Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Jul 28, 2017
Help me! Its a toy soldier game which you start at a kitchen with an helicopter and you mess with stuff like fire and pencils, I think. In the end you soldiers get painted from green to orange... halp


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Jul 27, 2017
Hi people. I am looking for a game that I played when I was younger, I cannot remember how old exactly but I recall that it was on PS2. The graphics were colorful and bright.It was a similar layout to the Final Fantasy games where the fighting is done in taking turns and you were in 3rd person view, but only encountered enemies if you were to walk into the wild. You were a young boy who was mute and you carried a hamster in your front pocket. You had a companion who was fat and had spiky hair but were able to find more companions as you progressed. A small but maybe helpful detail I could remember was that your first companion could use a move called "knuckle sandwich". I was unsuccessful in finding this game through google and would much appreciate anyone's assistance or recollection of this game :) Thank you.


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Sep 13, 2016
DjSlayer77 said:
Hi people. I am looking for a game that I played when I was younger, I cannot remember how old exactly but I recall that it was on PS2. The graphics were colorful and bright.It was a similar layout to the Final Fantasy games where the fighting is done in taking turns and you were in 3rd person view, but only encountered enemies if you were to walk into the wild. You were a young boy who was mute and you carried a hamster in your front pocket. You had a companion who was fat and had spiky hair but were able to find more companions as you progressed. A small but maybe helpful detail I could remember was that your first companion could use a move called "knuckle sandwich". I was unsuccessful in finding this game through google and would much appreciate anyone's assistance or recollection of this game :) Thank you.
My searching leads me to Dragon Quest 8 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTsN5tYIpLU&list=PLucXtE6MrbQIfOrOQ7qUzuktv8xdMYTCi]. =)

(Apparently Munchie is actually a mouse, but I'll admit he looks more like a hamster... Also, Yangus' hair. Just wow.)


New member
Jul 27, 2017
Midwoka said:
DjSlayer77 said:
Hi people. I am looking for a game that I played when I was younger, I cannot remember how old exactly but I recall that it was on PS2. The graphics were colorful and bright.It was a similar layout to the Final Fantasy games where the fighting is done in taking turns and you were in 3rd person view, but only encountered enemies if you were to walk into the wild. You were a young boy who was mute and you carried a hamster in your front pocket. You had a companion who was fat and had spiky hair but were able to find more companions as you progressed. A small but maybe helpful detail I could remember was that your first companion could use a move called "knuckle sandwich". I was unsuccessful in finding this game through google and would much appreciate anyone's assistance or recollection of this game :) Thank you.
My searching leads me to Dragon Quest 8 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTsN5tYIpLU&list=PLucXtE6MrbQIfOrOQ7qUzuktv8xdMYTCi]. =)

(Apparently Munchie is actually a mouse, but I'll admit he looks more like a hamster... Also, Yangus' hair. Just wow.)
Thank you so much! You have my gratitude


New member
Jul 29, 2017
I need help remembering this game! I can't think of it for the life of me.

Okay, so, at the beginning of the game, you are a kid with a shortsword, and you're thrown into a world with darkness monsters roaming around. You try to fight them off, but you can't, so you're thrown off a ledge and meet a giant monster covered in moss and dirt. He has a key stuck in his hand, and you pull it out. When you kill a darkness monster with the key, it leaves behind a small yellow dot. The giant then consumes it, killing the monster forever. The giant can eat different fruits to get different abilities or something.

It's a single player, third-person puzzle game with platforming and combat mechanics, and I used to have it on the XBox 360.

Can someone PLEASE help me find the name of this game so I can play it again? It was my LIFE back when I was younger, so please help me!


New member
Sep 13, 2016
FireSB said:
I need help remembering this game! I can't think of it for the life of me.

Okay, so, at the beginning of the game, you are a kid with a shortsword, and you're thrown into a world with darkness monsters roaming around. You try to fight them off, but you can't, so you're thrown off a ledge and meet a giant monster covered in moss and dirt. He has a key stuck in his hand, and you pull it out. When you kill a darkness monster with the key, it leaves behind a small yellow dot. The giant then consumes it, killing the monster forever. The giant can eat different fruits to get different abilities or something.

