North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


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Nov 1, 2009
Jedoro said:
The nukes aren't supposed to fall for another two years at best, 67 years at worst. Oh well, time to prepare for Yao Guai now.
oh are you f*cking joking? ;-)

Guest_Star said:
Wont happen.
China will be laying down the law pretty hard if NK tries to be serious with nukes and shit.
Even a conventional attack against SK (or Japan for that matter) will end up with a new (and more puppetlike) govt in Pyongyang.
China aint got time for war in their own back garden, they are far to busy being a nascent economic superpower. Anything that threatens that will be crushed ruthlessly.
seconded. the closest super power is the chinese, they will be dealing with the NK long before the yanks do if NK becomes a serious nuclear power. and a war between them would be a win win for america... besides which the chinese would win that one far more surely than america could, as they don't have public pressure on their military or a media presence.

Wadders said:
Radeonx said:
You do realize that America was in the Korean war that was like 20 years ago, right? And they actually had a reason to be there. It's basically fighting old battles, which is stupid, but I can see why we'd want to fight them.
Erm the Korean war took place in the early '50s, so more like 60 years ago...

Also I'm fairly sure I read that NK dont actually have the capacity to launch nukes very far at all, so it's the usual blustering by the looks.

However I'm not really sure what the US's thinking is here.

"Well we know N. Korea is a run by a mentally unstable geriatric who is known to threaten military action at anything that displeases him, so lets play wargames on his backyard. Yeah, that isnt risky at all."

If it did come to war, I feel that the combined forces of S. Korea and the US would be more than enough to dick all over N. Korea.
they have nukes, but not the ability to hit anything further than alaska. if they work at all.

and they probably wouldn't win a ground war, as it would be like invading 1945 japan, but they would destroy the NK airforce, fleet and vehicles in about two months, probably starving them into surrender.


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Jun 24, 2010
AwesomeFerret said:
Scrumpmonkey said:
AwesomeFerret said:
Scrumpmonkey said:
Eggsnham said:
Looks like I'm moving to the UK a bit earlier than expected.

I wonder if Canada's safe?
Who would bother to nuke Canada? :p
Why take the chance? He should get to the UK as fast as he can. Even if there never is a war, he would still be better off for living in the UK.
No i mean who would take the time/ funds to nuke it? It's like nuking gilford. Just seems like a waste of good nukes.
You say that as if there are in fact such things as good nukes.

William Dickbringer

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Feb 16, 2010
Jedoro said:
The nukes aren't supposed to fall for another two years at best, 67 years at worst. Oh well, time to prepare for Yao Guai now.
ohhhhh so THAT'S 2012 well best start making the vault

O.T. I don't know if I can believe N. Korea dropping a nuke they wouldn't try it cause if they did they would start a 3rd world war almost


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Nov 1, 2009
Valkyira said:
Rakkana said:
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Of course we will. Cameron and his little doggy Cleggy are America's *****.
the british army is being seriously cut down on to make it "less expeditionary".

unless all NATO was going britain wouldn't, im not sure we even have the ability to project power that far.


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May 1, 2010
Subzerowings said:
I think that a lot of people don't realize that any war is bad.
If North Korea initiates war, then there will be casualties on at least one side. It may be small, but we're talking about deaths, which should probably be avoided.
If America doesn't go through with their seemingly useless military exercises, then perhaps North Korea will calm down again.
I believe that's the best thing to do.
And what about the 46 lives lost when North Korea torpedoed the SK's ship? In this instance NK started it. South Korea can't just ignore it when someone sinks one of their ships. America and SK are making their military presence felt so NK will knock that shit off. They're not directly retaliating, but making it clear that that behavior is not acceptable.

And your point that any war is bad is true. Loss of life is never good. But I think what you may be failing to realize is that sometimes it is necessary.


Apr 8, 2010
Look, North Korea has nuclear capabilities, sure, but no ICBMs to launch them with. They have no carriers that wouldn't get shot down, they have no way to get their nukes where they need to be. Make another goddamn trade embargo against them with Japan and China and starve those motherfuckers out. It's simple, it's worked, and we've done it before. There is no reason to escalate to our nuclear weapons yet. If we cut off all supplies, they know they're screwed. Kim Jong Il will pretend that everything's fine with his personal supply of food, but everyone else will be starving. At some point, even the military will be against him. Send some troops to the South Korean border and the border by China to help them out, blockade some of their ports, and it'll be over in a year or so. Talking about nuclear war is just a way to get attention. It's not going to happen, people. This is stupid.

