No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Jul 18, 2008
will1182 said:
Boo-frickity-hoo, I say. I'm a console man, so I don't see what the big deal is.
It eliminates fun servers, jump-in servers, very fast servers, puts strain on my connection, ISP throttles P2P to counter kazaa users, dumbs it down when nearly all PC gamers know how to use and sort a server browser.
Big fuckin deal.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
Im A 360 dude. I have some exp in online pc games, yet dont own any. Im rooting for the dedicated servers, and here's why:
A while ago this game called halo 3 came out. It's not the greatest thing ever, but it's a fun party shooter for messing around with buddies. Now, I LOVE
the infection gametype. I was always ready to play it, heck I'd back out of the final level just to accept an infection invite. Now infection wasn't on the playlists, you had to join someone or be invited. SO what I'd do was go to big team battle, play a round, quit out, join a new one until my recent players list was full. I'd then scroll down the names one at a time, clicking them to see if they're joinable and if they're playing infection. I had maybe a 5% success rate. It made me remember playing the halo 1 demo, I wish I could just search all the private rooms for infection, instead of this tedious roundabout way to get in.
I sincerely hope the PC gamers dont have to share my pain, I'd LOVE the option to chose MM or pick a server located in charlotte, NC where I live for optimal ping. Yet I dont have that choice. Im sure most 360 users dont even realise the crap we have to put up with, but we get so used to it that it doesnt bother us and even seems normal. Doing what I had to do just to play your favorite game mode is NOT user-friendly, nor accesible. I have the know-how to play pc games, but not the rig yet. But whn I do, I'd love to play MW2 on dedicated servers, long after mw3 has been released. Otherwise the game only lasts as long as IW says it does.
In conclusion, I'd like to have both MM AND the option of dedicated servers for those who hate sending private messages to all recent players repeatedly just to get a decent room full to play cod4 michael myers games. What I dont understand is why those in favor of MM want the dedicated servers gone just because they didnt use them. It's like removing left-hand options for the controller, sure you CAN get used to playing with right-handed controls but WHY would you get rid of the option?
I dont buy that 'having both would fragment the community' stuff either, Its obvious that those who never want to see a dedi-serv ever again should have the right to play MM only, while those who never want to endure the woes of MM will have their servers. It would work, MM for experience and rankings, dedi-servs for playing your favorite modes that everyone always veto's.
power to the PC, yo.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
I thankfully don't have any emotional investment in MW 2, but the tendency of developers pulling stuff like this is precisely why consoles annoy me by their mere existence - you get homogeneous experiences designed around the limitations of the consoles, which translates into the PC version sucking. There are facets of game design for consoles that just do not pass muster on the PC platform, and this is most of them at work. Way to piss on your fanbase Infinity Ward, you must be proud of yourselves.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Chaossebba said:
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
Pretty much this.

I don't know about how all this matching up works, but wouldnt it be possible to add both a "quick match" option AND a server browser?
Was going to say this till you did...damn.
What was wrong with the 'Quick match' button. Isn't all this bumph just I.W removing a usefull feature and not replacing it? I'm not really a partisan as the last on-line F.P.S I played was Battlefield 2 but I like having the option of choosing my own game. If finding a server was really an abillity only grasped by these 'Elitist' fps players I :
A: Despair at the state of the species (nothing special there i do that anyway)
B wonder why they didn't click quick match.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Johnmw said:
Chaossebba said:
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
Pretty much this.

I don't know about how all this matching up works, but wouldnt it be possible to add both a "quick match" option AND a server browser?
Was going to say this till you did...damn.
What was wrong with the 'Quick match' button. Isn't all this bumph just I.W removing a usefull feature and not replacing it? I'm not really a partisan as the last on-line F.P.S I played was Battlefield 2 but I like having the option of choosing my own game. If finding a server was really an abillity only grasped by these 'Elitist' fps players I :
A: Despair at the state of the species (nothing special there i do that anyway)
B wonder why they didn't click quick match.
exactly as many people here, and in other threads, have said it is possible to have both functions on a pc.

i was looking forward to purchasing MW2 for pc so i could enjoy the usual good multiplayer with it. but it turns out im not such a big fan of paying more for less features


