Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Aug 18, 2012
Marissa said:
I remember an old game - maybe 15 years ago where you played a cute alien that had to solve quizzes as far as I remember - you got to control the noises he made (with the number keys if I remember correctly) and get it in a certain order in order to proceed = it was a 2D game.
I think he might have had a kind of grapple device as well (tentacles?)
He might also have had a companion...
I know it is vague but was very entertaining

Have you tried Oddworld Abe Odyssey and Abe Exode ? I think it's not the same game but maybe your memories (souvenirs) are not exact, so i suggest have a look at these.

OceanWilde said:
The first game is almost definitely Disney's GameBreak! The Lion King II: Simba's Pride:


I used to play this with my sister all the time as a kid :).

I can't help you with the second game, although it sounds vaguely familiar...

Thank you very much !! THANK YOU ! and you found a video haha ! This game was awesome


Can someone help me finding which game is the one I describe below ? :

It was a point and Click adventure game on PC where the main character travelled between strange worlds. I think he pressed a button on a remote control and then he teleported to a new world.
There was a world with an Alien watching tv (in blakc and white I guess or green) and drinking "beer" like Homer Simpson. I also think there is a world where you are in a black and white world but it's the show that the Alien is watching on TV.
There was also a medieval world where you found a bag in a (dead) tree and there was a door of a tower or a castle in the same world.
The game box was blue and huge LOL.

lol i guess it's a bad game since I couldn't find it !

Exe Gedlink

New member
Aug 23, 2012
Umm , it was a war-themed , First-Person 2D shooter , had lots of levels , and its pretty old (About 20yrs) Help! (My favorite childhood game :( )


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Hello Guys and Girls of the older generation.

So I am normally quick to remember the name of any demo I may have played when I owned my PS1 god knows how many years ago. And I remembered one recently after remembering the style of gameplay and the look of the main character, but there are two that I can't find.

I know many people here have at least heard of one or more of the titles from the Fire Emblem series, well my first game is similar to the series, in that it is a strategy game, in which you wage war with bandits and recruit people to your army, I remember the only female character in the demo being a black archer.

The second game had poor graphics, but hey it was fun, it had similar music to tetris, and the aim of the game was to collect what looked like the cereal lucky charms, however you were in a maze being chased by zombies, and I just can't find it when I'm googling old games. Update: I was not searching the clever way and was just looking for pictures on google, when using normal search with the keywords, maze zombie and lucky charms, I found the game straight away, the name is Haunted Maze.

Thank for your time.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
Jade Sangma said:
I've found it!! Its called Brave Dwarves..
Dude... You have no idea how much this means to me!
It was Brave Dwarves 2 that I was looking for.

Exe Gedlink

New member
Aug 23, 2012
It was a war-themed , First-Person 2D shooter , had lots of levels , and its pretty old (About 20yrs) Help! (My favorite childhood game :( )


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Sep 1, 2011
Matheus Ferreira said:
Hi im looking for a 3D over view video game on the PC where you play as a lizard and run around in a colorful foresty green area, with waterfalls and such, its not Gex... PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
If it's not Gex then it could possibly be Croc.


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Ok, so there's this old game I used to play that's been tormenting my memory! Theres three races or factions. One's red, One's Blue and One's Purple. The red and blue factions are human and the purple is alien which had kool alien technology. YOu have bases and you battle, but what was so cool was that you would have these mech depots and could build mechanized warriors and have different legs and torsos and arms and pick up enemy's arms and legs and heads to replace different parts of the robots. and do battle while you collect resources and build up your armies. COolest 90's pc game. Please help me remember the name of it!


New member
Aug 24, 2012
Ok here is a game i need help finding.
It was a old space game where you started off in a ship that was a green triangle and you had to capture planets that were white circles. you would fly up to them and orbit them and once you land on it it turned your color. This was a 2D game for the pc. you also had an oponent who tried to get the other planets first or kill you first i dont remember what color they were please help me find this game i think it was on a disk called 100 games or something it had lots of games on it.


