server (which i wouldn't mind). Also is it a little bit to hard to ask for both? A sought of quick match thing or alternatively you can sought through the servers, which i don't believe is that difficult to begin with...


New member
Apr 7, 2009
GoldenRaz said:
I think they got this the wrong way around; they should have added dedicated servers to consoles, not remove them from PC's. It really was the only thing I felt was lacking from CoD 4's multiplayer, since the matches just felt too small and restricted.

I'm still gonna buy it, though. I'm not outraged, just surprised.
I guess the problem with adding dedicated servers to consoles games is the server modding aspect which could easily alienate the casual gamer. This is kind of what they are getting at in the article - not fragmenting the community.

The fail point may be in casting the same design rules on both console and PC versions. These are two very diverse communities and they should be treated independantly.

I do wonder how their infrastructure will stand up to the 'gazillion' gamers they predict will buy the game though and with the game being peer to peer I'd hope there's still statistical tracking to a central server otherwise all sorts of hacking will occur!


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
felltablet said:
You said that this decision was based on the game being easy to port.
Could it not simply be that dedicated servers notoriously run user made content.
Content that would not exist if there was not a server to run it on.
Which means all further content will be solely from Infinity Ward.
This isn't about things being easy, this is about money.

I'm sure someone has already pointed this out though.
Good point!

yes its implicit in my 'easier' comment that it would be more money for them XD but thanks for getting it ^_^ (More or less you make 1 game with 1 set of function and port it 3 ways, will be cheaper to develop than making it different on another platform.)


New member
Mar 21, 2009
junkmanuk said:
GoldenRaz said:
I think they got this the wrong way around; they should have added dedicated servers to consoles, not remove them from PC's. It really was the only thing I felt was lacking from CoD 4's multiplayer, since the matches just felt too small and restricted.

I'm still gonna buy it, though. I'm not outraged, just surprised.
I guess the problem with adding dedicated servers to consoles games is the server modding aspect which could easily alienate the casual gamer. This is kind of what they are getting at in the article - not fragmenting the community.

The fail point may be in casting the same design rules on both console and PC versions. These are two very diverse communities and they should be treated independantly.

I do wonder how their infrastructure will stand up to the 'gazillion' gamers they predict will buy the game though and with the game being peer to peer I'd hope there's still statistical tracking to a central server otherwise all sorts of hacking will occur!
While wanting to create one, big, cozy community is commendable, I still don't see how forcing "hardcorers" to play with "casuals" is the right way to do so. It's more likely that casual players will constantly find themselves being harassed by one of the more douche-y hardcore players, which definitely would alienate casuals, than for everybody to get along perfectly. I don't see why it would hurt to let those in for the competition play against eachother on their own servers while everyone who just want to have some fun plays on one of the matchmaking servers.
Maybe that could be solved with two categories of matchmaking, something like "Standard Match" and "Competition", I don't know.

If they can't add it to consoles due to the differences between the platforms, then it would be somewhat clarifiying if they just went ahead and said it, instead of making it seem like they took the easy way out. But that's just me thinking out loud.

I'm with you in hoping that they'll be able to get all the information from matches sent to a central servers, otherwise it would cripple the whole "create a big community" agenda. I mean, it doesn't feel like a community if everything you just did was completely erased from all records the minute the match ends.


New member
May 15, 2008
*****, *****, moan, moan. Why on earth are people getting worked up about this? Can someone explain why this game is meant to be so fan-friggin'-tasic? It's another War FPS, to add to the hundreds that are already out there. May be I suffer from 'Originality disease' or something, but I am, honest to God, sick of hearing about MW2.

/rant. Sorry, but I've needed to get that off my chest and hopefully someone will agree with my little piece of common sense.


New member
Jan 10, 2008
I'm sure it's been said before, but I might as well add my thoughts.