Omnific One

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Apr 3, 2010
NickCaligo42 said:
somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.
Except the delivery system...

That's the thing, it's not like you can just have a nuke and throw it at someone anymore. You need a delivery system, a cruise missile or something. Then you need it to be accurate. Then you need it to not malfunction. And those are the hurdles that almost every country who claims to have nuclear weapons can't seem to get over. It's kind of a joke, actually. ICBMs went obsolete years ago, and now the only way to reasonably nuke someone is to use a cruise missile that travels really close to the ground, with a tracking system way too sophisticated or expensive for most countries to be able to produce it.
Good point. The US has quite a few (not sure of the exact numbers) stealth subs with nuclear tipped missiles. I'm willing to be that there are a couple near North Korea as we speak as a form of insurance. It's a ton harder for North Korea to fire their missiles with even the slightest chance of hitting without a proper delivery system.


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Jun 24, 2010
Treblaine said:
Subzerowings said:
but it would surely defeat any purpose if they're trying to stop North Korea from taking action since North Korea will unleash a nuclear war if they do those exercises.

The discussion here is: "Who do you side with and what should happen?

Normally, I'd side with the US, but I've lost a heck of a lot of trust in them since the child porn scandal in the Pentagon.
That first bit is PURE SUPPOSITION! How do you know it will start a nuclear war? How? Did you attend an esteemed military/historical college and graduate with a full degree? If not I suggest you can the scaremongering rhetoric as that is EXACTLY what North Korea wants, have everyone so afraid of their nukes that they can do whatever they damn well want.

As to the child pornography thing, the US military is VAST when including all the non-military contractors (which WERE subject to the recent investigation) which makes it almost a statistic impossibility that NO ONE OUT OF MILLIONS is a paedophile. Impossible. And The Pentagon cleared out the perverts that they themselves sought out, exposed and prosecuted. How can you turn that against them?

How many other organisations would - with no outside compulsion - seek out and expose the worst amongst them? Not the Catholic Church, for one, it's one thing to have abusers in your organisation it's another thing to protect them and hide them. See it's YOUR OWN THINKING that lead to the Catholic Church Abuse situation, that people like Ratzinger think it is better to cover up the crimes than expose/prosecute them. The Pentagon should be applauded for Operation Flicker, that has exposed these abusers - at the cost of their reputation in the yes of people like YOU - because they know it is the right thing to do.

If you know a single damn thing about North Korea you sure as hell wouldn't side with them. The NK government have committed so many crimes and really have no fucking perspective at all.

Please, think about what you are saying:

You don't trust the ENTIRE US GOVERNMENT (?!?) because they went to the self-defacing effort of investigating and exposing their own?

I mean how can you tell before you hire someone I they are a pervert? How can you tell if every employee of a company that the Department of Defence even sub-contracts to is a pervert or not? There is NO WAY TO TELL! All ANY organisation can do is investigate only you seem to have a problem with that.

You are using alarmist rhetoric, talk of The Pentagon as if "tainted" by paedophiles being present. Well grow up, this is the real world, shit like that happens and you can't still be squeamish even after they have cleared up the mess.
People who capitalize entire words to get that point across come across as ignorant, angry and generally douchey, just sayin.....


New member
Jul 25, 2010
reggaerae said:
People who capitalize entire words to get that point across come across as ignorant, angry and generally douchey, just sayin.....
Unlike them that just comment on grammar, spelling or syntax?


New member
Sep 20, 2008
So its basically operation able archer in the korean penninsula?

Well wouldnt hurt to invade North Korea and liberate the people.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I'm not concerned. I am tired and feeling sick, so I'm not going to go into an ultra-detailed rant about this one, our reasons for being there, and everything else. I might do so later though.