New member
May 8, 2008
teh_gunslinger said:
Thanks for the reply. I can agree with you on the whole looking down part. No need for that. I certainly don't hate console players but I don't like my PS3 as much as I like my PC. It just is inferior.
There is a place for consoles I think and I have a gazzillion games for my PS2 and PS3. I just prefer my PC when it comes to some games and for online gaming. I want the freedom of choice. I don't mind that others prefer consoles. I just mind that they try to implement what I, and others, see as an inferior system on a pc game.
I certainly don't think you are ignorant for preferring consoles. The beauty part is, we both have our systems and there is no need for us to be anything but friends in the cause of gaming. I just want my PC to stay PC. If I want a match making system I'll play on my console. Which I don't. I want dedi servers. Implement all the MM systems in the world you like, just let me have my freedom to chose. That's why I don't like consoles. All choice is gone.
BDNeon said:
I wholeheartedly agree with this viewpoint.
As do I, and I've only been PC gaming for 9 months since I built my first computer this year. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, the experience of PC gaming is just superior, it's fact, anyone who says otherwise is wearing console fanboyism glasses, gaming on the PC is by far the best gaming experience, you get the most freedom and bigger community aspect as it is too. I love my 360 also, but since I built my computer it's just been gathering dust, but I do pop in Gears of War 2 every now and again and have a game or two, but I always go back to my PC because I have more games on it,(sold my xbox games)they showcase better graphics, sometimes better gameplay features(in the case of the PC version of ME)and to top it all off they're cheaper to boot.

I really don't like the general direction gaming is going as a whole, an all dlc future, developers cutting bits out of games before they're released to release them later for more money, I can understand that some people say they might not have begun work on maps before the game went gold etc etc and I'm inclined to believe them but my trust in alot of developers has faultered, I wouldn't be surprised if they were lying, just so the could make more money, it wouldn't be above Activision, what with upping the game price because of the "credit crunch" and such. And then you get this, a dick move to put all most other dick moves to shame, removal of dedicated servers. I'm well aware I may not be a hardcore PC gamer(haven't been playing for long enough)but really,(again like someone has said)if you know what a GTX275 is, if you know what to look for in a graphics card, a mobo, ram, power supply, etc and put them all together then you wouldn't suddenly not know how to use a server browser, you would know what you're doing. Like your local newspaper IW are trying to sugarcoat the issue and basically fob us off with excuses, we have a right to be angry really.

I don't mean this in a condescending way but really console players actually truely don't have a clue how big a deal this is, why would we be kicking up such a fuss otherwise.

Mad World

Sep 18, 2009
I don't like this. Personally, I prefer browsers.

Don't think I'll be buying (don't know if I would have, anyway).


New member
Jan 11, 2009
I've already decided to not get MW2, between no dedicated servers and just Activision's business policies, it's just not worth my time really, and I know the game will be one of the best this year...I just can't stand matchmaking as the only option.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Damn you John Funk for linking me to TV Tropes! Now I'm trapped!

Suck that, I say, console gaming forever.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Regardless of the issue at hand, this thread has shown just how many people around here are douchebags who are happy when someone else is screwed over...

As for the comments like this:
DemonI81 said:
I'm a console gamer and I HATE matchmaking. I wish CoD had dedicated servers for consoles, I've been begging for it on their forum (IW) for a long time now.
I hate how the PC gamers get the best online experience by far. EA uses dedicated servers for their console games, but they give us no browser, so we get stuck on servers on the other side of the planet. It sucks.

Honestly, I'm hoping IW doesn't fold. I'm sick of the PC gamers getting the good stuff and acting high and mighty about it. It's time you were all (the ones that do act this way, there are PC gamers that aren't arrogant jerks) knocked down a few pegs.
Shouldn't you be asking for those features in your own console games? Shouldn't console gamers be demanding better treatment and access to such features? And can you in any way deny that you're just being an arse when expressing joy at someone else's misery? I would love to see console gamers get the option to set up dedicated servers. I wouldn't feel bad if they got dedicated server support for all their games. Heck, I'd be happy since it would be a good thing for all gamers. And yet, you squal with joy whenever PC gamers get screwed over. Must be mouse envy...


