Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Filippo Angelotti

New member
Jul 30, 2017
I can't remember an old PC game I played when I was a kid.

I am pretty sure it's from the first 90's.

It was a fantasy game, in 3D graphic, and I'm not sure if it's a puzzle or an adventure.
That's because I remember a couple of things of the game that where more about puzzle solving, instead of fighting.
I remember a couple of passages of the game, thought:

-I remember I had to use a rope to jump over a what I remember being a carnivorous plant (I remember the cutscene of the main character jumping over, you had to use the rope on a branch over the plant, if I recall right)

-after that, shortly after you enter in what I recall to be like a fairy/witch house, and you had to kill her

-the thing I remember more clearly: there was this hallway, with a skeleton warrior. If you proceed in another direction, you activate a trap with a rolling boulder, that you have to jump into an aisle to avoid it. I remember this passage pretty clearly, because I remember I tried to kill the skeleton warrior with the boulder once.

I don't remember much about the plot, because I am not english, while the game was, and I had like 4 or 5 years old when I played this game, and I just started to learning it at the time.

I know it's not much, but I hope that the informations are anough to help me. It's a part of my memory I'd like to recover, since I started recently on looking again in my old pc games (like Lost Eden and Discworld)

Thank you for your help


New member
Jul 31, 2017
Hello everyone, I need help. I remember playing this game on PC when I was a child on what I think might have been Windows XP (but I'm not sure). It was your tipical 2d platform side-scrolling game that had various level in which you would play as either a boy or a girl. I remember clearly that one of the levels was a forest/jungle and another one was a spaceship (I think it was the final level).


New member
Mar 1, 2017
toxicliquid1 said:
hi i really need help in finding a game . i think it was during 1990s and war-wind period. was a strategy game/ turn base that was in medieval period. there are man lands separated by borders and u have one kingdom. ( similar to settlers) when u skip turn a craven moves from town to town and u can sell/ buy weapons. u can shift the population around from farmers to workers to soldiers and to give birth . and when u increase taxes to much the peoples icons turn black cause they are mad.
you send troops out like settelers but when they fight u enter in to a battle field where u can arm then and make control them like a real time strategy game. i love that game and i want to play it again.

plz help meeee for repost
Hmm, sounds similar to a game series I played around that time called Lords of the Realm. I only really remember Lords of the Realm 2, but i think it has everything you listed, i am unsure on the taxes making icons black as i never really done that. In it, you had to craft or buy weapons or armor to convert peasants into soldier units.

Screenshots of the turn based screen, and the traveling merchant.



New member
Jul 31, 2017
is there any one can help me? i remember an old pc game based on a boy looking for his girlfriend it had 4 level 1 in jungle 2 in a castle 3 in egypt and 4 in a factory and in the end he fight whit a small spaceship and rescue the girl please help


New member
Jul 31, 2017
Help me, tell me the game name
I used to complete this game
It's a japanese arcade game
- The main character is bald and the other one i forgot

- The system controller is using like a knuckles

- It's a third person

- It's using sort of punching motions(jab,uppercut,blocking,etc.)

- The bosses are : big guy, a japanese lady using katana, an army using knife, and the final boss is robot

- The stage on final boss are timed

I forgot, maybe the main character is sorta police or something
There's a stage that not punching but driving a car
Maybe this game is 2000s and up

Thank you


New member
Jul 31, 2017

I'm looking for an old PC game. My father used to buy magazines with demo CD roms so I don't know if what I remember is very representative of the game.

It was a 3D PC game from the end of 90's or start of 2000's. I never played more than a few minutes but I remember a kind of arabic/oriental atmosphere, located in a palace. I also remember that entering the room of a woman was making her call out for guards. I never went muuch further in the game as I din't understand English at the time.

I know that is not much information but let's hope :)


New member
Oct 5, 2014
blouf said:

I'm looking for an old PC game. My father used to buy magazines with demo CD roms so I don't know if what I remember is very representative of the game.

It was a 3D PC game from the end of 90's or start of 2000's. I never played more than a few minutes but I remember a kind of arabic/oriental atmosphere, located in a palace. I also remember that entering the room of a woman was making her call out for guards. I never went muuch further in the game as I din't understand English at the time.

I know that is not much information but let's hope :)
Prince of Persia 3D (1999)?