The primary draw for PC gaming for me was that dedicated servers assisted the formation of communities. Especially when using 3rd party server browsers such as All-Seeing Eye (though that died when Yahoo bought it as I recall) and X-Fire it made it quite simple to find a server matching your specific requirements.
For example, I used to play Battlefield 1942/2 pretty much every night after college. You could find servers setup for very specific qualities, like having a small map rotation with say, only city maps, friendly fire on/off and all that. If that wasn't your cup of tea you could always use the official EA servers.
In-game server browsers, I found, have generally been very poor. Developers haven't really made much effort to improve these over the years, with the exception of Steam, which atleast has filters for server location, ping, maps etc which by now, should be a standard I would have thought.
During my time with the Battlefield series, I always found servers that suited my play style and went back to the same few every night. It's great getting to know the people who frequent them and building up a bit of rivalry or team spirit!

These days I am sad to say, I'm primarily a console gamer. I stick to my 360 as that's what most of my friends have and every game you join, it's always random people, usually with either no-one on voice comms, or someone abusing it in some manner. Not to mention I always seem to get grouped with Americans (no offense, but I would prefer to play with UK gamers).

As for mod support, I don't really understand this move either. Imagine if Valve never had modding tools for Half-Life. No Counter-strike, Day of Defeat, Natural Selection etc etc.

Anyway, this post has gone on a bit longer than I had expected so I shall take the time to read through the rest of the thread ;_;


Hail, Ilpalazzo!
Jan 26, 2009
Metalhandkerchief said:
Talendra said:
I have no problem at all with matchmaking, in fact I encourage it to help those who jsut want to join a game.
Do you know what a peer 2 peer architecture means??? Have you heard of a little game called WarRock?

Let me tell you about WarRock. It's a fantastic FPS game. However, they rely on P2P instead of hosted servers. To make a connection between all the players, the packages has to be sent from each player to each oher player - both ways. Meaning that if there is ONE Portuguese/Spanish/Italian person with a crappy connection in the room (I use them as an example since they have the worst continental connection in the civilized world, and are ofthen found to be the sinners in WarRock) EVERYBODY is going to lag.

They will lag for maybe the first 1, 3, 10 rounds - and maybe even the entire game.

In WarRock, the actual people making the lag happen will be invisible to most others to which their ping is more than 999. That means they have a huge advantage and will rise in ranks fastest - not because they are skilled but because they are invisible and make everyone else lag.

Signature #121095 done.
Did you even read my entire post before you decided to ***** about what I said. I am against p2p, in fact I messaged John so that people would know about this.
Read past my first sentence if you want to comment on what I say.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Radelaide said:
*****, *****, moan, moan. Why on earth are people getting worked up about this? Can someone explain why this game is meant to be so fan-friggin'-tasic? It's another War FPS, to add to the hundreds that are already out there. May be I suffer from 'Originality disease' or something, but I am, honest to God, sick of hearing about MW2.

/rant. Sorry, but I've needed to get that off my chest and hopefully someone will agree with my little piece of common sense.
It's not about how good the game is, it's about these pricks taking out useful and interesting features that makes online gaming so much better.

Would you like it if they decided to take out features you liked or make you pay more for the full game? There isn't much we can do about it except sign the petition, it's not like we have to much effort into signing it.
Sep 9, 2007
Kalezian said:
Dedicated Servers = less ping! : Yes, they do, Im not going to lie about that as I even search for low ping servers in every game I play.
Counter-Point Internet Connections : If your afraid of not having a good connection, shouldnt you get a better ISP or even a higher bandwidth? Even with a eight-meg. connection I still have good pings on 87% of all servers I search for. And with/if this game uses the CoD4 matchmaking, it will always choose the person that can continue the match best, so yet again, Im not seeing why this is a big deal.
How about those that want to play MW2 outside of America, hm? If the MW2 servers are only based in America and/or Europe, then what about gamers like me, who live in Australia, where eight meg connections are a pipe dream? Are we supposed to just suck it up and pay money for a short single player campaign and badly laggy online? No thanks.