Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

one of them

New member
Jan 16, 2010
I remember a game for the Playstation where you were in a tank, and for some reason you were driving in an underground cave. I think the characters might have been japanese drawn, and the graphics were pretty bad but it was 3D.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
i just foudn this thread useign google. and made an account bc i gotta find this game from my child hood for the ps1.. its a 3d game. um.. u start in some air ship i think. that is transporting a giant... whind up crank type of key... the key falls into the ocean after you defeat the boss of the ship.. an the key some how goes into a whale that causes the whale to become evil.. and the game has some pink haired/armored girl that helps you through most the game..... please someone tell me you know what the games name is >.<


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Ok heres a challenge

this one I played on windows 95/98

It was an educational game, I think encyclopedia might have been in the title

it was one where you would go to different parts of the world and click on things

anyway your guide or main charachter was essentially a space frog, he wore a bubble like space helmet and had a lily pad shaped flying platform which was like a space segway (that could fly)

you could also go to his space ship, theres one thign I remeber where there was a song about the planets that went "Mercury now is the one...closest to the shining sun!" thats all I can remember from the song

now figure that one out


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Mar 2, 2011
unreal91 said:
Second game. It was this war like game. this could have been for one of the nintendo systems or even psx or sega im pretty sure it wasnt the psx but i wouldn't throw it out of discussion because i can't be to sure. just like the other game i don't remember enough to give to much detail but Basically i always played against my bro I'm pretty sure it was turn based and every map had a middle divider it it kind of reminds me of worms in a way but you were army soilders and it looked kind of cartoony. You picked you people before the round starts and then take turns blasting people away pretty much from bazooka to whatever. like i said... seems alot like worms but it most def. was not.

Sorry for the vague details. Thanks in advance for any help =)

[[[[EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT READ PLEASE]]] I just remembered the first game no help needed on that. it was called Caveman ninja or ummm "Joe & Mac" fun game tho >=)
I don't know if this is any help or even actually what you are thinking of, but I also remember playing a game with my brother on the Playstation 1 and it sounds very similar to what you have described. The game I am thinking of is "Hogs Of War" http://uk.media.psx.ign.com/media/014/014334/imgs_1.html
Hope this helps!


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Dec 24, 2008
BanthaFodder said:
Alright, I want to know the name of this game SO BADLY, I created an Escapist account for this exact purpose... Okay, I used to play this game on my friend's Dreamcast. All I remember was that the title was "Something Something Olympics" (I think) and you could choose from a series of wacky animals to compete in different races (sliding, running, and swimming). I remember there was this turquoise guy with a pilot's cap on the cover (statue of liberty green, either a frog or a penguin, we were never sure). There was an orange dog in a purple top hat with a tattoo of bones on his back (I believe his name was Mr. Bones), there was some kinda pink, big lipped thing with a bow... I think it was an octopus, but I could be wrong. There was the aformentioned frog/penguin, and there was also this totally badass purple shark with yellow eyes and red scars. It was a wierd ass game and the running was toal shit, but the other parts were SO FUN.
It's Pen Pen i'm sure of it.



New member
Mar 13, 2011
Okay, this has been driving me crazy for about 3 years
I used to play this really good game on ps1 and it was about a boy whose granddad had gone missing and they lived in a windmill or something like that
And you went along all these amazing places even ending up in this really cool water palace thing and had to fight this big bad magic boss at the end. and I ADORED it. >.<
Everytime i ask someone they have no clue ):

Erm I might also be getting confused with this other game, and you were a boy but it was kinda like a cave man thing, and you went along and you could jump about and it was kinda a platform rpg thing >.< I hate not remembering my games I wanna play them

My boyfriend suggested heart of darkness, but it's not that ¬.¬'


New member
Mar 13, 2011
Sundayboy said:
This will probably be one of the most vaguest descriptions ever, but it is all I can remember after racking my brains for years.

The game I am seeking is for the Playstation 1. I remember hiring if from Blockbuster roughly circa late 1990's and I am sure it had a Japanese type namebut not 100% sure of this. All I rememeber is that the main playable character is white I think (either some kind of animal or human ...not sure).