In short North Korea can't start a nuclear war on a level that is a major concern because they both lack the technology to engage reliably at the nessicary range, the US has anti-missle technologies (which is part of what has been annoying the Russians since we developed them in violation with treaties with the USSR), and nobody takes North Korea seriously enough where they would immediatly set off a MAD-based retaliation if someone nuked them or they launched. The whole "everybody launches" nuclear Doomsday scenario makes sense when your dealing with superpowers, but not so much with a rogue nation like this one.

For the most part the biggest danger would be losing South Korea and our troops stationed there, which would be an atrocity/massacre since North Korea can hit them fairly reliably. That's a bad thing, but not anything like an Armageddon. In the end I think North Korea would simply doom themselves by doing so, while claiming quite a few victims. Life would simply go on.

It should be noteworthy though that the US tends to overreact and back down when WMD are mentioned. We basically don't directly leverage people with WMD (do this, or don't do this, or we nuke you), and due to some unusually bad information we have more a a fear of such weapons than is strictly speaking rational given our overall capabilities. Situations like the one in Poland over the missle defense base kind of demonstrate the reaction North Korea is trying to get.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
North Korea will not have enough power to be able to do much damage towards the US and I expect attack against South Korea will just see N. Korea destoryed by the yanks...
The only way N.Korea would be able to win this is if he gets a old brother all of a sudden who has more nuclear weapons then most of the planet.


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May 1, 2009
HotFezz8 said:
Subzerowings said:
Normally, I'd side with the US, but I've lost a heck of a lot of trust in them since the child porn scandal in the Pentagon.
yeah... thats the point i stopped taking your opinion seriously. you are going to judge a multinational international crises and possible war and then decide who to support because of some b-level news story?

so in the BP oil slick incident i take it you are picking the side of BP to support becuase the american's toilets swirl counter clockwise?
I have many reasons to not trust them, but is that the point in this thread?
I just summed up the first thing that came to mind.
Furthermore, I gave other reasons for my support, which you should've given more value to instead of one relatively unnessecary sentence.
BP has caused a major, natural disaster and should pay dearly for that.
Doesn't that sound logical?
Just like it is logical not to fill half your thread with reasons why you dislike a government while the subject is possible war?
This is a discussion, not a contract where you have to explain every single thing in minute detail.
Whether or not the discussion is a succes or a reason for people to try and discredit others is up to the participants.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
You do realize that this is not a new threat, right? Every time North Korea gets into a tizzy, they threaten nuclear war. It's the same old song and dance. With all, what, 10 of their nuclear weapons? They've been threatening us with it for over awhile now.

I'm not saying it would never happen--I'm sure when old Kimmy dies he'll want to go out with a bang. But no one is impressed by the constant crying of wolf.

Also, South Korea is our ally. When North Korea routinely threatens them (and not to mention leaving threatening hints towards our other ally, Japan) and have since the first Korean War--which we were involved in--yeah, the US can't step out. We would be leaving South Korea on its own and they don't want that. Saying we should just "stay the hell away from this" is an oversimplification of the situation.

Not to mention that the Russians aren't real impressed with North Korea's constant belligerence and fucking around either.

Also, saying you don't trust the US government because of a child porn scandal...I mean, I would understand why Europeans don't trust the US government--but I guess I just would have expected it for a more legitimate reason. Like, policy reasons. But hey, I guess to each his own.

Anyway, frankly, if World War III is to begin, it won't be with North Korea. North Korea has no allies that would wage a nuclear war with every other nuclear power over some bullshit like this. China is not that stupid.


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Oct 15, 2009
Kalabrikan said:
North Korea couldn't possibly win a nuclear war with Pakistan, let alone the United States. They would be obliterated in two seconds if they launched a nuke in Asia. Plus the nuke would probably be intercepted by jet fighters before it could land on its intended target. In the world of dictators, North Korea is the stubborn child who wants everyone to pay attention to him because he thinks he has something to say, even though all his friends are doing far more interesting things.

A nuclear war between India and Pakistan is far more likely and more dangerous to the planet than any war with North Korea would be.
this is very wise and true :)


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Meh, at this point I'm somewhat apathetic to the situation. If they tell me to hang back and chill I'll do that, if they tell me to go blow the shit out of NK I'll do that. So long as the paycheck clears, I'm cool. Still, if it does come down to nuclear war, I do hope that Mass Effect 3 will have come out by then and that I'll have had a chance to play it.