Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
i remember a game i used to play as a kid. I remember that is was a racing shopping game basically and you got to choose from a list of like 4 to 5 characters that you could use. you had to race other people to get a cart and the items on the list as fast as possible. If my memory is right the list was never exactly the same every time, and there were different maps i guess you could call them that you could play on. Like one was a normal super market another like a space station kind of feel to it.

If anyone could help me with the name that would be great I remember it was a really fun game and I would like to bring back old memory's.

also if i remember correctly it was a third person shopping race

Kyle Rodriguez

New member
Aug 19, 2012
I don't remember the game very well, so I'll try to be more accurate as possible.
The game has a simple graphic, for kids.
It was mostly an interactive game, with paths and choice, and no free move.
In this game you had 5 or 6 golden knights, that had to rescue the King (or the Princess, I don't remember), recovering a golden key.
Every knight had a plume of a different color, and every knight had a different power, such as elasticity, or the power of changing shapes.
In one of the mini-games of the games you had to shoot to an enemy with a cannon...

That's all I remember, I know it's hard, but this game is driving me crazy...
Thanks for the help.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
I remember playing this game, it is not that old, a couple of years. It was an rts game, but very fast paced. There are tens of players on the same map, and each player has their own small hex where they can build. After 1 minute, each hex opens and the players can start fighting. It was a free to play game, if I remember correctly.


New member
Jul 31, 2012
Durgiun said:
OK, so there's this one top-down isometric perspective, from the upper left, game from the 90s. You had a few characters (one of whom was a long-black haired woman, I think in a tank top), all the characters left little black footprints on the ground when they moved, the bottom of the screen had a brown control panel of sorts with a relief of the character you were playing as.

Later in the level you went underground and fought mutated bug-creature monsters. Then after that, you had to go back up top to the very first store you enter at the beginning and talk to the owner.

I think it took place in a junkyard, but I could be wrong on that one.
First two games that come to mind are Jagged Alliance and Fallout... If I'm wrong, do you think the game to be very similar to either of those two?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
hellhound432 said:
Durgiun said:
OK, so there's this one top-down isometric perspective, from the upper left, game from the 90s. You had a few characters (one of whom was a long-black haired woman, I think in a tank top), all the characters left little black footprints on the ground when they moved, the bottom of the screen had a brown control panel of sorts with a relief of the character you were playing as.

Later in the level you went underground and fought mutated bug-creature monsters. Then after that, you had to go back up top to the very first store you enter at the beginning and talk to the owner.

I think it took place in a junkyard, but I could be wrong on that one.
First two games that come to mind are Jagged Alliance and Fallout... If I'm wrong, do you think the game to be very similar to either of those two?
Yes, I think it was Jagged Alliance (the sequel), the ''control panel'' at the bottom has the right colour and the character relief that I remember. Thank you.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
There was this PC mystery/puzzle game from probably the late 90's/early 2000's at the latest that I used to watch my dad play. I remember it only very vaguely as I was probably only around seven at the time at the very oldest. The game was set on this strangely-stylised ship in the middle of the ocean (possibly in icy waters) and was abandoned. In the hold of the ship (right at the bottom), there were these pods with people inside them and you would go inside their memories. All of these people were dead (or possibly in stasis) except this one person (I think a woman) who seemed to glow with a golden light if I recall correctly. I think there were raised walkways/platforms on the outside deck and a puzzle involving a tap (faucet for Americans) and possibly some sort of prism or sundial. Bear in mind that I have mentioned absolutely everything I can remember, no matter how irrelevant it may seem.

EDIT: I remember this game because it was where I first learnt the word medium (hehe)...


New member
Sep 28, 2011
no one said:
Hello everyone! What you doin'

there's a game on the PS1 i've been looking for years but i couldn't find the name. All i can remember is about two story modes, either we choose ( blond woman with ponytail and a guy ) or ( a guy with white hair and alittle boy or maybe a girl who fights with broomstick or something )

the story is on a big ship i think. after they combat with the boss, the ship sank at the end .. sorry i could not remember the things quitely. plz help me to find the game. thnk
no it wasnt crash or speed freaks i didnt reconize any of the characters it was a stand alone title, i think there was a female character who had her skirt pulled up in her game over ending, but thats ill i can remember


New member
Aug 19, 2012
I haven't played this PC game in almost 13-14 years so my memory is a tad fuzzy. It took place in, I believe, a post apocalyptic world (a city similar to New York) where some people were AIs or robots (there was a big thing in the game about some people not being 'real'). The game started off with a murder and the main character was either a police officer or a detective. He has a female German shepherd as a pet (she is later shot at the end of the game). You have to go around collecting clues and items and talk to people to either figure out who killed the person from the beginning and why or you are just looking for the main villain for other reasons (can't remember what exactly). I do remember a few scenes: one takes place in an alley, there's one in either a strip club/ casino, and you go back to your apartment a few times. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