I know it has something to do with the characters father or grandfather going missing/died/or send into another dimension. the character has some kind of amulet either a brooch or a ring with a stone on it. I am sure the aim of the game is to reunite the character with his lost family member using the amulet.
D: I think we're looking for the same game ¬.¬'


New member
May 6, 2010
EmmyBear said:
Sundayboy said:

I know it has something to do with the characters father or grandfather going missing/died/or send into another dimension. the character has some kind of amulet either a brooch or a ring with a stone on it. I am sure the aim of the game is to reunite the character with his lost family member using the amulet.
Jelly ^.^ said:
Okay, this is going to be a really off-the-wall one, but back in primary school we played a game where you had to race against an opponent, but by gathering parts in a sort of sidescrolling game with puzzles on like, magnetism and stuff. This was when the computers had windows 95 and 98.

Also, does anyone have a link to the Maths Circus games from that time period? I'd really like to play the second one and get past that fucking monster bastard on Expert using the wizard etc.
First one might be Tomba!. Second one is probably Gizmos and Gadgets.


New member
Mar 13, 2011
It was (is?) a strategy game for computers. Year is around... from late 90's to 2001-2002.

There were several races you could play, I think three different races.
The time the game took place, ehm... Not in real time, nor in Ceasar time nor in space. You controlled beasts and hunters, trolls... strange monsters.

You started off with a hero (hero? It had some special abilities if I recall correctly) which also worked as a builder. You summoned different units to attack the opponent, or maybe only one race could summon units, the other races built them, something like that.

You got gold or money by waiting, I think, or summoning a particular unit, do not remember. There was no gold mine as in warcraft, nor minerals as in starcraft, nor diamonds as in red alert.

One of the main character, the hero that you could play, was sort of a swordsman and his name was either Boris or Borish or Borash or Yeltsin or Jeltsin or very close to this, as I remember calling the in-game character for Boris Yeltsin.

There were special abilities like lightning from some units. The game (as far as I remember, did not come with an editor). The landscape of the game, (terrain, look and feel) were quite plain, nothing special, quite wide open fields of grass.

If I would guess, this game were only in beta when I played it, but really not sure.

If I try to remember a name, all I can come up with is the word "Stronghold", but google brings only up the Stronghold Crusader (or its children, expansions...), which it is not, obviously. But I almost have the name, its right there at the tip of my tung, S.... something that starts with an S? Hm...

Last but not least; you controlled from a birds eye point of view, and you controlled all units like in a normal RTS (starcraft), ordered them where to move and attack.

PS: I also do think if your hero died (Boris/Jeltsin, whatever the hero was called) you lost.

Suggestions are MORE than welcome! :)


Total Annihilation: Kingdoms!!! Of course, I had seen this name coming up plenty of times when searching for good old strategy games, but upon reading this name there were no bells ringing, so I searched further, up until this day, where I actually saw a picture of TA Kingdoms, thats it! :)


New member
Jan 26, 2008
mechazeep said:
I remember this old Nintendo 64 game I rented a lot back in the 90's. It was this game where you controlled a minature helicopter in a back yard setting. The first level (what I remembered most) was a patio, with rain pooring. I forgot what you objectie was..I'm pretty sure to rescue some wax soldiers but I wass young so I remember little.
Anyone know what I'm talking about? Pleasse! This has been bugging me forever!
Army Men: Air Attack?

UltraDeth said:
I remember one off the SEGA Mega-Drive. It was a side scrolling adventure game about a wolf that shoots fireballs from it's mouth
Altered Beast, maybe?

sindremaster said:
Frotality said:
ive got 2...

the first is an RTS, its probably old, like age of empires 2 graphics. you had basic military GIs, and i remember you could order them to bunker down and put up some sort of sandbag barrier around themselves. you could research more futuristic stuff; i got a jetpack trooper later on.
Red Alert?
That's Red Alert 2.

WorldCritic said:
An RTS for the PC that was released around eight years ago. I don't remember much, just that you controlled a mideval army and attacked forts and castles. And I know, with that vague a description I will never figure out what it was.



New member
Jan 26, 2008
Razhen3 said:
I have a few games which I have never been able to figure out their names, but I can only think of one right now.

I played this game when I was 3 or 4 years old, so realize this may be innacurate :) . I played it on an old school computer (it was no later than 1991 I think) and I believe the game had 5-10 floppy disks. I have always wanted to say it is called Dragon's Lair, but every internet search I've used has always turned up games that never look similar.
It probably was Dragon's Lair, but there's just been so many version released you've had a hard time finding information on the particular one you're seeking. Wikipedia has a list of all of the DL titles:


Dr. Gorgenflex said:
There was this fighting game for the sega genesis that had a bunch of different fighter. It played like Street Fighter, and there was this one dude the laser vision.

