Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Jun 17, 2017
beeto12zx said:
There is a game that I used to play back in the day about an alien that crashlands on a planet populated by all types of weird animals.. The point of the game is to find the pieces of his spaceship to get out of the planet. This game was a big part of my childhood . All I rember is that there was a letter i in the tittle.
Hello! could you be thinking of space station silicon valley? I used to play that all the time and the premise is very similar to what you describe. Give it a shot. It came out for the N64, Game boy color and playstation (or thats what wikipedia says I played it on the N64).


New member
Jun 17, 2017
Hello everyone,

I've been looking for a particualar game from my childhood (90s / early 2000) for PC, and it's been bugging me for quite a while now.

As far as I can remember it was 4 players (or AI) placed in one arena and they were supposed to fight each other. You controlled a humanoidal robot or just a person. Each player had his own color (yellow, blue, green, red) and each started in a corner of a square-shaped map (the view was from a side, static) and players jumped around platforms to catch and fight each other, and some times you could shift the map 90' degrees to mess stuff up.

I'd appreciate any answers even wild ideas.



New member
Jun 17, 2017
I need help with this.
so this is a mobile game and here let me explain it so your boy on a piece of paper and your sister get stolen by a green octopus monster and you had to fight monsters and bombs and get coins to upgrade your gun and at the end you find the green monster get your sister back Its been bugging me for so long and I can't I can't just figure out!! And you have power ups like red line of doom and holepuncher


New member
Jun 17, 2017
Hey guys. I'm looking to know a game I used to play as a kid at around 2004. It's a strategy game on PC where you advance on stages but you can create your own customized maps and run. There are 2 teams, Fox-like and Bird-like army machines. You are one of those 2 against the other one. I remember the first stage where you are the fox-like team and you start on a desert map, your "boss" (main machine) is on a fuel tank that it needs in order to spawn your soldiers. there are dozens of different machinary soldiers you can spawn, and with them you travel the map and attack the other team. after a while the fuel tank runs out and your main machine needs to change form to become a vihicle and then you can order it to move to another tank. and compared to its soldiers, it is really slow and vulnerable in that state. i've been looking for this game in so long in so many sites but it's like i'm the only one who ever had this game :( I drew a picture of from it of how I remember http://i.imgur.com/Mq7YalB.png you see the gameplay from above, this is the first stage where you start as the fox-like main machine. PLEASE SOMEBODY KNOW THIS GAME


New member
Jun 17, 2017
Hello all! I need help trying to figure out a game that my brother played in the mid 2000s. This is a PC game that was on a CD. It had multiple levels where each one would get harder and harder. It was a 3D game that you would look down on, there wasn't first-person or third-person. Each new level you would spawn with only a "commander" and a few workers and soldiers. Once then you could mine resources and start building your buildings and army as you would need to conquer the enemy to win the level. The main commander could use a flamethrower as a weapon. There was a map on the screen that would light up the areas that you have explored and you could look back at where you have been. The enemy you were fighting was AI and would automatically move and there was no turn based moves, so you could move as freely till you were defeated or you defeated the enemy for that level. I've been trying to figure this game out for a long time since. Please help.


New member
Jun 18, 2017
So I've been trying to remember or find this game for a while to no avail.

I played it on the pc, quite a while ago... probably around 2003-2005? Although the game could certainly have come out well before that. It was a top down rpg, sort of in the style of fire emblem games (turn based, grid style battles) if I'm remembering correctly. The thing I remember the most is a certain battle. You are in a town, just walking around, whatever, and enter a circus tent that was I believe near to a dock. When you enter the circus tent a battle begins.

You would also sort of explore on top down maps, and I believe enter towns and castles by walking to them in exploration.

Any and all help would be appreciated.


New member
Jun 18, 2017
Ok so about this game i know its made before 2010 and in the beggining some women gets kidnapped and some guy with blond yellow hair tries to solve a mystery and find her


New member
Jun 18, 2017

I try to find a game from around the 2000s. It was a third person shooter game in sci fi environment. the hero looks like Wesley Snipes and one of his arm was a big gun or something can make mess :) First need to escape from a headquarter, then kill enemies, the rest i don't know because that was a demo. I still remember the word i heard sooo many time in the game "Divine" .


