"Oh man, I totally hate those guys!"

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
[img_inline width="600" caption="'Whore the rocket launcher!'"]http://www.freewebs.com/xxdarkonexx/Noobs.jpg[/img_inline]

Anyone that grenade spams, tries to snipe with a shotgun or goes in at close range with a sniper rifle. See image for details.


New member
May 29, 2008
propertyofcobra said:
Setsuka. Soul Calibur 3.
"Setsuka wins!"

Haha i know where your coming from........
some times i really wish i could just go into the game and strangle her!! Or take out her voice box......so annoying


za Rodina, tovarishchii
Mar 21, 2008
Halo: Flood Infection Forms. Ruddy things swarm you every single time. In Halo 2, without Flamethrowers, Shotguns are the only thing that's actually good to use against them (nades are too slow and rocket launchers make you go boom as well if you hit a jumping form right in front of you), sword is decent, otherwise you're screwed. Also, Flood Combat Forms with shotguns. I HATE the Wall level or whatever it's called, with the endless streams of Combat Forms.

Homeworld2: Movers, when you first encounter them. Fuckdammit, those things destroy my entire fleet every single time. Also, the bloody Keeper.

Commander Keen: Used to play it way back in my youth. Somewhere in one of the early areas, you encounter some sort of dog-like thing, apparently the main baddies of the game. Ruddy thing wouldn't die no matter how much I shot it, and kept chasing me. I had nightmares of that thing.

Dungeon Siege (1/LOA): Mucosas. Hate those things. Those screams are horrible - not particularly scary or anything, just horrible. In DS1, when you enter that massive hall in Wesrin Cross, until recently all I did was stick to the wall and try to attract as little attention as possible.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Top of the list is Icthysaurs in the original Half-Life, they scare the living shit out of me (to the point where I have to turn off the PC via the reset button).

Second to them is the Bloodsuckers (Wtf? INVISIBLE!?) and Snorks in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Again they scare the living shit out of me. (This time to the point where I cannot play that game, despite how much I like it.)


New member
Jun 13, 2008
Those little snake looking things with sharp teeth and no eyes in house of the dead 2 for dreamcast, though i must say the dreamcast gun controller was a hella nice bonus ;). I also hate Kryll from Gears of War. Yoshimitsu from Soul Calibur his scream makes me wanna commit suicide, and Xianghua that damn asian ***** always owned me in that guy.

SHE WAS LIKE NUNCHUKSWORDNUNCHUKSWORD OWNOWN ah rapage damnit.. :p. The Dogs from COD4 terrify me idk why, but when they finally get to me or either shoot em or just fight em off and break their necks. I sometimes feel sorry for them cause they always have the little puppy bark before they die. Also hate the berserkers from gears SO DAMN ANNOYING they scare the fuck outta me woww.

Hurray Forums

New member
Jun 4, 2008
Multishot Lightning Enchanted on Hell Mode. More specifically the couple of times I found one with a conviction aura boss nearby.

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Those data ghost things from Super Smash Bros Brawl. They regenerate health, they stay away from the ground so you have to constantly jump at them to hit them giving them time to recover, and have an attack that tears right THROUGH you with a point blank hit radius!


New member
Jun 14, 2008
NPC Teammates in any FPS, their stoopdity has caused me more deaths then any amount locusts or other any gun toting baddies ever could. That and bosses in any RPG that come back as a random encounter... they're still WAY strong.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
- Morrowind: Cliff Racers. Annoying sound, bugged out constantly forbidding sleep... I kept a Dwarven Crossbow with good bolts around specifically to shoot the bastards down.

- Oblivion: Every single enemy for instantly scaling up with my level and upgrading gear while I run around with the same crap I found in the Imperial sewers.

- Half-Life 2: Hunters. Why are these things so tough for an enemy that appears so often? I wasted so much good ammo in that final fight that I was down to my little pistol trying to bring them down.

- I Wanna Be The Guy!: Everything. Every. Last. Thing.


New member
May 5, 2008
The goddamn terrorists in R6 Vegas who sneak/run up behind me with the flaming SPAS(?) 12... also drivers in GTA4 either get in my way of pushes me over X( Oh aye the mannequins in Condemned 2 aswell, the freak the hell out of me!