New member
Sep 11, 2009
kibayasu said:
No_Remainders said:
On the contrary, I play with friends quite a bit on xbox live. Why should people be allowed to farm exp? It makes it unfair on people who play properly. I play with friends, always on the same team as them, and none of us are exactly "pro". I'm halfway decent, but we play for a thing called "fun". When did gaming stop being about enjoying yourself and start being about being the best possible player?
Sorry, nothing in your post there answered much of anything. Care to try again?

Just to refresh your memory:

1) Why shouldn't people be able to play with the same players regularly? You seemed to be against this, but now you've said you yourself play with the same people regularly. Please clarify.

2) Since you used the word "properly" you now need to define what the "proper" way of playing a game is. Is me joining a Team Deathmatch Hardcore game on CoD4 to rack up kills for my basic weapon attachments "proper?" Or, in your mind, is this "farming?"

I don't ever recall this conversation ever being about any one being "the best possible player." It's very odd that you equate "farming exp" with "the best possible player" though.
To answer your questions.

1) I meant that they go onto a server and play the same people on the same map over and over and over and over and over (this could go on for a long time if I keep it up, so I'll just let your imagination run free with that one) again until they get pro at it. Matchmaking lets you play with different people each time as much as you want. I play with 1 or maybe 2 friends fairly regularly, but we never sit in the same game, even if we do best. I'll generally quit after 1, or sometimes 2 rounds.

2) It stops people going into a server with a friend with the whole "I kill you, you kill me" idea. Farming.

As for the "best possible player" thing, that wasn't being equated with "farming exp". That was an entirely different point. I was moving on from the whole "exp farming" thing and was referring to someone's point about how it stops "competative play". I apologise if that wasn't clear enough.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
Make XP only available in MM. Problem solved. Besided who cares what rank someone is? IM an un-prestiged lvl 55 and I've beaten rooms of gold crosses before. Xp farming means what, they can have the mp44 a couple weeks earlier than everyone else?
And if I recall, we did that exact 'I kill you, you kill me' thing on 360 for getting headshots. We'd go into cage match and ask the other guy "want to get headshots?" Usually he'd say yes, if no we'd back out and find a new cage match. They never got rid of cage match either.
Matchmaking still doesnt adress the problem of playing less-popular gamtypes with others, as you must only invite friends or recent players, Me and my 2 buddies love free for all, but cant play together in MM because it doesn't allow parties. See my above uber-post on the limitations MM forces on you with NO way around. Whatever reason you give that's pro-MM, its not a good enough argument to take away dedi-servs.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
shadow skill said:
WickedSkin said:
shadow skill said:
teh_gunslinger said:
WickedSkin said:
teh_gunslinger said:
No_Remainders said:
Oh no. Not YET another idiot who STILL thinks the PSN is better.
I'm not having this argument. Just no.

Oh, and the fact is that PC gamers are elitist.
Of course we are. We have a better, more flexible system and the freedom to play as we want. We are not dependent on some shitty system like XBL or PSN to play our games online. We can extend the life of a lot of games by custom maps, mods and other fun shit. Of course we are elitist.
And what is wrong by wanting the best?
The obvious reason(s) mentioned earlier ^ (Now hopefully even more obvious... because they are stated, right in front of you... again)
Brilliant comrade!
Yea, I figured it needed a bit of repetition. :D Am I really the only one that thinks being elitist is a good thing? (Be it in gaming or otherwise.) Is elitism really a bad thing?
Elitism is more like looking down at someone. Wanting the best is perfectly fine. As a console player I can understand why some PC gamers hate console players, so many of them are ignorant. What bothers me is how some look down on console players.
Look at the average console players post in this thread. They are full of ignorance and elitism. That is why we look sometimes down on them.

We don't want to give up the great things, we don't want to accept the developers destroying something that is perfect. Because of that, console players look down on us. The ignorant bastards just wants us to do like them and bend over, wait for some developer cock and accept them destroying the 2 greatest things gaming ever experienced: A server list and mods.

