Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Neithan Yodel

New member
Jul 24, 2017
Midwoka said:
Neithan Yodel said:
Hello everyone.
I need help with an old game.
I post again with more information than I remember.

1- The game came in a single cd.
2- It was a post-apocalyptic world.
3- The graphics were in 3D and of poor quality so I think it was PS1, but I?m not sure.
4- The main platform was a tower buried in the desert, where they were acceded to the missions.
5- At the top is a room with a giant blue screen, while the Beethoven Moonlight Sonata sounds.
6 - In the tower they could sell and buy the abilities (similar to magic), that appeared later in the fights.
7- The missions were fights where you used the skills that you had to obtain from some spheres.
8- The missions were sometimes inside derelict buildings and sometimes in destroyed avenues.
9- I think the protagonist wore a red jacket.

This is all I remember from this game, which I've been looking for so long.
I don't know about the blue screen with Moonlight Sonata 'cause I never got the top, but that sounds a lot like Azure Dreams [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyww26kJkZo]. It definitely has the tower buried in the desert, the red jacket, and the spell orbs. =)
Thank you so much Midwoka. Unfortunately it is not the game. The one that I look for has the most real characters, type devil may cry 1 or Vagrant Story.


New member
Jul 27, 2017
Im trying to find out the name of this game it's for a ps2 you race a little car if im not mistaken the car speaks and it's like a town you drive around racing you can customize your little car and put all the way up to a v12 in it that's the last engine upgrade you. An get that's really all I can remember


New member
Jul 28, 2017
There are these two old pc games that I can't get out of my head, they come in flashback snippets.

1) The first is a top-down 3D maze about this bald boy (guy?) Who would go around the maze and would collect weapons to fight against this family of pumpkins(I think they were pumpkins), that would retreat to some kind of square and would be dazed for a few moments but then return to chase you down. When playing multiplayer, a girl counterpart was added.

2) It was also a Windows pc game that included a little girl who would move around the screen to collect flowers but had to block items in front of these fire hydrants or else she would be blasted with water and the level would reset.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Jul 28, 2017
I'm sorry but I need your help. It's been a long time since I was looking for a game that I played when I was smaller at least before 2012 and after 2007 but I have only vague memory, according to what I Deduced it was a similar game to Prince of Persia but in space I believe with teleporters and I remember that I had found it on flash game sites so if you could help me find it I you in Will be very grateful.


New member
Dec 12, 2014
ZeDaFranga said:
Can somebody, please, help me find this game? My description is very vague, the one thing I remember was me playing this as a kid on an old computer.
The game icon was something similar to a skyscraper, there were 2 towers, and I remember choosing some kind of white robot, but I recall there being other characters to choose from, but i'm not 100% certain. And i believe it was a 3rd person shooter
Upon starting I would face some kind of elevator? And i would stand on some kind of metal fence, all dark, I remember falling and dying...
Any help is appreciated
Reposting for visibility


New member
Jul 28, 2017

Been looking for this game for ages....can't find any trace of it.

-Browser Game (Was possibly pay-to-play access browser type game)
-Set on mars
-You would build buildings/infrastructure/mines etc and defense systems to grow your base
-You were astronauts
-You had to build/"train" astronauts to fend off aliens + explore other areas of the map
-The map area is completely black until you send astronauts through it, removing the darkness allowing you to build facilities there
-The aliens (could be wrong) were ant-like and attacked in large numbers (depending on your base of course)
-The ores/minerals being mined were like green crystals
-I think there were also vehicles
-It was like a really good clash of clans that had an actual map to explore and build upon
-STRONG red sand/rock aesthetic
-At least 7 years old