Also I remember my dad playing a western shooter a very long time ago. It was pretty much my first encounter with video games when I was about 3. It was on the PC and had something to do with a dog.
Outlaws? The bad guys kill your dog in it.



New member
Mar 2, 2011
EmmyBear said:
Okay, this has been driving me crazy for about 3 years
I used to play this really good game on ps1 and it was about a boy whose granddad had gone missing and they lived in a windmill or something like that
And you went along all these amazing places even ending up in this really cool water palace thing and had to fight this big bad magic boss at the end. and I ADORED it. >.<
Everytime i ask someone they have no clue ):

Erm I might also be getting confused with this other game, and you were a boy but it was kinda like a cave man thing, and you went along and you could jump about and it was kinda a platform rpg thing >.< I hate not remembering my games I wanna play them

My boyfriend suggested heart of darkness, but it's not that ¬.¬'
I know of the pink caveman game you are talking about that is called Tombi or Tomba depending on where you live. But the best news is I think I have found the game I have been so desperately looking for. I think it is called "Klonoa: Door To Phantomile" have a look at this link http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197741-klonoa-door-to-phantomile/images

I remember playing it on the PS1 but it is now been remade for the Wii. I am interested to know if this is the game you are also searching for :D


New member
May 6, 2010
Sundayboy said:
EmmyBear said:
I know of the pink caveman game you are talking about that is called Tombi or Tomba depending on where you live. But the best news is I think I have found the game I have been so desperately looking for. I think it is called "Klonoa: Door To Phantomile" have a look at this link http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197741-klonoa-door-to-phantomile/images
It was Tomba. I suggested it in the previous page and she PMed me her reply.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
EzraPound said:
mechazeep said:
I remember this old Nintendo 64 game I rented a lot back in the 90's. It was this game where you controlled a minature helicopter in a back yard setting. The first level (what I remembered most) was a patio, with rain pooring. I forgot what you objectie was..I'm pretty sure to rescue some wax soldiers but I wass young so I remember little.
Anyone know what I'm talking about? Pleasse! This has been bugging me forever!
Army Men: Air Attack?
That was another one I rented! Fond memories....ahhh.
But thats not quite the game I was refering. Maybe it didn't have wax soldiers, but I knew it took place in a backyard....


New member
Mar 21, 2011
theres this game on the first play station where you start off on a ship, then theres a storm and you wake up on a beach. then some guy takes you to his house and you wake up in his bed. then you walk around the village and talk to people. if you go outside the village things will attack you. also throughout the game you black out and remember things before the ship wreck. PLEASE HELP ME!


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Hey guys, wondering if you can help me figure out this game!

Its a PC game from the late 90s, double dragon style beat em up. The main characters are two robots/microchips with blue and red boxing gloves. One does punching combos the other does kick combos. As you kill other enemy robots you collect orbs and can level up and develop better combos.



New member
Apr 11, 2011

i'm trying to think of this game I played in the early 90's and it was either for the playstation or sega or super nintendo it had street fighter graphics and gameplay...it might have been for playstation but I can't think properly...anyways the only two characters I can think of is this dead pharoh mummy with one of his combos being this thing where his arms stretches and goes underground and then shoots up on the other side of the screen to the enemy asnd this other character is a werewolf that I think that jumped around a lot punching and kicking and it made me think he was break dancing as a kid for some reason.

If anybody could help me that would be awesome!


New member
Apr 25, 2011
When I was little I had a computer game where you could take care of dogs.If you didn't take care of them they would run away.You could adopt as many as you wanted to but there wasn't many types to choose from.You could decorate your living room with tons of stuff from a wardore looking thing at the center of the room.You could give the dogs treats and toys and all sorts of stuff.You could only have 2 at a time out not counting if one had a puppy.

If anybody knows of a game like this please tell me! I can't thank you enough for helping!


New member
Dec 5, 2010
Bigchill said:
When I was little I had a computer game where you could take care of dogs.If you didn't take care of them they would run away.You could adopt as many as you wanted to but there wasn't many types to choose from.You could decorate your living room with tons of stuff from a wardore looking thing at the center of the room.You could give the dogs treats and toys and all sorts of stuff.You could only have 2 at a time out not counting if one had a puppy.

If anybody knows of a game like this please tell me! I can't thank you enough for helping!
One of the Dogz [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogz] games. I don't know which one because there were loads of them.