"Oh man, I totally hate those guys!"


New member
Feb 25, 2008
GOW with the number and additional letters directly after it = God of War
GOW without a number or a space before the number = Gears of War

I thought this had been universaly agreed upon during the release of the second.


New member
May 26, 2008
I'm sorry, but I had to put this in: the ?? Elite Bosses from WoW. Sure, there not so 'scary,' but when you're a hardcore WoW fan and you get to killing the Zul Gurub guards and enter the instance itself...I was naive. She doesn't really LOOK scary, but Sweet Mary I pissed myself when I realized I aggroed her.

Also, the fast running 'Reds' from Resident Evil. I pulled out my Shotgun and shot more air than zombie! Also, the Dogs in RE4. Christ, I nearly waisted my fcking Rocket Launcher on those bastards. Luckily a knife does the trick and saves you some ammo.


New member
May 26, 2008
BustaNinja said:
Iron Maidens and Regenerators from RE4
On the fcking money! Thanks for re-awakening those memories, bra. Also, that frozen zombie...thing in RE4. It goes like, you walk into a MEAT LOCKER (as if it wasn't scary enough) and you're supposed to receive some Infared Scope that only has that one freaking use, to kill that zombie, of course. Once you take the scope, the chill goes off in the room and a zombie walks in. I must've pumped half a clip into him before I realized I had to use the scope. Also, and I'm sorry for dragging on about Resident Evil: Lisa. She was in 2 or 3, methinks, and she was unkillable. You could drag her off a cliff, but when you came back, she'd be there. You could lob dozens of grenades at her. Nothing. Rocket Launcher? Nope. And it was no glitch. I learned the backstory a while after, that she was an experiment gone wrong and blah blah blah. God, I waisted soooooo many rounds on her.


New member
May 26, 2008
the rusk said:
Sucker said:
BAM! A zombie torso jumps at me from behind the boxes.
Now I'm not lying here. In that half-second, I emptied the entire pistol clip (it's 18, right?) in less than a second.
Oops, my bad.

I did exactly the same thing when i first saw one. I'd empty the ammo of one gun into it... still alive!? I preceded to do this with every gun until it backed me into a corner and spiked me to death. Took me a while to come back to the game.
I don't mean to put a dent in your logic, but it is LITERALLY impossible to do that. The fastest I've EVER emptied a pistol clip in any Half-Life game is 1.86 seconds. Using a controller. But, ahhh, I'm not here to nitpick about pistol shots. I fired off a controlled burst off four and took the sucker down, I'm not really twitchy, and the only thing that really gets me are RE4's zombies (and CoD4's dogs), and it's only because I've been raised on Resident Evil, playing it since I was 9 (my dad bought a copy of Resident Evil...wait, I forget, I think it was Nemesis?). But yeah, the crabs really scared me stiff, after it died I just stood there shocked for a couple seconds.

Edit: sorry for posting thrice

Double Edit:
the monopoly guy said:
...those robots in Metal Arms Glitch in the system that you had to kill 3 times
I never knew anyone played that game! Glitch is the ULTIMATE protagonist! A robot viciously murdering other robots. When a game has a combination of FUNCTIONING vehicle systems, AI that you can control, and a gun where you can light people on fire (not a flamethrower) it can't be criticized! Also, please re-post, which glitch are you talking about? Do you mean the Titans? They're all the same, so I wouldn't mind having to kill them millions of times over. Except in the freaking arena! They take all your weapons! Luckily you can take the mind-controlling thing. Awwwwwwwwwwwwesome

TJ rock 101

New member
May 20, 2008
Fiskmasen said:
These motherfuckers right here:

If you've ever played a Pokemon game for more than 5 minutes, you know what I'm talking about. They're the sole reason I haven't played a Pokemon game since Red/Blue/Yellow.
the most common flying crap you encounter.... kill them all! southpark style

TJ rock 101

New member
May 20, 2008
MissDumpling said:
Fucking MURLOCS and their annoying sounds.
A close second is the Slime thingys in the same game with Lousy drops and tendencies to spawn a clone.
murlocs are awesome! lol
even with that annoying ability to run and find 3 or more friends to kill you


New member
May 24, 2008
the swat teams in deadrising piss me of. especially wen ive got no guns, franks as stealthy as a bright pink morbidly obese hippo with a sign that says please shoot me in the face,i wont sue!


New member
May 24, 2008
actually make that a clummsy blind bright pink morbidly obese hippo with a sign that says please shoot me in the face, i wont sue! phew!


New member
May 28, 2008
Blitz in DMC4 on the higher difficulties, they get a couple hits in on you and you drop like a sack of crap.


New member
May 28, 2008
The Berserker from Gears of War, cause those things scare the living shit out of me every time! When I played the game on Insane difficulty, those battles were nearly impossible for me...

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
Anarchemitis said:
Have I mentioned how much I love to set fire to Fast Zombies, or 'sv_gravity 4000'?
or sv_gravity 40 or less, then when they jump they just kinda gflaot there for a while, same with headcrabs and when you kill a combine wiht a shotgun they fall in slow motion and its quite interesting to watch

Zombie King, I'm tlakin about the ones in that graveyard place right before you meet that one big friendly guy...oh god I havent played that game in so long...but its early on


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Can you people PLEASE just start editing your posts when you have more to say?