It's a single player, third-person puzzle game with platforming and combat mechanics, and I used to have it on the XBox 360.

Can someone PLEASE help me find the name of this game so I can play it again? It was my LIFE back when I was younger, so please help me!
I hope it's Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUbe5K_iqaw&list=PLrXlEm4MgsbNKZY_72mpCdkPqcPKIpxrm&index=2]. The ogre guy in that is adorable. =D


New member
Feb 7, 2017
Guys, I really need to know this game.

It's an educational game that I played all day every day In primary school when I was young.

You're interns (Boy and a girl, I think you're brother and sibling), or something for a scientist. And you have to do all these puzzles and levels to help him out, but the main villain(s) are these robots and this guy. And the robots would make a loud as hell whirring noise and beeping noise when you did something wrong or they would appear. Used to scare little 7 year old me, to kingdom come. I remember playing this game back in like 2005-2009 or whatever in my old primary school.

I remember the first mission you're at the old dude's house and he asks you to take a drink while he does something, but the machine is broken and you need to repair it. I also remember another level where it's the jungle and you're tracking down a female scientist(?) and or her notes. And there's a broken robot in the middle of the hut. and if you go into the wrong huts, there's darkness/robots.

And I remember one more level which you're on a plane, coming back from the jungle and the robot is trying to cut open the door and you have to shut the power off to them.
PLEASEEEEE SOMEONE TELL ME THEY KNOW THIS GAME. I'VE WANTED TO PLAY IT FOR YEARS, I could never play it when I was a kid because the robots would scare the crap out of me.


New member
Jul 29, 2017
Theres a fairly old game I played in 2014 or 2015 or lower, and I forget the name of it. It was fighter game a bit like pokemon but you had dorms and elements and you fought people when you met and one of them was a school girl, it was very like pokemon but it wasnt pokemon. you started off in a desert with a small town and a day later a bus picks you up to go to a facility and theres was a element quiz at the start, you had a few friends, you had a dorm and a computer which you could play PONG on. Another clue, I do think it had numbers in the title but I don't know.


New member
Jul 29, 2017
Theres a fairly old game I played in 2014 or 2015 or lower, and I forget the name of it. It was fighter game a bit like pokemon but you had dorms and elements and you fought people when you met and one of them was a school girl, it was very like pokemon but it wasnt pokemon. you started off in a desert with a small town and a day later a bus picks you up to go to a facility and theres was a element quiz at the start, you had a few friends, you had a dorm and a computer which you could play PONG on. Another clue, I do think it had numbers in the title but I don't know.

Neithan Yodel

New member
Jul 24, 2017
Neithan Yodel said:
Hello everyone.
I need help with an old game.
I post again with more information than I remember.

1- The game came in a single cd.
2- It was a post-apocalyptic world.
3- The graphics were in 3D and of poor quality so I think it was PS1, but I?m not sure.
4- The main platform was a tower buried in the desert, where they were acceded to the missions.
5- At the top is a room with a giant blue screen, while the Beethoven Moonlight Sonata sounds.
6 - In the tower they could sell and buy the abilities (similar to magic), that appeared later in the fights.
7- The missions were fights where you used the skills that you had to obtain from some spheres.
8- The missions were sometimes inside derelict buildings and sometimes in destroyed avenues.
9- I think the protagonist wore a red jacket.

This is all I remember from this game, which I've been looking for so long.

After searching through countless catalog pages, searching for PS1, PS2, Dream Cast, Xbox. At last I found him, although the protagonist wears a YELLOW jacket and not RED as he thought.

The game is Xbox and is called PHANTOM DUST. And fortunately I found myself with the surprise that they are going to do a remastered for Xbox One and PC. = D


New member
Jul 29, 2017
Midwoka said:
FireSB said:
I need help remembering this game! I can't think of it for the life of me.

