North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
I think the DPRK just wants to be left the fuck alone, and America won't leave it alone because the DPRK decided that America shouldn't have a monopoly on nukes (especially when they've used them before). America, get the fuck out of Korea, and the DPRK won't be all up in your shit anymore. That's all.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Chest beating and bravado. North Korea hasn't got what it takes. Mr Kim just enjoys the novelty of throwing a few words around and getting away with it.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
The thing with North Korea is that they have nukes but they can't have the nukes reach the Us. They don't have the right launch or propulsion systems. Its like saying I have an arrow but no bow. So yeah pretty sure US would win this one.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Subzerowings said:
but it would surely defeat any purpose if they're trying to stop North Korea from taking action since North Korea will unleash a nuclear war if they do those exercises.

The discussion here is: "Who do you side with and what should happen?

Normally, I'd side with the US, but I've lost a heck of a lot of trust in them since the child porn scandal in the Pentagon.
That first bit is PURE SUPPOSITION! How do you know it will start a nuclear war? How? Did you attend an esteemed military/historical college and graduate with a full degree? If not I suggest you can the scaremongering rhetoric as that is EXACTLY what North Korea wants, have everyone so afraid of their nukes that they can do whatever they damn well want.

As to the child pornography thing, the US military is VAST when including all the non-military contractors (which WERE subject to the recent investigation) which makes it almost a statistic impossibility that NO ONE OUT OF MILLIONS is a paedophile. Impossible. And The Pentagon cleared out the perverts that they themselves sought out, exposed and prosecuted. How can you turn that against them?

How many other organisations would - with no outside compulsion - seek out and expose the worst amongst them? Not the Catholic Church, for one, it's one thing to have abusers in your organisation it's another thing to protect them and hide them. See it's YOUR OWN THINKING that lead to the Catholic Church Abuse situation, that people like Ratzinger think it is better to cover up the crimes than expose/prosecute them. The Pentagon should be applauded for Operation Flicker, that has exposed these abusers - at the cost of their reputation in the yes of people like YOU - because they know it is the right thing to do.

If you know a single damn thing about North Korea you sure as hell wouldn't side with them. The NK government have committed so many crimes and really have no fucking perspective at all.

Please, think about what you are saying:

You don't trust the ENTIRE US GOVERNMENT (?!?) because they went to the self-defacing effort of investigating and exposing their own?

I mean how can you tell before you hire someone I they are a pervert? How can you tell if every employee of a company that the Department of Defence even sub-contracts to is a pervert or not? There is NO WAY TO TELL! All ANY organisation can do is investigate only you seem to have a problem with that.

You are using alarmist rhetoric, talk of The Pentagon as if "tainted" by paedophiles being present. Well grow up, this is the real world, shit like that happens and you can't still be squeamish even after they have cleared up the mess.
Feb 19, 2010
what are those guys thinking? pfft, no one will DARE fire the first shot(well america will probably will)because the world will end becasue technology is being held buy IDIOTS


New member
Mar 21, 2009
As a Canadian who lives very close to Washington...
I do not want to die in the fallout of an atom bomb because America decided to go and piss off an insane dictator by playing wargames in his backyard. Even if his bombs aren't that great, don't screw things up for the rest of us.

Subzerowings said:
I think that a lot of people don't realize that any war is bad.
If North Korea initiates war, then there will be casualties on at least one side. It may be small, but we're talking about deaths, which should probably be avoided.
If America doesn't go through with their seemingly useless military exercises, then perhaps North Korea will calm down again.
I believe that's the best thing to do.
People saying that America should just bomb/nuke North Korea probably don't give a shit about it's citizens.
When I talk about North Korea, I don't just mean their leader, but also their inhabitants.
I'm sure they don't all follow him.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Varrdy said:
Anyone in NK with an ounce of sense will look at the US and SK display and realise that they're on to a major loser if they carry out their threat. OK so Kim's a nutcase and might not pay attention but I wouldn't be surprised if the NK civvies and even the armed forces etc. wise up and leg it before the shit hits the fan! I wouldn't rule out an internal attempt at a coup either! Seriously - if you knew your nutter of a leader was willing to defy all warnings and launch an offensive that will only result in you and your country being blasted into atoms then you'd go to some pretty desperate measures to stop it!

Well, the problem with that theory is that his Kim's propaganda has everyone in NK believing he's practically a god, with the possibly most disturbing part being that he probabally believes that himself. God knows what kind of propaganda he'd throw out to stop such a coup, he's proababally had people so brainwashed that if he told them he'd shoot the missiles out of the sky with laser beams coming from his rear, the large majority would believe him.

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
Moon_Called said:
As a Canadian who lives very close to Washington...
I do not want to die in the fallout of an atom bomb because America decided to go and piss off an insane dictator by playing wargames in his backyard. Even if his bombs aren't that great, don't screw things up for the rest of us.
Agreed with this.
Jul 13, 2010
Explosm said:
Yay terrorism
And who are the terrorists in this situation?

