Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 1, 2017
Tommy Pleau said:
There was this PS2 game i played with a friend so many years ago... It was this game where you had like a choice of about 3 or so characters, each sporting a kind of power ranger like mech you move around in and attack enemies with, and could even freely leave the mech if you wanted to, it even had a multiplayer part where you could fight each other...

The only one thing i can somewhat clearly remember about the game was a stage where your mech is out of commission for this one boss fight you have to do. and your character does some fighting himself to defeat the boss... What is the name of this game so i can try to find it again?

Lets see.... It as an action game in a third person perspective, and Size wise they were slightly as big as an elephant, mabey just a tad smaller.
Thanks, that should narrow it down quite a bit for anyone's future guesses.

Eureka 7: New Wave or New Vision might be the closest match I've found so far. Can't find too many details about the gameplay yet, but the screenshots show third person, mechs about that size, on foot gameplay, though i am unsure if it is scripted events or a gameplay mechanic, and it is on PS2. I don't know if there is character select, though it does seem to have multiple characters on your team, each with their own mech. Not sure about the multiplayer part though.



New member
Dec 12, 2014
Can somebody, please, help me find this game? My description is very vague, the one thing I remember was me playing this as a kid on an old computer.
The game icon was something similar to a skyscraper, there were 2 towers, and I remember choosing some kind of white robot, but I recall there being other characters to choose from, but i'm not 100% certain. And i believe it was a 3rd person shooter
Upon starting I would face some kind of elevator? And i would stand on some kind of metal fence, all dark, I remember falling and dying...
Any help is appreciated


New member
Jul 25, 2017
Hello everybody!

I remember playing a game on PlayStation 2. It was some kind of fantasy game with lots of fighting. The game's first mission was in a valley filled with monsters/daemons and you played with a male character who wielded a great sword and he wore a red armor. There were two more characters who were helping you: a blonde girl who wore a blue armor and a boy with a yellow armor. They were fighting along side you. After the first mission I can remember that you started playing with a boy who wore red clothes and he was on his way back to his village, there he met the girl in blue armor, you had to defeat her. After defeating her you would go on some missions along side her until you found the other male character who wore the yellow armor. After defeating him he would join you as well.
Please, if this game seems familiar to you and you know its name reply to this.


New member
Jul 25, 2017
I remember playing a standup arcade game in the late 80's. It was a top down shooter where you flew a jet that had unlimited missiles over a "forest" type landscape shooting air and land targets. What made the game unique was the noise it made when you came out of a sharp turn with the aircraft. It would make a very unique noise that sounded like a high pitched horse neigh. Does anyone remember this game at all? I have been searching for hours and can't find a thing. I could be mistaken and it may have been a helicopter but I am pretty sure it was a jet.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Hello everyone I have a really hard one for you guys. I played it back around 2010 and it was a browser based game probably on crazymonkeygames, armorgames, maxgames, and maybe kongregate (I played maxgames the most so i would look there 1st). The way you moved on this game was through a 2D map and there were Asian cities you could attack and when you attacked them it would show a attack scene of your army attacking the enemy's army. You earn gold by defeating cities and when you defeat one you can go into it and buy new horses, weapons, and different kinds of men. I know if any items were golden they were really good. On the map there was mostly land but there was also islands surrounded by water (2 islands I believe). You would need to take a city that was next to water and when you defeat it and go into it you can buy a boat ride to the island. It definitely looked Asian style and the name looked kinda weird. I vaguely remember it starting with an "S" and having and odd name and may have been the II of another game. It would probably be listed under stratagy, action, and adventure.


New member
Jul 25, 2017
Hello guys thanks if you can help me find this game i played 10 years ago it was on PC and the main character had some kind of blue clothes if i can remember and he was some kind of pirate and i think you had two swords and you were on a ship and you could open treasures (like the ones who look like boxes in pirate movies) and you fought these kind of monsters some were like skeletons and i guess there was like a level where it was with snow and icy. Please if you could find me this game id really appreciate it.


New member
Jul 26, 2017
Hey guys. I remembee this game I THINK was on PS2. My mums ex always brung games like Wrath Of Cortex but one I couldnt remember was this 2D game where you played as a duck or something yellow? it was 2D and felt really retro, but im sure it was a yellow duck or something, the sky was blue i think if that helps. Sorry for not being too descriptive
Edit: You had to get from one point to the next i think idk


New member
Jul 26, 2017
I need help remembering this PC game from the late 90s...

It was a PC game and it was top down RPG that was anime inspired. You could choose from 3 classes with a magic user being one of them. I think the magic user was a female.

Please... I need help remembering this game..

Wesley Krueger

New member
Jul 24, 2017
Wesley Krueger said:
I remember a game that I played back around 2000ish timeframe

It was on PC, and it was VS team multiplayer

You controlled a vehicle that looked like a star wars speeder
The view was bird's eye, but there was a fog of war for a lot of the map
Essentially it was soccer in a maze, where you had to shoot a ball from your speeder into a goal
There were weapons that you could shoot opponents with
Graphics wise, it looked pretty pixelated (not surprising considering you could play with dial-up)
Reposting for visibility

Tara Cook

New member
Jul 26, 2017
i need some serious help with little information to go from.
you see i'm trying to think of an old pc game from when i was a kid that i very vaguely remember. the following information is probably not correct but its what my brain thinks it knows.....
it was one of those games you used the arrow keys to play. something to do with a mouse maybe and maybe collecting some jewels. ummm im not exactly sure (obviously) pls help


New member
Jul 26, 2017
Ok, this is a really odd game, but I used to love it. It came on my Windows 95 computer and it was a question game. This professor guy would ask you questions, and if you got the answer wrong, your character would get hit on the head with the hammer. After too many hits you would just be squished. It is so obscure and I can't find that name of it anywhere. Help please!


