Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Jul 1, 2014
HeartlessandSoulless said:
Got another one for you guys:
- The game was a action RPG, much like Dark Souls;
- It had "PS1 graphics" (3D, kinda blocky);
- It had a bunch of classes to choose from (like fighter, archer, so on and so forth);
- As far as I know, it had no character creation;
- There were "separated maps" (as in: screen transitions like a game from RPG Maker);
- You had a rare item, a yellow "fruit" (can't actually remember what it was) to recover your life;
- Isometric-ish view
- It was for PC (maybe a port, but it could be an exclusive);

Thanks in advance!
Bumping it... Is it ok to bump posts that weren't answered? I found no specific rules on this thread about it...

Puk Plet

New member
Dec 26, 2016

I'm Looking for a pc game mid/early 2000 i guess.
It is a fanasy rpg like Diablo or baldur's gate style, But only with humans (as far as I know)

The story is about a boy growing up in a town when (his sister) is kidnapped by the (kings soldiers)
You start your adventure through the land looking for her.

There is one chapter that you are caprured and you wake up on a pirate ship in the dock and you need to espcape and save your friends.

Please help me. The game was not very popular but I would like to play it again, because back in the day my pc crashed..


New member
Dec 26, 2016
I hope you can help me with these 2 games,

1: I remember playin a mini car game in like 2008 that had 3d graphics but it had a weird view. the view was similar to this one: https://itunes.apple.com/app/reckless-racing-2/id476274173?ign-mpt=uo%3D6&mt=8

You started with a really bad car and then you upgraded it with weapons and defenses systems like oil, glue, so you could destroy the other cars. i think that if you hit a car it also damages you or the other car, same for hitting walls. i remember a pickup truck and a sports car that was the most expensive, but there were about ten cars. you also could change their color.

it had also local co op multiplayer and custom races

the game came in a cd with more games for demo, and i remember the cover to be really colorful with yellow letters.

2: the second game is one of the games that came in the cd. it was a spaceship side scrolling game, like r type, but it had pretty decent 3d graphics, and it had LOTS of upgrades.

i hope you can find at least one of them, then it would be easier to find the other


New member
Dec 26, 2016
Hy ,i'm looking for two games ,hope you can help me.

Both are on PC.
Both are from early 2000.

-2d rts
-top down view (not 100% sure on this one)
-two teams (red and blue ,i think)
-you control some kind of a robot which can transform into a plane
-you can build other units (workers and tanks)
-while in plane form you can pick them up and drop anywhere on the map
-workers work in some kind of factory ,which are on some kind of oil spills
-both players can populate the same factory with workers (i think five total is the max)
-while in robot from you can shoot enemy tanks

-mario kart/crash team racing inspired 3d racer
-there is some kind of jungle map
-you can shoot rockets
-big heads


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
vidiex said:
1: I remember playin a mini car game in like 2008 that had 3d graphics but it had a weird view. the view was similar to this one: https://itunes.apple.com/app/reckless-racing-2/id476274173?ign-mpt=uo%3D6&mt=8

You started with a really bad car and then you upgraded it with weapons and defenses systems like oil, glue, so you could destroy the other cars. i think that if you hit a car it also damages you or the other car, same for hitting walls. i remember a pickup truck and a sports car that was the most expensive, but there were about ten cars. you also could change their color.

it had also local co op multiplayer and custom races

the game came in a cd with more games for demo, and i remember the cover to be really colorful with yellow letters.

2: the second game is one of the games that came in the cd. it was a spaceship side scrolling game, like r type, but it had pretty decent 3d graphics, and it had LOTS of upgrades.
Don't know about the first one, but the second sounds a bit like Nebula Fighter by Holodream Software.


New member
Dec 26, 2016
RelativityMan said:
vidiex said:
1: I remember playin a mini car game in like 2008 that had 3d graphics but it had a weird view. the view was similar to this one: https://itunes.apple.com/app/reckless-racing-2/id476274173?ign-mpt=uo%3D6&mt=8

You started with a really bad car and then you upgraded it with weapons and defenses systems like oil, glue, so you could destroy the other cars. i think that if you hit a car it also damages you or the other car, same for hitting walls. i remember a pickup truck and a sports car that was the most expensive, but there were about ten cars. you also could change their color.

it had also local co op multiplayer and custom races

the game came in a cd with more games for demo, and i remember the cover to be really colorful with yellow letters.