Anyone remember this game? Can't find anywhere on google images

Siska Kristina

New member
Jul 28, 2017
Hello anybody can help me?
-the game i think it's played on sega
-it is a rpg game and the gameplay is similiar like pokemon/final fantasy games (you can face enemy while walking outside towns, while facing enemy you may choose to attack, defend?, use item, and run (I'm not sure about the defend part, but i am sure it has 4 options)
-i remember in some part about battling a boss in a conquered city (the boss name i think it has a "queen" title on it), the boss can use spell that change the player into stone and causing the player easily defeated, but it can be handled by equipping shield called mirror shield (i am not really remember the shield's name) that can preventing the player of being stoned, the shield is obtainable in a cave
-if i am not wrong, the player objectives is to collect seven orbs (i am not sure about this, i really forget)
-the game has a bad 2D graphic
-i think the game has a japanese/chinese theme (the clothes, building)

Please help me if you know this game

Neo Ellery

New member
Jul 28, 2017
Hey guys just trying to find this ps1/ps2 game I am dying to find but cannot find anything at all.
All I know is that it was:
- Somewhat Japanese (I found this out by finding this link and someone else tried asking about this game but no one could find it)
- Spider Mechs that could crawl on surfaces
- Started on a dock
- Apparently had a boss at the end of the demo which if you defeated the demo would end

Heres the original paragraph I am going off of:
For the life of me i can't remember the name of the game.

Once i was playing a demo of a game on the PS2. It was like a Mech shooter from the 3rd perspective. I remember there was one green robot that had like 4 legs splayed out like a spider. I remember it was decently fast too. I remember the demo took place on an arena that looked like a dock because i recall the container ship. After you have defeated all the robots you had to face a boss bot and after that the demo ended. I think it was like a japanese game but im not entirely sure but i somewhat remember the dialogue in the little box at the bottom being cryptic. The title of the game as far as i remember was like a shortcut like S.T.A.R.S for example.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Neo Ellery said:
Hey guys just trying to find this ps1/ps2 game I am dying to find but cannot find anything at all.
All I know is that it was:
- Somewhat Japanese (I found this out by finding this link and someone else tried asking about this game but no one could find it)
- Spider Mechs that could crawl on surfaces
- Started on a dock
- Apparently had a boss at the end of the demo which if you defeated the demo would end

Heres the original paragraph I am going off of:
For the life of me i can't remember the name of the game.

Once i was playing a demo of a game on the PS2. It was like a Mech shooter from the 3rd perspective. I remember there was one green robot that had like 4 legs splayed out like a spider. I remember it was decently fast too. I remember the demo took place on an arena that looked like a dock because i recall the container ship. After you have defeated all the robots you had to face a boss bot and after that the demo ended. I think it was like a japanese game but im not entirely sure but i somewhat remember the dialogue in the little box at the bottom being cryptic. The title of the game as far as i remember was like a shortcut like S.T.A.R.S for example.
You drive a green spider-legged tank-mech in S.L.A.I. (Steel Lancer Arena International) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKkeOcQFKjc], and it starts on a dock with container ships, but I don't remember being able to crawl on surfaces... >.>

Neo Ellery

New member
Jul 28, 2017
Midwoka said:
Neo Ellery said:
Hey guys just trying to find this ps1/ps2 game I am dying to find but cannot find anything at all.
All I know is that it was:
- Somewhat Japanese (I found this out by finding this link and someone else tried asking about this game but no one could find it)
- Spider Mechs that could crawl on surfaces
- Started on a dock
- Apparently had a boss at the end of the demo which if you defeated the demo would end

Heres the original paragraph I am going off of:
For the life of me i can't remember the name of the game.

Once i was playing a demo of a game on the PS2. It was like a Mech shooter from the 3rd perspective. I remember there was one green robot that had like 4 legs splayed out like a spider. I remember it was decently fast too. I remember the demo took place on an arena that looked like a dock because i recall the container ship. After you have defeated all the robots you had to face a boss bot and after that the demo ended. I think it was like a japanese game but im not entirely sure but i somewhat remember the dialogue in the little box at the bottom being cryptic. The title of the game as far as i remember was like a shortcut like S.T.A.R.S for example.
You drive a green spider-legged tank-mech in S.L.A.I. (Steel Lancer Arena International) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKkeOcQFKjc], and it starts on a dock with container ships, but I don't remember being able to crawl on surfaces... >.>
thx for showing this to me it means a lot! But I'm still not sure this was it as I remember some sort of tower with beams and you would be able to climb on the bottom of it and shoot at people so I'm still wondering if it is it even though it pays close resemblance