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Thewisewolf23 said:
I played it on the pc, quite a while ago... probably around 2003-2005? Although the game could certainly have come out well before that. It was a top down rpg, sort of in the style of fire emblem games (turn based, grid style battles) if I'm remembering correctly. The thing I remember the most is a certain battle. You are in a town, just walking around, whatever, and enter a circus tent that was I believe near to a dock. When you enter the circus tent a battle begins.

You would also sort of explore on top down maps, and I believe enter towns and castles by walking to them in exploration.

Any and all help would be appreciated.
That sounds a lot like Shining Force, but the PC port wasn't released until 2011. Any chance that you played it on emulator..?


New member
Jun 18, 2017
I remember playing a browser game about cryptids (legendary creatures), it had 2d graphics complete with cutscenes and voice acting and had a top-down perspective.
You used the keyboard to move your character and you had to interact with objects to solve puzzles. I even remember needing to combine items I found to create different tools. The main character was a really hot woman who dressed like lara croft, she had a love interest who died at some point (I think) and I was really sad about it.
The game was made up of different chapters with an overarching story, each one was focused on a specific cryptid, there was a kraken chapter, a chupacabra one and a yeti one, among a few others.
I also remember at one point the female protagonist had been captured by some bad military guys (maybe some kind of terrorists, revolutionaries or the army of some dictator) she had her hands and feet tied inside an army truck, you had to find things inside the vehicle to cut the ropes and escape.
There was another chapter (or maybe it was in the same one) where you were in some streets of a south american city with the chupacabra flying above you and if you tried to enter a house the people inside would scream "THE CHUPACABRA IS OUT THERE" and wouldn't let you enter.

I remember playing this arround 2010 btw


New member
Jun 18, 2017
Zaltys said:
Thewisewolf23 said:
I played it on the pc, quite a while ago... probably around 2003-2005? Although the game could certainly have come out well before that. It was a top down rpg, sort of in the style of fire emblem games (turn based, grid style battles) if I'm remembering correctly. The thing I remember the most is a certain battle. You are in a town, just walking around, whatever, and enter a circus tent that was I believe near to a dock. When you enter the circus tent a battle begins.

You would also sort of explore on top down maps, and I believe enter towns and castles by walking to them in exploration.

Any and all help would be appreciated.
That sounds a lot like Shining Force, but the PC port wasn't released until 2011. Any chance that you played it on emulator..?
OMG YES!! It was definitely shining force, thank you! I guess I must have unknowingly played it on an emulator or something lol


New member
Jun 18, 2017
Thewisewolf23 said:
Zaltys said:
Thewisewolf23 said:
I played it on the pc, quite a while ago... probably around 2003-2005? Although the game could certainly have come out well before that. It was a top down rpg, sort of in the style of fire emblem games (turn based, grid style battles) if I'm remembering correctly. The thing I remember the most is a certain battle. You are in a town, just walking around, whatever, and enter a circus tent that was I believe near to a dock. When you enter the circus tent a battle begins.

You would also sort of explore on top down maps, and I believe enter towns and castles by walking to them in exploration.

Any and all help would be appreciated.
That sounds a lot like Shining Force, but the PC port wasn't released until 2011. Any chance that you played it on emulator..?
OMG YES!! It was definitely shining force, thank you! I guess I must have unknowingly played it on an emulator or something lol
I looked into it and it looks like a port was released as part of Sega smash pack 2 for the pc back in 2000, and the other games on there sound familiar so that's where I got it from lol. Again thanks for your help and speedy reply!


New member
Jun 18, 2017
lordak3 said:
I remember playing a browser game about cryptids (legendary creatures), it had 2d graphics complete with cutscenes and voice acting and had a top-down perspective.
You used the keyboard to move your character and you had to interact with objects to solve puzzles. I even remember needing to combine items I found to create different tools. The main character was a really hot woman who dressed like lara croft, she had a love interest who died at some point (I think) and I was really sad about it.
The game was made up of different chapters with an overarching story, each one was focused on a specific cryptid, there was a kraken chapter, a chupacabra one and a yeti one, among a few others.
I also remember at one point the female protagonist had been captured by some bad military guys (maybe some kind of terrorists, revolutionaries or the army of some dictator) she had her hands and feet tied inside an army truck, you had to find things inside the vehicle to cut the ropes and escape.
There was another chapter (or maybe it was in the same one) where you were in some streets of a south american city with the chupacabra flying above you and if you tried to enter a house the people inside would scream "THE CHUPACABRA IS OUT THERE" and wouldn't let you enter.

