Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Dec 5, 2016
Pixelhunter said:
fenner said:
alright so ive been scrolling through this thread and had multiple tabs up for days with no luck. unfortunately i dont have much info on the game i'm looking for as i was very little when i ever played it (and also thought it was scary due to dark and serious atmosphere).

it's [at least] a PC game - third person and you play as a woman who has always reminded me somewhat of lara croft? but i dont think this is any of the tomb raider games? this game is from early or mid-2000s im v sure. the woman has dark brown hair in a ponytail i think? and she's got somewhat thick lips and she's white (??). the game anyway starts off with you as this woman in a dark, rainy city, and you're supposed to get ""somewhere"" so you'll have to climb buildings, go through windows and doors of apartments etc, and then i can vaguely remember that there were helicopters chasing you and shooting at you? falling off buildings and getting caught by them would kill you. again, this atmosphere and whole thing scared me as a kid, so i Never would get further than this and it's all i can remember. i am not sure if the woman was an agent of some sort or no either.

this is all the info i've got + i do not think the graphics/quality of animation of the game was terrible? i might be wrong however
Is it possible you have played a Tomb Raider game after all?
To me that's an acurate description of the first couple of Parisian sections in "Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness" (2003).

DANG what do you know!!! thats it. holy crap. tbh i have no clue why i was so convinced it Wasnt tomb raider, but no matter! thank you so much!!!


New member
Dec 6, 2016
Hello everybody , i have been searching for a long time for a game.
I cant remember much , the year was 2000-2004 i think and it was strategy based.
you can build different fighters and to gain you have to put to fight each other to raise level.


New member
Dec 6, 2016

Just found this forum today, and I've been trying to find an old fighting game. I'm not sure if it was SNES or Sega or what it was, but what I remember was that it started with these two scientists creating your character that you start with, and then you going to fight. You were a pink humanoid mannequin looking thing, made of pink circles that weren't connected. You had to fight up the ranks to progress to take down the other scientist or something. One of the other characters I remember was a flame dude, and that once you beat someone they were unlocked for you to play as them in the later rounds.

Anyone have any clue what this game is? I'd really like to play it again...

Jiro Takeda

New member
Dec 7, 2016
Trying to remember a really old computer game that I played when I was a kid in the 90s. It was a 2D, point/click, educational game where you would explore a town and identify safety violations or something. If you managed to find all of them, your pet elephant (or at least I think it was an elephant) would return home. Driving me fucking crazy.


New member
Dec 6, 2016
hello , please anybody the game was strategy based , it was on pc
i remember you can build different structures and soldiers
i think i was similar to warcraft, but for fighters to get experience you can put them to fight each other to get faster experience. please anybody ,thanks

Anna Teodorczyk

New member
Dec 7, 2016
Hey, guys!
Maybe you could help me?
I'm looking for an old PC game. It was about taking care of animals or some combination of animals and aliens. In demo version there was some fur creature, which you could feed with worms, play with it or change its shape by using laser gun. I think this game was released between 1996-2001. Unfortunatelly, I don't remember the title. Thanks in advance.


New member
Jan 21, 2015
Anyone got anything for me yet on that first post I made on page 711? I'm going on a nostalgia trip of all my old games and my gf doesn't wanna be left out.

Allan Hardy

New member
Dec 7, 2016
Guys, im trying to remember a game from about 22 years ago!! I do not have much to go on, I just remember at the start of the game some kinda big claw, like an eagles talon or maybe a dragon, smashes through the roof of this house and it takes a person, not sure if its a baby or the guys wife or something and flys away. Then the game starts and you are outside the house in a woods, and you have to run through the woods after it, its dark and raining I think.

Must have been from early 1990s, on PC.


New member
Jun 7, 2010

I remember playing a demo game on PC I downloaded from some website long ago, it was probably from the early 2000s, the graphics were 3D and the camera was behind you like in any close combat action game, you walked between arena-like stages and then fought dudes, I think you had a sword, and the thing that makes me want to try the game again is that you had a huge demon-like monster thingy as a companion that fought together with you!

The level design felt like you were powering through a castle, so stone-walls and metal bars and stuff like that.
The graphics were quite grey I believe.

Edit: It might be Chaos Legion's Thanatos that I'm remembering, if so I guess I'll thank diablo rules on page 675!

Lee Lap Herng said:
There is a fps game where the player have special power, its not that old and I think its around 2008-2010 (I saw it in my friends' house).

Its available in PC, I think the name is only one word and consist of 6-7 letters. The main menu seems to be "meaty".

The games seems to consists of multiple party members and everyone has different special powers, such as healing, throwing fire balls, ( I think I saw my friend used an attack like thunder on the final boss.
Clive Barker's Jericho (by Clive Barker)

Adam Darby

New member
Dec 7, 2016
Okay, so this has been driving me CRAZY. The game had to have come out between 1980 and 1988, I think. I'm pretty sure I remember playing it on a Mac/Apple computer. The basic premise was that you control this robot, and you're jumping between different rooms that have other robots in them, and you have to fight them. Each robot was different and you had to pick the right way to beat them. The game was in that old black and green resolution . . . I can't remember much else about it, unfortunately. Sound familar to anyone?


New member
Dec 7, 2016
hego64 said:

Just found this forum today, and I've been trying to find an old fighting game. I'm not sure if it was SNES or Sega or what it was, but what I remember was that it started with these two scientists creating your character that you start with, and then you going to fight. You were a pink humanoid mannequin looking thing, made of pink circles that weren't connected. You had to fight up the ranks to progress to take down the other scientist or something. One of the other characters I remember was a flame dude, and that once you beat someone they were unlocked for you to play as them in the later rounds.