Okay, so, at the beginning of the game, you are a kid with a shortsword, and you're thrown into a world with darkness monsters roaming around. You try to fight them off, but you can't, so you're thrown off a ledge and meet a giant monster covered in moss and dirt. He has a key stuck in his hand, and you pull it out. When you kill a darkness monster with the key, it leaves behind a small yellow dot. The giant then consumes it, killing the monster forever. The giant can eat different fruits to get different abilities or something.

It's a single player, third-person puzzle game with platforming and combat mechanics, and I used to have it on the XBox 360.

Can someone PLEASE help me find the name of this game so I can play it again? It was my LIFE back when I was younger, so please help me!
I hope it's Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUbe5K_iqaw&list=PLrXlEm4MgsbNKZY_72mpCdkPqcPKIpxrm&index=2]. The ogre guy in that is adorable. =D
If I could hug you, you'd have multiple broken bones right now. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


New member
Jul 29, 2017

I remember playing this game on a Windows computer. I don't remember much but i'll do my best. It starts with you surfing on lava and you can move to the sides as if there was three lanes to move from and stay on. You could also jump I believe and you collected diamonds of different colors, silver, yellow, (purple?), when you had surfed for a moment you eventually came to some pyramid where you surfed on the side of it with stairs in the middle i believe. I don't remember much after that since I probably sucked at the game and wasn't capable of moving past that damn pyramid level, might have been som enemies that stopped me or something, i'm very unsure of it.
Any help is appreciated.
Jul 29, 2017
I used to play a game on my uncle's tablet and i've been looking for this game for two years now.
I came by this website on accident, and it looks pretty helpful to me, so i thought i'd ask here if anybody knows.
It's a game where you have alot of levels and, it's like a laser music game.

It's hard to explain for me, but i'm trying the best i can.

It's a laser game where you have alot of different levels and where u have awesome music in it.
And it's kinda like a follow the line game, but it isn't. I think it was about moving with the line with your neon character, and if i can remember, you can also change the look of your neon character.
It's a mobile game, for phone and tablet, if that's important. (i'm almost sure of it that it is important)

And i also have another way to explain it, but it can be kinda confusing.

It's a neon game where u have a neon character on a line and go through a level with all different kinds of styles.
Styles as in: Music, Level movement/design and powerups. (i think, i'm not sure if it has powerups.)
There are also different ways the line moves. Like: Curly, Looping and Straight.
I'm sure there are other ways the line moves, but i can't remember.

Oh, and i think it was also a 2D game.
So, once more, neon like game, 2D, follow-the-line-like, cool and chilling music, smooth movement.

I'm really sorry if i'm a bit confusing or if i need to give out more information, if i am/do, please let me know, and i'll respond as soon as i can.


New member
Jul 29, 2017
hi everyone, got a game thats been on my mind for ages and i cant figure it out. its an old top down rpg dungeon explorer type game, and i played it early 2000s on a pc with windows 98 i think. (i live in england btw)
i cant remember any plot but you start off in a small village and after choosing your character (man/woman, i think the usual strength agility etc points but im not really sure) and then go into the mountain to explore the dungeon. theres always the same first room which has a goblin or something in it. as you go deeper you come across more powerful monsters like manticores. you have to keep going back to the village to sell the loot you pick up and buy armour, potions, spells etc.
i cant remember but i think its mostly magic based, you select a spell and point and click to shoot it and the monsters. the first spell you get is a light spell i think. there are also lots of amulets you pick up and can equip.
the dungeon in the game is a sort of grey colour, you cant see far around you so have to move around to see whats on the level your on. there are other colours as well for the monsters and stuff so not just grey and white. i remember it being a very big and confusing game, and it was quite easy to explore too many levels down and get lost.
the really annoying thing is i cant remember if it was a cd game, or one you downloaded.
would reeeeeeaaaaally appreciate it if someone could help me out, im meant to be revising for exams at the moment and have spent hours obsessively hunting for this game so if someone found it you would really be helping my future! lol
ill try and help out with other peoples but most seem to be on the early consoles and i never owned any of them

I've been looking in vain for this game too. I think it was free on a computer I had in the late 90s
I remember something about gathering weapons and amulets and trading in for stronger ones. And if you died at the end there was a tombstone with your characters name on it


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Mitchel van der Klein said:
I used to play a game on my uncle's tablet and i've been looking for this game for two years now.
I came by this website on accident, and it looks pretty helpful to me, so i thought i'd ask here if anybody knows.
It's a game where you have alot of levels and, it's like a laser music game.