WHY shouldn't we act like we do in these cases? It's obvious why we are furious but they just can't see it or they can't comprehend it.
You shouldn't act that way because not all people who primarily play on consoles are incapable of understanding what the problem is after it has been explained. It doesn't help anything to look down your nose at console players in general because of a few ignorant individuals. All of that said I so feel your rage.

teh_gunslinger: If anything more shooters on PS3 should be doing what UT3 does. It gives you all of the important choices that make PC gaming fun. I can't understand why that is not happening, it boggles my mind. UT3 is a perfect archetype for how console gaming could and should be... 90% of the benefits of PC gaming (Mods and dedicated servers (Including private ones.) and less hassle. Epic has given us the answer already damn it!
You have earned my respect mate. However if you were in my shoes and you read a lot of those ignorant comments, so many that it seems like they ARE the majority of the console players, wouldn't you generalize like that? The rage doesn't make it easier not to I tell you.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Why can't we just have dedicated servers with a server browser and matchmaking? They're both effective forms of joining a game.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
No_Remainders said:
To answer your questions.

1) I meant that they go onto a server and play the same people on the same map over and over and over and over and over (this could go on for a long time if I keep it up, so I'll just let your imagination run free with that one) again until they get pro at it. Matchmaking lets you play with different people each time as much as you want. I play with 1 or maybe 2 friends fairly regularly, but we never sit in the same game, even if we do best. I'll generally quit after 1, or sometimes 2 rounds.

2) It stops people going into a server with a friend with the whole "I kill you, you kill me" idea. Farming.

As for the "best possible player" thing, that wasn't being equated with "farming exp". That was an entirely different point. I was moving on from the whole "exp farming" thing and was referring to someone's point about how it stops "competative play". I apologise if that wasn't clear enough.
Now, the community I'm part of has a couple of servers with 24/7 Badwater in TF2. It's a hugely popular map and there is always a great game going. So if I feel like a bit of Badwater I jump on that server. We also have one with assorted PL maps so if I feel like that I jump on there. I believe we have a 24/7 Hoodoo server as well if that tickles my fancy. If I feel like sniping we have sniper maps as well. We have a server with retro maps. And finally we have a server with rotation of most of the TF2 maps, including KOTH and Arena. And if I feel like playing anything else I find a server that fits that need. Currently we are in the midst of arranging training nights so we can teach each other how to play different classes. Awesome, I think.
I rarely play outside my regular community as it has an awesome mix of regular players I enjoy playing with and a steady influx of new and random players. What more could I want? When I join a server I know I'll get a grief free, curse free, biggotry free and moron free game. I regularly get laughs from reading pleas from those who got banned for cussing. Break the rules and you're out. Permanently. Why in all the seven hells would I be satisfied by a MM system that throws me together with all random people and has no moderation? In fact, why are you?!

It may be good enough for consoles but I will have none of it. It's a sub par solution.


New member
Jun 7, 2009
makes me laugh seeing all the console fanboy's saying "im glad this is happening to pc, why should you get a better mp experience then us"
pc dedi servers have been around a lot longer then the crappy console peer to peer connection.. so its not OUR fault consoles dont use the same system.
Personally i am not supprised by the news at all, IW make more money from the console market.. its a shame really, i was lookin forward to the mp experience on pc to tide me over till bfbc2 comes out on pc. oh well back to nazi zombies for me =/

Vault boy Eddie

New member
Feb 18, 2009
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
For retards that think matchmaking is great? Very very hard.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Vault boy Eddie said:
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
For retards that think matchmaking is great? Very very hard.
Considering you're obviously a generalising git, you can't call anyone a "retard". I personally like matchmaking, while I'm not saying that server browsers are bad (I play TF2 and Halo1, among others, so fuck off before you say I have no experience with them) I prefer MM because it's a more fun random experience.

teh_gunslinger said:
No_Remainders said:
To answer your questions.

1) I meant that they go onto a server and play the same people on the same map over and over and over and over and over (this could go on for a long time if I keep it up, so I'll just let your imagination run free with that one) again until they get pro at it. Matchmaking lets you play with different people each time as much as you want. I play with 1 or maybe 2 friends fairly regularly, but we never sit in the same game, even if we do best. I'll generally quit after 1, or sometimes 2 rounds.

2) It stops people going into a server with a friend with the whole "I kill you, you kill me" idea. Farming.