CM Punk

New member
Aug 3, 2012
CM Punk said:
CM Punk said:
It was a ps1 game it had two playable characters,a boy and man i guess o,o, when you start the game you'd be in a house?? i really i don't know

it also had like a store? there was something like a cave or something like that there was monsters in there and if any of the characters die you'd play with the other one you'd back again to the house
ohh it also had gold or coins idk something colored yellow
Overhead camera.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
im looking for this game i played back before on my old pc before 2006 where there we're 2 teams, an alien like team that looked like goblins and 1 team that looked like humans but in a futuristic sort of armor, it was sort of like a sci-fi RPG strategy game where you had to fight against eachother and the more you win the more you unlock so lets say you were the human team and if you keep on winning you could unlock a bigger suit of armor and tanks and such, also you moved your players by clicking and you made them attack by clicking on your enemies, i think it was published in 2004 but i'm not sure. you had to buy it tho, it was a black cd with just the title on it. it was my favorite game to play when i was little and i lost it when i moved to another house :c i would really like if you guys could help me find out what game it was :/


New member
Aug 20, 2012
Okay this has been bugging me for the longest. I remember watching my brother and my uncles playing this game where a school kid was going through obstacles and trying to stay in the sun. If he hit the shadows or were close to the shadows, monsters would reach out and grab him. They'd try to either make him fall from climbing the walls or pull him down when he's jumping. It was on the play station I think?


New member
Aug 20, 2012
XIcexAngelX said:
Okay this has been bugging me for the longest. I remember watching my brother and my uncles playing this game where a school kid was going through obstacles and trying to stay in the sun. If he hit the shadows or were close to the shadows, monsters would reach out and grab him. They'd try to either make him fall from climbing the walls or pull him down when he's jumping. It was on the play station I think?

Never mind I think I found it. =P Heart of Darkness

Joel Anderson

New member
Aug 20, 2012
ok ive been thinking about this game for a long time but i have no idea what the name is .... its a pc game of the internet about 10 or 11 years old. your a ship underwater and you fight these alien lobster looking things the lobster drop dimons when you kill them ... you have a home base were you can refuel re health and upgrade you weapons the ship is red and it looks like a C but with the ends of the C close together..... any help with this would be awesome

Opasni Zeko

New member
Aug 20, 2012
I can't remember one old game ... It was with some half-round colorful creatures in one room with a cage where you can put them to mate... they talked a little too but it wasn't any language. Can anyone help me please ?

Rodrigo Melo

New member
Aug 20, 2012
Hi. There is one game I tried my best to remember and find it on the internet but I just couldn't find it. It was a 90's game. You play as a wizard, it's kind of a puzzle. It's side-screen. Your objective is to free the prisioners on each stage. Some armors are the enemy on the 1st stage and you kill them temporarily by falling in their heads. You can play coop, in which case you play a red and a blue wizard. In advanced levels there are spells you adquire to help solving the puzzles, like creating blocks of ice. Well, that's all I can remember. Sorry for the english errors.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Helmnog said:
There was this PC mystery/puzzle game from probably the late 90's/early 2000's at the latest that I used to watch my dad play. I remember it only very vaguely as I was probably only around seven at the time at the very oldest. The game was set on this strangely-stylised ship in the middle of the ocean (possibly in icy waters) and was abandoned. In the hold of the ship (right at the bottom), there were these pods with people inside them and you would go inside their memories. All of these people were dead (or possibly in stasis) except this one person (I think a woman) who seemed to glow with a golden light if I recall correctly. I think there were raised walkways/platforms on the outside deck and a puzzle involving a tap (faucet for Americans) and possibly some sort of prism or sundial. Bear in mind that I have mentioned absolutely everything I can remember, no matter how irrelevant it may seem.

EDIT: I remember this game because it was where I first learnt the word medium (hehe)...
Doesn't matter, I got it. Morpheus...

no one

New member
Aug 17, 2012
Frokane said:
no one said:
Hello everyone! What you doin'

there's a game on the PS1 i've been looking for years but i couldn't find the name. All i can remember is about two story modes, either we choose ( blond woman with ponytail and a guy ) or ( a guy with white hair and alittle boy or maybe a girl who fights with broomstick or something )

the story is on a big ship i think. after they combat with the boss, the ship sank at the end .. sorry i could not remember the things quitely. plz help me to find the game. thnk
no it wasnt crash or speed freaks i didnt reconize any of the characters it was a stand alone title, i think there was a female character who had her skirt pulled up in her game over ending, but thats ill i can remember

wht u talkin' about? i didn't understand anything
but i did remember one thing at the game... i remember that the whole story kinda about rescuing a little girl whom is sister of one of the character we play... and the boss ( captain of ship i guess ) kidnapped her ... its like ( fighting force 1 ) but with different story

we walk and fight with thieves and then on to the ship .... etc
can anybody remember this plllllz ?!!! i'd be appreciate