New member
Jul 31, 2017
Hi Folks,

I'm looking for an old pc game of early 90s, a Mario like figure with a shotgun, the game starts from outside a house, which is filled with Spiders and Octopuses hanging from ceilings, upon entering the house, these things, on opportunity attack his face and leech onto it and the game shows this in a 'zoom'.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
marjanmarjan052 said:
Hi Folks,

I'm looking for an old pc game of early 90s, a Mario like figure with a shotgun, the game starts from outside a house, which is filled with Spiders and Octopuses hanging from ceilings, upon entering the house, these things, on opportunity attack his face and leech onto it and the game shows this in a 'zoom'.
Sounds like Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion.


New member
Jul 31, 2017
hello, someone please help me find this stupid game that's driving me insane.

it's an online game, so it should be easy to find, but for some reason i just can't.
it's a 2d game based around a spacecraft. basically what you have to do (from a bird's eye view) it to click to move your spacecraft through the tunnels, and to be very careful not to touch the walls. if you touch the walls you explode and have to start all over.
there's a lot of obstacles you have to cross. eg- electrical shockers (?), moving things trying to kill you.
and also; i remember as the game progressed the levels obviously got harder. so sometimes you'd have to press a button to get a certain tunnel to open to move on to the next level.

the last time i played it was a few years ago, and THINK it was called something along the lines of 'the explorer'


New member
Aug 1, 2017
Jelly ^.^ said:
Okay, this is going to be a really off-the-wall one, but back in primary school we played a game where you had to race against an opponent, but by gathering parts in a sort of sidescrolling game with puzzles on like, magnetism and stuff. This was when the computers had windows 95 and 98.

Also, does anyone have a link to the Maths Circus games from that time period? I'd really like to play the second one and get past that fucking monster bastard on Expert using the wizard etc.

Thanks guys.
You may already know this but I only know one game that matches your description it's called: Super Solvers Gizmos & Gadgets. Hope this helps and again if you already know this then sorry but I didn't know.

PS:I also have a link for you for math circus:(sorry again if you already have it.)http://www.myabandonware.com/game/m-a-t-h-s-circus-1gg


New member
Aug 1, 2017
Ok, It's 11:30 for me and i'm getting nostalgic. Back when I was 7 and way more obsessed on the internet than a 7 year old should've been, I played one of those online multiplayer 2D games, like Fantage or Club Penguin, where you played as this heroic little tater tot. It had some ridiculous name like Woobies or something like that. Anyone else remember it?


New member
Aug 1, 2017
WHO remembers this game?

I use to play a car game on PS2 maybe even PS1 though I'm confident it was PS2. It's a car game where you pick different cars you drive around these cities in the night, and one really cool thing you could do is wait for this big purple blimp to land...and drive onto it. And fly around the city...sort of like an air lift. I forget the goal of the game like how you would "win" but I remember this air lift thing and use to think it was so cool...

Any ideas?

Tasbiha Khan

New member
Jul 28, 2017
Midwoka said:
Tasbiha Khan said:
I used to play a game maybe in 2009 or 2008-ish. The game had cut scenes in which we had to click on things ,such as the cut-scene of a farm, we had to click on the bucket and a cow or goat. In this game we would play as a zorro like guy, a princess and a farmer guy who the princess loves. The farmer guy is cursed and is on the top of the tower and we can reach the tower only by the things collected during cut-scenes and if we dont collect everything we have to start again. It's like princess type story and the fighting or traveling scene is 2d.
Please help me find it. I used to play it on PC. I might have downloaded it from BIGFISHGAMES maybe.
"Games of unusual farmers [http://www.bigfishgames.com/games/2637/the-princess-bride/?pc]? I don't think they exist..."

Fenrir said:
Okay so I'm trying to remember these two games I played on the PS1 (I'm 100% sure I was playing it on the PS1). The first game I'm trying to remember revolved around exploring a haunted house. The character was sort of a looney toon kind of character (blue fur I think) and you could interact with some elements inside the haunted house. I forgot the whole goal of the game but perhaps the most detailed portion of it I can remember is that there is a section in the haunted house where a swarm of "Dynamite bats" and similar explosive bats of the sort would come by and you had to shoot it down with this aim-and-point kind of gun that shot green blobs to take them down. As far as I remember these are the details to the game that I know of.
What could be more Looney Toons-ish than Tiny Toon Adventures: Toonenstein - Dare To Scare! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UOCBs9n1pk]? =D
OMG..!! Thank you so much. I have been finding this game since the last so many years. Midwoka you are a life saver....!! Thank you


New member
Aug 1, 2017
Here is the game I am trying to remember:

Windows 95 days, ran on a Pentium 1 with 16mb of memory. All of which was installed in the massive 1.2gb hard drive. I dont recall needing a CD to run it, or needing a floppy each time, but my dad might have cracked and patched to not need such things at the time.