As for the "best possible player" thing, that wasn't being equated with "farming exp". That was an entirely different point. I was moving on from the whole "exp farming" thing and was referring to someone's point about how it stops "competative play". I apologise if that wasn't clear enough.
Now, the community I'm part of has a couple of servers with 24/7 Badwater in TF2. It's a hugely popular map and there is always a great game going. So if I feel like a bit of Badwater I jump on that server. We also have one with assorted PL maps so if I feel like that I jump on there. I believe we have a 24/7 Hoodoo server as well if that tickles my fancy. If I feel like sniping we have sniper maps as well. We have a server with retro maps. And finally we have a server with rotation of most of the TF2 maps, including KOTH and Arena. And if I feel like playing anything else I find a server that fits that need. Currently we are in the midst of arranging training nights so we can teach each other how to play different classes. Awesome, I think.
I rarely play outside my regular community as it has an awesome mix of regular players I enjoy playing with and a steady influx of new and random players. What more could I want? When I join a server I know I'll get a grief free, curse free, biggotry free and moron free game. I regularly get laughs from reading pleas from those who got banned for cussing. Break the rules and you're out. Permanently. Why in all the seven hells would I be satisfied by a MM system that throws me together with all random people and has no moderation? In fact, why are you?!

It may be good enough for consoles but I will have none of it. It's a sub par solution.
Sounds like quite a fun community you got there. TF2 is a fun game, but no matter what game I play, I never have and never will be part of a "clan" or "community". I think the idea of being in one is stupid, and I switch servers after every game anyway so that I'm not stuck with the same boring people all the time.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
No_Remainders said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
For retards that think matchmaking is great? Very very hard.
Considering you're obviously a generalising git, you can't call anyone a "retard". I personally like matchmaking, while I'm not saying that server browsers are bad (I play TF2 and Halo1, among others, so fuck off before you say I have no experience with them) I prefer MM because it's a more fun random experience.

teh_gunslinger said:
No_Remainders said:
To answer your questions.

1) I meant that they go onto a server and play the same people on the same map over and over and over and over and over (this could go on for a long time if I keep it up, so I'll just let your imagination run free with that one) again until they get pro at it. Matchmaking lets you play with different people each time as much as you want. I play with 1 or maybe 2 friends fairly regularly, but we never sit in the same game, even if we do best. I'll generally quit after 1, or sometimes 2 rounds.

2) It stops people going into a server with a friend with the whole "I kill you, you kill me" idea. Farming.

As for the "best possible player" thing, that wasn't being equated with "farming exp". That was an entirely different point. I was moving on from the whole "exp farming" thing and was referring to someone's point about how it stops "competative play". I apologise if that wasn't clear enough.
Now, the community I'm part of has a couple of servers with 24/7 Badwater in TF2. It's a hugely popular map and there is always a great game going. So if I feel like a bit of Badwater I jump on that server. We also have one with assorted PL maps so if I feel like that I jump on there. I believe we have a 24/7 Hoodoo server as well if that tickles my fancy. If I feel like sniping we have sniper maps as well. We have a server with retro maps. And finally we have a server with rotation of most of the TF2 maps, including KOTH and Arena. And if I feel like playing anything else I find a server that fits that need. Currently we are in the midst of arranging training nights so we can teach each other how to play different classes. Awesome, I think.
I rarely play outside my regular community as it has an awesome mix of regular players I enjoy playing with and a steady influx of new and random players. What more could I want? When I join a server I know I'll get a grief free, curse free, biggotry free and moron free game. I regularly get laughs from reading pleas from those who got banned for cussing. Break the rules and you're out. Permanently. Why in all the seven hells would I be satisfied by a MM system that throws me together with all random people and has no moderation? In fact, why are you?!

It may be good enough for consoles but I will have none of it. It's a sub par solution.
Sounds like quite a fun community you got there. TF2 is a fun game, but no matter what game I play, I never have and never will be part of a "clan" or "community". I think the idea of being in one is stupid, and I switch servers after every game anyway so that I'm not stuck with the same boring people all the time.
And that's perfectly fine. The beauty of dedicated servers is that it allows both of us to enjoy the same game as we want. MM only allows you to enjoy it. So I think it's a hoorible solution. That's actually the crux of the argument. The refusal to cater to a certain group of players (in this case, pc gamers). Believe me I would stick up for console players if some dev pulled a fast one on them. I just don't see the same solidarity from the other side. It's all 'Hahahah! Fuck you for having better multi player.'.