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May 22, 2010
habilis2000 said:
an evolution game:

you lead creatures through evolution...

the climate of the "earth" (game map) changes and the terrain changes, you have to keep your creatures in the environment they like with potential mates, they multiply and you can spread them to other areas on the map. time goes by and you select a creature for it to morph into that is higher on the evolutionary ladder. I think the goal of the game is to get to the monkey or something like thats the top of the ladder...i cant remember whether these were legitimate prehistoric animals for the most part or whether they were made up but they did seem to correspond with scientificly based time periods in earth history

ive only ever played the demo for this game, downloaded it from demoland.com back in the day when that was a site for pc game demos. could be at least 10 years ago.

it was so much fun but the demo disappeared one day off the site, then the site went under. now i cant remember the name of the game and cant seem to find out!
Is it the aptly named <link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution:_The_Game_of_Intelligent_Life>Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life?


New member
Jul 25, 2012
No, that's not it, because you could have any kind of weapon on your little ship thingy, swords, spears, etc. And you can change the appearance of your ship thingy. And in one scene you go into a tournament with five rounds and when you get to round five, an ally comes out and chews you out for making it that far, saying, "You weren't supposed to make it to the fiveth, da****!" as if to recommend the rounds you got through. And remember, this is an online game.


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Happy I found this post!

This game has been stuck in my head the past few days. From what I remember the game was about making and fixing things. I remember fixing circuits and building and flight testing planes. From what I remember it had a lot of different things you could build.

This was something I played a lot as a kid, would be nice to find it again.


New member
Aug 24, 2012
Hey everyone

So i was very young when i played this game and dont have a whole lot of information on it.

It was a rpg/action adventure game

1.) I remember the game had pretty good graphics for its time, and was 3D. Im thinking it had to be released from either late 1997 to 2001.

2.) I believe the Game began with you having to chose a character (warrior(male), warrior(female) and not sure about the other characters. The level began with you having to run downhill (from top to bottom on the screen) avoiding stones and other things from killing you.

3.) Theres another part in the game that has you fighting some boss(maybe mini boss) over a waterfall (in what i remember to be in a more 2D stage)

if anybody has any idea about what im talking about please let me know

Stefan Rakic

New member
Aug 24, 2012
I need help its old game but all i remember is that you got shot by arrow near big castle and guard was there too and im not sure but i tink you where some kind of messenger


New member
Aug 24, 2012
I'm trying to remember this game's name. It's an old spaceship game where you had one spaceship to control and you could fight other spaceships, asteroids and other stuff and you could collect some coins or what they were so that your fire rate will be upgarded. I would be really glad if I can find this game.

Mitsuri Craciunescu

New member
Aug 24, 2012
Hi there!

So... there are 2 games that I remember playing as a kid. Both of them are PCs games, I was playing them on Windows '98.

1. There was this guy, kind of Rambo looking, that had to kill aliens and save people. I know that in the beginnig of the game he was standing near a crashed airplane and on the first level you had to guide him on different buildings. There are two other levels that I remember: one with a lot of trees, and you had to jump from one to another, and the other with lots of elevators. The game was 2d / 2d looking.

2. The second one... You had to unlock pictures. Like... the picture was covered and you had to "crop" them to see the image underneath. There were also "things" that got in your way, I think they looked like worms and spiders or something. As long as you were on the margins of the image, you were safe, but when you tried to cut the image they would come after you. Also, I remember the pictures were with sexy cartoon girls or something.



New member
Apr 15, 2010
If anyone could help me with this I would be quite grateful:

RPG-esque game with a number of heroes that would vary from level plus soldiers you were given at the start or able to find within the level. These soldiers hat base types like melee and caster and could be upgraded twice into a variety of classes. One t3 mage class was the Inquisitor. Experience did not carry over from level to level.

Storywise it was something about preventing the end of the world and after defeating the final boss you got sent back in time into a previous level to fix an error you had made then.
Also you would travel from level to level in a flying ship which wasn't of any use otherwise.

Sarah Nunns

New member
Aug 24, 2012
MissImmay said:
I have been searching for days about a game that I know I played in school and I know I had it as a kid for pc.
what I remember about the game is;
the menu screen was the outside of a factory, there were a fair few levels, 100 I think.
the aim of the game is you have to get something, a ball maybe, to the other side of the room by dragging things like gears, conveyor belts, bouncy pads, anti-gravity pads, etc. and you could connect the gears with rubber bands. if you had an electrical appliance and put it near a powerpoint it would work.
I could've sworn it was called Crazy Contraptions but I can't find it anywhere at all.

(if this has been asked already let me know)

if anyone knows the answer, I'd appreciate it! ;3
The incredible toon machine?