New member
Jul 26, 2017
I'm looking for a game maybe from the early 90's to late 90's, i think up to 4 players could play. it was turn style, you had to build huts to get people to move to you tribe and put them to work. You had to research weapons,medicine or your people would die. I remember only playing it once my brother researched weapons and went into balloons (all players on different island) and would drop bombs on people but he got some sickness and lost a lot people and i research heavy into medicine and could cure my people and developed arrows lol and won. it was a really fun game and great graphics for the time, was called ultimate or something like that.

it was a PC game


New member
Jul 26, 2017
I need help remembering this game...

This is what i remember, you play as a rabbit, and the goal is to cllect carrots, if i remember correctly they were buried and you had to dig them, i think there was an ufo following you at some point, also, the game was kinda 3d, the camera was from above? something like that. That's mostly what i remember. Thanks!

Jerime Garcia

New member
Jul 26, 2017
It was on PC/windows. Probably 1996-2000.
The art style is similar to Baldur's Gate 1
Think there was 3 classes (wizard, warrior, archer)
Top down view.
You start in a town (can't walk around)
There's a tavern and shop (maybe 1 other building).
You click to enter, there's a portrait of the NPCs when you talk to them.
(I THINK it was voiced)

Free roam overworld with fog of war.
Starting area is forest with 3 paths (up, right, down)
Once you leave the city, top right area, there are ogre(s) that you can talk to (or kill, but hard) The ogres were like grey/greenish tint colored and fat.
You can get party members.

There's colored armors Blue/Green armors, when a NPC dies, it drops exactly what it's wearing.
Green health bar under units.

There's a level in a village, two guards by a bridge and an ogre just outside in the tree to the left of the bridge.
There's like a desert level later and all the guards are wearing green armor.

Umm, if you use a cheat to reveal map on very first level there's a dragon in the bottom right corner of mountains.

PLEASE! Been searching every RPG for like 3 hours.


New member
Jul 21, 2017
Jerime Garcia said:
It was on PC/windows. Probably 1996-2000.
The art style is similar to Baldur's Gate 1
Think there was 3 classes (wizard, warrior, archer)
Top down view.
You start in a town (can't walk around)
There's a tavern and shop (maybe 1 other building).
You click to enter, there's a portrait of the NPCs when you talk to them.
(I THINK it was voiced)

Free roam overworld with fog of war.
Starting area is forest with 3 paths (up, right, down)
Once you leave the city, top right area, there are ogre(s) that you can talk to (or kill, but hard) The ogres were like grey/greenish tint colored and fat.
You can get party members.

There's colored armors Blue/Green armors, when a NPC dies, it drops exactly what it's wearing.
Green health bar under units.

There's a level in a village, two guards by a bridge and an ogre just outside in the tree to the left of the bridge.
There's like a desert level later and all the guards are wearing green armor.

Umm, if you use a cheat to reveal map on very first level there's a dragon in the bottom right corner of mountains.

PLEASE! Been searching every RPG for like 3 hours.
I think this one called the rage of mages? try this



New member
Jul 21, 2017
Reposting here, for visibilty only.

Dear great gamers out there,

please help me recall this game, it was MS-DOS era. around 1992 - 1995 I guess.

i remember playing it on an Intel 486 computer. and using floppy disks to get the master copy, after that you just need to run the executables.

the game situated as follows:
- its an isometric view. Using sprites.
- You played / act as commander of a space station. that the corridors shaped like a white tube.
- you as the commander bring a laser gun, which have unlimited ammo.
- the space station itself is quite big, have higher and lower levels, you have lift and some kind of travellator to fast travel.
- the shape of the space station is like a horizontal number eight.
- you only have 3 livess / 3 chances as the commander.
- you could create robots, with yellow and red color, that can shoot lasers. The robots move with tracks / not legs.
- the robots could be assigned to individual section and will patrol inside it.
- the enemy will come as green alien slimes. and will attack the robots.
- without the robots the alien slime will sort of destablize the space station, thus it explodes and game over.
- you csn kill the slimes with the laser gun, leaving something like corpses / residues.
- you can produce blue robots which act like a cleaner, sucking thoses dead alien slimes.
- if you are killed, your body will be infested with those alien slimes, then rise as a zombified alien slimes that is very dangereous and hard to kill.
- sometimes, the space station will get unstable, you will need to go to panels, and then go to some kind of mini game.
- you need to move up and down some paramaters, there are 2 big screen in the right and left. you keep moving that until the lines get straight or something like that, indicating its safe now.
- if you die 3 times, no body left as the commander. its game over.

I wanted to know what's the game name, just curious whether it can be finished in some way.

Jerime Garcia

New member
Jul 26, 2017
OMG, THANK YOU, you beautiful man(woman?)!

Been looking for hours!

May your days be prosperous and your nights IDK, THANK YOU.
Wish I could help you on your quest, but I wasn't even alive before 96.

Good luck!


New member
Jul 26, 2017
erionawesome said:
Hey guys. I remembee this game I THINK was on PS2. My mums ex always brung games like Wrath Of Cortex but one I couldnt remember was this 2D game where you played as a duck or something yellow? it was 2D and felt really retro, but im sure it was a yellow duck or something, the sky was blue i think if that helps. Sorry for not being too descriptive
Edit: You had to get from one point to the next i think idk
Please ???