Anyone have any clue what this game is? I'd really like to play it again...
One Must Fall: 2097

The_Sojourner said:
All I can remember are the tiniest snippets of images... I remember in the beginning of the game, you got to choose either one character or a group of characters and they were all standing in this giant, circular stone room. And I think the center of the room had some sort of sigil or rune in the center, but I don't recall completely. I remember at least most of the choices of characters, if not all of them, wore robes.

I also remember that when you were having your character or characters walk around, your mouse cursor took the shape of little golden footprints or something like that...

I also recall the soundtrack being one of my favorites at the time, with most of it sounding like it was sort of dark choir-esque. It lent itself well to the feel of the game, which was very mystical and fantasy-based.
I am pretty sure this is not it, but with blurry memory it still needs to be ruled out as at least some features sound familiar and it is from South Korea (not from Japan):
Lamentation Sword

So please let us know if this is it or not.


New member
Jul 1, 2014
HEY ALL i have been trying to find this game for a while now but i couldnt :(

this game is a soccer game and its like super shot soccer but its not .

its a 3D game , you can play with only 3 buttons i guess

every team has some special super powers for example :

when a brazilian player has a ball he can turn his leg to make kinda dust to the adversary cant take the ball , when he is close to the goal keeper he has a super shot its yellow and curving its almost impossible for the goal keeper to catch it .

i remember also that the german team having a super straight shot that the goal keeper of the adversary will enter with the ball into the net .

i think that italy has a super takle too.


New member
Dec 8, 2016
Okay I have several games that I cannot find ANYWHERE:
1- it's a PS2 game where there is a family of aliens living in this house. I remember that it had adult jokes and there were several characters you can play as (one had two heads, and one was fat but had a skinny neck?) I found this game a while ago but I forgot it again D:
2- another PS2 game I think. I can't remember much, but it was a Japanese game based in a city like Tokyo? I mostly remember that you use a phone with the old fashion dial that you rotate. Also there was a store with an arcade game that you can play? Not sure if it's a different game though...
3- PC kids game for girls where you're holding a party. There are several things to do, like catching bugs outside, and decorating your room. I remember that part a lot, there were different beds and toys and I WAS OBSESSED WITH THAT. And I think there was a cake decorating part as well. At the end, you throw the party I think?
Very vague memories, please help!


New member
Dec 7, 2016
kk4everfighting said:
2- another PS2 game I think. I can't remember much, but it was a Japanese game based in a city like Tokyo? I mostly remember that you use a phone with the old fashion dial that you rotate. Also there was a store with an arcade game that you can play? Not sure if it's a different game though...
Shen Mue / Shenmue for Dreamcast maybe?


New member
Nov 25, 2016
zion_jah said:
- Your character is on some kind of graveyard
- Enemies showing themselves behind tombstones (their heads sticking out, one by one) and shoot at you.
- 1995-2000 aproxx

Dunno if it was just 1 level of a demo game. But remember playing it as a kid once, and never saw it again.
Your character was anchored (couldn't move) and you only could see a gun/rifle.
As i remember, graphics were great for that age.


New member
Dec 8, 2016

I've been looking for this one game for years. The game is fairly old from 90's i think.
This game is basically Castle Wars style game.
The menu music(i think) was almost identical to this instrumental point https://youtu.be/c3SPZBMoK9I?t=58s


New member
Dec 8, 2016
Mine's an old flash/shockwave game (probably from the 90's). There was little in the way of graphics, pretty much everything was text except for the rare picture. You could only play for a limited amount of time per day/hour, but you could increase it by putting more points into energy/stamina. One of the stranger things was at character creation, you could choose to put points into your starting money instead of your stats, allowing you to buy better gear.

When you went "adventuring" a random encounter would occur. The one that sticks out most in my mind was coming across a merchant with a broken wagon. You could help him, or attack him, or leave him be. Sometimes he would be thankful and give you coins, other times he'd give you nothing, other times it was actually a bandit in disguise, and there was a rare occasion it would turn out to be a wizard in disguise, and he would really mess up your day if you attacked him or abandoned him. Any thoughts?


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
kk4everfighting said:
Okay I have several games that I cannot find ANYWHERE:
1- it's a PS2 game where there is a family of aliens living in this house. I remember that it had adult jokes and there were several characters you can play as (one had two heads, and one was fat but had a skinny neck?) I found this game a while ago but I forgot it again D:

This immediately reminds me of the "Stupid Invaders" (2001), but I don't think it was available on other systems than PC and the Dreamcast.



New member
Dec 8, 2016
Ok, now this is an obscure one. I remember playing a game on the Apple Macintosh in the early 1990's where you were trying to clean out a canyon (valley?) that was filled with rocks, explosives, toxic waste, etc. by dropping bombs from a blimp(?). It was played from a side view (kinda reminds me of Tetris a little). I believe it was a freeware or shareware title. I remember that it was a bad thing if your bomb hits the canyon floor, but I can't remember what would happen.


New member
Dec 8, 2016
Protoblob said:
kk4everfighting said:
2- another PS2 game I think. I can't remember much, but it was a Japanese game based in a city like Tokyo? I mostly remember that you use a phone with the old fashion dial that you rotate. Also there was a store with an arcade game that you can play? Not sure if it's a different game though...
Shen Mue / Shenmue for Dreamcast maybe?
Oh my god it is!!! Thank you so much!