A combat flying game, where you had to defeat either robots or cyborgs that took over a military demonstration area. Mostly ground targets as I recall. You could fly in any direction and you had missiles and guns and even fuel to worry about. There were other landing strips you could land at, once you took out the local enemies, to get repaired, rearmed and refueled. I remember the game world being massive at the time and it taking hours of play time. Also detail levels seemed to be decent for full vector graphics. I dont remember if the enemies were sprites or vector, but being a dot on a screen and taking them out from distance might have meant it didnt matter much, but I think that they were vector as well.

I can't remember what model the plane was, but an A-10 seems correct, but could be WAY off. This was like 20 years ago.

I will edit post with any more details I can remember.



New member
Aug 1, 2017
I have been looking for years. If anybody can answer this, I will praise you! I have 2 old games I used to play on the PC when I was younger. They were early 2000s.
Game number one:
I remember there was a monster in a house and you would go through doors collecting keys. It was a 2D game, and I'm pretty sure the game would say something like "boom shicka locks shicka boom". I also remember a different part of the game where a lion would walk on a bridge over mud? You had to guess something to save it?
Game number two:
This was a big game, once again on PC and I remember there being so many options of things you could do. One of which, you could do a puppet show with the 3 little pigs and the wolf. Another one was where you could drive cars with red and blue levers. I remember being in a little submarine too and you could explore the ocean. I'm pretty sure these games were educational. Like, the school I attended gave my parents a list of websites to play the game on. Please I'm begging you, I would love to see/play these games again. Thanks!

Sacred Soul

New member
Jul 20, 2009
Hey guys, I'd appreciate a little help here- There's two games that have been stuck in my mind for a while now since I was a kid. These will be extremely challenging to answer! Proceed with caution.

3D graphics around the level of Gothic 2, white male fighter-class style protagonist, though I think magic is an option. The only thing I distinctly remember about the game is the beginning- you're stripped of your powers by some magical gimmick and made to try and enter a town at the very start surrounded by forest. The guards outside stop you, and you have the option of intimidating them, paying them off, or doing some great amount of push-ups which is the part I remember distinctly- after which the screen will fade to black and you'll get '+1 strength'. I have the feeling there's 'legend' somewhere in the theme, though I'm uncertain.

Now, we're heading way back to a game I think I played on one of those '150 games on one disc' things in the original Descent kind of era that I got with a pizza or in a cereal box or something, played on Win95. It is almost certainly MS-DOS. You play as a weaponized hover-vehicle in a futuristic setting- UFO's can chase you, and there's a lot of emphasis on momentum and launching yourself in low-gravity off huge ramps to collect power-ups and generally be awesome. You start at a T-intersection of road in mid-air, and to your right is a huge area with corridors shaped like a # with hugely high walls between (they need to be with the kind of jumps you pull off in this game)- in the centre is a big, 3d trapezium with power-ups on it, and everything's lit in neon-blue and metal. Your view is fully fixed on the windshield, but you can use a rear-vision mirror which is the only way to reliably see the UFO's. Roads like those that transfer between highways (clovers) are common suspended in mid-air.

Thank you so much!

Javier Moran Lemus

New member
Aug 1, 2017
There is this game I have been trying to find, it is a platform fighting game and it was played on miniclip or addictinggames or one of those websites. It came out early like 2007 I believe. You were a ninja and fought other characters. The ninjas looked like small balls(think of kirby).

Allyson La Jeunesse

New member
Aug 1, 2017
There was this game where the protagonist was a woman, and it was medieval fantasy. One thing that stood out the most is the magic system.

To cast magic you had to press circle, I think, and she'd hold her hand out to etch the symbols in a diamond shape with a line in the middle. One of the first places you go through is this swampy area. It was definitely on the PS2, at least, and if memory serves she looks like a red-haired version of the protagonist from Primal.


New member
Aug 1, 2017
Allyson La Jeunesse said:
There was this game where the protagonist was a woman, and it was medieval fantasy. One thing that stood out the most is the magic system.

To cast magic you had to press circle, I think, and she'd hold her hand out to etch the symbols in a diamond shape with a line in the middle. One of the first places you go through is this swampy area. It was definitely on the PS2, at least, and if memory serves she looks like a red-haired version of the protagonist from Primal.
Maybe it was La Pucelle: Tactics? I'm more going off your description of the character and the fantasy setting.