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Neo Ellery said:
Midwoka said:
Neo Ellery said:
Hey guys just trying to find this ps1/ps2 game I am dying to find but cannot find anything at all.
All I know is that it was:
- Somewhat Japanese (I found this out by finding this link and someone else tried asking about this game but no one could find it)
- Spider Mechs that could crawl on surfaces
- Started on a dock
- Apparently had a boss at the end of the demo which if you defeated the demo would end

Heres the original paragraph I am going off of:
For the life of me i can't remember the name of the game.

Once i was playing a demo of a game on the PS2. It was like a Mech shooter from the 3rd perspective. I remember there was one green robot that had like 4 legs splayed out like a spider. I remember it was decently fast too. I remember the demo took place on an arena that looked like a dock because i recall the container ship. After you have defeated all the robots you had to face a boss bot and after that the demo ended. I think it was like a japanese game but im not entirely sure but i somewhat remember the dialogue in the little box at the bottom being cryptic. The title of the game as far as i remember was like a shortcut like S.T.A.R.S for example.
You drive a green spider-legged tank-mech in S.L.A.I. (Steel Lancer Arena International) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKkeOcQFKjc], and it starts on a dock with container ships, but I don't remember being able to crawl on surfaces... >.>
thx for showing this to me it means a lot! But I'm still not sure this was it as I remember some sort of tower with beams and you would be able to climb on the bottom of it and shoot at people so I'm still wondering if it is it even though it pays close resemblance
Maybe Ghost In The Shell [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fllxBaIe9aA] for PS1, then? I think it had a tower like that later on...

Neo Ellery

New member
Jul 28, 2017
Midwoka said:
Neo Ellery said:
Midwoka said:
Neo Ellery said:
Hey guys just trying to find this ps1/ps2 game I am dying to find but cannot find anything at all.
All I know is that it was:
- Somewhat Japanese (I found this out by finding this link and someone else tried asking about this game but no one could find it)
- Spider Mechs that could crawl on surfaces
- Started on a dock
- Apparently had a boss at the end of the demo which if you defeated the demo would end

Heres the original paragraph I am going off of:
For the life of me i can't remember the name of the game.

Once i was playing a demo of a game on the PS2. It was like a Mech shooter from the 3rd perspective. I remember there was one green robot that had like 4 legs splayed out like a spider. I remember it was decently fast too. I remember the demo took place on an arena that looked like a dock because i recall the container ship. After you have defeated all the robots you had to face a boss bot and after that the demo ended. I think it was like a japanese game but im not entirely sure but i somewhat remember the dialogue in the little box at the bottom being cryptic. The title of the game as far as i remember was like a shortcut like S.T.A.R.S for example.
You drive a green spider-legged tank-mech in S.L.A.I. (Steel Lancer Arena International) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKkeOcQFKjc], and it starts on a dock with container ships, but I don't remember being able to crawl on surfaces... >.>
thx for showing this to me it means a lot! But I'm still not sure this was it as I remember some sort of tower with beams and you would be able to climb on the bottom of it and shoot at people so I'm still wondering if it is it even though it pays close resemblance
Maybe Ghost In The Shell [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fllxBaIe9aA] for PS1, then? I think it had a tower like that later on...
Oh my god.....As soon as I saw the intro I immediately knew that this was it thank you so much you have helped me beyond recognition if you were standing in front of me rn I would give you the biggest hug you sir are the making of a god! :)

Shaker XI

New member
Jul 28, 2017
Hi. I created this account to find out the name of the game I literally have so little details on the game that its funny but here goes nothing.
Its a PC game not sure if it was playable on consoles. the launcher had a molten skull with lava coming out of it. the only other thing i can remember is you start with a single unit and then you walk and find two other units. I believe you are a human and you can fight monsters. the only monster I remember fighting was a cyclops I think.