It's hard to explain for me, but i'm trying the best i can.

It's a laser game where you have alot of different levels and where u have awesome music in it.
And it's kinda like a follow the line game, but it isn't. I think it was about moving with the line with your neon character, and if i can remember, you can also change the look of your neon character.
It's a mobile game, for phone and tablet, if that's important. (i'm almost sure of it that it is important)

And i also have another way to explain it, but it can be kinda confusing.

It's a neon game where u have a neon character on a line and go through a level with all different kinds of styles.
Styles as in: Music, Level movement/design and powerups. (i think, i'm not sure if it has powerups.)
There are also different ways the line moves. Like: Curly, Looping and Straight.
I'm sure there are other ways the line moves, but i can't remember.

Oh, and i think it was also a 2D game.
So, once more, neon like game, 2D, follow-the-line-like, cool and chilling music, smooth movement.

I'm really sorry if i'm a bit confusing or if i need to give out more information, if i am/do, please let me know, and i'll respond as soon as i can.
Hmm. Something like the Groove Coaster series?

This is one of them, Groove Coaster Zero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAoRBCoyPtI


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I remember a game from sometime between 2000-2010 with Dream somewhere in the name I think.
It was a 3D shooter where you are a young woman going in to peoples dreams to fight their fears, phobias or something like that, that has manifested. Your weapons are steampunkish and shoots blue energy orbs.
One level was all about spiders(since the person was arachnophobic), so you ran around killing various kind of spiders in a spiders layer of sorts.

Would really like to find out the name for this game


New member
Oct 5, 2014
zuro64 said:
I remember a game from sometime between 2000-2010 with Dream somewhere in the name I think.
It was a 3D shooter where you are a young woman going in to peoples dreams to fight their fears, phobias or something like that, that has manifested. Your weapons are steampunkish and shoots blue energy orbs.
One level was all about spiders(since the person was arachnophobic), so you ran around killing various kind of spiders in a spiders layer of sorts.

Would really like to find out the name for this game
Dreamkiller (2009)?



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Jul 24, 2017
Joekerr97 said:
Okay so my memory of this computer game is incredibly vague. The only part of the protagonist you could see was a floating grey glove. It was a puzzle solver-type game. One of the levels, you were in a dark room with mirrors and a light and you had to position the mirrors in a way that illuminated the whole room. I believe there was a cooking level (there was a gas stove and you had to strike a match to light it, I think I was making pancakes? More often than not, the flame went out or the pancakes burned), a level where there was two wires and a thing (I think it was a clown face or something) in the middle, and you had to move the thing without touching the sides of the wires, and that's all I remember. Any ideas? This was early 2000s or late 1990s


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Jul 30, 2017
Hi guys , so i played this game as kid , i think it is an rts ,and i always started with a dude with a blue aztec mask with lightning powers and it had unlockable planets (sorry thats all i can remember Q-Q)


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Jul 25, 2017
hi i really need help in finding a game . i think it was during 1990s and war-wind period. was a strategy game/ turn base that was in medieval period. there are man lands separated by borders and u have one kingdom. ( similar to settlers) when u skip turn a craven moves from town to town and u can sell/ buy weapons. u can shift the population around from farmers to workers to soldiers and to give birth . and when u increase taxes to much the peoples icons turn black cause they are mad.
you send troops out like settelers but when they fight u enter in to a battle field where u can arm then and make control them like a real time strategy game. i love that game and i want to play it again.

plz help meeee for repost