I used to be annoyed at AC's drunks until I realized that you regenerate synchronization so fast, it's pretty much worth it to grab them and toss them into a merchant stall.

Hated every enemy after midway in Crysis, and REALLY hated the bionic enemies in Deus Ex. Here's why: I had managed to lug this enormous flamethrower around much of the game, because if you get close enough, all enemies are screwed. All except these guys. They just happen to have a complete excess of flame shielding...my one weakness. Thankfully, I've also been lugging a plasma rifle. Yes, my inventory was very sparse.

Zak Frost

New member
May 29, 2008
Zombie_King said:
I never knew anyone played that game! Glitch is the ULTIMATE protagonist! A robot viciously murdering other robots. When a game has a combination of FUNCTIONING vehicle systems, AI that you can control, and a gun where you can light people on fire (not a flamethrower) it can't be criticized! Also, please re-post, which glitch are you talking about? Do you mean the Titans? They're all the same, so I wouldn't mind having to kill them millions of times over. Except in the freaking arena! They take all your weapons! Luckily you can take the mind-controlling thing. Awwwwwwwwwwwwesome
Actually, I think he talking about the zombie-bots: One of my favorite enemies in one of my favorite games. But the Guards trump them ANY FREAKING TIME they have what I like to call No Cooldown-Time Locks-you-in-a-corner-with no chance of escape "Death-Slicer" and for a projectile The "Cluster-Fucker", I am so glad that you ran into them only about 3 times in the entire game.

Then there's Tom Nook(from animal crossings) the evil bastard I wanted to kill him...so...much...

Redead(from the Link series), of course. "Oh, I'll move really slowly, hey there somebody there, I'll cripple them then eat them alive." I hate those things.... A LOT.

And of course that stupid bird thing from Pikmin 1-2 I eventually got good at killing them(about 2 weeks ago...>.>) But it doesn't make them any less deadly, they 3 grab Pikmin at a time and there is no cooldown time until they decide to swallow the pikmin, evil things.

EDIT: Forgot about zu/golbats in the pokemon series, every 3 seconds "A Wild Zu/Golbat Has Appeared!" And they were always those dickheads who would never let you leave unless you had a level 39857363947579375984 legendary in front at that time "Can't Escape!" then they would use "Mean Look". I wish there were shotguns in Pokemon.

SECOND EDIT: I also forgot about the chainsaw guy from resident evil 4, it's like decided to make enemy just all around better then everyone else, they are at more than double the speed of any of humanoid thing, for no justifiable reason, as well as you have hit it like 20 bajillion times before it dies; I one time used 3 grenades on the good doctor, and HE JUST FUCKING GETS UP, I shoot him 3 more times with a shotgun before he finally dies, then there the whole Always-kills-you-in-one-shot- and-has-a-greater-range-than-everyone-else thing, but if are still not convinced: No reaction commands, anything that's not a shotgun, a sniper-rifle or a mine launcher doesn't even freaking phase him, his body never goes away, so anyone who uses the "knock him down then a unload clip into him as fast as frickin' can" strategy is screwed when he dies after one shot, but you are so freaked out you don't notice and keep "killing" him.
But possibly the worst is you think will never encounter it again after the first fight because it seems like boss battle, so you're like: "Well, at least don't see that thing ever again. -3 seconds later- WTF?! Now there 2 of them in the same place?! -sobsob-" So yes: "Oh, man, I totally hate those guys." ALL of them


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
I've been playing Bioshock, and I have one thing to say - GODDAM SPLOICAHS! The grenade-chucking ones in particular. I'm only in the Medical Pavilion, so I haven't faced the Spiders or Houdinis yet, so I dunno if they're worse or not.

And also the security cameras and gun turrets.

Oy, I haven't even fought a Big Daddy yet...


New member
Nov 10, 2007
ThaBenMan said:
I've been playing Bioshock, and I have one thing to say - GODDAM SPLOICAHS! The grenade-chucking ones in particular. I'm only in the Medical Pavilion, so I haven't faced the Spiders or Houdinis yet, so I dunno if they're worse or not.
Grenade Splicer + Telekinesis plasmid = Super Happy Fun Boom Time.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
GloatingSwine said:
Fiskmasen said:
These motherfuckers right here:If you've ever played a Pokemon game for more than 5 minutes, you know what I'm talking about. They're the sole reason I haven't played a Pokemon game since Red/Blue/Yellow.
Damn straight. Can't take three steps in a cave without yet another goddamn bat coming to try and suck your bodily fluids.

Abras are worse though, why start a random battle just to run away you fuckers?
Nah, Abras were great. The point of them running is that you are supposed to catch one. Then level them up somehow since they have zero attacks until mutation. Alakhazam is probably the strongest pokemon in the original game (only one i played way back when it came out) besides some of the hard-to-find flying ones and mewtwo. Since psychic attacks couldnt really be blocked. I remember I beat all the end bosses with just that one.

Anyways, probably Zephyrs were my least favorite. Damn ear-buzzing gnats casting incredibly powerful magic. And wisps (the balls of light, cant remember) were pretty annoying. Good luck killing one if you weren't a mage. Although Drudges were my favorite kill. So easy and made such delightful noises when they die. I played AC a lot..