I remember playing this arround 2010 btw
Nevermind, I found it, it's called "Steppenwolf the X-Creatures Project" and the female main character isn't as hot as I remembered her to be


New member
Apr 1, 2017
Hey guys,
ok i've been searching for this game for YEARS and it's now becoming an addiction trying to find it.

It was a 3D third person shooter, the main menu was a sort of "space background" with stars and there was a green alien face with a big smile (like a goblin, btw this alien was also a playable character). I remember that there were different planets in which you could play, the main goal of the game was to kill everyother character in the map. The funny thing was that there were a lots of character that you could choose and each of them was different, for example a green alien (the one that was in the main menu), a man with a revolution's cartel, a woman with a wheelchair, a cowboy, a police man with a motorbike and many others. I also remember that in each map there were some sort of teletransport (i guess they represented the beginning and the end of the mission).

Please guys help me find this game, i can't live without knowing his name!!!

Thank you :')

Filip Carina

New member
Jun 18, 2017
pls help there is a game with a girl who is kidnapped and a guy with a blond yellow hair tries to find her i know its before 2010 and it is a like mystery or detective game and a little bit horror in beggining


New member
Jun 18, 2017
Hey all. Ive probably been through about 200 pages of this thread, so far I haven't had any luck. Im remember playing a game, probably 199-1996. I think it was a pay by hour game, maybe on AOL or something similar. In my searching, I seem to remember it looks a lot like Subspace or Continuum. I think it was browser only, and allowed you to upgrade weapon slots. Anyone remember? I believe it was online only, and probably through something like AOL. Thanks!


New member
Jun 18, 2017
Hi there's this game I played around 2004-2006 it's RTS game you controll robots and tanks and has campaign like the one in tibeian sun during the game if you destroy enemy main bulldings they become yours when you finsh mission a pop up map with new missons to take " just like the one in Tiberian Sun" I think it hase no infantry or any human as units just robots ther's a misson where you deffend 4 explosive tanks making their way throhg enemy ground while you start with some robots then destroy an enemy robot factory it became yours now you can builld some robots to assist you the tanks are slow so you can make so progress t'll they rech enemy lines and te tanks move on hier own .
in another misson you start your base in place like old ruins and you have some buillding already setedup and some deffend canons your mission to deffend your base from the waves of enemys that will attake you eich 3-5 min.
one buillding thruogh the game gives you the ability to request air strike throu timer in the up lift corner and if you didn't use 2 air strikes they will develop to air bombing .
there's those canons that fire yelloysh things,robots fire laser and some can fire on air units.
your team is blue or green and enemy alwase red one misson you star with only 4 robots and a base to deffend an there was 2 huge towers in the midl of the map and there's an enemy buldings in the bottom lift of the map with low defend around so you can go distroy acd captuer your base is in the top lift but there's a begger high deffended base and bulldings in the bottom right of the map your misson is to distroy it befor they destroy your main base the on top lift.
one thing when you save a game there's a female voice say "Game saved"
I'm trying to give as much details as I can remember :D
it's PC game I played on windows M/widows XP.
you can ask me for more details BUT PLEASE HELLP IT'S BEEN YEARS SEARCHING FOR IT

Royce Ayers

New member
Jun 19, 2017
Hey guys! So I'm trying to find rather a compilation of Arcade games that dates somewhere between late 90's and early 2000's. It had at least 50 arcade games on it, and among them was an Asteroids-type game that had a ridiculous amount of afterimages, explosions and colors. Among it it also had some interesting Bomberman knock-off, as well as a few platformers and puzzlers. But Mostly I'm looking for the complilation that had the asteroids variant on it. Thanks for the help in advance!


New member
May 12, 2017
Filip Carina said:
pls help there is a game with a girl who is kidnapped and a guy with a blond yellow hair tries to find her i know its before 2010 and it is a like mystery or detective game and a little bit horror in beggining


New member
Jun 19, 2017
Hello, first post here. First of all, sorry about my english, i'm not a native spearker.

I've been searching for two years now for a RTS PC game from the 90's that was kind of a farming comedy with fantasy creatures that can attack you (or some wild animals, at this point I can't really tell). I remember hearing "muuuuu" sounds for the cows, but don't remember much of it at all. Maybe crops or that every villager was fat (don't take my word for it).

Hope you guys will end my strange google history about cows...

Thanks in advance!