Seriously, what you people who claim that 'North Korea can't win a nuclear war' don't realise is that you don't win a nuclear war. The only thing that can result from a nuclear war is a M.A.D. situation, which is obviously as catastrophic for the US as it is for North Korea.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Funny, I just got one of these in the mail today too...

N. Korean posturing. Russia and China, their closest allies, stand to lose a hell of a lot if they ally themselves with N.K., leaving the communist country very isolated and very very outgunned. They so much as try to nuke anyone, they'll likely aim for Japan, S. Korea, or military forces in that region. Then pretty much all N. Koreans will either be vaporized or made to glow in the dark. Unless The executive branch of our government really has turned into a bunch of pussies.

Either way this will all blow over, and if not, N. Korea will be a glowing crater.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
The only reason North Korea still exists is because in the original Korean War, China had sent a bunch of "volunteer" units to help fight. And since President Truman didn't want to get in a huge war less than a decade after World War II he ordered the troops to stop around the 38th parallel. Now North Korea doesn't have that luxury of just being a smaller role in a conflict between two superpowers. If they try to attack their shit will get wrecked so fast. But I doubt anything will happen, this stuff has been going on for the last 60 years, it's all just bullshit posturing


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Haven't read all the posts, so this probably has been said.

Anyway, I think the North Koreans are blowing smoke in order to appear strong, because they have serious issues with leadership (Isn't Kim Jong Il really sick?), and aren't really that strong. Also attention as it has been said.

I think they know that if they nuke anyone, the world has enough hate towards them to completely annihilate them. The western powers might consider the fates of civilians, but other superpowers (Russia, China?) might not be so patient.

Mr. Google

New member
Jan 31, 2010
Dont they have to get a 25 kill streak before they get a nuke? Im sorry that was terrible...


New member
Jul 6, 2009
If North Korea had anything worth taking the US would have invaded a long time ago.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Chipperz said:
VanityGirl said:
In all honesty, your country, if allied with South Korea, may be called in to help soon. Sadly, if an ally calls on you to help, you have to help. If you don't, you'll be labeled as a douchebag by other allies.
You know what? We HAVE helped and it's caused us no end of grief. Fuck it, if America wants to go bombing more small third world nations, I genuinely hope they have the stones to do it alone.

Just... Before America goes charging in (alone, dammit! ALONE! We want no part of this!), just remember that the attitude of "we have more stuff, better stuff, and we genuinely believe that right is on our side" has gotten your arses kicked for almost every war for the last sixty years by peasants with outmoded (and in many cases, utterly improvised) weapons, and this time you're going up against people who have nuclear weapons and the will to use them. Enjoy!
Easy there. I'm only saying, as allies of South Korea, if you're called to help, you should help. If you don't want to help South Korea and let them get nuked by a very violent dictator, that's your choice.
However, as someone who has friends in S.Korea, I'd hope the US would help. And notice I said HELP.
You're acting as if the US just ignored South Korea and launched an attack on North Korea by itself. Perhaps you're forgetting the N.Korea attacked and sunk a S.Korean submarine? Probably, since the US is the almighty evil and have no right to defend it's ally.

All I'm saying is that S.Korea should be SUPPORTED. I think you misunderstood me. But, if no one helps them, then I think that's pretty low of other countries. Tis my own opinion, partially clouded since I wouldn't want my friends in South Korea to be nuked.

Also, who are you talking about?
"We HAVE helped and it's caused us no end of grief"
Who is WE? And had your country helped South Korea? Because that's who I'm talking about helping.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
It's just a bluff. SK, US are not the only ones involved here. Japan, Taiwan,China, Russia all have their own problems with NK. America has been involved in Korea for a long time.

It's doubtful America would throw the first punch though. I bet SK is going to do something for revenge of their gunboat.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Rakkana said:
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Of course we will. Cameron and his little doggy Cleggy are America's *****.

Wherever they go, we all go.

Goodbye old chap. It's been a pleasure.

OT: Not taking this seriously... No-one wants a nuclear war. Not even North Korea. It's just scare tactics, to inflict terror! So in fact, North Korea are terrorists.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
So they show aggression to prevent aggression? That is like allowing people to have guns to protect them from people with guns. Oh wait, that's how things roll in the US, my bad.

The nuclear war between two asshole factions. Who will win? The question is not who will win, but who will lose, and that is all of us.

The Lost Big Boss

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Every time I see North Korea do something stupid and start shit with the largest super power in the world, I just think of this scene from Tropic Thunder.
Tom Cruse = America
Flaming Dragon = North Korea


Lives in dactylic hexameter.
Dec 28, 2008
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Would China allow a war between NK and US or would they step in and make shit more complicated for everyone?
China are fence sitting bastards.
I'd like to think that they would be smart enough to try and not get involved but they have too much power to sit idly by.