Notch Tweaking Minecraft's Endermen

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
Knife-28 said:
I actually didn't mind that ability, it just added to their creepiness, say after a long expedition, you return to find your home open to the elements, forcing you to rebuild it, lest you be at the mercy of monsters. It would be like nerfing the creepers ability to explode, because, hey, it does a hell of a lot more damage then the removal of one freaking block.
got to agree there actually.
what i dislike is how they dont seem to react to getting smacked and get killed by water.
your picture is also the best BM ever.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Notch should follow his own rule and just make it so that they can't damage the world when the player isn't aware of it.

Basically, only let them pick up blocks when they're angry or something.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Distorted Stu said:
I didn't liek the idea of Endermen at all for that very reason. They just seem overpowered and a nusence.
I'd be fine if it was just natural blocks he picked up but I like my castles intact, thank you very much!

As for the warping and high speed kill? Terrifying but I like that.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
I haven't really had a problem with them destroying my structures, but I'm rather annoyed by the landscape of floating trees they've created.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
The only real problem I have with the Enderman is the potential to delete data values associated with the blocks they lift. A pack of marauding Endermen may well abuse your house, but if they play with chests/furnaces, they delete their contents. On the other hand, I don't like how they lift delicious mossy bricks from strongholds only to have empty inventories upon death. God forbid I catch them filching diamond ore.

I would greatly prefer some sort of Ender pearl-related deterrent to keep them out of house or delicate locations to just direct nerfs


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Harry Mason said:
I love Minecraft too, guys. But is this really news? Like, I'm sure SOMETHING else other than "that one thing in that one game is changing" could make the front page.

On topic, without random block moving the inherent creepiness of the Ederman is gone. It's too bad, really.
MC won march mayhem, the escpaist basically has to report everything about it :p
I hear souls are involved.

OT: I like them doing that, besides it never seemd a problem to me.

Uber Evil

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Mods will add it back in. I'll probably get it. It makes them even more terrifying when they can destroy your shit.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
Thatsssssss a niccce new mob you've got there, Notch. It'd be a sssssssshame if anything were to happen to them.

No seriously.

I love the Endermen as they are, they make me shit scared with their teleporting and the ability to focus on you from any distance. Add to that the fact that they can make entrances for smaller mobs into my fortress of doom and I'm constantly paranoid of them.

If Notch is going to do anything to them, then I'd like to see them have more health, and their own sounds.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Maybe limit what blocks they can change (eg, not chests / furnaces etc). They seemed a lot scarier before release, but in practice they've yet to cause me any issues at all, but if they mess with certain block types it can cause undue amounts of problems.

I'd make them not take damage in daylight, just be weaker in it - few venture out at night, making them not really a threat, and at day you'd need to avoid them.
I'd make them more inclined to walk towards the player, to increase the chance of actually looking at them by accident. Imagine turning around to head home and THERE'S ONE STANDING QUIETLY BEHIND YOU.
I'd make them teleport (not necessarily towards you, but in a random direction) when hit by an arrow. At the moment, you can just lock them in place and pincushion them, but teleporting would break that, making you have to quickly swap to sword for defense.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
I like the Endermen, but if the block-snatching gimmick is going away...

Well, I've tweeted Notch an idea of my own. Would make it so the Endermen would still be creepy and unique mobs.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Notch, stop trying to add and tweak user made content in.

Just directly add it in. No changes. The grass mod was/is better than the offcial long grass, etc.

And by god, I think we can ALL agree that notch should just make them act EXACTLY LIKE THIS:



New member
Sep 19, 2008
darkstone said:
Hopefully he'll also gives them their own unique sound, rather than the zombie sound they have at the moment.
They're pretty creepy. I think they should make sound void. Like not only do they make no sound but the world goes silent when they close in on you. I also like the idea that they only move, and at lightning speed, when you're not looking at them. Yes. The block thing.. meh, my structures are pretty fixable. (Pyramids!)

Caramel Frappe said:
I guess Notch only listens to those crazed Minecraft fans who only play the game to build masterpieces and anything to dare be a threat- they'll complain harder then the fanboys did when Marvel changed things up a bit with Green Lantern. *sigh*.
You mean like when DC started running the comic since it's inception and in to the present day? I hate how marvel did that.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Caramel Frappe said:
ace_of_something said:
You mean like when DC started running the comic since it's inception and in to the present day? I hate how marvel did that.
Sorry, I edited my original post. I get mixed up with companies sometimes and have to remember that spite DC and Marvel both revolve around super heroes, that they are after all different companies. You still get my point about the fans complaining hard though, right?
Of course. I was just busting your chops. A person can't know everything about everything.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
undeadsuitor said:
grimgor42 said:
This should explain why, over a long enough period of time, endermen as they are don't work out. This is minecraft 200 minecraft years in the future, a dark, strange future ruled by the endermen. If Notch does nothing then their victory will be absolute.
I for one welcome our new endermen overlords.

But seriously, that's 200 years of no interruption, so unless people never leave their house for 200 years I don't the "enderpocolypse" will ever happen.

I think the endermen need to build obelisks. that would be interesting.
You're right to an extent. While you're off doing your own thing, the endermen are active in the rest of the world. I know this for a fact. When I get done building a base and decide to move on to someplace else to build my next grandious tower(Saurumon ain't got nothin on me), I walk through forsts and swamps that have been utterly decimated by te endermen. Trees cut in half, blocks just strewn all over the ground. They might not be the most threatening mob to the player, but they definitely don't to the enviroment any favors.

And yeah, they should totally build stuff. That part's good.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
ShadowKatt said:
While you're off doing your own thing, the endermen are active in the rest of the world.
At any given time, most of the world is "paused" in order to save memory, so the Endermen are only active relatively close to the player.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
I've never noticed them move anything of importance, mainly sand. But then again, since the 1.8 update my main base has been a tree house so there's probably less chance of me noticing.

Mad Hamish

New member
Mar 14, 2011
I think they should still move blocks (just not blocks with inventories), but they should use those blocks to create more endermen.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Oh fuck, does this mean when i get around to updating my MC im going to get even scarier monsters.

P.S only play at night.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Jabberwock xeno said:
Notch, stop trying to add and tweak user made content in.

Just directly add it in. No changes. The grass mod was/is better than the offcial long grass, etc.

And by god, I think we can ALL agree that notch should just make them act EXACTLY LIKE THIS:

Oh please god let him!!!!

And now imagine an enderman doing that in your house at night.