"Oh man, I totally hate those guys!"


New member
May 22, 2008
The Regenerators and the Chainsaw zombies in Resident Evil 4.

These are the only foes I've ever actually been scared of, mostly because they both make sounds that can be heard from far away (loud breathing for the Regenerators, chainsaw for the chainsaw dudes). When you could hear those noises but didn't actually know where they were, it was as creepy as hell. More than once I turned around to suddenly see one of those chainsaw guys running at me, and I'd get a couple of shots off, but it was too late. Off came my head.

So sad.

The Rusk

New member
May 25, 2008
Sucker said:
the rusk: Regenerators were mentioned on the first page, haha. But I agree with you. I hate the fnuckin' staggered breathing. But by god, the first time you encounter them was just a virtual kick in the balls for me. I pretty much used all my ammo for every weapon I had in those 12 seconds.

Also, the zombies from Half-Life 2! I played HL2 without playing the first HL (stupid, yes, I know, I was 12 at the time) and did not know anything about zombies or headcrabs. So, everything is dandy as I'm skipping and hopping away from the Combine, then I drop down into a sewer. Ooh, a grate. I crowbar the grate and spot some supply boxes at the end of the shaft. Crouch; start moving, half-way there: BAM! A zombie torso jumps at me from behind the boxes.

Now I'm not lying here. In that half-second, I emptied the entire pistol clip (it's 18, right?) in less than a second. So fast that, not knowing about headcrabs, I couldn't tell if the...thing was dead or not. It was miserable. I couldn't play the game for a while, and when I picked it back up, I had to stop again at Ravenholm.
Oops, my bad.

I did exactly the same thing when i first saw one. I'd empty the ammo of one gun into it... still alive!? I preceded to do this with every gun until it backed me into a corner and spiked me to death. Took me a while to come back to the game.


New member
May 27, 2008
CoD 4 multiplayer: Enemy helicopter on wetworks, especially if its a game of sabotage that has gone into sudden death.

Battlefield vietnam: the american attackhelo.

Counterstrike: facing a really skilled awp shooter. Just sucks the lifeforce out of my chest.

Fallout 1 and 2: Deathclaws. Worst opponent in a turn based game ever.

Zelda 2: Red knight. I remember i used to get really freaked out everytime he showed up as a kid.

GOW: Red elites with torquebows. On the hardest setting they kill you with one shot, and you have to wait a few seconds knowing you will die as the fuse runs out..

DMC 4: That electrolizard guy that teleports around that you cant hit.

Thief 3: the zombies in the asylum..


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Anything in GOW.

I played it once on casual for the story and found it stupidly hard even then because everybody keeps calling it fantastic.

I tried again on Insane and never got further then the fight with the 3 drones when dominic passes out. You are supposed to hide behind cover and pop up, shoot, hide repeat between the shots from the enemy assault rifles or something.

Giving enemies the ability to take 120 bullets to the face(yes i did fraps, replay in slowmotion and counted the purple spashes) and the ability to headshot you the instant you show your face when they are not busy reloading(like you can tell without breaking your nose on the monitor) from 200 yards+ with a shotgun does NOT equal tactical combat. ON CASUAL.


New member
May 9, 2008
Atm, only Fast Zombies, the ones that throw headcrabs and the poison antlions in HL2.

Also the Hunters and Flood dudes in Halo, but fairly used to them now.


New member
May 17, 2008
From CoD4

Imran Zakaeve's son. Running after him all that way, only to have him kill himself. Bastard.
!End of Spoiler!

Dogs. I can never melee them just right.

Al Asad. A complete A-Hole.
My love/hate enemys, are the cute little turrets from Portal. "Helloo?" "Are you still there?"


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Street racers in any racing game.Even more annoying because unlike most of the enemies on this thread the game NEVER gives you a chance to go after them with a shotgun.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Anarchemitis said:
What are those pet peeve baddies in video games that you hate encountering and yet you're guaranteed to encounter them?
I really hate fast-zombies in Half-Life 2 because they make creepy noises, hurt you and move fast. (The pinnacle of creepy-out-itude stuff) I also don't like Flood Carriers in Halo.
[img_inline width="200" caption="Screee-eeaw!"]http://www.metlin.org/content/blog/HLzombie-fast.jpg[/img_inline]
There were only annoying when I was trying to be Ravenholm with only the gravity gun. Sometimes, they'd run at you and trap you in a corner. Then, they would incessantly run into you and grunt until you fell dead.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Anarchemitis said:
What are those pet peeve baddies in video games that you hate encountering and yet you're guaranteed to encounter them?
I really hate fast-zombies in Half-Life 2 because they make creepy noises, hurt you and move fast. (The pinnacle of creepy-out-itude stuff) I also don't like Flood Carriers in Halo.
[img_inline width="200" caption="Screee-eeaw!"]http://www.metlin.org/content/blog/HLzombie-fast.jpg[/img_inline]
There were only annoying when I was trying to be Ravenholm with only the gravity gun. Sometimes, they'd run at you and trap you in a corner. Then, they would incessantly run into you and grunt until you fell dead.


New member
May 15, 2008
I hate the crazy guys in Assasins Creed. Not cause they're all hard and stuff, but when I go to go around one, he'd be all like "HAHA! *push into nearby guard* You fail"... damned crazies...


New member
Apr 6, 2008
These motherfuckers right here:

If you've ever played a Pokemon game for more than 5 minutes, you know what I'm talking about. They're the sole reason I haven't played a Pokemon game since Red/Blue/Yellow.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Fiskmasen said:
These motherfuckers right here:If you've ever played a Pokemon game for more than 5 minutes, you know what I'm talking about. They're the sole reason I haven't played a Pokemon game since Red/Blue/Yellow.
Damn straight. Can't take three steps in a cave without yet another goddamn bat coming to try and suck your bodily fluids.

Abras are worse though, why start a random battle just to run away you fuckers?


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
chebmeh said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Ok, nothing ever shoots you in God of War. What the hell were you people playing?
Hahahaa, that gave me a smile. Thanks :)
This is another of my Pet peeves. God of War came first, and as both series are agreed to be reltively equal, it is precedence that deicdes it. Thus, GOW is God of War, and Gears of War is GeOW. Its pretty obvious.
I totally agree with you. Gears of War is not GoW it's GeoW!

Also about the shooting, you never had those archers shoot their arrows up your ass? They were the most annoying things in the game other than hades' underworld in GoW 1. They were the only enemies that forced me to use my magic bow.

Edit: Medusa was also a ***** in GoW2. Swear everytime I get stoned I automatically die without even having a chance to break free.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
chebmeh said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Ok, nothing ever shoots you in God of War. What the hell were you people playing?
Hahahaa, that gave me a smile. Thanks :)
This is another of my Pet peeves. God of War came first, and as both series are agreed to be reltively equal, it is precedence that deicdes it. Thus, GOW is God of War, and Gears of War is GeOW. Its pretty obvious.
Or you could just, you know, take the extra two seconds to type out the name...