2: the second game is one of the games that came in the cd. it was a spaceship side scrolling game, like r type, but it had pretty decent 3d graphics, and it had LOTS of upgrades.
Don't know about the first one, but the second sounds a bit like Nebula Fighter by Holodream Software.
Thank you but it wasnt that one. Seems good though


New member
Dec 26, 2016
Okay, so I have been looking for this game for a long time now, and I do not know what else to search for to find it. Maybe somebody else remembers it too...?
It was a side-view platformer puzzle game (there was no scrolling; each stage was a single frame) online in which you were a little astronaut boy on what looks like the moon. The "enemies" were little green blobby aliens with no arms or legs that you had to push around to hold down buttons and things to hold open gates to get to the teleporter pad at the end of each level. Later on in the game, there would be other obstacles, like slime and water(?) that you could not step in; you had to collect a certain colored boot that you would wear to get across the obstacles.
I have tried looking this up, but I cannot find it anywhere. The title might have been something with "Astro" or "Boy" in it (I can't really remember, but it feels like it's right on the tip of my tongue) but when I look that up for reference, it comes up with AstroBoy, which it is not.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
PsychoSerpent said:
Okay, so I have been looking for this game for a long time now, and I do not know what else to search for to find it. Maybe somebody else remembers it too...?
It was a side-view platformer puzzle game (there was no scrolling; each stage was a single frame) online in which you were a little astronaut boy on what looks like the moon. The "enemies" were little green blobby aliens with no arms or legs that you had to push around to hold down buttons and things to hold open gates to get to the teleporter pad at the end of each level. Later on in the game, there would be other obstacles, like slime and water(?) that you could not step in; you had to collect a certain colored boot that you would wear to get across the obstacles.
I have tried looking this up, but I cannot find it anywhere. The title might have been something with "Astro" or "Boy" in it (I can't really remember, but it feels like it's right on the tip of my tongue) but when I look that up for reference, it comes up with AstroBoy, which it is not.
This sounds like it might be some variation on the old Windows game Chip's Challenge. Try looking for games similar to that?


New member
Dec 26, 2016
It wasn't top-down. I still tried looking for similar games, but I don't see it. I can't even remember what website(s) I played it on, but I can see it so clearly in my head. The graphics were also pretty good, from what I remember. Chip's Challenge looks good too, though.

Aleksandra Stasiak

New member
Dec 27, 2016
Hi everyone! I'm new here.
Over the dacade ago there was a game... I've played only a demo, but I'll try to explain what I've remembered.

I suppose that it could be really tough one:
- PC game for kids
- from 1995-2005
- it could be in some early 3d style (but it could be just drawn this way)
- it starts with an intro: Night, bird eye view on some small city/houses. Everyone is asleep. We can see small object (space ship) flying and getting someway into one house. The couple of little aliens get out from the ship.(little like 15cm, they don't look any like usual aliens)
- everything is colorful but the background is black most of the time. Everything is kindly settled in emptiness.
- What happens nearly after that landing, some "bad guy" (I remember him as a pencil but I'm not sure)kidnapps a lady alien and mr alien goes to rescue her. I remember there was also some "scary" cat.
- Unfortunately I don't remember the details of what you had do do there (but hte main goal was probably to rescue ms alien) or if it was adventure game or arcade.

I will be very grateful for any help with this.


New member
Dec 26, 2016
PsychoSerpent said:
Okay, so I have been looking for this game for a long time now, and I do not know what else to search for to find it. Maybe somebody else remembers it too...?
It was a side-view platformer puzzle game (there was no scrolling; each stage was a single frame) online in which you were a little astronaut boy on what looks like the moon. The "enemies" were little green blobby aliens with no arms or legs that you had to push around to hold down buttons and things to hold open gates to get to the teleporter pad at the end of each level. Later on in the game, there would be other obstacles, like slime and water(?) that you could not step in; you had to collect a certain colored boot that you would wear to get across the obstacles.
I have tried looking this up, but I cannot find it anywhere. The title might have been something with "Astro" or "Boy" in it (I can't really remember, but it feels like it's right on the tip of my tongue) but when I look that up for reference, it comes up with AstroBoy, which it is not.
FOUND IT! It's called Astrokid! It is exactly as I remembered. Can't believe it took me this long to find it.