New member
Sep 13, 2016
Shaker XI said:
Hi. I created this account to find out the name of the game I literally have so little details on the game that its funny but here goes nothing.
Its a PC game not sure if it was playable on consoles. the launcher had a molten skull with lava coming out of it. the only other thing i can remember is you start with a single unit and then you walk and find two other units. I believe you are a human and you can fight monsters. the only monster I remember fighting was a cyclops I think.

It's a long shot, but it might be the Titans expansion for Age Of Mythology [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrmWCH5_3Mo]. It was a full RTS game, but the story mode had some missions where you find other units rather than produce them, and the Greek factions could make a cyclops if they picked the right minor gods. And if you had the Titans expansion, the launcher's icon was this jaunty fellow [https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ageofempires/images/7/70/KronosPortrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20160602122801] (Kronos). =)


New member
Jul 26, 2017
Siska Kristina said:
Hello anybody can help me?
-the game i think it's played on sega
-it is a rpg game and the gameplay is similiar like pokemon/final fantasy games (you can face enemy while walking outside towns, while facing enemy you may choose to attack, defend?, use item, and run (I'm not sure about the defend part, but i am sure it has 4 options)
-i remember in some part about battling a boss in a conquered city (the boss name i think it has a "queen" title on it), the boss can use spell that change the player into stone and causing the player easily defeated, but it can be handled by equipping shield called mirror shield (i am not really remember the shield's name) that can preventing the player of being stoned, the shield is obtainable in a cave
-if i am not wrong, the player objectives is to collect seven orbs (i am not sure about this, i really forget)
-the game has a bad 2D graphic
-i think the game has a japanese/chinese theme (the clothes, building)

Please help me if you know this game
There aren't many sega genesis RPG, you should find it easily, but you are probably talking about one of these two:
-Crusader of Centy
-Beyond Oasis


New member
Jul 28, 2017
Hello all, trying to recall the name of an old PC game: this would be in the early to mid 90's range.

It was a card / puzzle game that was (I think) based on astrology (or some other type of mysticism). There were background scenes that were based on the seasons (I think) and I recall the game having a very eastern feel to it. Overall the game was very peaceful.

Any ideas?!

Tasbiha Khan

New member
Jul 28, 2017
Hi Everyone.
I have been seeing this forum that everyone is sharing their childhood game. I also need help to find one.
I used to play a game maybe in 2009 or 2008-ish. The game had cut scenes in which we had to click on things such as the cut-scene of a farm we had to click on the bucket and a cow or goat. In this game we would play as a zoro like guy, a princess and a farmer guy who the princess loves. The farmer guy is cursed and is on the top of the tower and we can reach the tower only by the things collected during cut-scenes and if we dont collect everything we have to start again. It's like princess type story and the fighting or traveling scene is 2d.
Please help me find it. I used to play it on pc. I might have downloaded it from BIGFISHGAMES maybe.


New member
Nov 25, 2016
I found the Game i was l
Awags0218 said:
Alright, here's a game that was either on the Ps1 or Ps2. You played as a small knight character in an open world setting. There was a broken bridge you couldn't cross. And a dragon boss battle were you vs the dragon in his lair that is circular in design with a hill like structure. You also visit a pub of some sort full of anthropomorphic creatures. The bar keep was an enemy creature that was not one of the bad creatures you face in the game. There was also a whale looking brute type of enemy. That's all I can remember.
Found it ( Kingsley's Adventure 1999 PS1 )


New member
Jul 28, 2017
SoonBanned said:
I'm sorry but I need your help. It's been a long time since I was looking for a game that I played when I was smaller at least before 2012 and after 2007 but I have only vague memory, according to what I Deduced it was a similar game to Prince of Persia but in space I believe with teleporters and I remember that I had found it on flash game sites so if you could help me find it I you in Will be very grateful.
Repost for visibility :)