Oh, Japan: Boobs Used As Marketing For Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Emphraim said:
I love how all the Japanese guys just walk up to it, grope it, take pictures, even though it's obviously a fake pair of breasts. We should have stuff like this in the USA. More laughter for us all.
I love how that one white guy at about 22-24 was walking with his wife and tried to touch them, but his wife pulled him away, you could see the very instant his heart broke. XD


Gone Gonzo ..... no ..... wait..
Jun 18, 2009
Wait what ? You think Japan is the only place in the world were they use the female form to sell things.............. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH your a funny guy.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
geldonyetich said:
YouTube is sucking lately. I'm going to assume this is the one [http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japanese-breasts-ninja-gaiden/53584]?

I'm guessing these people feeling them up are like, "So, what - does something happen when I feel it up?"

And then there's this:

all I could say during that whole thing was "WHAT THE FUCK?"

it's hilarious, but at the same time creepy and perplexing... I mean, are they advertising breast milk? or just regular cows milk? and why use anime? women have played roles in far more f'ed up things than this... I am officially scared.

OT: yeah, I'm not longer surprised by this kind of shit, it's just not that shocking that japan would do something this retarded... at the same time, japan is still awesome XD.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
the truth is no matter what sex a person is if you see a pair of breasts sticking out like that you are going to have the urge to touch them out of curiosity

Deadpoolsbrain said:
geldonyetich said:
YouTube is sucking lately. I'm going to assume this is the one [http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japanese-breasts-ninja-gaiden/53584]?

I'm guessing these people feeling them up are like, "So, what - does something happen when I feel it up?"

And then there's this:

I have been scarred for life.
thats a clip from an anime im not sure if they just used the clip in a real commercial or if its fake but its still entertaining


New member
Apr 9, 2008

They fully acknowledged that there games sell by virtue of showing breasts. Hey, we all know that that is one of the things in there...portfolio. So they made an ad where they make fun of that fact. Its funny, its self-aware, it's clever, and its pretty tame for Japan.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Oh, Japan: Boobs Used As Marketing For Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

It's no secret that Tecmo's Team Ninja is a fan of *ahem* the female form - in particular the breasts - but this Japanese viral advertisement is just a bit ... strange.

One look at any of girls in the modern Ninja Gaiden games or the Dead or Alive series will tell you all you need to know: Tomonobu Itagaki really likes boobs, and the games created by his Team Ninja reflect that. I still remember learning that DoA2 literally had an option to determine how "jubbly" the in-game jubblies would be.

Itagaki may have since left Team Ninja and Tecmo, but that philosophy lives on. An only-in-Japan viral ad campaign for the upcoming Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, uses ... well, a pair of tits. Not in the usual way, either - they aren't just showing off the game's big-busted ninja ladies in a "sex sells" campaign. No, this is literally just a pair of fake knockers mounted on a wall by the side of a road.

You can make out a pair of hands, too - obviously, there is a female ninja (or kunoichi) hiding in plain sight by holding up a sheet to blend in with the wall... or something. So those are supposed to be her ta-tas, and passers-by are invited to... feel them up?

I don't even know anymore. The only indication whatsoever that this has anything to do with a videogame - let alone Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 in particular - is the game's logo at the bottom right corner of the panel. Otherwise, this is just a ... pair of breasts, on a wall, there for people to grope.

Let's file this one under the "Oh, Japan" folder for now.

(Via Lazygamer [http://www.lazygamer.co.za/ps3/only-in-japan-breast-fondling-as-marketing])

note to self: make a few of these adds and place them around town


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009

at least it got people to look at the wall, hahahahaha

and the tiny little letter sayint "www.ninjagaiden.jp" were amazing in the bottom corner



New member
Jun 13, 2009
Deadpoolsbrain said:
geldonyetich said:
YouTube is sucking lately. I'm going to assume this is the one [http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japanese-breasts-ninja-gaiden/53584]?

I'm guessing these people feeling them up are like, "So, what - does something happen when I feel it up?"

And then there's this:

I have been scarred for life.
what in all that is holy is this


New member
Apr 15, 2009
damn man i need to move to japan we got no ninja boobs were i live :(..

edit: found a fitting image
[spoiler/][image/]http://media.photobucket.com/image/demotivational+posters/FurryFreak/Demotivational%20Posters/ideas.jpg?o=118[/IMG][/spoiler] does this spoiler thing thing work cuse this is my first time trying to do a spoiler and there a no instrutions so ill do as i rember doing on some other forums edit 2: it does not work :(

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
This is a country that decided anthropomorphic urine and feces should naturally be turned into adorable plush dolls. Nothing they do surprises me anymore.

That was still pretty weird though.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Oh, Japan: Boobs Used As Marketing For Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

It's no secret that Tecmo's Team Ninja is a fan of *ahem* the female form - in particular the breasts - but this Japanese viral advertisement is just a bit ... strange.

One look at any of girls in the modern Ninja Gaiden games or the Dead or Alive series will tell you all you need to know: Tomonobu Itagaki really likes boobs, and the games created by his Team Ninja reflect that. I still remember learning that DoA2 literally had an option to determine how "jubbly" the in-game jubblies would be.

Itagaki may have since left Team Ninja and Tecmo, but that philosophy lives on. An only-in-Japan viral ad campaign for the upcoming Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, uses ... well, a pair of tits. Not in the usual way, either - they aren't just showing off the game's big-busted ninja ladies in a "sex sells" campaign. No, this is literally just a pair of fake knockers mounted on a wall by the side of a road.

You can make out a pair of hands, too - obviously, there is a female ninja (or kunoichi) hiding in plain sight by holding up a sheet to blend in with the wall... or something. So those are supposed to be her ta-tas, and passers-by are invited to... feel them up?

I don't even know anymore. The only indication whatsoever that this has anything to do with a videogame - let alone Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 in particular - is the game's logo at the bottom right corner of the panel. Otherwise, this is just a ... pair of breasts, on a wall, there for people to grope.

Let's file this one under the "Oh, Japan" folder for now.

(Via Lazygamer [http://www.lazygamer.co.za/ps3/only-in-japan-breast-fondling-as-marketing])


Obviously, the joke is that a female ninja is hiding...but because she is so damn femininely sexy, she is still visible. She tries as hard as she can to hide...but her boobs are so big, the poor girl just can't do it.

The basic point of the ad is: "We are team Ninja. We make games with Big Boobs. We have a new game coming out. Get ready for the BOOBS!!!"

I for one think it's genius. They apparently really know their fan base.


New member
Jul 13, 2004
I love the irony of it all.

A game about NINJAS is using an advertising campaign with absolutely NO SUBTLETY to it.



New member
Oct 29, 2008
I want to know what they feel like. They look hard.

It's a weird advertisement, can you imagine something like this for Silent Hill but the mannequin convulses when you touch it?
Horrible, but I'd still touch it.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
AngloDoom said:
I just love the fact that guys who were walking hand-in-hand with girls actually dragged themselves away from the person they were going out with to feel wall-knockers; especially because of the one girl who looked like she was making a reluctant attempt to pull him back, as if she knew it was impossible to stop him now he'd seen the breasts.

Overall though, it looks like I won't be visiting Japan any time soon.
Beat me to it, was hilarious seeing the trance-like state the guys entered when they noticed the boobs, my favorite being the guy that was getting pulled by his girlfriend as he grasped the pair for dear life.