New member
Nov 25, 2016
- Your character is on some kind of graveyard
- Enemies showing themselves behind tombstones (their heads sticking out, one by one) and shoot at you.
- 1995-2000 aproxx

Dunno if it was just 1 level of a demo game. But remember playing it as a kid once, and never saw it again.
Your character was anchored (couldn't move) and you only could see a gun/rifle.
As i remember, graphics were great for that age.

Colton Fowler

New member
Dec 27, 2016
- PC Game
- You had to jump on and color all of the blocks (similar to Qbert, but not Qbert)
- Flat playing field
- Had some bad guys that were like spring or something?
- Came Pre-Downloaded on an Intel Inspiron in 2006

I used to play this game all the time with my sister. Please help if you can!


New member
Dec 27, 2016
- PC pixel 2d platform game
- main hero was a boy (he had long, brown hair) whose planet was attacked by robots (i think)
- with using ctrl you could attack with some orange-weapon-sword-laser thing
- it was like post-apo setting, robots, droids
- i can remember boss fight with giant frog attacking with it's tongue, it took place in forest near the town or village of main hero


New member
Dec 27, 2016
I've been looking for it for years with no avail.

It was late 90's or early 2000's, the game was a first person adventure game. I played a demo of it.

It started in a prison cell where you had to take off bricks from the wall using only a spoon. The guard was cautionous and you needed to be careful. The guard eventually got drunk and passed out, but it was necessary to knock him out with a successfull brick throw through the bars. Then an attempt to escape could be made. After leaving the building to a rainy weather the demo ended with a picture of somebody, maybe another guard.

The game looked a bit like Myst or Riven, but without real people in it. I remember the feeling of a pirate-era, but it may be a false-positive.

Felipe Barroso

New member
Dec 28, 2016
Hello, i'm looking an old rts pc game, It was late 90's or early 2000's, in the game you could choose between indians,humans or robots


New member
Dec 28, 2016
Ok, so there is the game I remember playing back on PS2, it was a TPS, and you were in this post apocalyptic type setting
and there were alien like monsters, and you played as this guy who had a blue metallic armor, and it could turn into a vehicle. I was around 5 at the time, so I can't recall anything else, except the details mentioned before. There was also this little town in the beginning of the game. If somebody could figure this out, that would be great as I would love to play this game again.


New member
Dec 9, 2016
Mdbnny said:
zion_jah said:
Mdbnny said:
Hey guys, need your wisdom

Im looking for a PC puzzle-platformer from the early 90s. The stages were in some of pyramid. The main character had a backpack and a baseball cap, vivid colors. I remember snakes and treadmills. The game reminded me of montezuma s revenge but was more sophisticated with better graphics and sound

Please help!

Jetpack? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHGIoYDV8fg]
hey zion. thanks for the reply

its not justpack. the protagonist actually walked. the camera was closer to the character and the similarities to miontezuma s revenge are mostly in the atmosphere / decor. it doesnt really play as montezuma. the screens are way smaller (maybe a couple jumps before raching the new screen)
I ll totally give a nice gift for whoever helps me find this game

Sasan Shahzady

New member
Dec 28, 2016
i remember playing this game around 4-6 (not sure) years ago on my computer. it was a game where you had monsters and how powerful they were was shown in tiers (the tears had names but the defining part of the tiers was the pattern of the tiers for example black and yellow diagonal stripes. you could have alot of monsters. you would choose a monster of your own to fight a randomly chosen enemy (no matter the tier sometimes). the way you fight your monsters isn't by moves but it by a wheel where half is your colour and the other is your enemies colour (by half i mean how strong your monster was compared to your enemies, the stronger it is compared, the more of the wheel your colour dominates.) and a pin would spin to either your colour or your enemies. if it was your enemies, your enemy wins and vise versa. who ever won got to choose if they wanted to kill your monster and that would send them to the graveyard or the could steal your monster and then your monster would be gone forever. if your monster is dead, you had to pay with online currency to revive them.
please help me find this game.


New member
Dec 28, 2016
I am searching for this game very long time.
Its a 3d platformer from the 2000s. You play as a weird looking RED alien/devil thingy. You had a staff (similar combatsystem to beyond good and evil) and the only enemy i remember was a Robotic Dog. I also remember a level that was a castle and it had rooms, wich when you walked in, turned completely dark and you could hear a laughter.
Also some other characters i vaguley remeber: and old lady, looked like a witch, a funny skeleton, who was clumsy and served as a comic relief.
Its really bugging me what games it was.
Sorry for not enough details and my bad english.